My Forever

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My Forever Page 7

by J. L. Perry

  “Our little angel is good,” I reply as I rest my hands on top of his.


  The following Tuesday, I am relieved to see Jacinta because I was worried that she wouldn’t come back. After class, I ask her if she can stay back for a few minutes. She looks unsure, but nods. I tell her that I am really interested in doing the private lessons, and wonder if we can maybe come to another arrangement.

  “You have real potential,” I assure her. “I would hate to see your talent go to waste. If your dad doesn’t know you are dancing, is there any way I could come to your house while he is at work and talk to your mum?” She tells me that her father doesn’t allow visitors at the house. I find this strange, but don’t say anything.

  “How about I meet her somewhere away from the house?” I ask.

  “My mum doesn’t leave the house much,” she replies sadly. “The only time she really goes out is when she takes me to and picks me up from school.”

  “How about I come to your school tomorrow afternoon and talk to her? Do you think she would be okay with that?”

  She shrugs. “She is happy with me doing the classes. So maybe she will be okay with it.”

  “If I give you my mobile number,” I say, “maybe you can text me if there is a problem and I won’t come.” She tells me that they don’t own a phone and won’t be able to text me.

  “What if I come to the school, and if your mother is okay about you doing a private class, you could bring her over to me. If she isn’t, you can just pretend that I am not there. How does that sound?” The last thing I want is to get her into trouble. By the sound of it, she has enough of that already.

  Jacinta nods, with a nervous smile on her face. She gives me the address of the school she attends, and asks me to be there at 3:00 p.m.

  The next day, I arrive at her school. I don’t know what to expect, but as soon as I arrive, Jacinta and her mother are waiting for me. She brings her mother over straight away. She doesn’t seem very old, probably in her mid-thirties, and is very attractive. Jacinta has her mother’s features and long blonde hair.

  Her mother’s eyes are obscured by the dark glasses she is wearing, so I can’t tell if her eyes are blue like Jacinta’s. The fact that she is wearing a high-neck jumper with long sleeves on such a warm day causes alarm bells to go off in my head. I also notice that when she extends her hand to shake mine, it is trembling.

  “Hi, I’m Brooke,” I say kindly.

  She gives me a small smile. “I’m Grace,” she replies shyly. “I want to thank you for the free lessons that you are giving Jacinta.”

  “Your daughter’s very talented, Grace. She has the potential to go far, if that’s what she wants.”

  “Jacinta’s loves to dance,” she says proudly, as she looks over at her daughter. “I am happy she has something positive in her life.” Something positive? What can she possibly mean by that? Again those alarm bells are going off.

  Jacinta reminds me a lot of me when I was her age. The way she puts her whole heart and soul into her dancing tells me it is some kind of escape for her. Dancing helped me escape all my worries when I was young, and made me feel carefree.

  After I explain about the private lessons, and she agrees to them, I ask her what day would suit her best. “Any day during the week is alright, as long as Jacinta is home by 4:30.”

  “Monday’s are a good day for me because I don’t have much going on. Can I collect her from school on Monday afternoons, then I will drop her back at home by 4:15?” They both smile and nod.

  I offer them a lift home. They both seem unsure, but they eventually agree. They only live about two kilometres from the school. As I drive onto their street, Grace asks me to drop them off at the second house from the corner. I think that’s where their house is, and I say goodbye to them. I am surprised when I look in my revision mirror to see them both walking down the street. They obviously don’t want me to see exactly where they live.

  As I drive back to the studio, I try to put them out of my mind. My gut is telling me there is something more to their story, but it really isn’t any of my business. I am just happy that I will be able to help Jacinta improve her dance skills.

  Most of my Wednesday students have already arrived when I get back. I walk into the studio and wait for them to change into their uniforms, which look great by the way. Everybody purchased them, except for my Tuesday class. I have provided them free of charge to that class.

  Most of my other students come from wealthy families. Nobody else, except Michelle and I, know that my Tuesday classes are free. I don’t want any of my girls to think they’re better than anyone because, the truth is, they aren’t. Just because their parents are rich doesn’t mean anything. I, of all people, know that money doesn’t define who you are as a person. You don’t need to grow up with money to be a good human being. Sure, money can give you great opportunities in life, but with hard work and persistence, you can achieve anything.


  I am exhausted when I arrive home. Being pregnant really takes the energy out of me. I feel fine during the day. By early afternoon, though, I always feel tired.

