by Linzi Basset

  “You can at least give me a couple of days to get used to the idea of a relationship,” she muttered as she stepped through the door he held open for her. “Oh!” she gasped as he suddenly pressed her against the wall and held her prisoner with his large body wedged between her legs.

  “I imagine fucking you on Saturday already gave you a taste of what it would be like with me, Sage. Or are you going to deny that your pussy has been dripping and clenching for hours with the hungry need for my cock?”

  “You … no, I … it’s not what I—”

  She was too discombobulated by the strength of his body and the hard ridge that dug into her stomach to think clearly, let alone form a sentence. The way his eyes darkened in warning unsettled her further, not to mention her traitorous body responding in a wantonly lustful way to his words.

  “So, you want a couple of days to get used to our relationship. Very well. You have two days, Sage. Two days before I fuck you.” A Cheshire grin split across his lips. “Unless you beg me earlier, in which case I may or may not oblige. Depending on how sweetly you beg and what you’re asking for.”

  Before Sage could gather her scattered senses, he was gone, leaving her to slump weakly against the wall. She did her best to sift through the myriad of emotions to remember what he’d said. When she finally did, she glared at him. It was one thing to get used to him in her own room, separate from him, which obviously wasn’t what he’d meant. Staying with him in the same room, sleeping in the same bed and living intimately together was a completely different matter. She watched him broodingly as he picked up her bags that had been left by the door and placed them on a luggage rack against the wall.

  “Then I want my own room.”


  Just one word but it was packed with the power of the man in that single syllable. Sage knew better than to keep chipping at him. She pushed away from the wall and inspected the rest of the spacious combined living and bedroom. She didn’t want to think what it cost. Probably as much as one month’s rent for her apartment!

  A bitter taste filled her mouth. His age didn’t bother her but his wealth was one thing she’d forgotten to take into consideration. He lived in a totally different world than her. So far removed, she couldn’t even fathom in her dreams what his life entailed. What his home looked liked, who his friends were, and heaven forbid, what his family would say—the successful entrepreneur billionaire hooking up with a poor professor!

  She glanced covertly at him. Her breath got stuck in her throat as she watched him take off his jacket. The t-shirt he wore underneath was a sleeveless tank top that showed off his bulging biceps. She licked her lips, but try as she might, she couldn’t drag her gaze from those rippling muscles as he threw the jacket on the plush chair in the corner of the room. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed a tat in the middle of his right arm. It was a surprise. She never imagined he was the tattoo kind of man.

  “What is that?”

  He looked at her over his shoulder and followed her gaze. He traced the tat with one finger; the expression on his face became closed and withdrawn. Sage couldn’t keep from walking closer, unconsciously drawn to it.

  It had a tribal look to it with the face of a snarling tiger in the center. She traced the outline of the tattoo, mesmerized by what she imagined to be the glowing eyes of the predator.

  “It’s a tribal tiger, symbolizing ferocity, strength, violence, vengeance, and … protection.”

  The hesitation before the final word drew Sage’s eyes to his face. He stared at the tattoo impassively but she didn’t miss the memories that swirled like dark demons in his eyes. Instinct warned her to probe further would drive a wedge between them. Their relationship had just started and was already hovering tenuously because of her insecurities. She didn’t need to add to it by aggravating him.

  “It’s beautiful and although I didn’t think you had a tattoo, it suits you … insofar as ferocity, strength, and protection is concerned. Violence and vengeance? I’m not so sure that portrays who you are.”

  “As you said, we still need to get to know each other. The tattoo represents my past and I prefer it remains there.”

  The message couldn’t be clearer. Cole had no intention of taking her into his confidence to tell her what had led to getting inked.

  She smiled briefly and skirted around him to step out onto the balcony. She breathed in the fresh air, doing her best to curb the disappointment at his rebuff, however uncalled for. She couldn’t expect him to blurt out something that obviously left painful or unpleasant memories. That kind of trust took a long time to build. She had every intention of winning his. She was patient enough to wait for him to tell her eventually.

  “It’s beautiful out here. I wouldn’t mind staying here for a couple of days.”

  “And tranquil. I come here when I need to get away from the city. Just to relax and become one with nature.” He tilted back her chin with his fist to study her intently. Her clear gaze put his mind to rest. He leaned in to place a leisurely kiss on her lips. “We’re going sailing. Wear a bikini and shorts. I want to be on the water in fifteen minutes.”

  “I’ve never gone sailing,” Sage said with a blinding smile that portrayed the excitement she couldn’t contain. In truth, she felt like a little girl who had just been given the best Christmas present ever.

  “Then I’m glad to be the one to introduce you to it. Scoot, love. Get changed.”

  “Watch your step, love.”

  Cole guided Sage with his hand on her back as she carefully stepped onto the boat. Her cheeks were rosy from excitement as she twirled on the wooden deck and gazed at the number of yachts gently bobbing in the water. She wrapped her arms around her waist, furtively glancing at Cole to see if he’d noticed her adolescent behavior. He did but the indulgent smile set her mind at rest that he didn’t think she was being silly.

