Defender: Reckless Desires (Wolf Shifter Romance) (Alpha Protectors Book 3)

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Defender: Reckless Desires (Wolf Shifter Romance) (Alpha Protectors Book 3) Page 5

by Olivia Arran

  So he already knew who I was.

  “Go on then,” hissed Eddie, giving me a little shove.

  I scowled at him, then adopting feigned nonchalance, sauntered through the crowd to the center of the room.

  Jeremy winked at me from his spot to my right, his hands adjusting his tie and smoothing down his jacket. “Glad you could join us,” he mock-whispered. Jonathan stood to his other side, then Matthew, Tristin, and William, along with a few others I couldn’t put names to.

  “This is starting to feel a little like a cattle market,” I whispered back.

  Jeremy started to grimace, then caught himself and pasted his grin back in place. “It kind of is. The women get to look us over and then they can mark down which candidates they’d be willing to enter into a mating arrangement with.”

  “This is bullshit!” The curse left my mouth before I’d had a chance to check it. Luckily the crowd was too busy listening to whatever bullshit Corbin was filling them full of.

  Jeremy’s grin morphed into a smug smirk. “Hey, it’s not so bad. I’ve been smoothing the way with a few of the ladies for a couple of months now. Sucks to be you, though.”

  I tempered my anger, slapping a lid on it. This wasn’t how shifters mated: the rush of meeting our true mate, the intense courtship filled with lust and passion and sparks flying. The eventual surrender to the mating hunt, the thrill of catching the one who completed you—that was how it was meant to work. Not this damn farce of an auction.

  “So what happens now?” The question had barely left my mouth when Corbin swung around, his eyes boring into me.

  “Does anyone have a question for Vincent?”

  To my astonishment hands flew into the air, brightly painted nails vying for attention.

  Corbin pointed at one woman and she stepped forward with a high-pitched squeal of a giggle.

  I flinched, nearly backing away from the raw hunger in her eyes. Scratch her off my list. I gave myself a mental slap. My nonexistent list. But still, she was history.

  “I want to know if it’s all true what everyone’s saying.”

  Corbin peered at her, and for the first time I saw something other than poise cross his face, but it was gone in a split second. “Care to elaborate, Maria?”

  Maria giggled again, and this time I wasn’t the only one that flinched, Corbin did too. Her neck flushed a deep red. “I just…I can’t…can I whisper it to you?” Without waiting for an answer, she reached up onto her tiptoes and wrapped a hand around Corbin’s bicep, burying her face in his neck.

  Corbin tensed, his eyes closing briefly in what looked like despair, then he patted Maria on the hand, deftly unhooking her talons from his arm. “Maria would like to know if you have been improving your skills while…away.”

  “Skills?” It came out a croak.

  “As a protector. She wants to know if you’d be able to protect any children you have together from harm.” The look on Corbin’s face and the indignant squawk from Maria told me that her question had been of the more…personal variety.

  Giving myself a shake, I forced myself back into character. What would the old Vincent have said? “Any mate of mine would never have to worry about her protection.” Before Corbin could move on, I added in a low growl, “Or her orgasms.”

  Trying not to feel like the ultimate sleezeball, my eyes moved over the crowd, studiously ignoring the soft sighs and longing stares. And the low growls from the men beside me. Fuck them. I had a job to do, and that meant I had to convince everyone here that I was back for good. And that I wasn’t a threat: ergo the fun-loving, slightly dangerous, man-whore version of Vincent.

  My eyes locked onto large brown ones and I couldn’t breathe. Everyone else ceased to exist as I committed to memory every single detail of my mystery woman. Dark hair, cut short like a pixie, a mouth too wide for her narrow face, a slightly upturned nose, a little crooked at the bridge. Best of all—no great swathes of fabric hiding her curves from view. The silky black sheath she wore displayed everything perfectly: the wide span of her hips, the generous swell of her breasts, and a hint of muscular thighs.

  She blinked, breaking the spell.

