Heaven's Most Wanted

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Heaven's Most Wanted Page 4

by J. A. Cipriano

  Michael pulled on my arms just a bit tighter, making the joints ache a little while forcing my body to bend toward him unless I wanted to pull my shoulder out of its socket. My breasts, clad only in my bra, brushed against his chest and my nipples hardened. Michael’s eyes darkened, his nostrils flaring at my building arousal.

  “Uh... what did you have in mind?” I licked my lips, my voice coming out heavy and low.

  The hand on my waist dipped down to my lower back, caressing the swell of my ass. Michael’s mouth brushed against mine. His expression read of pleasure and pain, but I would love every moment of it. Before Michael could explain to me what he had planned in that twisted mind of his, Tracy, of course, let out a low growl of disgust.

  “Sorry, but could you not eye fuck each other here? We have work to do,” Tracy snapped, not waiting for us to break up before grabbing a pile of clothes and shoving it between us. “Put these on and get out.”

  Michael took the clothes since my arms were still tied up. With a frown and an intense urge to flip Tracy off, I lowered my arms and fought for a second to untangle myself. Once I had escaped my own shirt, I switched with Michael and lifted up the first article of clothing with a skeptical frown.

  “What’s this crap? It’s more of a death trap than an outfit.” I glared at the smirking twins as I held up the forest green top with zippers all over it. There were more zippers than material. If I put it on, my bra was going to show through for sure.

  The bottom wasn’t much better. Zippers, zippers, and oh just for a good measure a tiny bit of lace. Everywhere. What, did these designers moonlight at BDMS bars or what?

  I gave Michael a disbelieving look which he returned with an arched brow, his eyes laughing at me. With a disgusted sound, I grabbed the bundle of clothes and rolled my eyes. “Fine.”

  This time while I was behind the curtain, I didn’t lean in to the hear the conversation. I was too busy trying to figure out how the hell I was supposed to put this outfit on to pay much mind.

  Was this the top? Or the bottom?

  If I thought I hated trying on clothes before I had entered the ninth ring of hell. Someone up there was having a laugh at my expense. And I bet it was Lucifer.

  I fumbled with the top and let out a sigh of frustration. “Fuck. Is it this way?”

  “Nikki, here’s that thing you wanted,” a nervous male voice stood out from behind the curtain.

  “Oh, yeah. Just talk to me about it later, not here,” Nikki told him back, her voice a bit on the nervous side. The fact that she didn’t want to talk about it here was enough to interest me not that she didn’t have a winning personality as it was. Her and her sister.

  “But I don’t know what I’m doing.” The anxiety in his voice made me pause. “He hasn’t called me back.”

  “I don’t care. I said not here.” Nikki’s voice became irate, and the male made a sound like he wanted to argue further, but then the distinctive sound of stomping feet resounded on the floor.

  My brow furrowed, I wondered briefly what that had been about and then glanced down at the monstrosity of a shirt I was wear. My bright hot pink bra was on display between the zipper holes clashing horribly with the green. Ick. I reached back and unsnapped my bra, then fought to pull it off through the shirt sleeves. It was even worse on than it was off. The shirt stopped right below my belly button, but it was practically just strips of fabric zipped together with metal. The teeth were open right now, showing everything but my nipples. I zipped up a few of the zippers until it was at least decent before trading my skirt for theirs.

  There was a fucking zipper over my vag. What were they hoping for, easy access?

  Then, as if I had summoned him by the sluttiness of my outfit, Lucifer appeared in the changing stall with me.

  “Holy shitballs!” I placed a hand on my chest and gasped, glaring at the asshole Devil smirking like a fiend. “Don’t do that.”

  Lucifer in his Devilish glory wore a pair of pair of navy-blue slacks and a white button-up shirt. Suspenders and a matching bow tie topped the outfit off, and I had to smile.

  “Guess we’re both playing dress up today, huh?” But my question wasn’t answered by him but by one of the asshole twins.

  “You done, yet? I have other shit to do,” Tracy yelled at me from the other side of the curtain.

