Serving the Immortals

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Serving the Immortals Page 7

by Katie Douglas

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  The next time I awoke, it was dark again. I sat up immediately and saw Hannah, eyes open now, still in her chair.

  “You look better now, little sister,” she remarked. “I was worried that you wouldn’t pull through. I’ve never changed anyone before, so I wasn’t sure how it would go. How do you feel?”

  “Energetic, and like I want to do everything in the universe!”

  “That will pass. It is a full moon tonight, so the environment will be pulling you strongly. Do you want to play, little sister?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” I wanted nothing more than to make her happy.

  “I think my little sister needs a bath, first.” Hannah rose and extended a hand. I took it and let her lead me to the bathroom.

  The huge Victorian roll-top bath was already filled with water. She must have filled it while I was asleep. I dipped my hand in; it was warm. I pulled at the slip I was wearing, and it came away in my hands. I should have been embarrassed that I was naked, but instead I was excited. Hannah had seen me before, of course, but I didn’t know how different I might look now that I was like her.

  “Here, I’ll help you wash.” Hannah lifted me into the bath, and the water felt delicious. To my surprise, Hannah pulled her dress up slowly, showing her silky thighs, then her pussy lips, hairless and hinting at the pink clit inside. As her dress rose higher, her Rubenesque figure was revealed, then her substantial, rounded breasts, which jiggled slightly as they sprang free of her dress. Her nipples were that heady shade of dark pink. Once her clothing was over her head, she simply let go, and the fabric fluttered to the floor. She climbed into the big tub with me, and sat behind me, her legs either side of mine, as she pulled me back against her. I could feel the outline of her breasts pressed against me as she held me for a moment.

  “Pass the soap,” she murmured, and a thrill went through my pussy. I stretched forward for it, and handed it back to her. Her hands massaged my back, and I flexed my spine as she worked my muscles. After being in bed for so long, it felt so good.

  She reached under my arms and I saw that her hands were covered in soapy bubbles. Her hands lingered on my breasts before she started rubbing the soap into them. It felt amazing, as her fingers brushed against my nipples and my breath came in gasps.

  Before I could get too comfortable, her hands wandered down to my stomach. She massaged me all over and then washed it all off, cupping her hands to pour water over me. After I lifted my legs out one at a time, and submerged them again, she reached down to my pussy, still holding my left breast, and began lightly rubbing my clit under the water.

  I moaned quietly as sensations radiated through my core, and I leaned back against her as she continued to work my clit, feeling her nipples hardening against my back.

  “You like that?” she asked, as I rolled my hips against her legs.

  “Mmm…” I trailed off, wanting to feel her inside me.

  Hannah kept massaging my clit until I was close to coming, then she stopped.

  “I want to continue this in the bedroom, Sabine, so get out of the tub and dry yourself,” she told me. I found myself rising from the tub before I could resist, and moments later I was wrapped in a towel, while Hannah did the same.

  In the bedroom, she locked the door then walked me to the end of the four-poster bed, where I stood facing away from the mattress.

  “Legs apart, arms out,” she ordered. I obeyed, and turned my head to watch her tie my wrists to the heavy posts. My clit was twitching in anticipation.

  “Now I have you clean and fresh, I want to play with you; make you dirty again,” she said, and I sighed, wanting her to do that too.

  I felt a gentle, tickly feeling on my forearm, and when I looked, she held a large black ostrich feather that she was trailing along my arm. She moved it across my shoulder, dancing the feather against the back of my neck briefly before taking it slowly down the other side until she reached my bound wrist again. It felt so good, and when she traced her feather across my chest, touching my nipples in turn, I couldn’t help but moan.

  Moving down my stomach, slowly, the light feel of the feather against my body made me quiver and pull on the ropes that held me. Then she reached my pussy lips, and I wiggled and writhed as she trailed the feather along my lips.

  “Keep your legs apart, little sister,” she told me. I realized I’d closed them, probably because I was finding it hard to keep still while she was using the feather. I parted my legs again, then had to really focus to keep them open, because she decided to tickle my clit.