  My feet were moving before my mind caught up.

  She wasn’t escaping this time.

  Chapter Eight


  He was steaming toward me, his jaw set and dark eyes burning with questions.

  I stood rooted to the spot, blinking at him like a damn idiot.

  All around me people were gaping at Vincent, their mouths hanging open in shock as he ignored Corbin’s low growl of warning.

  And still, I couldn’t move.

  I hadn’t been surprised to see him here, given the people he liked to call friends, but I had been surprised when his name had been called. Vincent Charles Brownstone III. I rolled the name around on my tongue, testing it against the man bearing down on me.

  Nope. He didn’t look like a “third” anything. He might be wearing the right suit, all tailored and polished, his hair might be slicked down, and he might have shaved the rough stubble from his jaw, but he didn’t look like all the other men in the room.

  He looked dangerous. Uncivilized. Hot as hell.

  I shook my head at the last thought, trying to get rid of the hazy heat fogging my mind, the languid burn that was working its way through my limbs and pooling in my stomach.

  His eyes narrowed, a small smile playing on his lips as if he could read my mind.

  Then he was towering over me, eyes caressing my face in a way that knocked the breath from my lungs. Intimate.

  “We meet again.” His low growl was for my ears only, a bare whisper of a sound curling around me like an invisible lure.

  I found myself swaying toward him before I knew what I was doing, my hand hovering in the air between us.

  His fingers curled around mine, skin sliding against skin in a touch that felt more intimate than if we were writhing naked.

  My lips parted with a small gasp as electricity arced between us, spiking up my arm and arrowing straight to my core.

  “The first pairing has been mutually agreed.” Corbin’s voice sounded distant, like a radio playing in the background. But his words niggled at me. Something important was happening…

  Vincent’s eyes widened, his eyebrows shooting up as shock blanketed his face. Then his lips firmed into a thin line, his jaw rigid with tension.

  Applause echoed like a stampede, and I jolted.

  He leaned forward, his breath heating my ear and tickling my neck. “Come with me. We need to talk.” Then he tugged me by our linked hands, dragging me through the remaining crowd and out into the corridor.

  The door slammed shut behind us, sealing the noise inside.

  He pushed me against the wall, his hips pinning me in place as his mouth came down. Firm lips brushed against mine, like soft satin with a core of steel, molding and moving in a coaxing rhythm that dared me to deny him.

  His tongue licked at the seam of my mouth as his hands caressed down my body, his fingers digging into my hips and tugging me closer still, until I was molded against a body hard with muscle and vibrating with barely restrained power. He shifted slightly and the thick length of his cock dug into my thigh, sending a surge of anticipation thrumming through me.

  My mouth parted to grant him entrance and he swept in, his tongue licking deep inside as a low groan rumbled up through his chest. He fed at my mouth, his lips demanding more, his tongue chasing mine in a frantic battle.

  My legs turned to liquid and my mind to mush as I surrendered to the moment. To him. His taste invaded me, so sweet and perfect. I ran a hand down his back, thrusting it up under his jacket to stroke the line of his spine, then down to his ass and digging in.

  He pushed my legs wider, his hands dragging my arms up over my head and pinning them against the wall.

  I moaned, the sound hoarse and I was immediately captured by his lips. Lips that were now working their way along my jaw, pausing to nip at
my neck, and then kissing their way down. He licked a swirling path across my shoulder, his teeth tugging at the thin straps of my dress, his teeth nibbling in playful bites across my collarbone.

  Where the mating mark would go.

  My eyes snapped open, my moan dying on my lips.

  “Vincent?” The voice didn’t sound like mine, all breathy and weak.

  His eyes flicked up, the coffee brown flickering with the molten bronze of his wolf. “Yes, darling?”

  “Should we be doing this?” My libido was screaming at me to shut up, to let this gorgeous man do his worst, but I shouldn’t. Scratch that—I couldn’t.

  “Doing what?” He released my hands, but the heat didn’t leave his eyes, nor did his mouth move from my skin.

