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Nate Page 4

by Taryn Plendl

  “Shit, it looks like it hurts.” The concern in his voice warmed my heart.

  “It really isn’t bad, Nate. It happens a lot. Blind girl problems. The cane only helps so much. I spend as much time on my knees as a back-alley whore.” Sometimes joking about it was the only way to deal, and the sound of Nate’s laughter proved to be exactly what the situation needed.



  “You are really something.”

  I didn’t always feel that way, but as long as he did, it was more than enough for me.

  N A T E

  Music pumped through the bar, vibrating the wooden floors with the bass of the country song. Bill’s was slowly filling up and would soon be swimming with women and men from town and the surrounding areas. It was where everyone went to unwind after a long week, and this Saturday night was no different.

  Six bottles clanked together as Silas and Ryke placed them on the table at the edge of the dance floor. We always started with two rounds to save the trip back to the bar right away.

  “Thanks.” Picking up my beer, I twisted it in my hands and glanced around before taking a swig. The ice-cold liquid bathed my throat.

  “So, Mirabelle said you gave Shiloh a present.” Si’s eyes glinted, and I knew I was about to get a rash of shit.

  “What?” Ryke looked up with interest. “What did you get her?”

  “Nothing much, It was just a plant. Kind of a peace offering.” Shrugging nonchalantly, I did my best to act uninterested, hoping like hell Si would just let it drop. Laughter boomed from Silas, and my gut tightened as I awaited the onslaught of ribbing at my expense.

  “It wasn’t just a plant; it was a cactus!” Silas roared, throwing his head back, and slapping his hands against his legs.

  “What?” Ryke exclaimed, eyes crinkling at the corners as he stared at me.

  I shrugged again, unable to say anything.

  “Tell me you didn’t give a blind woman a fucking cactus, brother?” Ryke guffawed, joining Silas in laughter at my expense.

  “It had a pink flower. She wears a lot of pink. I thought she’d like it.” I hadn’t been thinking past her and her favorite color when I’d picked it up in town.

  My lapse in judgment became abundantly clear when she had touched it. Assuring her it wasn’t a cruel joke had been difficult, and I wasn’t altogether sure I hadn’t been sent back to asshole status. At least she’d allowed me to get her a Band-Aid.

  “I hope Mira gets here soon. I feel like dancing.” I braced myself for his reaction, sure he would either punch me or yell at me. Pushing the boundaries with Si gave me a perverse sort of pleasure. Poking the bear was too fun and easy.

  “Go ahead.”

  Whipping my head around, I stared at my boss. “Seriously?” For as long as Mira had been around, she’d been off limits.

  Silas downed the rest of his beer before turning to me with a sardonic grin. “That’s fine, brother. You take my girl for a spin, and I’ll take Shiloh.”

  Mother. Fucker. He turned it back on me. The idea of him touching her made my gut clench and my hand grip my bottle a little tighter. I wasn’t going to bite though. Two could play this game.

  “Sure, whatever.” My shoulders raised and lowered in effort to seem uninterested. “Do blind girls even dance?” I asked, taking it a bit further.

  “I can assure you they do.” The delectable voice was so close to my ear that, even with music thumping in the background, it was clear as a loud whisper in a quiet church. “But if you want to see my moves, you’ll have to buy me a drink first.”

  Silas and Ryke roared with laughter as the girls rounded the table and sat beside us.

  “You knew they were there, asshole,” I accused. I should’ve known there was a reason he’d stayed so calm when I offered to dance with Mira. The fact that he knew I was interested in Shiloh enough to be a bit jealous was off-putting. It left me a little bit vulnerable, and I hated that.

  “What are you ladies drinking?” My seat skidded across the wooden floor as I stood.

  “Fat Tire in a bottle. Unopened, please.” Shiloh requested.

  “I’ll have the same, please.” Mira ordered before snuggling into Silas’s side.

  “Unopened?” I confirmed.

  “Yes, please.” Shiloh smiled at me. Blonde hair fell in soft curls over her exposed shoulders. Her flawless skin was slightly flushed, and her stunning red lips called to me like a siren’s song.