  I couldn’t keep quiet; it was so light and fluffy, and my clit loved it. I moaned and giggled as she played the feather over my sex. Then I cried out louder as she inserted a finger into my needy, dripping hole.

  “Do you like that?” She continued using the feather on my button as she fucked me with first one, then two fingers. I could feel my orgasm becoming imminent as she added a third finger, then I felt it tear through me, and I screamed loudly as I contracted and pulsed around her.

  Afterwards, she untied me and got under the blankets with me. Her arms felt warm now, where they’d always been cold before. I snuggled up against her.

  “You should rest some more, little sister, and get lots of energy. Monique will almost certainly have you busy once she knows you’re well, especially since that First One killed Lydia,” Hannah whispered.

  I thought I was wide awake, but when Hannah told me to rest, I found myself falling asleep.

  Chapter Nine

  The next day before breakfast, Monique came to see me. She was resplendent in one of her black velvet dresses, her moderate cleavage visible above the low neckline, and her hair in another perfectly coiffed up-do. She was the stereotypical vampire, and I wondered how it was that Hannah had remained so different.

  “I see you are no longer feeble. From now on, you will assist Hannah with preparing breakfast every morning that my guests are here, and with general maid work. This uniform will fit you.” She said it in a way that implied she would make it fit if anything was wrong. I took the clothing from her; it was almost exactly like Hannah’s. When Monique swept out again, I hastily put the dress on. It was mostly black; the skirt was shorter than Hannah’s, and when I was positioning the apron, I noticed it was trimmed with the same lace as hers. There was some sort of headband that almost looked like a hat. I guessed it was supposed to keep my hair tidy while I worked. When I eyed myself in the mirror, I decided I hated this stupid costume. I took it back off again and went downstairs in my normal clothes. When I reached the kitchen, Hannah raised her eyebrows.

  “Was that what Monique told you to wear?” she enquired. I nodded, deciding to take Monique’s instructions literally.

  “She didn’t say I couldn’t,” I pleaded with my eyes in the hope that she’d understand that I really didn’t want to wear the awful dress. When Hannah raised an eyebrow again, I added, “She told me to help you with breakfast and general maid things.”

  Hannah gave me a long look, and I was sure that she knew that Monique had told me what to wear, but for some reason she decided to believe the words I was saying instead of the expression on my face. “Hmm, maybe she wanted to change some part of the maid uniform she bought for you. Here, take these scrambled eggs into the dining hall; we’ll talk about this more later.” Hannah passed me a big tureen of scrambled eggs, but she didn’t probe me further about the awful costume Monique had given me. I was sure that talking about the dress later was going to involve being over Hannah’s knee, but for now I was not wearing the silly dress and that was the most important thing. I went to the dining hall and was relieved to see that Monique wasn’t there yet. I set down the scrambled eggs and turned to leave when I felt a hand grasp my shoulder tightly.

  “I gave you something to wear, Sabine, and you disobeyed me,” Monique growled into my ear, as she frog-marched me out of the dining hall. I realized she had my maid uniform in her other hand; she must have been upstairs to check on m
e and found it on the floor.

  In a sitting room, she locked the door and sat in a huge wingback chair.

  “You didn’t say I had to wear it!” I protested, but she simply dragged my jeans and panties down and pulled me over her knee. Even as a vampire, I couldn’t fight against her.

  “There is the spirit of a rule and the letter of a rule, Sabine, and you disobeyed the spirit of the rule. Even now, you try to worm out of it. You are a very bad girl, and it will not be tolerated,” she scolded.

  She brought her hand down in a flurry of spanks, and I remembered that she’d only ever spanked me once before. It stung and quickly I was trying to wiggle free and avoid the swats.

  “Stop trying to escape your punishment,” she ordered, and suddenly I was unable to move. She kept striking my sit-spots while I could do nothing to stop her. The burning feeling got worse every second, and I was beginning to sob by the time she hauled me upright and shoved me toward the corner. My bottom tingled and I was sure it must be very red. After several minutes, she called me back.