  “This. Us.” I rested my hands on his chest, trying to create a barrier between us.

  “Why not?” He rocked against me, sending a fresh wave of heat barreling through me.

  Why not indeed?

  I shook my head, mostly for my own benefit. “You don’t want this. You didn’t even want to be a candidate.”

  “How do you know what I wanted, or who I want, for that matter?”

  “I could see it in your eyes.”

  He smirked up at me, his head still buried dangerously close to my breasts. “I need to work on my poker face, then.”

  I tried to tug him up but it was like trying to move a tree. One with really deep roots. “Why?”

  “Why what?” He sounded distracted, and I couldn’t blame him. My weak-ass attempt at trying to move him had my chest heaving and threatening to break free of its silk binding.

  “Would you just come up here so I can talk to you?” I put as much exasperation and steel as I could into my voice, planting my hands on my hips for emphasis.

  With an exaggerated sigh, he straightened up.


  Then he placed his hands on my hips, directly over mine.

  Dammit. How was I meant to think when he was touching me?

  I schooled my expression, noticing the smirk that still tugged at his lips. He wasn’t the only one who needed to work on their poker face.

  “Why are you doing this if you don’t want to?”

  A single eyebrow rose. “Who said I don’t want to?”

  “Look, you obviously don’t want to be mated, and I—”

  “Who said I don’t want to be mated?”

  The man was exasperating, throwing my questions right back at me. “Your face did.”

  “And then I spotted you.” This time his smile was smug.

  “About that. Why the hell did you cause a scene in there?”


  I tugged a hand free and thumped his chest, studiously ignoring how it bounced off hard muscle. “Storming off stage and grabbing me.”

  He shrugged. “I couldn’t help it. I saw you.”

  A part of me shimmied in joy at his words. Dammit. I glared at him. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Probably not. But it’s done.”

  His words raised a warning flag. “What’s done?”

  “You didn’t hear? We’ve been paired off.”

  My mouth fell open, and I clamped it shut before he thought it was an invitation. “What? You’re kidding me!”

  An emotion flitted over his face, then it was gone. “Is it so bad, really?”

  Had it been hurt that I’d seen? No way; this guy had the ego of a small country, or I was guessing he had, given the company he kept. “I don’t even know you!”

  “Since we’re going to be mated you can call me Vin. And your name?” He brushed a hand along my jaw, his eyes filling with what looked suspiciously like wonder.

  The way he was looking at me was like I was the most important person in the world. Like he’d protect and worship and love me, given the chance. My heart fluttered in my chest despite my misgivings. Of course this could all be calculated, just a play to get me into his bed and between my legs.

  “Grace Firbright.” I gave him the name I was known by here, the one he would recognize and respect.

  He froze, turning stiff as a board. “Firbright?” he echoed, the color draining from his face. “But Sid didn’t have a sister…”

  “Cousin,” I offered. So, he’d known Sid then, and from the look of it they hadn’t been friendly. Maybe a feud? Something my family might object to? I studiously ignored the crushing sense of disappointment that threatened to overwhelm me.

  But then he took a step back, an appalled look on his face.

  The sudden loss of heat chilled me and I tugged my skirt back down from where it had crept up, not meeting his eyes. I felt exposed and stupid, even though he had initiated all this. He had been the one to kiss the living hell out of me, to make me want him. What was his problem? I glared at him, pushing away from the wall and pulling myself back together.

  “If I’d have known that’s how you’d react, I would have given you my name the first time we met.”

  He reached for my hand, but I snatched it away.

  “Don’t worry, we can tell the Shifter Council that we’ve had a disagreement.” I turned away, ready to go back and face the music. Everyone had seen what he’d done, had seen the look on his face.

  “No.” His quiet denial had me stopping in my tracks.


  “You’re my mate.”

  “Uh, I think you’ll find I’m not.” And I really shouldn’t want to be. I just needed to get away from him so I could sort my head out, and then it’d be fine. I’d figure it all out.

