New Beginning's (The Billionaire's Baby)

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New Beginning's (The Billionaire's Baby) Page 2

by Helen Cooper

  “Oh that’s great.” Capri smiled at her. “Hey, here’s my card. You should call me sometime if you ever want to hang out.”

  Ella took the card and smiled. “Thanks.”

  “And just in case you’re ever interested, I met my husband on” Capri paused. “It’s an online dating site but I think it’s better than the others. I met some nice guys there.”

  “Oh ok.” Ella blushed embarrassed. Did she really look like a loser?

  “Online dating is not just for the socially inept anymore.” Capri smiled and Ella wondered if she was a mind reader. “Trust me, the best way to get over an old boyfriend is to find another.”

  “Yeah. That might be true.” Ella smiled back and stood up. “I should be leaving too. Nice to meet you, Capri. Bye Leroy.” She gave the little boy a small hug and waved goodbye as they walked away. “Is that the lady from the photo, Mommy?” he whispered in her ear and Capri pressed her fingers over his mouth to make sure Ella didn’t hear him. “Yes.” She smiled and took out her phone to send a text message. Contact made. And info on website given. I’ll wait for her to make contact. She hit send and put her phone away. “Come on Leroy, let me take you to our regular spot now.”

  Ella looked up at the sky and smiled. She saw some birds flying and she decided to run. She didn’t care that she had on a skirt and flip-flops; she just wanted to feel free. To feel like she was flying as well. The wind stung her face and the pebbles almost twisted her ankles as she ran but she didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop. This was the first time she had felt truly alive in weeks. She wanted to call Capri and thank her. She wanted to tell her that she was ready to move on from Joseph; that she no longer was satisfied being the girlfriend of a married man. She deserved better and she had Capri and Leroy to thank for that. Sometimes new life and energy came from those we didn’t even know. She tried to ignore the niggling thought in her mind that told her that tomorrow was another day and Joseph would be back on her mind again.

  As Ella ran through the park, she realized that she was dreadfully close to Max’s apartment. She found herself running towards it without thinking. She didn’t think about it, she just kept going. She wanted to see Sophie. She felt an overwhelming desire to hug her and apologize. Poor Sophie. She knew that Sophie’s life had been just as uncertain as hers had been up until a few weeks ago. It really hadn’t been fair of Ella to cut her out. Ella stopped at the corner and bent down to adjust her skirt. As she looked up she saw Maxwell walking down the street, she was about to call out to him, when she saw Alexis next to him, chatting animatedly. Ella paused and stared as they got into a taxi together. She saw Maxwell looking around him as he got into the cab and then they sped away. She didn’t know what to think. What was he doing with Alexis? Was her brother a cheater as well? She didn’t want to believe it. What was she going to tell Sophie? For while she was jealous that her best friend had found happiness, she didn’t want that happiness to come crashing down. Not now, not after everything that had happened.

  Chapter 3


  Alexis rested her hand on Max’s leg and he sighed. She wasn’t going to make this easy on him. He looked at his watch. It was getting late and Sophie was going to wonder where he was. He’d have to be quick.

  “So where are we going, Alexis?” He looked at her distractedly. She was still as beautiful as ever, with her sharp blond bob and dark brown eyes. She batted her eyelashes up at him.

  “I thought we could get a drink.” She curled into him and he slid away from her. “Don’t you think you owe me that?”

  “Alexis. I don’t have time for these games.” He sighed. “What’s up?”

  “I was hoping you.” She purred and him and he flinched. He knew that voice, she wanted to have sex. “I’m not wearing any underwear,” she whispered into his ear and snuggled up to him closer. “I could get on your lap if you want.”

  “Alexis.” He pleaded with her to stop. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings but there was no bigger turn-off than a woman begging you to sleep with her when you just weren’t interested.

  “I can remember a time when you wanted me anywhere you could have me.” She pouted at him and ran a finger down the front of his pants. He felt his cock twitch at her touch and pushed her hand away. She grinned at him, “It seems like little Max wants to say hello. I bet he’s missed me.”