  The same sense of elation fluttered through her stomach that she’d felt when he’d first told her they were going sailing. It was the one thing she’d always wanted to do but never had the opportunity. She lifted her face and breathed in the fresh air wafting through her hair from the lake. She just knew experiencing it with Cole would be very special. She could barely contain her excitement.

  “Excited, love?”

  “Yes!” Sage spun around and threw her arms around his neck, raining an abundance of kisses over his face. She stiffened as she realized what she was doing but relaxed as she caught his grin. His deep chuckle at her child-like enthusiasm rippled through her mind to find resonance deep inside her.

  “Hmm, it seems you are,” he gruffed as he basked in the softness of her curvaceous body curving against his. He hugged her briefly. His warm breath tickled her ear as he rasped against her cheek, “I believe this is going to be a very special sailing trip.”

  She felt bereft as he stepped back, taking with him the heat his body exuded. He picked up the cooler box Luna’s kitchen had provided and placed it out of the way.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “This.” She gestured to the boat and was caught unaware at the sudden burn of tears behind her eyes. She blinked furiously as she offered him a small smile. “It’s been a dream of mine to go sailing since I was a little girl.”

  “I love sailing and it’s something I wish to share with you early on because we’ll be doing a lot of it.” He tipped back her chin. His expression was enigmatic. “There’s going to be a lot of new experiences for you in the future, Sage, and I’m looking forward to being the one to guide you on the path ahead.”

  “As much as I’m beginning to look forward to walking it with you.” She lifted her hand to cover his that held her chin and squeezed.

  Cole felt the movement in the twitch of his cock. His eyes darkened as he acknowledged the warmth that filled his body. It was more than a physical reaction. One small gesture from her had reached all the way inside and touched his heart.

  He cleared his throat. “Why do
n’t you find the life jackets below while I check our Nav, radio, and fuel.” His gaze followed her as she disappeared below. Many of his friends would be scathing about committing to her this quickly, not to mention that she was so much younger than him. None of that mattered. His instinct told him he had made the right choice, which was why he had decided to pressure her into signing the agreement. Years of living a solitary life had drained him of the carefree man he used to be. It was time to put the past behind him once and for all.

  Sage Porter was the woman to guide him back to the light … to make him whole again. He knew she was and his instincts were never wrong.

  “Found them.” She returned and handed him one where he stood at the helm checking the fuel gauge. She quickly donned hers and smiled brightly as he brushed away her hands to zip it up and tie the vest himself.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured as he brushed a wayward strand of hair from her face. He tapped her nose. “Before we set sail, let me give you a few pointers. I’m going to need you to help me with the sails.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Sage listened intently as Cole explained and demonstrated the unfurling and hauling of the sails. He made her practice until he was satisfied she was ready.


  “Just say the word, Captain.” She dimpled as she watched him put on his vest.

  The engine coughed to life with the acrid smell of diesel. A pair of white pelicans launched themselves off a piling and headed north.

  “Right, as soon as we clear the docks, we’re going to luff up to haul up the mainsail, unfurl the headsail, then bear away southwest to pick up the wind which will be abaft on our starboard beam to get some boat speed and head across the bay toward Grand Lagoon, Saint Andrew Bay and then out to sea for a couple of miles. I don’t want to be caught out on the water after sunset.” He smiled at her disappointment. “It’s going to be a good two to three hours round sail, love. Don’t worry. I’ve got my own yacht, so we’ll be sailing often in the future.”

  He eased the boat away from the docks. “Cast off the bow, Sage, and bring that sheet back here.” He kept his eye on her as she wrapped and tied off the bow sheet and tossed it down below. “Perfect. You’re a natural, love,” he praised as the boat headed south. “Now the stern sheet.”

  Sage’s cheeks glowed with a mixture of excitement and pleasure that she found hard to contain as she followed each of his instructions. They had just set sail and she was having the time of her life.

  Once they were seabound, Cole steered to course 290, pushed the autopilot button and locked in the heading. He glanced back to visualize the harbor from seaward, searching for a landmark—not that he needed to, since he’d sailed off this coast many times before. There were no harbor lights but they would be back by six at the latest. Plenty of daylight to guide them.

  “Having fun?” Cole joined Sage where she stood at starboard gazing out to sea. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against his chest. She relaxed against him with her hands on top of his circling her waist.

  “More than I ever imagined. Out here with just the ocean around us … I can feel how majestic nature is. Tranquil, like you said, and I can almost feel my entire body reaching out and becoming one with it.”

  “Want to steer for a while?”

  Her head snapped sideways to look at him. Her eyes glowed like green emeralds. “May I? Really?”


  He guided her to the wheel and showed her how to place her hands and use the waves as a guide to keep the boat on course. He switched off the autopilot and allowed her to take the helm

  “You’re a fast learner, love. I’m duly impressed.”

  “As long as you don’t leave me alone here, I’ll be fine. It’s rather intimidating to steer such a large boat.”

  “Believe me, little one, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Hey! What are you doing?” Sage shrieked as he unbuttoned the blouse she wore and pushed the triangle pieces of the bikini top aside.