  “Do you need help, brother?” Ryke asked, bringing me out of my gawking.

  “Uh, no. I’ve got it.” Sauntering off, I pulled my shoulders back and resumed my usual confident stride as I made my way to the bar. After ordering beers for the girls, I propped against the bar and took in the crowd. Familiar faces acknowledged me with nods or waves.

  “Hey there, Nate.” A thin brunette sidled next to me as the bartender placed my bottles on the bar. “One of those for me?” She pressed her chest against my arm.

  Normally, I would play the game, buy her a drink, and maybe twirl her around the dance floor before going back to her place for a roll in the sack, but not this time. As I stepped back and patted her shoulder like I would a dog, what I wanted was to get back to the table and the dazzling woman who waited there.

  “Sorry, Bridget. Not tonight.” Grabbing the two bottles, I pushed my way through the crowd.

  “Two unopened Fat Tires,” I announced, setting them in front of the girls, wondering what they were gonna do without an opener.

  “Thank you, Nate.” Shiloh inched a hand over the table until her fingers brushed the cold bottle, then her other hand covered the top. With a quick jerk, the cap clinked on the table. She traded Mira opened for closed and did the same thing before wrapping her luscious lips around the bottle and taking a long pull.

  “Oh my God, I think I’m in love,” I groaned, falling back in my seat as the guys chuckled. “How in the hell did you do that?”

  She wiggled her fingers, showing me the top of a silver ring. Flipping her hand, she did the same thing, showing me the sparkly ring was actually a bottle opener on the back.

  “That is fucking awesome.” I marveled.

  “Blind girl safety.” Her eyes gleamed as the corners of her mouth quirked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “If I always open my own drinks, I don’t have to worry about anyone slipping something into it. Not that I thought you’d do that. It’s just a habit now.”

  This girl had more than one impressive trick up her sleeve.

  The conversation morphed into other topics, but I sat quietly, watching her talk to everyone else. Despite my acting somewhat creepy, I couldn’t help it. On numerous occasions in the past week, I’d found myself searching the ranch for her. We’d taken several rides, and even though our conversations weren’t deep, being with her was just easy.

  Fingernails scratched across my shoulders. “I’ll be over here if you change your mind,” Bridget’s throaty voice breathed in my ear, causing me to tense until she moved on. As soon as she was far enough away, I allowed myself to relax.

  “Is there somewhere you’d rather be, cowboy?” Shiloh raised her brows in question.

  “What? No,” I stammered. “How do you do that?” It was freaky how she always knew what was going on around her.

  “Well, first of all, her proposition wasn’t as quiet as she thought.” Her delightful laugh made me smile. “I also smelled her awful perfume, and felt your leg stiffen against mine under the table.” She finished her beer and set the bottle on the table. “So? Are you here or there tonight?”

  Leaning forward, I placed my hand over hers. “One hundred percent here, Shiloh.”

  “Good. Now take me dancing, Nate.” She squeezed my hand before scooting her chair back and standing.

  I made my way around the table and offered my arm like she’d shown me, waiting for her to take it, before leading her to the dance floor.

  S H I L O H

The cold metal of Nate’s truck pressed against my back, the handle of the passenger door digging into my spine. The sensation was almost welcome. With each tiny bite of pain, the long, hard length of this delicious man prodded my lower stomach as he devoured my mouth.

  From the moment we’d left the table, the sexual tension had climbed. Dance after dance. His body rubbing mine. His hands and breath feathering my skin. The hitch of his breath when I brushed against him.

  My temperature rose until I was dizzy with sensual overload.

  When I couldn’t take anymore, I’d almost begged Nate to take me home, and thank God, he hadn’t hesitated.

  “Nate, you’d better take me somewhere soon, or Caroline is liable to get an eyeful,” I warned.

  The man was full of enthusiasm as he brushed my lips with his. Although the kiss was light, it was full of passion, slowly burning from embers into a raging fire.

  “Hold on.”

