by Linzi Basset

  Well, fuck me. I better start looking for another job because there’s no way I’m spending a week of my summer break pressed against this man’s back!

  “He’s such an asshole. Threatening me with my job if I refuse,” Sage railed as she stormed past Talia the moment she gained entrance to her apartment.

  Talia shook her head and closed the door before following Sage into the grand open room where she’d flopped onto the sofa. She was used to Sage fuming nonstop when she was upset.

  “I can’t believe that I thought I had a sex crush on the degenerate, lowlife … caveman!” Sage’s hand flailed in the air. Her hands curled as she squeezed her fingers together. “I never had such an urge to … to throttle someone.” She snorted as she looked at her hands. “Not that I’d have a remote chance to do that. His freaking neck is as thick as a damn trunk.”

  “I can see how that would be a problem. Maybe a rope would do the trick?” Talia offered with an indulgent smile.

  Sage’s eyes slashed in her direction. She pushed upright and glared at Talia. “You think this is funny?”

  “Hardly.” Talia sat down in a plush bucket chair and folded her hands on her lap. “Especially since I have no idea what you’re so upset about.”

  “Oh.” Sage smiled sheepishly. “Our esteemed Dean Sawyer is demanding that I be the chaperone on this year’s road trip. Can you believe that? Me? The woman who sleeps on a soft mattress, wakes up with cockatoo hair, takes thirty-minute baths, blow-dries my hair every day, luxuriates over a scrumptious breakfast and needs at least ten hours of beauty sleep. How in the hell does he picture me in a road trip setting?!” she ended vehemently.

  “Absolutely preposterous.”

  “See? You get it.” Sage narrowed her eyes on Talia as she noticed the tolerant smile on her face. “Are you patronizing me?” She wagged a finger at her. “This is in no way funny, Talia. He says I’ll be riding with him, on his Harley Davidson. You know what that means? I’ll be pressed against his back every day! There’s no way … no way in hell that’s gonna happen.”

  “It seems the lady doth protest too much.” Talia crossed her legs and laughed at Sage’s expression. “Come now, Sage, it’ll be fun.” She shrugged. “For one thing, at least we’ll be spending our summer vacation together.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The students voted who they wanted to accompany them and I’m the other female prof lucky enough to be chosen.”

  “Lucky! Don’t tell me you actually want to go?” Sage stared at her aghast.

  “I love bikes, Sage. Remember I had one in college? We went everywhere on my little Rachel Roo.”

  Sage smiled in remembrance, but then her brow furrowed and the smile slipped. “That was long ago and for fun. This trip is going to be for what? One week … two?”

  Talia cleared her throat and physically prepared herself for the outburst she had no doubt would follow. “A month.”

  At first, Sage didn’t respond, except for her jaw falling slack and her mouth gaping open as she stared at Talia in shock. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “Come now, Sage. You know the summer trips usually last anywhere from a month to two. Why would this year be any different?”

  “Because it’s on freaking bikes for one thing! Why anyone finds pleasure in straddling a moving object for hours, day in and day out, is beyond me.” She jumped up and started to pace. “Where is the tour going, anyway?”

  “We’re taking the scenic coastal route to Tampa and then to Miami Beach. From there up to Jacksonville and Charleston before we head inland to Atlanta, Nashville, Dallas, then Houston and from there back home.”

  “And that’s going to take us an entire month?” Sage brooded as she sat down again.

  “Well, of course we’re going to sleep over somewhere every night. It’s not going to be all driving eight hours a day. Don’t forget, Sage, it’s students. Dean Sawyer ensured there are many fun activities planned throughout the trip. For one thing, we’re staying over in Tampa for three nights and in Miami Beach for ten. Come on, don’t be such a sour puss. It’s going to be fun.”

  “Very well, I’ll go but …” A smile curved her lips. Her eyes sparkled as she looked speculatively at Talia. “But only if you ride with Dean Sawyer and I with whoever you’re supposed to.”

  “Oh, hell no.” Talia surged upright. “I’m not swapping with you.”

