Personal Foul

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Personal Foul Page 10

by Hayley Faiman

  For a brief moment, I think that she’s here to end this, to end us. That is, until she drops her bag on the floor and rushes against me, her arms wrapping around my shoulders while her face buries into my neck.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” I murmur.

  “Make me feel good,” she breathes.

  I don’t say anything else. All of my other questions will come later. I can’t deny her request. I reach down and take her ass in my hands as I pick her up. I want to fuck her against this counter, and I will, but not the first time I’m inside of her. Her lips touch my neck, her tongue snaking out every so often as I carry her upstairs and toward my bedroom.

  Once we’re inside of the room, I set her down on her feet and look into her gorgeous, light brown eyes. Tipping my chin, I press my lips against hers, sweeping my tongue through her mouth and tasting her sweetness.

  When she moans and presses her full tits against my chest, I know that whatever she was upset about has left her body and she’s focused on nothing but the way I make her feel.

  I run the backs of my fingers along her stomach at the waist of her jeans, and I feel her belly quiver as I suck her bottom lip between my teeth. Finding the hem of her soft cotton shirt, I break our kiss so that I can pull it over her head. Then I reach behind my head and tug my tee over my head, throwing both shirts to the floor before I reach for her bra and unhook it, dragging it down her arms.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, Jessa baby,” I whisper as my eyes drag down her face to her full, heavy tits.

  Her nipples are peaked, and I can’t stop myself from reaching out and cupping one as my head bends down so that I can take the other in my mouth. She gasps as her fingers wrap around my shoulders and she arches closer to my mouth. I taste her sweet bud, swirling my tongue before sucking her in deep.

  Fucking shit, she tastes good—all of her.

  I unbutton and tug her jeans down as I move on to her other breast and nipple. Her body shivers as her nails dig deeper into my flesh, and her back arches even more. “Cole,” she pants.

  Slipping my hand beneath her panties, I run my fingers along her slit. “You’re so fucking wet, Jessa. Goddamn, you’re so fucking perfect,” I growl as I slip my fingers inside of her tight pussy.

  She gasps as her hips jerk from my touch, and I can’t help but smile against her tit. I suck and kiss my way up her chest to her neck, and then suck one of her earlobes between my teeth before I bite down.

  “I need more,” she exhales.

  Pulling my fingers from her wet pussy, I swirl them around her clit once before I completely remove my hand. “Take your panties off, baby, and get in the middle of the bed,” I demand as I unbutton my jeans and let them fall to the floor, followed by my boxer briefs.

  I hear a rustling noise from the bed and turn to see her sitting in the middle, her eyes wide, and her mouth slightly parted as she stares hungrily at my dick. My chest automatically puffs up a little at the obvious appreciation she’s showing, and I smirk.

  Crawling up the middle of the bed, I make my way toward her parted thighs, my cock resting against the warm wetness of her center. I run my nose alongside hers before I press my lips against her parted ones, slipping my tongue inside to taste her sweetness. Jessa wraps her arms around my shoulders, and on the second swipe of my tongue, her hips lift and she rubs her pussy along my cock.

  “I need to be inside of you,” I groan against her mouth as I guide her down, lying back on the bed.

  She lets out a soft laugh before she lifts her head slightly and whispers against my lips. “I need you inside of me too, Cole.”

  Without a second thought, I wrap one of my hands around the back of her knee while the other is braced next to her head to keep most of my weight off of her, and I spread her wide as I align my cock with her wet slit and slide inside.

  My jaw clenches at how tight she is, and I watch as her eyes flutter closed. Her chest starts to rise and fall a little harder and faster when I’m fully seated inside of her.


  COLE LETS OUT a long groan while he stretches me with every inch as he pushes deeper inside of me. I’ve never felt anything like this before. When I first laid eyes on his dick, I was shocked, sure that he would never fit completely inside of me, but here he is. Though it’s slightly uncomfortable, I’m so wet that it doesn’t hurt even a bit.

  “Move, honey,” I whisper as I look up into his pale green eyes. I watch as they darken a shade, then he pulls his hips so that he’s almost slipped from my body, before he pushes back inside, grinding his pelvis down against my clit. “Oh, god,” I moan.