  “My mother always said, idleness is the devil’s workshop, so … I’m keeping my hands busy.” His raspy voice thrilled through her.

  She couldn’t bite back the gasp as his large hands completely covered her breasts, which she’d always believed were more than a handful. For the first time, she felt small, vulnerable and totally at ease with them.

  Sage crossed her legs and frantically tightened her pelvic muscles. She had been in a semi-aroused state since the previous night and although she’d done her best the entire day to control her libido, she was as horny as hell for this powerful man.

  She moaned as she felt his warm lips nibbling her throat before kissing the vein pulsing like a pump on steroids under his touch. His destructive mouth continued to sample the fleshy lobe of her ear before moving down to kiss her neck and lick at the marinade of salt and musk that scented her skin.


  “Sailing requires concentration, love. Keep your eyes on the horizon, feel the waves.”

  Yeah right! How the devil was she supposed to do that with his heat and hardness cocooning her.

  She dragged in a deep breath as his fingers brushed over her nipples. They turned into hard little stones as his fingers closed around the nubs. His fingers were teasing, seductive and undeniably expert as he rolled them gently, then harder, eliciting a tortured moan from Sage. Her loins clenched in reaction as his expert touch sparked a vicious connection between her nipples and clit to set it throbbing into a symphony of lust.

  It was sensual torture as he continued tweaking them then pinching them before easing the pain by cupping her breasts with his huge hands. She squirmed restlessly in his arms as she endeavored to maintain concentration on keeping her hold on the wheel relaxed. It was becoming more and more difficult to keep her mind on sailing.

  “Please. You said … you said you’d give me a couple of days,” she managed to puff.

  “So, I did. If memory serves me correctly, it was in reference to fucking you, but I never said I won’t touch you. That, my beautiful redhead, is just too much to ask.”

  Sage inhaled harshly as one hand found its way under her shorts and bikini bottoms to cup her pussy, his large hand completely engulfing her from her clit to the back of her slit. The wetness that coated his skin twisted his stomach into a knot.

  “Fuck, love, you’re so wet,” he said in that oh-so-deep voice she had no defense against. It thrilled through her and etched away at the last of her resistance. She was more than ready to be fucked. The hell with two days grace! The way she pressed against him was proof of the lust driving her every move.

  Cole was rocked at how hard he was. How desperately he wanted to thrust into the heat permeating into his palm. His goddamned dick had to get with the program and calm the fuck down. He promised her two days and come hell or high water, it was exactly what she was going to get.

  But he was enjoying her uncontrolled reaction too much to stop.

  His fingers tightened around a nipple and he pinched harder. He slipped one finger deep inside her pussy, rejoicing in the husky growl escaping from her throat. He nuzzled her ear.

  “Open your legs, love. Come now, Sage, wider.”

  “Cole, please … I can’t hold onto the wheel … you have to stop.”

  “And here I thought women could multitask,” he quipped as he swirled his finger deep inside her, tapping and brushing the tip over the bundle of nerves he found at the front of her vagina.

  “Oh hell, STOP!” she shrieked as he pressed the base of his palm hard against her clit and rotated it in slow circles.

  His fingers tightened around her nipple as he dipped his tongue into her ear, sucking sensually. His lips curved into a smile as he felt the heat of her juices gush from her pussy to slither into his palm. She desperately clenched her inner muscles against his invasion to stave off the climax steadily approaching. Her hands clamped around the wood of the wheel; her eyes fell shut as she gave over to the rush
of sensations overwhelming her … sailing for the moment completely forgotten.

  “I’m … coming,” she cried, her hips driving against his palm in a desperate attempt to chase the shards of heat that stabbed at her loins, intensifying, readying and then … nothing.

  He was gone.

  “Nooo …” The pitiful wail echoed over the silence of the ocean. She slumped weakly against him, relieved that he caught her and held her tight.

  “It seems I’ll have to take over before you run us aground.”

  Her eyes snapped open and she glared at him over her shoulder.

  “You’re a demon.”

  His smile was a canvas of his amusement. He winked at her. “It’s time to turn back, otherwise we’ll be caught in the dark.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Do you wish to stay here and help me steer?”

  Sage had never moved so fast. Before he could blink, she was out from under his arm and stood at the helm of the boat, holding onto the rail and heaving in deep breaths. She did her best to ignore his deep laughter, more than annoyed at how the rough tones weaved its wicked way into her heart.

  She blinked at the thought and stood perplexed as realization struck. What she believed to be a sex crush on Cole Sawyer was already turning into more … much, much more.

  Chapter Nine

  “I don’t recall asking your permission.”

  Cole glanced up as Sage walked into the room from the bathroom. He listened with half an ear to the deep voice rasping over the cell phone clasped in his hand. His eyes sharpened as they traveled with slow appreciation over her body. She looked fresh and as beautiful as always, even dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt with boots.

  “That’s enough. If I wanted to hear someone preach, I’d go to church. I only called to inform you that I’m on a road trip with my students. I’ll be gone for a month.”


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