A Wife on Show

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A Wife on Show Page 4

by Max Sebastian

  Claire-the-Presenter asked the remaining women what really struck them about their bodies.

  Ms Red said her body made her feel confident. Ms White said that her tattoos meant she was very wild and creative. Ms Green said her breasts were the sign that she liked a good time. Unsatisfying answers to an unsatisfying question, I thought. Gemma, of course, came off best in my eyes, saying that just the fact that her body was naked and exposed to so many people, meant she was willing to try anything, that she had a hidden naughty streak.

  Oh God, I loved that. My wife had a hidden naughty streak. That was something worth exploring.

  Aaron had to get rid of two of the four remaining women. With plenty more umm-ing and uhh-ing, and some more of that suspenseful electronica music, Claire-the-Presenter put him on the spot.

  Ms Red. Ms White. Bye-bye.

  I caught my breath. Gemma was among the final two.


  We had another coffee break before watching the last two naked women see their potential date without clothes for the first time.

  I kept to myself and focused on plying myself with as much coffee as possible—sitting still in a studio kept excessively warm so that naked contestants would remain comfortable and avoid shivering or breaking out in goosebumps on camera, I was finding myself getting a little sleepy here and there. Even with my wife’s strange adventure unfolding before me.

  Sipping on cheap but strong black coffee, I overheard various conversations about how crazy it was that some people would actually get naked like that in front of TV cameras, about how they couldn’t believe Aaron had said goodbye to this woman or that woman, about which girl Aaron was likely to choose for his date, about which one he should have chosen.

  I enjoyed hearing the occasional opinion on how Aaron ought to choose Ms Yellow, about how cute she was and so on.

  But my nerves had largely calmed down by now. Gemma had made it through to the final round of her game. That had to be a confidence boost for her, even if she was going to be rejected in favor of Ms Green in the last round. And as for the danger that Aaron might choose Gemma—well, I was certain now he wouldn’t. Ms Green was completely unlike Gemma in all but her shaven pussy. She was a tall, leggy brunette from Wales, with large breasts and dazzling blue eyes. Gabby had said they had selected a woman who completely met every single one of Aaron’s requirements and tastes, and she was up against someone like Ms Green, I felt that Gemma was now safely the runner-up.

  ‘Who would you choose?’ a familiar voice popped up behind me. My line buddy, the guy I was sitting next to in the studio audience.

  ‘Yellow,’ I said, without even hesitation. Actually, my rapid answer suddenly made me feel in danger of being discovered to be Ms Yellow’s husband, until I got a grip on my paranoia.

  ‘Oh-ho, into the cute blondes, are we?’ my temporary friend chuckled. ‘She is sweet, isn’t she? I wouldn’t say no. But I think our Aaron will choose the other one.’

  ‘Really?’ I asked him.

  He nodded. ‘Have you noticed—all the girls he’s paid particularly nice compliments to were rejected fairly soon afterward?’

  I think I had noticed that. Aaron had raved over Ms Pink’s confident stance, and Ms Blue’s thighs, Ms White’s cheekbones and smile. They were all booted off soon after.

  ‘He was just being nice to them, knowing he wasn’t going to choose them,’ I suggested.

  ‘Oh sure, he seems like a likable lad. You know he’s probably been told to do that so that every time he does reject someone, it seems like a big plot twist for the TV show.’

  ‘I bet he has,’ I said, since the theory went well with my general perception that everything in the world of TV is faked to some degree.

  I wasn’t going to argue with him, although I suspected that my line buddy wanted me to come back at him with reasons why Aaron would choose Ms Yellow. I wouldn’t have minded engaging with him, either, except that at that moment I received a text message that made my phone bleep rather loudly.

  ‘You want to make sure that’s switched onto silent mode before we go back in,’ my line buddy warned me, and I nodded while pulling out my phone and quietly apologizing for my need to attend to this text message.