  Cole’s fingers tighten around the back of my knee as my back arches, and I lift my hips to meet his down strokes. I feel my body starting to heat, climbing toward its release, and I let out a whimper. It feels so much different than it did when his mouth was on me. It feels bigger and better.

  “Come all over me, baby,” he growls as he starts to thrust into me, harder and faster.

  My eyes pop open and my lips part as I become desperate, on the verge of my climax. “Harder, Cole,” I moan. He lets out a low growl before he begins to slam into me, harder than before, so hard that I know I’ll be sore later—but right now, I don’t give a shit.

  “Christ, you need to come,” he demands as a sheen of sweat breaks out over his forehead.

  Looking into his eyes, my body surrenders, and I come, my pussy squeezing him tightly as I let out a cry. He doesn’t stop moving, his thrusts becoming erratic. When he stills inside of me, I feel his release fill me.

  Cole presses his forehead against mine as his hips begin to glide lazily. Moving his head, he presses his lips to mine and his tongue drifts through my mouth as slowly and lazily as his hips. It feels so good that I never want it to end.

  I want him to be inside of me always.

  His lips leave mine, and I turn my head to the side at the realization that I may want him to be inside of me always, but that’s something that I can’t have. Cole presses his mouth to the spot just below my ear before he whispers. “Do you regret me, already?”

  Turning my head back as tears swim in my eyes, I shake my head. “Not even a little,” I admit.

  His thumb gently wipes the tears from beneath my eyes. “Then why do you look so fucking miserable, baby?” he asks as he slips from inside of me.

  He stays pressed against my body. I miss him immediately, but I’m glad to still have his weight pressing me into the mattress.

  I shake my head, but his eyes have me pinned, as does his body. There’s no getting away with not answering him. “Because I can’t keep you,” I whisper.

  His brow furrows and pain crosses his features before he moves from on top of me. I’m instantly cold and miss his weight, but I don’t beg him to come back to me. Instead, I lift the sheet from the bed and tuck it across my chest and under my arms. Cole sits on the side of the bed, naked, with his head bowed.

  “Are you on birth control, Jessa?” he asks suddenly, causing me to flinch.

  “I am, and I’ve never been with Trent without a condom,” I admit. He turns his head to look at me, lifting his brow in surprise. Yet, he doesn’t say anything about my admission.

  “I was tested not long ago, and I’ve used condoms since,” he states.

  I bite the inside of my cheek, trying not to think about how many women he’s been with. His statement leaves so much open for interpretation and assumption. Cole takes my hand and gives me a squeeze before he stands and walks toward his bathroom, closing the door behind him. I stay glued to my spot, afraid to move and feeling—lost.

  When he emerges from the bathroom, I watch as he walks over to his boxer briefs and tugs them up his legs and hips before he makes his way back to the bed. Without a word, he crawls next to me and pulls me into his arms, my back nestled against his chest.

  “Talk to me, Jessa. Something isn’t right with you, and I don’t know you well enough to guess,” he murmurs against
my neck.

  I thread my fingers through his and stare at a black and white photograph of a man standing in full football gear, his helmet dangling from his fingers and his hair a sweaty messy mass. I narrow my eyes a bit and gasp when I realize it’s him.

  “Is that you?”

  “It was taken at practice when I played professionally,” he murmurs. He looks beautiful, younger obviously, but he also looks a bit sad.

  Turning over in his arms, I look into his eyes. They don’t seem as lost as the boy from the photograph, and they’re looking right at me, waiting for me to tell him everything inside of me. I want to tell him everything. I want to speak my past, my present, and the dreams of my future to him—he feels safe.

  “Last night I went to a party with Trent. Some guy named Russ was there,” I whisper, keeping my gaze on his. I watch as his light green eyes darken, and not from lust, but from anger. “He suggested in order to keep Trent, I’d have to do whatever it takes to make him happy. Including…”

  “I know what he was including,” Cole barks as he pulls me closer to him, so close that my breasts smash against his bare chest. I can feel the hair on his pecs against my nipples, and I have to bite my lip and force myself not to moan at the feeling.