  This time I wasn’t quick enough and he snagged my hand. “Grace, I’m not going to let you walk away from me again. I can’t, you’re my—”

  “Vincent! There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you!”

  Frustration lit in his eyes at the interruption, a scowl twisting his lips. “Jeremy, I’m busy.” I was a low growl filled with a warning of impending violence.

  I glanced at Vincent’s friend, catching the shocked look on his face. “Watch who you’re talking to,” was the low reply as Jeremy moved to stand next to me, facing Vincent.

  A snarl tore from Vincent’s lips, his eyes flashing to bronze. “Get away from her.”

  I tugged at my hand but couldn’t tear it free. Great. The last thing I needed was to be stuck in the middle of two alpha shifters brawling. “Vincent…”

  His head snapped around. “Vin.”

  “Okay—” I dragged the word out. He was losing it, and fast, “—Vin, can you please let go of my hand.”

  Vin blinked, staring down at my hand which he had pinned to his side, then back up at me. He turned to look at Jeremy, who had tensed in preparation. Then he let go. He rolled his shoulders back, visibly relaxing as his eyes returned to brown. “Sorry, man. I don’t know what came over me.” He slapped Jeremy on the shoulder, giving me his back.

  Jeremy frowned at him for an instant, and then understanding lightened his glower. “You’re just feeling the urge, that’s all. Your wolf is wanting to stake its claim. When was the last time you—” he glanced at me, his expression turning sheepish, “—you know?” He wiggled his eyebrows. “If it’s been a while, then no wonder. I can’t go without sex for more than a couple of days. It’s because we’re alphas.”

  I wanted to groan out loud at his bragging, but I was too busy waiting for Vin’s answer. Holding my breath. Like an idiot!

  “It’s been a while.”

  A while? How long is a while? Details, dammit! I clamped my mouth shut, not trusting myself to speak. I shouldn’t care. I didn’t care.

  “That’s it then. You just need to get laid, and then it won’t bother you.”

  “Bother me?”

  Jeremy turned to me, a sly look in his eyes. “You won’t mind if I borrow Vincent, will you?” Without waiting for my reply he steered his friend off down the corridor.

  And Vin let him.

  Not so much as a see you later or a thank you for the tongue twisting, pant
y-melting kiss. Nada. Nothing. Just a quick, albeit apologetic, glance and he was off.

  Their voices faded as they moved farther away.

  “The matings are in name only, you know that, right?”

  I didn’t catch Vin’s low reply, even though I was already straining my pathetic human hearing. What I’d give to be a shifter right about now.

  I saw Jeremy nod, continuing in a low rumble, “…take the edge off. Tamara said to tell you…”

  They turned the corner.


  I had the sudden urge to scratch Tamara’s eyes out. Which wasn’t good.

  My stomach lurched. Nope. It was bad.

  Chapter Nine


  “So what’s all this about?” I bit back the frustration that was riding me, forcing an amused smile. I wanted to stalk back to Grace and pull her into my arms, to try and convince her that this—me and her—was a good thing. Fuck that, it was the best thing.

  I’d found my true mate. And I’d just been about to spill my guts when Jeremy had interrupted.

  It had taken me a moment to get myself back under control, the feral urge to claim and protect my mate riding me hard, so hard that my cover had slipped.

  Something that had never happened before.

  Shit. I needed to get away from London, the sooner the better.

  And I’d hurt her. I’d felt her big brown eyes following me as I’d walked away, burning into me, and my wolf had snarled and snapped and fought me, trying to get me to turn back around. He didn’t care about the missing people, he only cared about his mate.

  The selfish bastard. I couldn’t judge him though; he saw everything in black and white. Grace was ours, she deserved our attention and protection.

  “The matings are in name only, you know that, right?”

  “The arranged matings are.”

  He nodded, seeming satisfied with my answer. “What you need is to take the edge off. Tamara said to tell you that once you’ve tired of the human, she’s more than happy to—”

  “You can stop right there.”


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