  I can feel my whole body changing already. Some of my jeans will no longer button. My breasts are getting bigger which, of course, Logan loves. My moods are all over the place, which Michelle explains is due to the hormones. Sometimes silly little things will make me angry. Other times, I will cry for no apparent reason. Pregnancy is turning me into a crazy person.

  I do love being pregnant, though. The thought of a tiny human growing inside me is an amazing feeling. The fact that it is Logan’s baby also makes me happy. This baby will be the start of our little family. I would like to have a few more kids in the future. I’d grown up as an only child, and know how lonely it can get. The fact that I don’t have any siblings makes me envious of Logan’s and Michelle’s relationship. I want that for my children.

  As I walk into the kitchen, I say hello to Jill. Logan isn’t home yet. He texted me earlier to say he would be home by 6:00 p.m. It is nearly that time so I decide to have a quick shower before dinner.

  I haven’t been in the shower long when Logan steps in behind me. I didn’t even hear him come in so I jump when he puts his arms around me. I’d been deep in thought, thinking about Jacinta and her mother again.

  “Sorry, baby,” he said apologetically. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I smile as I turn and put my arms around his neck. “Hi, hot stuff,” I reply. “I missed you today.”

  “I missed you, too, baby,” he says. “How are my two angel’s doing?”

  I get up on my tiptoes to kiss him. “We are both good,” I say as he kneels down to kiss my stomach. He has been doing this every day since we found out we are expecting. Even in the mornings, he will kiss me good morning, then kiss my stomach. He will do the same thing at night before we go to sleep. It is really sweet. I know he is going to be a great father. You only have to watch him with his niece Lara to see that.

  Once we are out of the shower and dressed, we head downstairs to eat. Whilst we are eating dinner, Logan asks me if I am alright. “Sure,” I say with a shrug. “Why would you ask that?”

  “You are unusually quiet, and seem to be preoccupied.”

  “I am just worried about one of my dancers,” I say.

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  “I think she is having problems at home.”

  “What sort of problems?”

  I explain about everything I have observed. “Logan, I think Jacinta’s mother is being abused by her husband.”

  “Brooke, it’s nice of you to help Jacinta with her dancing, but you are going to stay out of their personal business. You’ve had enough problems with psychotic husbands,” he says sternly. “I don’t want you to get involved with another one. Please, baby.”

  I look up at him and smile. “You’re right,” I reply. “I just feel for Jacinta. I can tell she is petrified of her father.” He tells me that Jacin
ta is her mother’s responsibility, and it is up to her to protect her.

  Logan reaches over and puts his hand under my chin, forcing me to look at him. “I love the way you care so much for other people, Brooke,” he says. “But please promise me you won’t get involved. I don’t want to see you hurt again. You have a husband that adores you and a baby on the way. You don’t need the stress.” I smile at him and nod.

  “That’s my girl,” he replies, as he leans forward and brushes my lips with a kiss. “Now, please eat, baby. You need to keep up your strength.” I don’t feel like eating, but he is right. I have the baby to think about now. It isn’t just me anymore.



  I am on my way to work the next day, and the only thing on my mind is Brooke. She was quiet last night after our talk at dinner. She didn’t say much this morning, either. I hope she is going to take my advice and stay away from this family. If this mother is getting beaten by her husband, there are plenty of support groups out there she can turn to. I love the compassion Brooke shows for others, but I had seen her violent ex-husband at his best. This is the last thing with which she needs to get involved.

  I don’t think I will ever be able to understand how a man can raise his hand to a woman. In my eyes, it is a cowardly thing to do, no matter the circumstances.

  When I arrive at the office, I try to put it out of my mind because my uncle is coming to see me this morning. We are going to discuss the situation between him and my aunt. She is still refusing to sell their home, but my uncle needs the money so he can move on with his life. By law, both their names are on the deed so if she refuses, we can sell the house from underneath her. Of course, my uncle doesn’t want to go down that road. He has the same kind of compassion for people that Brooke does. Unfortunately, that kind of compassion is something my aunt lacks. She is a cold-hearted bitch.

  Today I am going to try and convince him to see things my way. He has suffered enough over the years because of this woman. He needs to sever all ties with her and move on with his life because he deserves to be happy. My aunt is never going to come around and I’m sure he knows that. He is waiting for something that is never going to happen.

  There are better things in his life that he should be focussing on…like his daughter and his first grandchild. I want him to focus on that instead.

  When he arrives, I notice that he looks tired and run-down, and it worries me. It makes me hate my aunt even more. Even though she is my blood relation because she is my father’s sister, she doesn’t matter to me at all. I love my uncle more than anything. He has been more of a father to me over the years than my own father.