  Wrapping my arms around his back, I arch as close as I can to him and tip my head back so that I can see into his face. “I couldn’t do it, and I ran. I ran all the way back to my dorm alone,” I whisper.

  “He didn’t come after you? Call you?”

  “I turned my phone off this morning; but no, he didn’t run after me and he hadn’t called me during the night,” I admit.


  Pressing my lips against his, I push against him so that he rolls onto his back and I straddle his hips with my thighs. I don’t want to talk about it anymore, about what Trent wanted to do, or what could have happened to me up in that bedroom had he not allowed me to leave. I just want to feel Cole’s arms around me. I want to smell his scent, and feel him inside of me. I want to forget everything but him and me—us.

  “Touch me,” I whisper against his lips. His hands skim up my sides and around to cup my breasts.

  I moan as my hips roll, over his boxer briefs, that cover his hard length. He pinches my nipples before he tugs on them, and I rip my lips from his, letting my head fall back. His hands feel so good on my body, like that’s where they were always meant to be, on me and in me.

  “Free me, baby. I want to be inside of you,” he rasps.

  Sucking in a breath and pressing my lips together, I reach down between us and wrap my hand around his length as I tug his boxers down as much as I can. He’s silky smooth but hard in my hand, and I’m unable to control my sigh as I stroke him.

  Sitting up, I hold him at the base and align my center with the head of his cock. His hands wrap around my waist and my eyes fly to his. Cole’s lips twitch as he takes my hand from his dick and gently pulls me down on his length until I’m completely full and flush with his pelvis.

  “Are you going to ride me?” he asks huskily.

  Biting the inside of my cheek, I whimper as his hand returns to my waist and then skims down to our connection. I let out a gasp of surprise when I feel his fingers against my clit.

  “Move, baby, let me feel you.”

  “Cole,” I whisper with a shiver as he continues to touch me.

  He grins as his other hand slides up my waist and cups my breast. His fingers pinch and pull on my nipple, and it sends a shot of warmth straight to my center. “Take what you want, Jessa. I want to see you come completely undone on top of me.”

  I do as he asks and I ride him. My hips roll and I grind against his pelvis, enjoying the way his fingers apply pressure, pinch and roll against my clit. I reach over and hold onto the headboard as my breathing becomes heavier, and my body moves on its own natural instinct.

  We don’t speak, and when I come, it’s not the explosion of earlier. Instead, it’s a slow burn that takes over my entire body until I’m completely limp. Cole wraps his fingers around my waist and pulls me against him a few times, until he lets out a husky groan as he comes inside of me.

  “Why do you feel so right, Cole?” I ask as I relax against his chest, my face buried in his neck, his softening dick still inside of me.

  His fingers run up and down my spine for a beat before he speaks. “There are so many factors that should make this, us, feel so wrong; yet, they don’t. I don’t know why, Jessa, but right now it doesn’t matter.”

  I stay pressed against him, my face staying in his neck as I close my eyes. His fingers continue to run up and down my spine in a soothing motion, until the world slips away. After not sleeping a wink last night, I need it.

  ROLLING OVER, I reach out only to find that I’m alone wrapped up in Cole’s sheets. Climbing out of bed, I hurry to the restroom. After taking care of my business, I go in search of my clothes. I stumble across the t-shirt that Cole was wearing when I arrived, and rather than my clothes, I slip it over my head.

  Making my way downstairs barefoot, I take a moment to look around. He has a microfiber, chocolate brown sofa with a matching chair and ottoman facing a large flat screen television. His coffee table looks like a trunk. The flooring is a medium brown hardwood, and it’s warm beneath my feet. There are a few photographs hanging on the wall, but I can’t quite tell what they are.

  “I’m in the kitchen, baby,” his voice calls out.

  I let his words soak in, and I allow myself to dream for just a moment that this could be my true reality. That he could be mine forever, and this could be my life. Then I shake my head and myself out of it. As I make my way into the kitchen, I remind myself that I can’t leave Trent, and I’m nothing but a cheater.