  “Talia, he told me if I don’t go, I won’t have a job to return to after summer break. You have to help me,” Sage beseeched her.

  “If the circumstances were different and if the professor I’m riding with wasn’t Steve Gosner, I might have.” She waved her hand in the air. A seductive smile curved her lips. “It’s my one chance to make an impression on Steve, Sage. He’s been avoiding me like the plague since he started working at the university at the beginning of the year. This is my one chance to make an impression.” She leaned back in the chair. “You’ll just have to suck it up, my friend. Besides, how bad could it be to press your pointy bits and hungry loins against the hard frame of Prof Cole Sawyer? The man is a veritable Greek God.”

  “Exactly.” Sage puffed irritably. “I’m bound to make a complete ass of myself and climax every time I rub against that unmovable muscle palace when he takes corners or heaven forbid, slams on the brakes.”

  Talia burst out laughing. She wiped the tears of mirth from her eyes. “We can’t have that. Therefore, we have to make sure your libido is taken care of before the trip. We’re only leaving next Monday, so it means we can still go to The Rouge Lounge on Saturday. No harm in getting one of the hot Doms there to fuck your brains out, right?”

  “You’re right. I can’t think of anything better to ease the tension. A nice spanking and a good fuck is exactly what I need to prepare for the trip.”

  “That’s more like it.” Talia got up and walked to the open plan kitchen. “Come, I’m starving. Let’s make some dinner.” She glanced at Sage. “Dean Sawyer isn’t an ogre, Sage. He’s actually a very nice and caring man.”

  “Ha, says you. He might be all smiley and kind to you but he’s forever on my case. It seems he enjoys annoying me.”

  “I wonder why,” Talia said with a bright smile. “Let’s get dinner done and then we can relax with some wine. Summer break has already started. We have a week to relax and binge watch movies before the road trip. Forget about it for now … and Dean Sawyer.”

  “You’re right. He’s not worth another sleepless night.”

  Of course, it was easier said than done.

  Chapter Two

  A slither of excitement trilled down Sage’s spine as she and Talia stepped through the door. She stood quietly for a moment to soak in the ambiance of The Rouge Lounge. The amber glow of the light sconces against the stone walls welcomed them with the sound of a low bass tune thumping in time with her heartbeat as though they were one.

  It was always like this. A feeling of homecoming, of belonging … unexplainable but true. Hazy chatter and laughter floated toward them over the soft hum of background music. The atmosphere tonight felt energized, electric, and thrilling.

  “Let’s have a drink first.”

  Sage followed Talia as she headed toward the bar off the entertainment area where people relaxed before or after a scene in the dungeon.

  There was something magical about being one of a crowd. More to the point, this specific group of people. She returned many smiles from members and Doms she had scened with in the past as they weaved their way through the bodies.

  Sage relaxed as the familiar feeling of easing out of the loneliness within filled her soul. She hadn’t realized how lonely she was until they’d started visiting the club. Emotional loneliness was far worse than no companionship. It was within the cocoon of a lifestyle where no one judged, but instead accepted and gave without demanding in return that she had found the part of her that had been hidden away for so long. The woman who needed to be led, to be controlled sexually, and dominat
ed to bend and submit. Where she could let go of the harsh realities of life, of always being in control of every moment of every day, of being prepared for any unforeseen mishaps. Where she could just relax and feel, not think. Secure in the knowledge the Dom would know what it was that she and her body needed.

  Just a pity I haven’t found the one who could fully dominate my mind. That one Dom who could free me from the clutches of always needing to be in control.

  Sage knew it was the reason she acted up during scenes. Why she tended to top from the bottom as the Doms called it. She offered her submission … to a point and then she pushed back. She sighed heavily.

  Maybe one day I’ll find the one Dom who could give me what I need and crave with a burning desire. Or … I might have to give up and admit I’m not a true submissive.

  The thought depressed Sage but she resolutely suppressed the negative thoughts. Tonight, she was going to do her best to submit fully and not interfere with the scene. She came here for one purpose. To ease the tension in her body and the need for sex in her loins.

