Bearing Up for Her Love [Shifting Desires 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Bearing Up for Her Love [Shifting Desires 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Marla Monroe

  She saw the relief on her brother’s face. She knew there were very few of his wild dogs that he trusted with her. In fact, only two and they were mated. He didn’t like putting them at risk with a mate and pups.

  “That would be great,” she quickly agreed.

  Mo wrapped his compact body around her and kissed her nose. “I’m going to miss you and all the noise you make.”

  Wren chuckled. “Hardly. You’re always fussing about it.”

  “I don’t know how anyone can make as much noise as you do getting ready in the morning. You start at five and don’t stop until you walk out the door at seven.” Mo’s shoulders lifted with a deep breath before he let it out. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  Wren choked back a sudden sob and urge to go after him. She felt like a mother watching her child leave home for the first time. Letting go of her brother had just begun.

  Chapter Four

  Warren watched as Eason all but ate Wren up with his dark eyes while nuzzling her with his nose. So far, his brother was holding on to his shit fairly well. As long as he could keep Eason in protect mode around Wren while he handled the actual threat, Warren thought they could deal with his unpredictable nature.

  “Wren? Are you okay, sweetness?” he asked as a plethora of emotions crossed her face. He thought he might even see a glint of tears shinning from her eyes.

  Eason rubbed against her, pushing her toward the door to the kitchen. It was obvious he wanted her inside and Warren thought that was a very good idea. When he opened the door for her, his bondmate tried to follow her inside, but their Ursus stopped him.

  “Warren, Eason. We need to talk. I’m sure Wren could use some time to herself while she unpacks.” Creed lifted a brow when Eason growled low in his throat, but after rubbing his furry head along Wren’s arm turned to follow them off the carport.

  Once they had gathered in the large living room, Eason changed back from his hybrid form and grabbed the shorts they all kept nearby for quick changes. He was visibly working to hold back his anger that his Ursus had called him back, effectively getting between him and his mate. It was a technical thing since they hadn’t actually claimed her as their mate and hadn’t informed him that they’d found her in Wren.

  Creed and Shayne settled the Ursa on one of the comfy recliners then turned to his sleuth. Everyone had gathered by now with news of the almost fight traveling downstairs to where Locke and Otto had been working on their rooms.

  “Serenity has rented out her house to Wren, the sister of the Wild Dogs’ Alpha. While she is living there, we will watch out for her as one of ours. She helped keep your Ursa safe and is a friend,” Creed said. “Locke, assign someone to watch out for her when she travels back and forth to work. Her brother will keep watch on her once she arrives in town.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” he said.

  “Count me in,” Seth called out with a grin.

  Eason growled and took a step toward the other bear. Warren figured their time had run out. The Ursus needed to know.

  “Ursus, Eason and I need to speak of our intentions to claim our mate,” he said.

  Eason’s head snapped around to glare at him. “What the fuck?”

  “He needs to know. Neither one of us will be able to handle knowing one of our brothers is around her without us there.” Warren sighed, shaking his head. “Besides that, she’s in danger now that she’s out from under the constant protection of her brother.”

  “I thought I sensed something between the three of you,” Serenity said, chuckling.

  “What are you talking about?” Shayne spoke up after having looked from them to his mate. “Who is she?”

  Everyone laughed at that, making Shayne growl. Warren knew just like everyone else did that their Zashchita was all messed up over their mate being pregnant with twins. He’d pretty much devoted himself to her comfort and hadn’t been keeping up with what was going on in the sleuth lately. Since that was partly his duty anyway, no one thought any less of him for it. But right then, it made him the source of their amusement.

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Creed asked as he stilled his face and kept all emotion off of it.

  “Wren is our mate,” Eason snarled out before Warren could acknowledge it in a little less threatening voice.

  “Son of a…” Shayne started to bite out, but Serenity stopped him with a hand on his arm.

  “How long have you known?” Creed asked.

