Personal Foul

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Personal Foul Page 12

by Hayley Faiman

  I have a busy weekend; Saturday night is the first football game of the season, and I’ll be there, in the front row, of course. Trent’s parents are coming, too, so I’m hoping them being in town, plus the game and work, will be enough to keep Cole off of my mind.

  Then my hopes are that busy football season, at work and in general, will keep me occupied enough to make me forget about him. Make me forget about how his fingers felt on my naked flesh; about how it felt when he was inside of me, and how he could make my body explode in an orgasm like I’d never felt before. That is if I can avoid seeing him at the games.

  My alarm rings on my phone, and I hurry to close my books and get ready for work. I’m wearing a short black skirt tonight, my black bootie high heels, and a tight white tank top. I throw my hair up in a high ponytail and yell to Ines that I’m leaving. She gives me nothing but a distracted wave, and I’m out the door and hurrying toward Bison Witches.

  “We’re busy as shit today,” Keith announces as soon as I rush past him and toward the lockers, where I hide my purse for my shift.

  “Great,” I mutter.

  Usually weekdays I bring whatever book I’m trying to read for English and catch up on it. Looks like any kind of classwork is not going to happen tonight. “Haven’t seen Coach Bronson in a while. You guys not work out?” he asks.

  I shake my head and try to ignore him. “There wasn’t anything to work out. We aren’t together,” I state as I try to scoot past him and get to work. His hand flies up and wraps around my bicep, his thumb massaging my skin before he leans forward and whispers in my ear. “Your boyfriend wants you with Rachel. That shit’s gonna be hot as hell, sweetheart,” he chuckles.

  I jerk away from him and he lets me go, a smug smirk twitching his lips. “How’d you know about that?” I ask, my voice shaking.

  “Jessa, we all talk to each other. We’re friends,” he grins. “Everyone knows what Rachel and Russ are into, and we’ve all seen videos. Sometimes they bring out the fun in the frat house living room. Please tell me you’ll bring it out there so we can all see firsthand? Maybe join in?”

  I back away from him until I run into the wall, horrified and completely disgusted. “Well, I’m not doing anything with them, privately or otherwise—or anyone else,” I state, standing up a bit straighter.

  “Keller says differently. I’ll be very curious to see how this plays out,” he chuckles.

  Turning away from him, I hurry out of the room and toward my waiting tables of customers. I don’t want to even think about what Trent has said about me to his teammates. I hate that he’s talking about me like that; though, I shouldn’t be surprised. Trent is all about appearances and being the big man, so it doesn’t shock me that he’d speak about me during guy locker-room talk.

  I’m still not doing anything with Rachel and Russ. He might think that I am, that he can talk or ease me into it, but nothing will make me be with either of them. No amount of guilt could make me do something like that. I’ll never get used to it like he claims, not ever.

  If he thinks that I will, if he truly tries to push me into it, it will prove even more that he really just doesn’t care. All these years, I thought it was an act, that deep down he’s always loved me. But as time goes by, I realize that he doesn’t. Not even a little bit. I’m like property to him, and nothing more.

  Staying far away from Keith for the entire night, I stay busy with my customers. We’re slammed, just like Keith claimed, and I’m glad for it. No downtime means no time to think about Cole, Trent, Rachel, and sex.

  I start to walk home in the dark, early hours of the morning, and I think. I try to compartmentalize everything that’s going on in my life. Right about now, I hate the idea of sex, all of it. It makes people absolutely insane. It makes them do and say things that they might not normally say and do. I just want to run away and hide, forget everyone and everything.

  “Walking home alone, again?” a husky voice calls out from behind me.

  I spin around in surprise, finding Cole leaning against the building across the street from the restaurant, his foot propped up on the brick and his head turned toward me—his pale green eyes aimed right at mine.

  “Cole,” I murmur as my feet automatically carry me toward him.

  He doesn’t speak as he pushes off of the wall and prowls toward me. He looks like an animal on the hunt, and my entire body shivers at the thought of what he’s going to do when he catches me.