  “Uh, yeah. I’m coming.” I gave Lucifer a side look, warning him to be nice, but his eyes were locked on my body. I could feel him mentally undressing me with that scorching look, and I would be lying if it didn’t make me hot.

  Fucking suspenders. Who knew?

  On the other side of the curtain, Michael waited with hands in his pockets and his eyes on a small bald man a few booths away. I touched his arm. Michael’s gaze swung back to me and then over my shoulder to Lucifer.

  I always wondered how they were able to see each other. I mean, I understood it when they were incorporeal but when they were physical did that mean they still kept all their powers? I should figure as much because of the abilities they used to help me catch bad guys. But physically? Were they immortal? Could they die? I hoped I never have to find out.

  “We should go,” Michael said and then stalked away without waiting for an answer.

  I gave the twins a nervous little smile and waved. “Thanks.” I hope you choke on your own spit and die a horrible death, you soul sucking vipers.

  They either didn’t hear me or didn’t care because they were already back to fighting over the pile of clothes they had on a table. Shaking my head, I turned to follow Michael with Lucifer hot on my heels.

  “I know what you’re doing,” I muttered under my breath. “Stop it.” I brushed a hand behind me, trying to dislodge the eyes on my ass.

  “I must have fallen asleep because there’s no way that you would ever wear something like that unless I begged.” Every word dripped with seduction, and I had no doubt in my mind that had we been alone, Lucifer would have delighted in opening each and every one of the zippers of my outfit to find the skin beneath.

  Forcing myself not to respond to him, I stopped next to Michael. “Where are we going?”

  “That man before. There was something suspicious about him.” Michael stared at the bald man and then his eyes snapped to Lucifer. “Why aren’t you looking for Uriel? This is my shift.”

  Lucifer held his hands up with a lilt of his lips. “I’m going. Just wanted to check and see how things were going.” His heated gaze slid over to me, moving up and down my form. “Obviously, it’s going well.”

  I flushed and bared my teeth at him. Then realized I was doing it to thin air as far as everyone else was concerned and stopped. “Get out of here already.”

  “Oh, love, you pain me so.” Lucifer clasped his hands to his chest, making him look oh so pitiful and adorable all at once.


  Michael’s voice made the archangel drop his hands and point a finger at his brother, giving the more serious angel attitude, “You better make me proud.”

  “Lucy!” I gaped, grinning.

  “Seriously, she’s practically gift wrapped for you.” Lucifer gestured at me with a gleam in his eyes. “If you don’t take advantage of that, then I will disown you.”

  Michael didn’t even bother to respond. Instead, he gestured toward the way the bald man was going. “We should follow him. I have a good feeling he has something to do with the theft.”

  “Okay.” I nodded, ignoring Lucifer who kept grabbing at my zippers trying to make them open with force of will while incorporeal. “Let’s go. Lucy, I’ll catch you later.” I winked. “If you’re lucky, I’ll get to keep the clothes.”

  “Alright, alright, I get when I’m not wanted.” Lucifer backed away and then pointed a finger at me as he left. “I’m going to hold you to that promise.” He let out a laugh. “Fucking lucky bastard.”

  Following Michael down the aisle of booths, I watched the little rat of a man go from booth to booth, sometimes chatting to one of the peop
le there and sometimes taking notes before shoving them into his pocket. His eyes darted around the room like he was afraid someone was going to see him.

  “Definitely sketchy.” I finally agreed as the guy left out a side door and into the parking lot.

  On this side of the building were several trailers all lined up in a row. The sun beat down on us as we walked across the pavement, not really trying to hide as we followed him. Not that the guy even noticed either. He wasn’t looking at us, he was looking at his phone, and then he put the phone to his ear.

  Michael and I stopped by a set of trucks unloading equipment. Pretending to be paying attention to them, we eavesdropped on the bald guy’s phone call.

  “I have it. Yeah. Right now.” He shook his head, rubbing a hand over his face. “No, I can’t wait. It has to be now. Tonight. One o’clock. Marcello’s. Okay, okay. Bye.” He let out a long-frustrated breath before shoving his phone in his pocket and climbing into a trailer.