  “Driver, pull over, please.” Max was angry and he jumped out as the cab stopped. “I don’t have time for this Alexis.” She jumped out after him and glared at him before patting down her perfectly coiffed hair.

  “I didn’t want to do this the hard way Max but you are really leaving me no choice.” She straightened her back. “Pay the cab and let’s go into Starbucks.” She walked to the sidewalk and waited as he handed the driver a $20.

  Maxwell was annoyed. He didn’t want Alexis in his life anymore but he really didn’t know what to do. He had made a huge mistake proposing to her. He’d tried so hard to forget Sophie. His precious beautiful Sophie, the love of his life and heart. It was seeing her face in the morning that gave him the will to live and to believe in happy endings. He wasn’t going to lose her. He wasn’t going to let Alexis ruin this for him.

  “How much do you want?” He opened his wallet and pulled out a thick wad of hundred dollar bills. Alexis looked at him with slanted eyes and a bitter smile.

  “You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.” She walked into the Starbucks and sat down. “I’ll have a coffee, you know how I like it.”

  He sighed and ordered two black coffees. This was the last place he wanted to be. He wondered what Sophie was doing right now. Was she thinking about him? Wondering where he was. She most probably thought he was still at work. If she knew that he was here with Alexis, he wasn’t sure what she would do or say. He may even lose her. Everything they had was still new and precarious. He couldn’t risk losing her, not when he had finally gotten her. He hadn’t gone through so much pain and strife in the last few years to have Alexis ruin his life.

  “Here.” He handed Alexis her coffee and sat down. “What do you want?” He was abrupt and firm. He didn’t want Alexis to think that she had any chance of getting back with him. He couldn’t believe that he had dated this woman and proposed to her. He cringed when he thought about making love to her. He’d been drugged up then. It wasn’t something he was proud of but he’d had to do a mixture of drugs and alcohol to get through that part of his life. Being young and rich wasn’t always a good thing.

  “To go back to the good old days, Sir.” She stared at him intently and he cringed. She was addressing him as her Dom and he was worried about what she really wanted.

  “What do you want, Alexis?”

  “Does she satisfy you, Max?” Alexis leaned into him. “Is she as adventurous in bed as I am? Does she even know just how kinky you are?”

  “It’s none of your business, Alexis.” His voice remained calm but he felt a surge of panic run through him. There were many things that he hadn’t told Sophie.

  “Does she know about the sex clubs?” She licked her lips. “Does she know that you like to swap? Or have you guys already done that?” She paused as she watched his hands still on his coffee. “Maybe it turns her on to watch you fucking another girl? If you want she can watch us. Or maybe you want Frank to have his turn with her as well.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Alexis,” he growled.

  “Have you spoken to Frank lately?” She looked at him intently.


  “I miss those days.” Her eyes became glazed. “The X Club was the place we were both really alive, Max. You know that’s true. We belong there. You, me, Frank, Gina. Those were the days.”

  “I don’t miss them.” He looked at her distastefully.

  “What would Sophie say if she knew?” Alexis laughed. “Would she like you to watch her suck off another man?”

  Max sat his coffee down on the table and leaned towards Alexis.
He grabbed her hand and held it tightly. “Listen here, Alexis. I am going to say this once and once only. If you ever go near Sophie again or I find out you have sent anything to her or told her anything, I will personally make sure that that is the last thing you will ever do in this world. And if I hear that Mitch has been around her, well, you don’t want to know what will happen to him.”

  “She’s not worth it, Max.” Alexis sighed and looked at him pityingly. “You’re not a vanilla, two point four children kinda guy. You’ll get bored and then you’ll be trapped.”

  “Is that all you have to say?” Maxwell got up to leave.

  “No.” Alexis held up her hand. “I want to know when you’re going to tell her about our child.”

  Max sank to the chair, all color drained from his face. “What are you talking about?” He stared into her eyes to see if this was some sort of trick. If she was lying to get him to react. “Alexis?”

  She bit her lip and looked away from him. “I didn’t want to tell you this way Max.”

  “Tell me what?” He felt his heart sinking and he swallowed hard.

  “We have a son.”

  “When?” He paused and leaned towards her. “And if you are lying I swear to God that you don’t want to know what I will do to you.”