  “You’ve been ignoring me for days,” he rasps. My eyes dart around to see if anybody from work is around, watching.

  Cole grunts as he wraps his hand around my wrist and tugs me into a small alleyway between two boutique buildings. He presses my back against the cold damp brick. I can feel the roughness of the wall behind me, and I’m sure my tank top is getting dirty and torn to hell, but I don’t care. I’m freezing cold, anyway, so his body heat is welcome.

  When he presses his lips to mine, a moan escapes from my mouth into his. Cole’s tongue fills me just as his hands grip both cheeks of my ass. He gives me a rough squeeze as he presses his hips against my stomach. I moan again when I feel his hard length press against me through his jeans. I want him, I want him inside of me, moving the way only he can, filling me and making me cry out with pleasure.

  “I’m sorry,” I breathe as his hands shift my skirt, pulling it up and over my hips as he tugs my panties down until they’re at my ankles.

  Without speaking a word, his hands move to the backs of my knees and he picks me up, pressing my back even harder against the wall behind me. Wrapping my hands around his shoulders for stability, I lean forward and gently tug on his bottom lip with my teeth.

  “Unzip me, Jessa,” he murmurs as his lips graze mine.

  I move my hands from his shoulders to his pants and unbutton then unzip him, wrapping my fingers around his hard length as I gently stroke his thick cock. He growls against my mouth before I quickly shove his underwear and jeans down. “Guide me in, baby,” he rasps.

  I guide him toward my damp entrance, and he pushes his tip inside of me, holding himself there, just on the edge, just enough to make me squirm as I move my hands back to his shoulders. Silently, he pushes into me completely to the hilt, and I let out a low moan as I press my mouth to his neck.

  “Fuck, my sweet baby,” he murmurs. “This pussy is made for me, Jessa.”

  “Cole—move, honey, please,” I breathe against his warm neck.

  He grunts as he pulls almost completely out of me. “You going to ignore me for days again?” he asks.

  I suck my lips in and inhale through my nose as I try to calm down enough so that I don’t scream in his face, like I want to. He lifts his head, grinning as he looks down at me, before he clenches his jaw and slowly pushes completely inside again. I let out a sigh of relief, being full of Cole is the absolute best feeling in the world.

  “I won’t ignore you again,” I whisper.

  His jaw relaxes before he pulls out and then slams back inside. He doesn’t slow down, stop, or try to torture me again. He’s like an animal on the loose, and I’ve completely forgotten that I’m in an alleyway, near my work, out in public, at three in the morning.

  Right now, it’s just me and Cole. Nobody and nothing else exists, and I wonder if that’s just the way I feel when he’s inside of me. His touch erases everything from the outside world.

  “Never again, Jessa. You’re mine, baby,” he grunts.

  Tears fill my eyes at his declaration because I’m not. I’m not his in the slightest, but the fact that I’m not doesn’t stop me from wishing that I was.

  I slide one of my hands from his shoulder to slip my fingers into his soft hair. I grip him as he continues to fuck me against the brick wall, grunting softly with each buck of his hips.

  “Cole,” I hiccup as I climb closer toward my release. My body takes over, ignoring my sad emotional state at the moment.

  “Come all over me, Jessa, baby. Show me you’re mine,” he mutters befor
e his lips press against my own. One of his hands moves between us, his thumb pressing against my clit.

  Ripping my lips from his, I let my head fall back as I shake in his arms. With a low cry, I come, tears streaming down my face while his beautiful cock drives into me. He doesn’t stop his movements to let me relish in my climax; instead, he searches for his own and comes on a low shout, filling me with his release as his hips continue to glide.

  “Tell me what happened?” he demands.

  I press my lips together and shift my eyes to the ground. Cole places his hand on my cheek and gently, but firmly, straightens my face so that I’m forced to look up at him. His gaze in intense and unwavering as he waits for me. He’s still buried deep inside of my pussy and I want to keep him there forever. I speak, the words flow as I’m unable to control myself once I get started.