  “As my adherent, your behavior is a direct reflection on me,” she scolded, then handed me a piece of cardboard and a big marker pen. “Write, ‘I did not follow instructions,’ on this cardboard.”

  I wrote the words, feeling remorseful that I hadn’t just worn the maid outfit. It had looked hideous on me, though. When I had finished writing, she thrust the maid uniform into my hands.

  “Put this on.”

  “Please don’t make me wear it. It looks ridiculous,” I protested.

  “Wear the uniform.” This time, she compelled me and I had to obey.

  I expected her to leave or look away, but she didn’t. Feeling embarrassed and exposed, I peeled my top and jeans off, and put the black dress, apron, and headband on instead. Monique watched me the whole time.

  That wasn’t the extent of my humiliation, I discovered. She attached the cardboard sign around my neck with some string so it sat over my breasts, and fastened it with more string that tied behind my back.

  “That will stop the sign from knocking anything over while you go about your duties. Now go and help Hannah in the kitchen, and if I hear of any more disobedience, I will cane you on the dining table before the main course is served this evening, in front of all our guests.”

  Blushing furiously, I stepped out of the sitting room and went back to the kitchen. Tears of embarrassment started to roll down my cheeks as I waited for Hannah to turn around and notice me. When she did, she rolled her eyes.

  “That was silly. And you lied to me about it as well. I should spank you for that; it’s very rude.” Hannah walked around me and lifted my skirt. I didn’t try to stop her. “I think I’ll do it later today,” she added. “You’ve had enough punishment for one morning.”

  Serving food was so much harder in the stupid dress with the cardboard sign attached. It wasn’t just that I couldn’t bend over without revealing my panties, but there was also the fact that all the guests seemed magnetically drawn to taking photos of me with their phones. I just wanted to disappear.

  Once the table was clear, I was hoping I could hide out in the kitchen for the rest of the morning, so the guests wouldn’t see me anymore, but Hannah had different ideas.

  “Use this polish on all the wood around the main staircase; the handrail, the skirting board, and the wooden panels. It needs to shine.” She held out a bottle of polish and a couple of dusters.

  “Can I wear a longer skirt, please?”

  “Nope. Our mistress wants you to wear that dress, and you need to learn that what she wants, she gets.”

  “How can you agree with her?” I asked, since Hannah’s dress was only slightly longer than mine.

  “How can you disagree? I don’t understand, hasn’t she compelled you to obey?”

  “Yes, but I still have my own thoughts and feelings about it!” I replied sullenly.

  Hannah gave me a strange look, then she snapped at me, “Either get on with it or you’ll be over my knee. I still intend to spank you this afternoon for lying by omission, so choose carefully.”

  I was slightly taken aback by her harsh tone. Usually Hannah didn’t get so riled about things. The idea of three spankings in one day was too much; Monique might decide to spank me again later anyway. Having two strict mistresses was going to be hard on my tail. I felt more contrite than I probably looked, so before she could decide I was being insolent, I took the polish and the dusting cloths from her, and went to the kitchen door. Feeling like I was stepping onto a stage, I made my way to the staircase and tried to tune out the people around me.

  “They’re all staring at you; you’re irresistible in that uniform,” Monique muttered as she passed me on the stairs, then she greeted someone in the hallway.

  I felt even more exposed after what she had said, and to make things worse, my nipples started hardening. I blushed and continued walking to the top of the stairs, where I sprayed some polish on my cloth and got to work.

  While I polished the wood, I had a lot of time to think about Monique. I wanted her to touch me, to hold me, to fill me with her fingers until I came, screaming, under her hands. As far as I knew, she despised me and had no interest in doing anything with me. The only time she’d even been in the room while I’d had sex, she’d barely participated, preferring to sit in her chair and watch. So why did she tell me I was irresistible in the maid outfit?