  It was from Gemma, no less:

  [Gemma]: Hey sweetie, how’s it going? xx

  For a moment, I wondered where a naked woman might keep her phone when she didn’t have any pockets. Then I realized that everybody was having a break, including the ‘talent’. My wife must have been back in the dressing room, waiting for her final moments of public nudity, and this time knowing that she would be getting a particular amount of scrutiny.

  I replied:

  [Michael]: Really enjoying myself :-) How are things on your end? Xx

  Her reply was quickly returned:

  [Gemma]: A little nervous, but it’s kind of exciting ;-)

  [Michael]: You look so gorgeous on stage, Cupcake :-P

  [Gemma]: Thank you. I’m a little surprised how okay with it I am. Thought I’d be absolutely terrified, but it’s not too bad.

  I thought about asking her when and why she’d shaved her pussy, but it seemed somehow a little dirtier than my usual text conversations with my wife. A little beyond the boundary. Instead I typed:

  [Michael]: What does it feel like to be a blonde?

  [Gemma]: Kind of strange, actually. I do feel a little different, I can’t entirely explain it. Even just today, guys seem to look at me a different way now, and I feel... I don’t know... blonder. ;-P

  At that moment, a TV production assistant bearing an official-looking clipboard and wireless head-set came round to announce that filming would resume in 10 minutes, and could we start filing back into our seats, please. I sent a text back to Gemma wishing her luck and letting her know we were just about to head back into the studio.

  I expected a simple ‘see you later’ text from Gemma, but instead I received:

  [Gemma]: I just wanted to let you know... Gabby says things have gone a little wrong with Aaron’s selection.

  I paused in my slow walk back toward the studio building, and peered at her message, confused. Another text message came in:

  [Gemma]: The girl everyone expected Aaron to choose for his date was thrown out in the first round.

  I thought back to the hot Swedish-style blonde model, and how surprising it had been that Aaron had turned her down first. And now the butterflies in my stomach were stirring as my nerves started to jangle again. What was Gemma saying?

  [Michael]: What does it mean?

  [Gemma]: Gabby said there’s a chance that Aaron might pick me for the date

  A depth charge exploded deep within my chest. Well, I told myself, it was anything but certain. Maybe he did go for big-breasted brunettes after all. Although, if his perfect woman was the blonde from round one, Gemma was now very much the more similar girl left to the Swedish-style model.

  [Gemma]: Honey, you still there?

  I looked down at my phone, gazing at Gemma’s previous message, and felt my prick at full attention once again in my jeans. What if Gemma was chosen to go on the date?

  [Michael]: I’m still here, Cupcake. I’m sure it’ll be okay, whatever happens.

  It was something vaguely positive and supportive to say that didn’t reveal my exact thinking on the issue. Because I couldn’t entirely decide if I wanted Gemma to be chosen for the date or not. Would it mean a greater chance of family and friends recognizing her on the show? Not that the family and friends I knew were the types to watch ‘Hot Date’ or TV shows like it. And what if Gemma went on an intimate date with Aaron and ended up liking him a little too much?

  [Gemma]: Gabby’s been begging me to just go along with it if he chooses me. I mean, it would probably ruin the show if I suddenly reveal that I’m married, right?

  [Michael]: I think it would be best if you didn’t!

  [Gemma]: Anyway, I just thought I’d warn you—you know, so you don’t get all jealous if you suddenly s
ee me chosen for a date by another guy.

  Reading that message from her, I felt my heart flutter and my hard cock throb. My jealousy did flare up again considering the possibility that she would be chosen for the date. But as before, my jealousy was now strangely pleasurable, if not outright thrilling.

  I remained calm:

  [Michael]: I’ll be okay. I know you’ll just play along. And you know these Blind Date type shows never achieve successful dates anyway.

  Gemma replied:

  [Gemma]: Thanks for being so understanding sweetie! Love you xxx

  And now I was ushered back into the studio building by the production assistant with the clipboard. I was nervous again, but very turned on.


  ‘We have two stunningly beautiful women left,’ Claire-the-Presenter announced as proceedings started up in the studio once again.