  Come hell or high water, it was exactly what she would get.

  “Ah, my favorite cousin and her pretty friend are back,” Devon Vale, Talia’s cousin and one of the Senior Masters of the club, teased as they slipped onto the high barstools. He winked at the two women. “The usual?”

  “Of course, my dear cousin,” Talia said with a sweet smile. She swiveled on the stool to stare out over the room. She prodded Sage in the waist with her elbow.

  “See anyone you like?”

  Sage leaned her elbows on the counter as she scrutinized the milling crowd. She recognized many of the Doms who were regulars but noticed many new faces as well.

  “There are a lot more people here tonight than usual,” she murmured as her eyes scanned each potential Dom.

  “It’s because of the theme night. Dale says it always draws a large crowd. Must say, leather and lace are one of my favorite themes. Hmm … now there’s a Dom I won’t mind bending over a spanking bench for.”

  Sage followed Talia’s gaze. Her breath stuck in her throat as her gaze was caught and held prisoner by the glittering eyes of the humongous Master Cratos. He stood on the mezzanine level overlooking the entertainment room. He looked dangerous and debonair dressed in a black suit, pristine white shirt and a silver tie. The black mask that covered half of his face added to the eerie glow surrounding him. His arms were folded over his broad chest and he stood with his legs braced wide apart. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t tear her gaze from his.

  “M-Master Cratos?” she managed to stammer, shocked at the feeling of anger rushing through her at the thought of him scening with Talia.

  “Well, he’s a hunk too but no. I prefer to know what the Dom I fuck looks like. I’m talking about his companion, Master Liam. He’s just too yummy for words.”

  “Yeah … totally fuckable,” Sage murmured.

  Talia glanced at her. Her eyes widened as she noticed the red tinge to Sage’s cheeks, her labored breathing, and the glazed look in her eyes.

  “What the hell … Sage? Are you alright? What is …” She looked up to where Sage’s eyes were glued and giggled in delight. “Well, fuck me silly. The mighty Master Cratos has set his eye on you.” She snapped her fingers in front of Sage’s eyes. “Snap out of it, Sage. Hey! Look at me.”

  Sage blinked and glanced at Talia, aware that her entire body tingled. It felt like the blood in her veins was boiling and scorching her from the inside out.

  “What?” She was surprised at the croak that puffed from her lips.

  “He’s not for you, Sage. For one thing, he’s not like the Doms you usually scene with. He won’t let you decide what’s good for you in a scene. He’ll eat you whole, my friend. If I can give you advice … run and find another Dom before he comes down the stairs.”

  “Don’t be silly.” Sage finally managed to pull herself together and turned to face the bar as Dale brought their Martinis. “Master Cratos has no interest in someone like me. In case you forgot, Dale told us he doesn’t scene at the club. He only does demonstrations and punishments. Set your mind at rest, Talia. He won’t seek me out.”

  “No?” Talia swiveled around and picked up her drink. She slid a look at Sage. “Why is his gaze still glued on you then?”

  Sage shrugged negligently, although she couldn’t deny feeling his eyes burning into her back. It caused a flush of heat to fill her loins that presented itself in a wet patch between her legs. It shook her to the core. She was shit scared of the man. How the hell could her body react in such a wild, libidinous manner … and from no more than a look? She pressed her thighs together, desperate to bring her libido under control and force down the flush of pheromones that had settled in a heavy throb through her lower body.

  “You’re imagining things. I’m sure he’s looking over the club in general. There’s no reason for his attention to be drawn to me.”

  “Hmm … if you say so.”

  Sage chose not to respond and sipped thoughtfully, if not a little fearfully, on her drink. The one thing she’d strived to do over the past three months was avoid Master Cratos at all costs. She couldn’t recall one incident where she could’ve drawn his attention to her. Where did the sudden intense and scorching look come from? Why now?

  She glanced down at her outfit and cursed. She should’ve known better than to allow Talia to talk her into wearing this see through green lace dress with matching satin demi bra and thong underneath. Every curve was on display.