  That was the only warning I received before Nate swept me off my feet. Squealing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and tucked my head into his chest. Being carried was a foreign experience for me, and it left me feeling extremely vulnerable. At the same time, I was so excited with anticipation, that I allowed myself to chill and go with it.

  The pounding of Nate’s boots echoed as he ran up steps. The rustle of keys and a sharp click told me he was opening a door to what I assumed was the home he shared with Ryke. The subtle change in temperature washed over my heated skin. Though I expected him to put me down, he didn’t. The door shut behind us, and we were on the move again.

  The whole process was very disorienting, but the moment my back met a soft mattress, I forgot everything else.

  “Damn, woman, you’ve been driving me out of my mind all night,” he groaned.

  Part of me wanted to play hard to get, protect myself by not making the conquest too easy for him, or act indifferent. Yet the man made my body react in ways it hadn’t before. I wasn’t new to casual sex, but this felt like more.

  That scared me.

  His callused hands stroked up my thighs to beneath my skirt. An involuntary whimper escaped my mouth. As he slid my hair off my shoulder and moved in closer, his hard, muscular body pressed against me. His scent was intoxicating, although I’d venture to say it was nothing more than deodorant and soap. On his skin, it smelled like Heaven. His heat had me pulling him down for another kiss. I wanted his lips on me so much I could hardly bear it, but with a chuckle, he made me wait. Groaning in frustration, I turned my head and nipped his shoulder, his skin smooth and slightly salty.

  “I’ve got you, baby.” His husky voice was full of seduction; however, hearing ‘baby’ extinguished some of the heat. I didn’t want to be just another one of his conquests.

  “Don’t call me baby, Nate.”

  “Shiloh?” The concern in his tone along with the way he inched back made it obvious he was looking at me. I felt exposed and unsure what to say or do.

  “Just don’t. It makes me feel . . . Shit, I don’t know, just don’t talk to me like your other girls, okay?” Maybe I sounded like an idiot, but I wanted to feel like this was special. Even if I was only fooling myself.

  “Shiloh, right here and now, there is no one else. Just you and me. You may not be able to see me, but I can see you, and trust me when I say there’s a good chance you might be ruining me for other women forever.” A hand cupped my face, and he pressed his mouth to mine, kissing me long and deep.

  His other hand made quick work of the button and zipper on my skirt. My hips lifted on their own accord, allowing him to drag both the skirt and my panties down until I no longer felt them. Sitting up, I slipped my shirt over my head and dropped it to the side.

  “Fuck, Shiloh. You are so beautiful.”

  Reaching up, I unclasped my bra, happy I’d worn the front closure one. It helped me appear confident and capable as I slid it down my arms, leaving me completely naked.

  Nate’s breathing was rapid and audible as he shuffled off the end of the bed. When I heard the clunk of his boots hit the floor and the unmistakable sound of a zipper, I knew he was getting undressed, too. Scooting further onto the bed, I leaned back on my elbows and waited.

  The dip in the mattress was the first indication he was back, followed by the rough sensation of his hands. They slid up my legs, gently pressing them apart until his thumbs reached my core, opening me. As his warm tongue made contact, my muscles tightened in anticipation. He didn’t delay for long before diving in, licking and sucking until I writhed beneath him. The sensations grew inside my body until I could no longer contain them, coming with a loud scream.

  “Nate, I want you.” The welcome sound of a package tearing and the snap of latex made my heart accelerate. It had nothing to do with fear anymore, but everything to do with what my body wanted.

  “I want you, too,” Nate groaned, settling his cock between my legs and entering me in a swift motion.

  Our moans were loud and synchronized as he filled me completely, pausing for a moment before thrusting in and out. Deeper and faster, he set a steady rhythm, caressing my body from the inside out until I was lost in the sensations. Overloaded, my legs began to shake as an unexpected release built, taking me to the edge, but holding me captive. As if Nate knew I needed a bit more, he dragged his thumb over my clit, sending me crashing over, gasping for air as my body exploded into a million pieces.

  Nate quickened his pace, chasing his own release until he shuddered, shouting my name as he came. We melted into a limp pile of tangled arms and legs.

  “Damn,” I whispered.