  Beside her, Aaron did look delighted with the two possibilities he had remaining.

  ‘You’ve seen them naked, you’ve heard what they sound like—now it’s their turn to see you naked.’

  ‘Absolutely,’ Aaron beamed, as though he couldn’t wait to get out of his clothes.

  ‘Get ‘em off!’ Claire-the-Presenter ordered him, sending him back off stage to the dressing room even though he’d been in there only minutes before.

  As he left, we were reminded by our TV presenter that Aaron had slimmed down the line-up of naked women from seven to two based on their physical appearances.

  ‘We’re left with 23-year-old nurse Alyssa... and 21-year-old waitress Beth,’ our presenter added, as we saw close-ups of the two remaining women on the TV screens above our heads.

  The full-frontal nudity was just astounding—I mean, British TV was never exactly puritan in its standards, even when I was young, but I remember it being an incredible thing whenever a late-night movie revealed a flash of bare breasts, or—Heavens above!—a quick show of some woman’s pubic hair. If this show was broadcast including the close-ups we’d seen on the TV screens above our heads, then the national television audience would be seeing bare breasts a-plenty, but also waggling cocks and detailed looks at fully-shaven female parts including pussy lips. My guess was that the Internet had lowered everyone’s standards of outrage when it came to nudity. But this was something that would surely generate a lot of comments, a lot of buzz.

  Anyway. Gemma was going by the name of ‘Alyssa’, then—but the show had also lowered her real age by four years. I suppose she did pull off 23.

  ‘Only one of them can go out on the date to see if they get on with lovely Aaron when the clothes go on,’ Claire-the-Presenter added.

  Now the two remaining naked women were invited out of their boxes, to approach the TV presenter and stand there side-by-side before the cameras.

  ‘My dears... you’ve made it to the last round! How do you feel? Alyssa?’

  ‘I feel all right, actually,’ Gemma said with a sweet smile.


  ‘Pretty confident,’ Beth grinned.

  Then Claire-the-Presenter demanded to know what Gemma liked about Beth’s body, and vice versa.

  ‘Well she’s just got amazing breasts, hasn’t she?’ Gemma said with a cute grin.

  Beth came back with, ‘She’s just so sweet, she’s got a lovely smile.’

  And then Claire-the-Presenter ordered Aaron to return, and all eyes were on the naked 22-year-old paralegal from South London. He kept in good shape, but I looked at my wife and her fellow suitor and saw that their eyes were not on the rest of his body—they were staring fixedly at his large, swinging and very bare cock as he walked back to join Clare-the-Presenter, the only person on stage wearing any clothes now.

  ‘Wow!’ the presenter said.

  ‘Wow!’ Aaron parroted back with a big self-aware grin.

  The TV screen above us showed one of the camera’s views as it scrolled up his naked form from toes to head.

  ‘So, Alexa—anything that you find particularly interesting about Aaron, here?’ Claire-the-Presenter asked.

  ‘Uh... yeah...’ Gemma said, not quite knowing what to say.

  ‘What would you say about his penis?’ my wife was prompted, and the camera on our screens above zoomed in on the guy’s large and hair-free package.

  ‘Uh... yeah, it’s all right,’ Gemma said, amid much giggling between the women on stage.


  ‘It’s better than I expected.’

  ‘Is it big enough?’

  ‘Oh, I’d say so,’ Gemma said.

  My own cock was throbbing away at the sight of my wife examining someone else’s. How very strange.

  ‘He’s in good shape, isn’t he?’ Claire-the-Presenter added, and both naked women agreed with her. Then... ‘Okay, Aaron... it’s time for you to choose who you take out on a date... Alyssa... or Beth?’

  Cue a little more suspenseful music as Aaron gave his decision one last consideration.

  And Aaron said, ‘I think it has to be... Alyssa.’


  My stomach sank, my chest felt suddenly on fire, as though the nervous butterflies had gone up in flames. And yet my hard-on only thickened, bulging painfully inside my suddenly-tight jeans.