  “What was that about?” I exchanged a look with Michael.

  “Sounds worth looking into.”

  “Agreed.” I inclined my head, then I saw Patrice walking over with a clipboard and marking off things as they came off the truck. “Hey, Patrice.”

  The mousy woman looked up from her papers, and her brows furrowed as she took me in. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”

  “Uh, yeah, no. I’m a friend of Andre’s, checking out the fashion industry. He told me to look around and then find you if I had questions?” I bullshitted in the hopes that she would believe me.

  “Oh, okay. No problem. What can I help you with?” So trusting. Poor thing.

  “That short bald guy.” I pointed to the trailer behind us. “Who is he?”

  Her head cocked to the side, and then the guy in question came back out. “Oh!” Her eyes widened. “That’s Noah, he assists some of the designers.”

  “Really? Okay. He didn’t seem the type...” I trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

  Patrice tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “You meet all kinds of people in this industry. You’ll be surprised to see the variety of characters.”

  “Great. Thank you.” I grinned at her and then turned to Michael to whisper, “Come on, let’s go. We have a date to get ready for... at Marcello’s.”

  Chapter 5

  MICHAEL AND I BARELY got back to my apartment before he started to become incorporeal. He tried to open the apartment door for me, but his hand went through the handle.

  “Weird. Never had that happen before.” I placed a hand on his shoulder where that part of him was still solid. “Do you need to go now? Or...?” I trailed off, biting the corner of my lip to hide my smile.

  After all this time you’d think I could just say, “Can you stick around so you can fuck me?” Really, I was a strong independent woman who knew exactly what I wanted and usually went for it, but these guys, these angels always brought out a weird part of me. Sure, I acted like a badass bitch, demanding them to do this or that, but really, a part of me was still in awe that they would even stick around.

  Can anyone say childhood trauma?

  Michael, the glorious being that he was, no blaspheming there, didn’t even blink an eye at my request. Reaching for my face with his one still solid hand, he leaned in.

  “Hold up now.” I held a hand up, not sure what he was planning on doing. “I’m all for adventurous sex, but I’d rather not get kicked out of my apartment when the landlord catches us doing it on the welcome mat.”

  Michael paused, his brows furrowed. “We cannot have sex unless I have more of your blood. Unless... you’d prefer me to disappear mid—”

  “Nope!” I chirped, loud enough that I winced. No way did I want him to go incorporeal in the middle of sex. especially since he already didn’t have one of his hands. With my luck, he would go poof right before I got off.

  With a nod, Michael continued his movement. I stood there stiffly, not sure how he planned to get the blood since I’d left my clothes from before in the car with my pin in it.

  His large hand encompassed the majority of my face, and I leaned into the warmth from it for just a moment, my eyes fluttering closed. Michael released a small sound, sort of between a groan and a growl as his lips brushed against mine. While I thought we were in a hurry, he took his time, sliding his mouth over mine, nipping at my bottom lip until I parted my mouth for him.

  Our tongues twined together, and I angled my head back to give him more freedom to navigate my mouth. There was a good foot difference in height between us, and sometimes it was a struggle to find the most comfortable position for both of us. Most of the time we managed, even if we ended up a laughing mess. Well, more me than him. Michael had stoic and domineering down to an art, a hot sexy art but an art none the less.

  I grabbed at his shirt and could feel the magic or whatever it was in my blood wearing off because it felt different. Lighter, softer, as if my hands would plunge into his chest at any moment.

  “Hurry,” I breathed, not wanting him to disappear.

  In response, Michael pulled my tongue into his mouth, and a sharp pain from his canines made me wince. He soothed the cut with his mouth sucking and rubbing it with his own. The hand that had gone incorporeal wrapped around my throat, buzzing as it pushed up against my chin. It was a dangerous and thrilling position that had me throwing my leg up around his hips and grinding myself against him.

  Abruptly, Michael released me and turned his back on me.