  “Ladies, I’m delighted to see you at one of the club’s theme events.”

  Sage started at the deep voice behind her and turned with Talia to smile at Dom Luke. He was a gentle giant and one of the few she had scened with a couple of times.

  “Seeing as we only come here once a month, we usually miss them, but we’re happy to attend at least one.” Talia dimpled.

  “Let me introduce you.” He gestured to the tall man beside him. “Dom Sam is visiting from Dallas and is a very good friend of mine. Sam, this is Cinderella and Snow White.”

  Sam flashed a broad smile at the names as he gallantly took their hands and kissed them. “My pleasure, indeed.”

  Sage blinked as his warm brown eyes settled on her. His eyes roamed over her body to end in an appreciative glance on her flowing auburn hair. He was attractive in a rough way. His dark blond hair was caught in a ponytail at his nape. He sported a square jaw that was a perfect setting for his wide mouth and strong nose. His body wasn’t big but she detected rippling muscles as he moved closer.

  “Have you committed to a Dom for the evening already, Cinderella?”

  “No, I haven’t.” Sage smiled engagingly. He emitted an aura that enticed her. It evoked trust and a desire to please. Maybe she was bound to have more fun than she’d initially envisioned.

  He held out his hand as he regarded her intensely. The smile was gone. “Would you do me the honor and agree to a scene with me?”

  Sage hesitated briefly. She cursed as she found her gaze moving upward, searching for the dark, brooding frame of Master Cratos. He wasn’t there. A feeling of disappointment rushed through her. Why in the devil, she had no idea. She took Dom Sam’s hand.

  “Indeed, I would, Sir.”

  “Thank you for your trust, Cinderella.” He held out his arm. “Shall we?”

  Sage slipped off the stool and glanced at Talia, who was also discussing a scene with Dom Luke. She waved as she hooked her hand through Dom Sam’s arm and trotted off with him to the arch leading to the dungeon entrance.

  “Luke explained your boundaries to me already,” Sam said as they pushed through the heavy carved wood doors. “From what he says, you have a preference for spankings.”

  “He knows me well, it seems.” Sage smiled at Sam as he gestured toward the informal seating lounge in the reception area where couples usually tended to aftercare. She sank into a sofa and waited for him to continue as he settled beside her.

p; “Would an erotic spanking be your preference tonight as well?”

  “I believe so, Dom Sam.”

  He regarded her intently. “As a prelude to a more intimate ending perhaps?”

  Sage didn’t respond immediately. She returned his intense stare. His eyes didn’t falter; he waited patiently. She sensed that he might be difficult to manipulate and it worried her. The partners she chose were deliberate. An escape mechanism. A way to wriggle herself out of a scene without using a safeword and draw unnecessary attention to herself. On the other hand, he might just be the kind of Dom who wouldn’t bow to her demands and give her exactly what she craved.

  Besides, if all else failed, she had a safeword.

  “I’m sure if the scene is to both our satisfaction, that would be a natural conclusion to the evening.”

  “I suppose you’re not prepared to budge on your rule of being naked for the scene?”

  “No, Dom Sam.”

  “Very well. A dressed erotic spanking it is, after which we’ll conclude the evening in one of the private rooms.” He got up. “The only provision I have, Cinderella, is that you use your safeword if the need arises. Agreed?”

  “Of course, Sir.”

  She got up and took his hand. He flashed a toothy smile. “Let’s find a spanking bench, shall we?”

  Sage was taken by the naughty boy look the smile brought to his face. By the time they walked into the whipping chamber, she was completely relaxed ... until she detected the mammoth owner of the club watching from the mezzanine level overhead. She did her best to hide behind Dom Sam’s body as he weaved his way toward the back of the dungeon where a row of padded spanking benches stood. Most were already occupied except for the last one right in the corner.

  “Perfect.” He looked her up and down. A crooked smile curved his lips. “You selected a spanking, Cinderella, but I am going to select the tool.”

  “But …” Sage’s eyes widened as she realized she’d mucked up. “I prefer a spanking by hand.”


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