  Warren sighed. This wasn’t going to go well. “Since we met her that day at the motel when you were protecting Serenity. We didn’t think it was the time to announce it with what all was going on.”

  “And now that it’s been nearly three months since things settled down? Why haven’t you said anything since then?” Shayne snarled.

  “We were a little unsure how to go about any of this,” Warren began, hoping to defuse the situation before Eason got stirred up.

  “She recognized the mating call at the same time we did. It was obvious to us that she wasn’t happy about it. We were trying to give her some space to adjust to her mates being bears and that there were two of us,” Eason cut into Warren’s carefully worded explanation.

  Fuck, Eason. Give me time to cool them down some. The Ursus is pissed off enough as it is!

  Warren cringed and prayed neither of the two leaders exploded all over them. While they didn’t think either man would order any type of physical retribution for keeping their mating status a secret, they might require some other type of punitive measures that could be just as bad as far as he was concerned. Their Ruka, Locke, could be pretty cruel when he wanted to. As “The Hand” or enforcer in the sleuth, he took his position seriously. Warren didn’t want to lose privileges of any kind.

  “She sounds a lot like I was, Creed. Can you blame them for wanting to allow her time to adjust after what all we went through?” Serenity asked.

  “We didn’t have much choice in your situation, kitten. You were being hunted.” Shayne pointed out.

  “It’s no different with Wren. She’s been pursued by that nasty wolf alpha for months now and her brother was pushing her into it. I think giving her time to adjust to two mates who are massive bears is the least they could have done,” she said then held up her hand when Creed was about to speak up. “However, I do agree that they should have informed us so we could support them and help them watch over her.”

  “Agreed,” Creed said. He looked over at Shayne for his view.

  The other bear sighed as he absently stroked his mate’s head. “Agreed. Let this be a lesson to all of you. As soon as you are aware that you’ve found your mates, inform us. We will stand behind you and support whatever you need to do. They are right, though. A mate will need time to adjust to two mates and that they are bears if they aren’t.”

  Warren let out a slow breath of relief. He turned to his bondmate and winced. Eason still looked a hair’s breadth from exploding again. The other bear breathed through the need to lash out and finally calmed down. He loved his crazy hybrid bear brother more than anyone other than his mate, but sometimes, his wild, warring bears tended to land them in hot water, leaving Warren to be the one to get them out.

  “I guess that means I won’t get to be on her guard detail,” Seth said, breaking the resulting silence.

  Once again, Eason fired up with a rumbling warning that had everyone standing next to Seth stepping back. The other bear looked around him and chuckled but quickly held up both hands to ward off a slowly advancing Eason.

  “Easy there, brother. I was only teasing. She is yours. I freely acknowledge that. I will help you protect her as I know you will help protect our mate once we find her,” he said in a more serious voice.

  Eason visibly relaxed, shaking his arms to disperse the adrenaline that kept him on edge all the time. The sound of his neck cracking as he rotated it always made Warren wince. How did his bondmate stand the constant pressure and tension that always lay coiled just beneath
the surface? Warren figured he’d be a basket case by now.

  “Let’s talk logistics,” Creed said, motioning for Locke to join them in his office.

  * * * *

  Wren stepped out of the shower and dried off. She loved Serenity’s bathroom. Though the woman had said she had always planned to have it redone, Wren couldn’t see anything wrong with it. The one she and her brother shared in the apartment was cramped and there was nowhere for her to put her skincare supplies much less the other things a female wild dog needed.

  Her brother would be meeting her at Gable’s steakhouse just outside of town in an hour. She needed to get a move on but wouldn’t have traded the thirty minute shower she’d taken for anything. Wren almost felt relaxed after that. She couldn’t wait to try out the big claw foot tub before bed. One thing wild dogs loved was water. Hot showers and hot soaks helped to release some of the constant tension they carried in their bodies due to their nature. No other shifter outside the hyena had as much raw, nervous energy as the African Wild Dog.