  “He’s four months old.” She closed her eyes. “I gave him up for adoption.”

  “You what?” Max felt a headache start to come on and he rubbed his temples.

  “I didn’t want to be a single mother and I knew you didn’t want a kid,” she paused, “then. So I left and I stayed in Winterside and had the baby and gave it away.”

  “Who has the baby?”

  “An older couple.” She bit her lip. “But they realize they are too old for a baby and want to give him back.”

  “What?” Max’s voice rose. “Please tell me this is another one of your dirty tricks, Alexis.”

  She turned and looked him in the eye. She brushed her hair back with her long fake nails and her words came out coldly. “You screwed me over for that whore, Max. We were supposed to get married. Well guess what? Your precious Sophie is getting a delivery right about now. You see I told that old couple that baby Jacob’s dad, yes they named him Jacob, was going to take care of him from here on out. And so they are taking him and his stuff to your apartment now.”

  Max watched the words tripping out of her mouth with delightful spite and he wanted to slap her. But he knew that was what she wanted. She was a sadomasochist and enjoyed being hurt. In fact, she couldn’t get off without being spanked most of the time. He had wondered at the time what had made her as fucked up in the head as him but he hadn’t cared enough to ask. She’d been a body, willing and able and that was all that had mattered.

  “When are they taking him?” He frowned and pulled out his phone to see if Sophie had called him as yet.

  Alexis looked at her watch and smiled. “Five minutes ago.”

  “You’re a bitch.” His words were cold and filled with distaste.

  “You never complained about that before.” She grabbed his hand. “We can still make this work, Maxwell. Please. I need you.” She stared into his eyes beseechingly.

  “Are you sure he’s my son?”

  “If he’s not yours, he’s Franks.” She stared into his eyes. “So let’s just say he’s yours, unless you want to have a conversation with him?”

  Max looked at her with hatred and then he felt sorry for her. She was a mess. And there was nothing he could do to help her. “I’m sorry, Alexis. I have to go now.”

  “I want to see Jacob.” Her words stopped him cold, as he was about to walk away.

  “What do you mean?” he hissed.

  “I’m still his mom. I want to be able to see him every now and again.” She looked at him with tears in her eyes. “We made him together, Max. You may not love me, but he is a part of both of us.”

  Max closed his eyes and counted to five before answering her. “Alexis, there has never been and will never be an us. If Jacob is mine, you will have nothing to do with him.” He slammed his hand down on the table and stood up. “I’ll call you in a few days. Do not contact me before then.” And with that, he hurried out of the store and tried calling Sophie again, with his stomach in knots. He felt panicked and tense; everything was falling apart already. Her phone rang and rang and she didn’t answer and Max contemplated hitting a bar before going home. But he knew that wasn’t the answer. He needed all of his wits about him when he got home. He had to let Sophie know that he didn’t know about this child and that he loved her. He needed her to know that she was his everything. He loved her more than life itself and he couldn’t survive if he lost her. He couldn’t tell her that Jacob may not be his though; he didn’t want her to know about the sex clubs. Or his past life. And more importantly, he didn’t want to become involved with Frank Phillips again.

  Chapter 4


  All the lights were off when Sophie got home. She was surprised that Max wasn’t home as yet but she guessed that work had gone later than he thought. She kicked off her shoes and went and settled on the couch. She stared out of the window at the gray sky and felt that it reflected the gloom in her heart. She just wasn’t happy. She missed Ella and she felt alone. Maxwell was her true love, that she knew, but she still couldn’t stop thinking about him and Alexis. The other woman had struck a chord in Sophie and she couldn’t stop thinking about the two of them together. It gnawed on her late at night as she slept in his arms and listened to him sleep. Had Alexis done the same thing as well? Had Alexis loved him so much that it hurt when he wasn’t around?

  She was interrupted from her silent reverie by a knocking at the door. She jumped up eagerly. “I’m coming, Max.” She ran to the door assuming that he must have left his keys at home or in the office. “You’re home late,” she cried out as she opened the door but it wasn’t Max who was sitting there waiting for her. “Oh hello?” She smiled at the older couple standing in front of her; the man was holding a baby boy and they studied her face intently.