  “Brittany came into the restaurant. She went on and on about how I’m just this little girl, and she’s a woman. She said that you’d been together for years and you always go back to her.” Tears roll down my cheeks as I continue to speak. “She wasn’t wrong. I am just a girl, and she’s beautiful.”

  Cole’s eyes widen, then his brows furrow, before he chuckles. “She’s fucking crazy, baby. We were together for a year, then we spent another year as fuck buddies. No way in fuck would I ever go back to her like that. I ended it for good, the second I laid eyes on you. I told her so too, she’s just bringing her crazy to you. Ignore her ass.”


  I LET OUT a breath, my cock still buried inside Jessa’s warm cunt, unmoving. I want to stay deep inside of her as long as I can. This is where I can finally breathe, where I’m at peace, and where I feel at home. It’s in the way she fits around me, in her scent, and in the way she wraps me in her arms and legs, holding me to her as though she never wants to let me go. I never want to leave this place.

  “You’re coming home with me tonight,” I announce, surprising even myself with my demand.


  Opening my eyes, I stare into her pretty light brown ones. Her face is flush from her climax, and her lips are swollen from kissing mine. “Brittany is crazy. You’re not to even give her another thought. She’ll go away eventually, and she isn’t worth your time. On another note, you are done with him, Jessa; when we get to my place you’re going to tell me why you haven’t already left him,” I state as I pull out of her and place her feet on the ground.

  I turn my back to the open alley to tuck myself back inside of my pants while she rearranges herself. I hide her body from view, just in case someone is walking by. Although, I highly doubt anybody will be around at this time of morning. Her hands are shaky as she tugs her skirt down. Bending over, I grab her panties from the ground and shove them in my pocket, her eyes widen, as she looks up at me, but I only give her a small jerk of my head and a smirk.

  Holding my hand out, palm up, I wait for her to slip hers inside of mine. I watch as a battle ensues inside of her head. She looks from my hand to my eyes, then back down to my hand again before she makes her decision. I smile when that decision is me. She slips her small fingers against my palm, and I wrap my hand around hers before I tug her against my side.

  We walk in silence toward my truck, and she lets out a snort when I hit the button that unlocks the doors. “I didn’t peg you for a guy with a huge truck,” she states.

  Picking her up, I set her in the seat and close the door before I jog around to the driver’s side and climb inside. “What’s wrong with my truck?” I ask, starting it up.

  “It’s just huge. I never pegged you for a big truck kinda guy,” she shrugs.

  I chuckle as I pull away from the street and head toward my place. “We live in Nebraska, baby. It snows, and I’m not about to get stuck in shit weather. I’m going to plow right through it.”

  It doesn’t take us long to drive to my place. When we arrive, I turn the engine off and stay in my seat. Jessa makes no move to get out, and I stare at the windshield before I turn to face her. “You’re telling me everything tonight,” I announce.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she whispers.

  Reaching out, I wrap my fingers around her cheeks and force her to look at me. Her bottom lip is trembling and her eyes fill with wetness. “You made some decision as a kid that you don’t have any choices in your life, Jessa. You’re dead fucking wrong. You’re eighteen and you have freewill. You love him and want him then that’s fine, but you don’t, and you can’t try to convince me otherwise—even if you’re trying real fucking hard to convince yourself of it.”

  “If I had freewill, if I could choose, I would choose you, Cole,” she whispers.

  I shake my head once and release her, climbing out of my truck to help her out. When she’s stabilized on the ground, I wrap my hand around hers and we walk toward my front door together. Once I unlock the door and guide her inside, I lock it behind me and don’t even bother to turn the lights on. We’re going straight up to my room, we’re talking, and then we’re fucking.

  I flip my bedroom light on once we’ve climbed the stairs, and I turn to face her, placing my hands on my hips and pinning her eyes with my own. It takes everything inside of me not to rush her so that her back is slammed against the wall and fuck her, just like I did in that alleyway less than an hour ago. I want to know more about her, and I won’t get to know more if I spend every moment I’m with her inside of her.