  Mo always told her that she had more than most, which led her to constantly be in motion and end up in trouble. Wren could see what her brother was talking about when she’d been a pup and then a teenager, but now she felt like for the most part she kept it under control.

  Maybe not, though. I was going to beat Alex’s ass earlier and that wasn’t a good idea. Not only because he was the alpha of a wolf pack, but also because I’m supposed to be my brother’s beta and a lady.

  She gave a decidedly unladylike snort and finished dressing. Her escort would be arriving in less than five minutes. She had no doubt it would be her mates. There was no way the two bears would allow any of their unmated brothers to get that close to her. She smiled to herself. It felt good knowing they were jealous of anyone being near her. It also felt good to have someone besides her brother watching out for her. He did because she was his sister. The other wild dogs did because she was their beta and the alpha’s sister.

  “Even though they’re my mates, they could ignore me and refuse the mating call,” she said out loud to herself.

  The truth was, she’d always worried that if her mate wasn’t a wolf or another African Wild Dog that he would refuse her. The wild dogs were sort of the pariah of the shifter world due to their unpredictable natures and constant motion. The only time they tended to be still was in hunt mode. They even moved in their sleep.

  She’d just slipped on her sandals when the doorbell rang. Wren grabbed her purse and hurried to greet her mates. She wasn’t ready to commit just yet, but it didn’t stop her heart from bumping up the beats or the tingle in her pussy ramping up the heat. If she were lucky, she would be able to keep her panties from soaking. It wouldn’t take much for her brother to pick up on her scent and realize she’d been near her mate or mates in her case. She didn’t need him to find out just yet.

  When she gave the door a good sniff to be sure who was on the other side, Wren smiled, realizing it was Eason waiting there for her. She opened the door, figuring Warren was probably in the truck waiting on them.

  “Hey. Thanks for giving me a ride into town.” She smiled at the big bear.

  “It’s our pleasure. I assure you,” Eason said in a serious voice.

  Wren blinked at him then cocked her head. “Are you okay, fuzzy-wuzzy?”

  This time Eason blinked–once, twice. “Fuzzy-wuzzy?”

  She couldn’t help but laugh at the completely confused bear staring down at her.

  “Sorry. I couldn’t resist. You went all furry on me, and I have to say, Eason, you’re amazing as a bear. What kind are you? I’ve never seen one that looked like a tortoiseshell cat before.”

  Wren realized she was rambling as her mate-to-be led her out to the truck where Warren stood by the passenger door holding it open. Both of the men were wearing casual slacks and button-down shirts that gave them an almost business type air. Why were they dressed up when all they were going to do was drop her off at the restaurant?

  As Warren helped her into the passenger front seat, Eason walked at a fast pace around the front of the truck and climbed into the cab on the driver’s side. Once Warren had her safely buckled in and had climbed up to sit next to her, Eason started the diesel engine.

  “Thanks again for the ride, guys. I appreciate it. What are you two going to do once you drop me off? Do you have something you’re planning on doing all dressed up like you are?” she asked.

  Warren blinked down at her and smiled. “No. We’ll go back home. We knew you were going to the steakhouse and didn’t want to wear jeans inside when we deliver you to your brother,” he said.

  “What? Deliver me to my brother? What the hell?” Wren couldn’t stop the growl escaping as she glared from one bear to the other. “I’m not a package and you two aren’t my delivery boys.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to sound that way,” Warren said, looking quickly over at the other male as if he expected him to bite his head off as well.

  She followed his gaze to her other mate and found the big man smiling indulgently at her then return his gaze to the road. She liked him, a lot. He seemed to be the strong, silent type. Wren couldn’t help but wonder what he’d be like in bed, dominant and controlling or intense and compelling?

  Damn! Why did I have to go there? Now there’s no way my panties are going to stay dry. My clit is already throbbing.

  Wren glanced over at Warren in an attempt to head off her arousal and couldn’t stop a smile from poking through her attempt at remaining angry. The big bear was almost groveling in order to stay in her good graces.