  Did she say it to mess with me? Given what I knew about Monique, she was more likely to be trying to get a reaction from me than to say it because she was genuinely attracted. She liked to treat people like her playthings, and I suspected, given that the place wasn’t filled with revenants, that she wasn’t fond of keeping those playthings around once she tired of them. Monique might be Hannah’s and my mistress, but I wasn’t stupid; I refused to fawn over her until she found someone new to manipulate.

  I cleaned the stairs slowly, wanting to do as little as possible today. As if it wasn’t humiliating enough to have to serve people, I had to wear this ridiculous dress while Monique swanned around with her politician friends. It wasn’t encouraging me to work hard or have a positive attitude.

  Once the stairs were done, I sauntered back to the kitchen, where Hannah was scrubbing inside the big stove. She didn’t notice me come in, so I clattered the cleaning products as I put them away.

  “I was just wondering where you were, little sister. I have a new task for you.” Her voice echoed strangely from inside the oven.

  “What is it?” I asked warily.

  “They’re having salad for lunch. Apparently even high-ranking politicians still worry about their weight, and the president of Belgium informed Monique that they needed something low-calorie today. The mistress, as you can probably guess, didn’t like this, because she is the queen of self-indulgence and excess. I don’t think she understands what it’s like to see the scales and wish they were broken.” Hannah sighed, and it echoed against the metal walls of the oven. Then there was the sound of furious scrubbing as she got back to work with a vengeance.

  It was true that Monique had probably never worried about her body. Did she even exercise? I doubted it. I went to the chiller and found the supplies to make salad.

  “Hannah?” I kept mixing up my salads while I tried to ask her something important.

  “Yes, little sister?” She didn’t stop scrubbing the oven as we talked.

  “Do vampires actually need to eat?”

  “Uh… of course we do. Where did you get that from?”

  “I just thought they drank blood. I haven’t had to eat yet. It just made sense. Plus… you know, vampires in books and on TV don’t eat…” I trailed off, hoping I wasn’t being offensive.

  “Oh, little sister. I’m sorry, but you’ve got the wrong idea. I should have explained, but there was so much to do, and I don’t really like talking about it. Being a vampire is like being diabetic. Normal human bodies make blood and insulin for them to survive. Diabetics don’t have enough
insulin, so they take in more. Vampires can’t make their own blood properly, so they need to get it from somewhere else. You won’t feel hungry as often as you used to, because a lot of your food was for making blood… or something, I don’t really know about that part, but you need to eat at least twice a week. And you need to get blood from somewhere. I’ll show you how this evening, but can we stop talking about it now, please? Because I actually hate the sight of it and it’s a disgusting topic to discuss in a kitchen.”

  “Hannah, you’ve been a vampire for one hundred and fifty years, my child. Surely you cannot still be uncomfortable talking about your baser nature?” Monique’s voice was as smooth as buttery fudge, and I stiffened when I heard her speak. What right did she have to judge Hannah for her inhibitions? I looked over my shoulder in time to come face-to-face with Monique.

  She leaned in close, as if she was about to kiss me, and opened her mouth. I couldn’t help it; I parted my lips in response, feeling my heart flutter. Without moving away, she grasped my wrist in her hand, reaching around me to pull the knife out of my fingers, and she said, “Don’t take your eyes away from the blade.”

  Then she put the knife down on the chopping board. I’d forgotten I was holding it. I wanted her to claim me then, to make me hers, but she just tutted and shook her head.

  “At least you’re behaving yourself now,” she said, then strode back out of the kitchen. I watched her ass sway mesmerizingly as she left. When she paused at the door, she looked back over her shoulder and added, “Lunch should be on the table in fifteen minutes,” before she disappeared into the obscurity from which she’d arrived.

  I frowned a little, trying to get her out of my thoughts. She had no right to be inside my head; she had no right to be so sexy. All she would do was hurt me. Why did I want her so much? I was resolved to resist her.

  “Are the salads nearly ready?” Hannah asked, interrupting my reverie. I nodded, then realized she couldn’t see me.

  “Two more minutes. Did they want anything else?” I asked.


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