  There is something about Jessa, something that calls to me. I know that I need to know more about her, and I want her to give me the opportunity instead of running from me, from what we could have. It isn’t because she loves Keller. If it were, she wouldn’t be here with me.

  So, I watch her, and I wait.


  HIS PALE GREEN eyes hold me hostage. As much as I don’t want to tell him why I’m still with Trent, why I’ll always be with him, Cole deserves to know. I’ve done this to myself, and I’ve hurt him in the process. While I’ve tried not to be like my mother, I am just that—exactly like her.

  Opening my mouth, it all comes spilling out—how my mother was a young, single parent, and how she walked away from me when I was fifteen years old. I tell Cole about how the Keller’s took me in as one of their own and have never complained about having an extra person in their home.

  “And let me guess, that beholden feeling you’re living with, Trent doesn’t let you forget it, right? He makes it clear any time it appears as though you could be moving in a different direction than him that you owe him, you owe his family, and without them, god only knows where you’d be, am I right?”

  I blink at his words. He’s hit the nail on the head, and I’m not sure what to say, so I don’t say anything. I just nod. He grunts and shakes his head, a grin tipping his lips. “You’re a good person, Jessa. You’re nothing like your mother. You’ve worked hard to be where you are. You’re in college, and you are not beholden to Trent or his parents. You can be thankful, you can be grateful, but you cannot feel as though they are owed your happiness because they helped you out for a few years.”


  “But nothin’, baby. You love them and you tell them you’re appreciative as fuck for what they did, but you are not bound to their son, not unless you want to be. He doesn’t have the right to use you or force you into anything. Don’t pretend that he’s not trying, either. I know Russ and his reputation, and I never want what they’re plotting for you, Jessa,” he says, his voice a low rumble.

  I take a step toward him, then another. He’s who I want. He’s what I want for me. Not Trent, not what he has planned, just Cole. When I’m so close to him we’re almost touching, I look up into his eyes and I give him a sad smile. “I don’t want what they’re plotting either. I just want you,” I whisper.

  “You got me, baby,” he grunts before he leans down and takes my mouth with his. His teeth nip my bottom lip and he whispers, “You got me.”

  Pressing my hands against his chest, I push him away from me. His hands fl
y to my hips, and he holds me steady, not allowing me to move. “Cole,” I whimper.

  “You got me, Jessa. I know all I need to know about you. I know that when I’m inside of you, it feels like somehow, I’m home; like it’s where I was always meant to be. Everything is different with you—the way I feel is different with you. I’ve never felt this way before. I’m thirty-eight years old, and I’ve never felt what I feel with you before. I’m not letting that go, baby.”

  I press my lips together, inhaling through my nose before I tip my head back and press my lips to the underside of his jaw. “I’ve never felt this way, either,” I admit.

  “Be mine,” he growls.

  I nod, knowing that what I have with Trent isn’t what I want. What he expects from me isn’t what I’m willing to give him, and it’s just a matter of time before I lose sight of myself if I stay. Maybe I shouldn’t run from Trent straight into Cole’s arms, but with Cole is where I belong.

  “I’m yours,” I whisper against the whiskers on his chin.

  Cole dips his head and his soft lips touch mine in a chaste kiss. “Show me,” he mutters against my mouth.

  I gasp as I tip my head back further to look into his eyes. They darken a shade as his lips tip in a salacious grin. He takes a step back and spreads his thighs, propping his hands on his hips, and his eyes dance as he waits. I watch as he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, patiently waiting for me to show him how I’m his.

  I grab hold of the hem of my tank and pull it over my head before I reach behind my back and unhook my bra. I let both pieces of fabric fall to the floor as I slip out of my shoes before shimmying my skirt down my legs.

  Since my panties are still in his jeans pocket, I find myself completely naked in front of him. He doesn’t make a move toward me, so I turn to his bed and walk over, climbing into the middle and staying on my knees as I rest my bottom against my heels, waiting for him.


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