  “Look. There’s no use tiptoeing around this. We all three know we’re each other’s mates, so let’s not do all of this pretending stuff. While I can appreciate that you dressed up for me, it wasn’t necessary. I’m not that kind of female.”

  “Are you saying you accept and we can openly claim you?” Eason asked, his face carefully neutral.

  She sighed and wished she had a better filter between her mouth and her brain. She always got her words out in the wrong order. In this case it had been the entire wrong sentences.

  “Um, no, not exactly. I need some time to get used to the idea. I mean, you’re not wild dogs or wolves for that matter,” she began but had to stop when Eason openly roared and all of the excessive energy that always made her hair stand up when someone other than her started to shift burned her skin.

  “Whoa there, fuzzy-wuzzy. No shifting when you’re driving. I mean yes, this is a stick shift, but crap. You know what I mean.” She waved her hands in the air.

  “Eason, she isn’t saying she prefers wolves or Alex for that matter. You know how she feels about that bastard. Calm down.” Warren had pulled her closer to his side when Eason roared.

  “I’m not going to shift!” he snarled.

  “Sure felt like it to me,” Wren snapped out. “My skin gets all hot and itchy when someone starts to shift, so don’t think I don’t know it when I feel it. Big bad bear or not, I’ll bust your nose if you pull a stunt like that around me.”

  “Fuzzy-wuzzy?” Warren said out of the blue. “What’s with the nickname?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Warren.” Eason’s voice vibrated next to her.

  When she looked up at the bear, she realized it was with laughter and not anger. She punched him in the arm.

  “Hey, what was that for?” Eason asked with a seriously hurt look in his eyes.

  “For getting all growly on me for no reason. Because believe me, there will be reasons before it’s over with, but you don’t get to do that when it’s not warranted,” she mouthed off at him.

  Warren burst out laughing. “She’s a wild dog all right. If we didn’t know that about her, I’d think wild cat instead.”

  “Watch it, nubby tail. You’re not high on my list right now either.” She had to bite her tongue to use the pain so she didn’t smile at the male sitting next to her with a shocked expression on his face.

  “Um, Wren?” Eas
on began.


  “Can you finish telling us why you want to wait to claim each other?”

  “Oh, that’s right. I was telling you why, wasn’t I? See, I just need some time to adjust to you two. There are two of you, you know. Well, duh, of course you know. Anyway, this isn’t what I expected.” Wren took a deep breath and pushed out the rest as fast as she could manage to say it. “And something’s going on with Alex wanting my pack so I have to concentrate on that right now.”

  “Hell no,” Eason burst out. “You’re not getting anywhere near that bastard. He’s made no secret that he wants you, Wren.”

  “I agree with Eason. It’s not something you need to go digging into, sweetness. He’s trouble.” Warren used his finger to turn her chin so that she gazed up into his eyes.

  Wren scrunched up her face and pulled her chin away from him. “Was that a dig at me being a wild dog?”

  “Huh?” Warren looked completely puzzled by her question.

  “You talked about her digging, dumbass,” Eason said with a snort. “Now who can’t get their words straight?”

  “I’m not pussy footing around with what I say, Wren. Get used to it. I expect you’re going to make some reference to a bear insult before it’s over with. Besides, you’ve already called Eason, fuzzy-wuzzy. What’s that all about anyway?” Warren was beginning to sound a little like her, she thought with a smug smile. That tended to happen to people who spent time around her when she was wound up.

  “All I’m saying is that I need more time. I’m not committing myself to you until I’m comfortable that my brother is going to be okay. It would be just like that mangy wolf to pull something while Mojave is dealing with his nature,” she said, noticing that they were pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant.

  “So it’s true,” Warren said, speaking in a softer voice. “Wild dogs who don’t find their mates or force a mating before they turn thirty begin to lose their sanity. I’m sorry, Wren. I didn’t realize it wasn’t just some of the rumors you hear between shifter groups. How is he doing?”


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