  “Hello.” The lady smiled at her, she appeared to be in her fifties. She looked frazzled with unkempt grey hair and huge bags under her eyes. “Is Maxwell Van Harkel home?”

  “No, he’s not home yet.” Sophie paused and smiled again. “Can I help you? I’m his fiancée, Sophie.”

  “Oh, so you’ll be the mother then?” The man smiled at her and his eyes crinkled as he took in her gentle persona.

  “Well, yes.” She waved them in. “I’m going to be a mother. Did Maxwell tell you?”

  “No, we’ve not met Maxwell yet.” The lady followed her into the apartment. “Alexis told us to come.”

  “Alexis?” Sophie frowned. What was going on here?

  “Jacob’s birth mother.”

  “Jacob?” Sophie looked at the couple in confusion.

  “This little one.” The lady nodded down at the baby in her arms and sighed. “Thank you for agreeing to take him. We thought we would be able to take care of a baby, but it’s just too much. We’re too old and well, Larry had a stroke last year and I don’t want him stressing out.”

  “Why do you have Alexis’s baby?” The words sounded robotic coming from Sophie’s mouth.

  “I’m her old nanny you see, I agreed to help her. We didn’t formally adopt him, so there won’t be any problems. You won’t have to do any paperwork seeing as Maxwell is the father.”

  Sophie felt the air rush out of her body and she leaned against the wall in shock. She felt lightheaded and closed her eyes. Maxwell was a father? “Sorry, are you saying that Maxwell and Alexis had a baby and this is him?” Sophie’s voice was stilted and the couple looked at her in dismay.

  “We thought you knew, dear. Alexis said—” The lady started but her husband cut her off.

  “I knew that girl was trouble. Show her the baby.”

  The lady handed the baby over to Sophie and she stared down at him reluctantly. There was no doubting that he was Maxwell�
�s baby—what with his striking jet-black hair and vivid blue eyes. He gurgled up at her as she held him awkwardly in her arms. She adjusted him so that she could study his features better. He stared back at her with a small smile and his little face captivated her.

  “He’s adorable, isn’t he?” The lady beamed at her. “We have his things here. It’s not much but he does love his elephant teddy-bear.”

  “Oh.” Sophie looked at her in dismay. “You’re leaving him?”

  “Well, Alexis said that his father would look after him now.” She spoke reluctantly.

  “And Maxwell is the father?” Sophie’s voice is tense.

  “Yes.” The lady exchanged a look with her husband and he frowned. “I’m sorry, dear but we have to go.”

  “Can’t you wait, please? I’m really confused here.” Sophie stared at them in deep confusion and upset.

  “We have to get back to Penn Station or we’ll miss our train. Alexis said it would be okay. She said Max knew and it was all going to be okay.”

  Sophie decided that this wasn’t the time to let them know about her last encounter with Alexis. She didn’t want them to know just how complicated the situation was. They obviously loved Jacob. She wanted them to feel comforted in their decision; she could see how overwrought they were. “Well, don’t you worry. Max should be home soon and we’ll take care of it.” Sophie smiled at them reassuringly. She blinked quickly to stop the tears from falling out of her eyes. She thought about how ironic life was; there she was just minutes ago, feeling sorry for herself because she was lonely and now here she was with a new addition pretty much dumped in her lap. She walked the couple to the door and kept a warm smile on her face but inside she felt like her world was never going to be right again.

  They say that God never gives you more than you can handle but Sophie was starting to think that that wasn’t true. She was close to breaking down uncontrollably into sobs but she was scared that she would upset the baby. She held the baby as she would a wounded baby fox, carefully and at a distance. She tried not to look at him too closely; he was the symbol of Max and Alexis’s relationship. A relationship she was trying hard to forget; however, it seemed like she couldn’t get away from it. She sat on the couch and stared at the wall vacantly when she heard someone knocking on the door. She stood up and walked there mechanically, in complete contrast to her joyful leaps earlier. “Hello?” She opened the door with a blank look on her face and saw Ella standing there with a concerned and nervous look on her face.


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