  “What the- What the hell?” I panted at his back while he opened the apartment door. “I thought we were gonna... you know?”

  Once the door was open, Michael spun around and lifted me off my feet. I let out a small squeak and latched my legs around him like a spider monkey. His hands cupped my ass, squeezing and fondling the globes as he carried me inside. He kicked the door shut behind him, and it finally dawned on me what he intended to do.

  “Oh,” I let out and then again, longer and breathier when his fingers dipped beneath the short skirt I wore. “We only have a few hours before we need to be at Marcello’s and—”

  “Quiet,” he commanded.

  “I’m just saying that I wanted to call Mandy and get her to c... ah... um... oh God almighty, where did you learn to do that?” I threw my head back and dug my fingers into Michael’s neck as he did something quite miraculous with his fingers. A couple of seconds later, I was screaming, my insides clutching his fingers like I’d die if he moved them. At that moment, I felt like I just might.

  My back hit my bed before I even came down from my high, and Michael was unzipping the front of my shirt to expose the majority of my breasts, nipples included, to the room. Gripping my breast in a tight grip, the teeth of the zipper bit into my flesh as he sucked on my nipple. The sensation pulled at my lower regions, something that had always confused me to no end. My nipple wasn’t anywhere near my clit, so how did stimulating one have anything to do with the other?

  “Stop thinking,” Michael commanded, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  While I’d been lost in my thoughts, Michael had shed himself of his shirt and pants, leaving him deliciously bare to my roaming eyes.

  “Glory to God in the highest,” I muttered, licking my lips at the sight.

  “Please don’t talk about Him while I’m defiling you.”

  I snorted and giggled. “It is a bit like talking about your dad during sex, huh?”

  Michael shook his head, his sky-blue eyes sparkling with humor. “You have no idea. Now...” His chest muscles flexed which drew my eyes away from his quirked lips. “Let’s see how else I can make you sing.”

  I only had about a millisecond of warning before that wonderfully sinful mouth dropped between my legs, and I was once again praising his dad for making an insightful creature. They really should give the angels more credit. They were messengers and warriors of God, but nowhere did anyone say they were this skilled in other areas.

  “You’re thinking again.” Michael lif
ted up from my lap and narrowed his eyes on me. “I’m not doing this right if you have time to think.”

  “I’m not, and you’re not. I mean, are.” I slapped my hands over my face and dragged them down, probably ruining all of Marco’s hard work. “My brain just won’t shut up.”

  “Then let’s see if we can fix that, shall we?”

  My gaze dipped to where his hand wrapped around his length, dragging it up and down in a quick motion. Mesmerized by the movement, I followed him with my eyes. Now, I knew how a snake charmer felt but in reverse. I sat up and replaced his hand with my own. Climbing to my knees, my mouth dropped down, and I took him in.

  “God,” Michael gasped, and I grinned around his cock.

  If I could bring an angel to say his father’s name in vain, then I took that as a compliment.

  Michael’s fingers threaded through my hair and held me to him, not pushing but not directing me, just letting me do as I willed. I stared up at his beautiful face, watching his eyes scrunch closed in pleasure. As if feeling me watching him, those eyes opened, suddenly locking with mine as he thrust into my mouth with a grunt.

  I felt his muscles tighten first before he came. Was it weird to compare human cum to an angel’s? If it was, then I was just that weird. It would have been cool if it was like something... I don’t know what I’d even imagine it to taste like... I guess more Heavenly?

  Clean. That’s the only word that came to mind. Which wasn’t sexy at all.

  I laughed as I pulled away from him.

  “I might still be new to sex myself, but I’m pretty sure laughing at a guy’s dick is not a good thing,” a familiar, laid-back voice called from the kitchen.

  Michael and I jerked our eyes over to where Gabriel leaned against the counter, his arms crossed and a shit-eating grin on his lips.

  Shaking my head, I wiped a hand over my mouth. “I wasn’t laughing at him.”

  “Her brain won’t be quiet,” Michael interjected, giving me a pointed look.

  “If you say so.” Gabriel continued to grin like a fool.


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