  His deep chuckle warmed me to the core as he pulled me closer, flipping the cover over us. We listened to the satisfied sounds of our hearts beating until the deep silence of the night lulled us to sleep.

  N A T E

  I covered my head, waiting for the impact. The hits never hurt as much as the words. The smell of liquor and cigarettes wafted over my face as my hands were wrenched away.

  “Fucking pretty boy,” he growled, bringing his hand down.

  The slap was almost deafening, the sound making my ears ring.

  The pain, so familiar by this time, barely registered. I muffled a scream, not wanting to wake Ryke. If I did, he would come in and try to stop it. I didn’t want him getting in trouble, too. He never did on his own accord, only because of me.

  “You gonna grow up to be a pansy?” The large man wobbled on his feet, drunk again. I sometimes wished I had the strength to push back and watch him fall, but I was no match for him. “Maybe if we scar that pretty little face you’ll look respectable.”

  The glowing end of his cigarette wavered before my eyes. The rancid smoke filled my nose, making me want to throw up.

  “Please, don’t,” I begged, jerking my head against the wall.

  “Please, don’t,” he mocked as he jabbed the glowing embers at my face.

  “No!” I screamed as the heat registered, turning in time. A searing burn exploded behind my right ear.

  A resounding crash was the last thing I heard before I was suffocating.

  “Get off me!” The weight of a body registered, and I began to throw blind punches. “No!” I screamed as I fought, swinging my fists in every direction.

  “Nate!” A piercing voice broke through the roar in my brain, confusing me. A woman was never there with me. Would she hurt me, too? “Nate, it’s me, Shiloh!”

  The words didn’t make sense as I struggled to escape. Something wrapped around my legs kept me from running.

  “Shiloh, it’s Ryke. I need to get you away.”

  My brother’s deep voice was all wrong. He sounded like an adult. Then it dawned on me. I woke Ryke up. He was going to get into trouble again because of me.

  “Nate! Wake up!” Ryke’s voice boomed through the room, bringing me out of my dream.

  “What the fuck?” I gasped, my breathing labored from exertion. Sweat beaded my body, and my heart raced with adrenaline. My bed was an absolute mess of ta
ngled blankets.

  A dream. It was just another fucking dream. I swallowed hard, finally bringing my eyes up. What I saw stopped me cold.

  Ryke stood in the corner, his arms shielding a sheet-wrapped Shiloh. If my brother protecting the girl I was falling for wasn’t enough to crush me, the trickle of blood from Shiloh’s mouth was.

  “Did I. . . . Fuck, did I hit you?” I croaked through a throat as dry as a desert.

  Shiloh’s shaking hand moved to her lip, dabbing the source of the blood. “It’s okay, Nate,” she whispered.

  “Okay? Really, Shiloh? I fucking hit you, and you’re telling me it’s okay?” I couldn’t see through the red-hot anger boiling inside me. This was why I didn’t do relationships. This was why I never spent the night with anyone or brought anyone to my home. I was a fucking mess, proven ten-fold tonight by my hurting the one person I never wanted to see the ugly side of me.

  “Nate, it was just a nightmare. It wasn’t your fault,” Shiloh pleaded. A single tear dripped off her chin, leaving a silvery, wet streak on her cheek.

  “You need to go, Shiloh.” I stared at the floor, unable to look at what I’d done anymore.

  “Nate.” Ryke stepped forward.

  “No, Ryke. Get her out of here.” My voice was growing urgent with my need to flee.

  “Shiloh, let me help you.” Ryke’s voice was soft and comforting as he led Shiloh through my room.

  I buried my face in my hands until they were gone, then flopped back on the bed to try to get my head on straight again.

  When I was a child, the things most kids were scared of didn’t bother me. My monster didn’t live under my bed or in the closet and disappear in daylight. My monster was my father. Where his eyes should be kind and caring, his were menacing. When I searched for love and approval, I found hate. He made me want to run and hide. My monster tore me down so low, I had nothing left but the thing that angered him so much in the first place–my pretty face. At some point, I turned what he saw as a weakness into my strength.


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