  Cole is standing with his back to me and he turns around with a grin on his lips. “I started making a study snack tray, but you never got that far, so here it is,” he chuckles. “Lunch is served.”

  I look down at his hand and my lips twitch in a smile. He has a plate with cucumber, carrots, bell pepper, cheese, salami, olives, and crackers. My stomach growls just looking at it, and he chuckles as he walks past me. “We’ll eat in the living room and watch a little television before you have to get down to work.”

  Nodding, I follow behind him. “How did you do all of this?” I ask as I curl next to him and grab an olive from the center of the plate that’s balancing on his thighs.

  “I cut stuff up, Jessa. I’m no chef, trust me. I can cut shit up and I can grill, that’s about all she wrote,” he grins.

  I take a piece of cheese and nibble on it. “That’s more than I can do. I can’t cook anything, nothing at all. Trent’s mom never let me in her kitchen,” I shrug.

  “So, you live with him?” he asks. My eyes widen when I realize what I’ve said.

  Nodding, I try to figure out how to tell him without giving away my entire story. I don’t want to lie to Cole, but I don’t want him to know my entire pathetic life, either. “Yeah, his family is like my own. But his mom doesn’t allow anyone in her kitchen,” I shrug.

  He must sense my hesitancy on the subject because he gives me a sad smile and doesn’t prod me further. We eat in silence, and then he tells me to get my work done and he’ll be outside doing his own stuff. I agree and pull my text books out after he leaves me in the living room.

  I’m studying for a math exam, a few hours later, when I hear the lawnmower. I look up to find him pushing it in his backyard, shirtless. He’s sweaty, and I imagine he smells like fresh cut grass as he pushes the mower. My heart starts to race as I watch him, and my belly flutters as need washes through me.

  He looks hot, sweaty, and thirsty outside. Wanting to cool him off, maybe even taste him, I set my books down and stand. Walking to the kitchen, I find a large glass and fill it with ice water before I make my way through his sunroom, into the backyard, still wearing only his t-shirt. I close the door behind me and walk out to the edge of the grass as I wait for him to notice me.

Jessa?” he shouts as he turns the mower off.

  Walking over to him, I hand him his water, and he looks at me funny as he takes a big gulp. I watch as his eyes scan my body, while he stays silent. I don’t think, I do—and what I do is sink to my knees on the grass in front of him. He’s wearing a pair of exercise shorts that hang low on his hips.

  “Baby?” he asks as I hook my fingers in his shorts and pull them down his hips and legs.

  I don’t speak before I lean forward and take him inside of my mouth, as far down my throat as I can, wrapping my hand around the base of his cock. My other hand wraps around the back of his thigh, and I look up at him through my lashes as I begin to bob my head on his thick dick.

  “Jessa,” he murmurs as he fists his hand in my hair, his pale green eyes focused on me, on my eyes, and nowhere else.

  Swirling my tongue around the head of his cock, I take him a little deeper each time, trying to consume all of him. He tastes like fresh cut grass, sweat, and his own musk. It’s the sexiest smell and taste in the entire world. His fingers tighten in my hair, and I moan when he gently thrusts into my mouth.

  When he pulls out of me suddenly, his chest heaving with his breath, he shakes his head once as if to get a hold of himself. “I’m not coming down your throat, baby. Let’s get you out of the sun.”

  He helps me stand and pulls his shorts up before we walk over to his patio furniture. Then he drops his shorts and sits down, placing his cup on the ground. “C’mon and ride me, my sweet Jessa,” he murmurs as he tugs me closer toward him.

  I do as he asks, and I ride him. I ride him until we’re both panting and each of us has come. Then I lick the sweat from his shoulder and neck. “Do you mow your lawn every Sunday?” I whisper against the shell of his ear.

  “Yeah,” he chuckles.

  “I’m coming over every Sunday, Cole,” I state.

  I watch in awe as he throws his head back laughing at my statement. Then he cups my cheek with his hand and runs his thumb along my bottom lip. “I’m gonna hold you to that, baby. Unfortunately, I probably won’t have to mow it much more until after winter.”


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