  We watched Beth step forward for a little awkward hug with Aaron as Claire-the-Presenter revealed how sorry she was that the brunette hadn’t been chosen for the date, but while the cameras zoomed in on her as she did her walk of shame off to the dressing room, my eyes were fixed on the one remaining naked woman and the naked man on stage, as I considered the fact that these two were going out on a date together—and right now they were standing naked in front of each other.

  ‘You guys are pretty much boyfriend and girlfriend!’ Claire-the-Presenter declared joyously as Aaron stepped forward to give Gemma a full-on arms-around waist hug of greeting. This wasn’t an awkward hug. Although he managed to keep his cock away from her—and it remained soft—I watched my wife’s breasts crush against his chest as they embraced warmly.

  ‘Next time you see each other, you’ll both have your clothes on,’ our happy couple was told. ‘I hope you have a really lovely time together.’

  And then Aaron took Gemma’s hand and the two of them walked slowly, hand-in-hand across the stage to the dressing room, a bona fide couple.

  My heart was pounding like crazy, my jealousy was flaring up all over the place. I was actually worried I might pass out, the feelings I was experiencing were so intense. I’d never felt anything like it.

  I was just sitting there, stunned, when I realized the house lights had gone up and everyone around me was beginning to leave the studio for lunch. Everyone to the left of me in our row was now standing waiting for me to get up so we could all file out of there and get some food.

  I did as I was supposed to, I followed the crowd out and down to the studio cafeteria where a free lunch was being laid on for all of us. It was a bit of a blur for me, though. I was on autopilot as I lined up for food, and had some form of pasta heaped onto my plate, then proceeded to an empty table somewhere near the back of the room.

  My wife had seemed happy, hadn’t she? That she’d been chosen for the date with Aaron. She’d even seemed a little excited as she’d taken his hand and walked off with him across the stage, hadn’t she? It wasn’t my paranoia that came up with that. It wasn’t my imagination.

  And if I didn’t totally deny my feelings, as maybe other guys would if they had them, then I would have to admit that watching Gemma holding hands with another man, both of them entirely naked and destined for a date together—well, it was one of the most erotic experiences of my life. If I really examined my feelings, and refused to accept the feelings I thought I was supposed to have, then actually I kind of wanted Gemma to go on the date with Aaron—and I wanted her to have a good time.

  I remembered how exciting it was to go on a first date, and to have the merest possibility that this person you were meeting might eventually take you to their bed. It also involved a lot of h
ard work and a lot of frustration as other dates failed, and as you tried to portray yourself in your best light. But while I didn’t really want to go back into dating, it did seem to me that it might be exciting for Gemma to have this date.

  And to have the prospect of bedding someone new.

  It was a bizarre feeling to have as far as your wife was concerned, but sitting there in the cafeteria in the company of my brutally hard erection, I couldn’t deny what I was feeling.

  ‘Michael!’ I glanced up sharply at the sound of Gabby’s voice.

  There she was, looking far less glamorous than I’d ever seen her in a charcoal gray top, open dark gray hoodie and dark pants. I guess when you were just a lowly production person, you couldn’t dress up too elaborately. This was a work place for her.

  ‘Hey,’ I said.

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ she said, apparently mortified at what had happened. ‘I can’t believe he chose her.’

  I shrugged, ‘It’s... okay. It’s no problem.’

  Gabby drew up a chair and sat next to me as though we were about to plot some dark conspiracy to bring down the Establishment.

  ‘If it helps,’ she said, ‘we’ve already filmed dates with three different couples from the show so far, and none of them really got on with each other.’

  I laughed. ‘I thought the whole point of this show was that if you’ve already seen your date naked to begin with, you’ve got a much better chance of the date going well afterward.’

  Gabby snorted. ‘You’ve got to be kidding. It’s all just an excuse to get lots of people naked on a dating show,’ she said—rather dismissively of her own show, I thought. My guess was that she viewed it only as a vehicle on which she might travel to the next step in her TV career.

  ‘How’s Gemma taking it?’ I asked her.


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