  Rose makes us both a coffee as we sit down to talk. I organised for one of my top Family Law solicitors to come and sit in with us later. I am going to have a chat with my uncle before I bring him in to join us. Getting him to see things my way is not going to be an easy task.

  After we talk for around an hour, I think we’re finally making some progress. He doesn’t want to hurt my aunt and I can understand that. He is a kind man. She doesn’t deserve his kindness, but I can understand why this is so hard for him.

  I page Rose through the intercom, and ask her to send Jack Tomkins up to my office. I had already discussed this with Jack yesterday, and I am hoping he can help me finally convince my uncle that this is the only way to go.

  My uncle had been a great lawyer in his time, and he knows how the legal process works. After talking with Jack and me for over two hours, he finally relents and decides to do it. This is going to come as a shock to my aunt. She knows what kind of man he is, and she will not be expecting him to take this avenue.

  Right before Jack leaves my office, he tells us he will get all the paperwork together. He asks my uncle to come back into the office tomorrow to go over everything. I can tell he is still a bit unsure.

  “It is the only way,” I assure him. “You know the kind of person she is. She will never do what you want. She is mean and conniving so this is the only way to go.”

  He puts his head down and whispers, “I know.” I feel for him. Being mean just isn’t in his nature. I look down at my watch. It is almost lunchtime.

  “How about I call Brooke and get her to meet us for lunch?” I say, smiling.

  He smiles at me. “I would like that.” I know spending some time with his daughter will cheer him up.

  I call Brooke at the studio. She says that she and Michelle were just discussing where to go for lunch, so I tell her what restaurant at which to meet us. Before Brooke came into our lives, Michelle and I were like the children my uncle never had. Being with the three of us will be good for him. He needs our support at this time in his life and I know that, together, we can help him through this.

  We are already at the restaurant when the girls arrive. I love the way his face lights up whenever he sees Brooke. It warms my heart. I am thankful they have found each other again. They need each other more than they realise.

  Lunch is great. I haven’t seen my uncle smile and laugh like that in a long time. I think just knowing we support him and love him will help him get through this. My father won’t be happy about what we are going to do, but I think he already knows it is coming. There really isn’t any other way. He, of all people, knows how difficult my aunt is. After all, they are cut from the same cloth. I know he seems to be mellowing in his old age, but I am certain that the hard arse bastard I’d grown up with is still under the surface somewhere.

  I say goodbye to my uncle and sister, then pull my beautiful wife in for a kiss. I hate leaving her, but I need to get back to the office. Michelle is leaving to go to Lara’s school. They have a parent open afternoon there and she promised Lara she would attend.

  Brooke turns to her father. “Well, I’m not doing anything for the rest of the day. Would you like to spend the afternoon with me?”

  He smiles at her. “I would love to.”


  When I get home later that night, Brooke and her father are sitting in the lounge room, laughing and talking. It is nice to see how close they are becoming. Brooke invites him to stay for dinner. Being with his daughter is exactly what he needs to keep his mind off my aunt.

  He comes to the office the next day and signs all the papers. I have Claire take them straight to the Family Court to be filed. I also call my father to let him know what’s going on. I can tell he is disappointed, but he doesn’t say much else. I’m sure he knows there is no other way. He has already tried talking to my aunt, but she won’t hear of it. We just have to wait now, and see what happens.

  It is Friday so I decide to leave work at bit early. I head over to the studio to see Brooke. I’ve been missing not being with her during the day, and am looking forward to spending the weekend with her. My plans are to take her to my parents’ cabin for the weekend. The fresh air will do her good.



  After finishing one of my dance classes, I am surprised to find Logan sitting in the waiting room. I walk over to him and give him a hug and a kiss. It doesn’t go unnoticed that some of my older students are checking him out. Honestly, I can’t blame them.

  I tell Logan that I have one more class to do before I can head home. Michelle has already left for the day. Lara had her lesson earlier and Michelle took her home after that. Lara is enjoying her classes. She is a good little dancer, and is also excelling with her piano lessons.

  Even though it’s only thirty minutes, I ask Logan if he wants to go upstairs to wait for me. He says he doesn’t mind watching my class on the monitor. I kiss him before he sits back down and he gives me a beautiful smile. Before making my way back into the studio, I grab him a bottle of water out of the fridge.

  When my last class is finished, we get in my car and Logan drives it back to the penthouse. He does this often. He gets Chris to drop him off at the studio on the days I work late so we can go home together.

  I am glad when he asks his parents if we can spend the
weekend at their cabin. I love it up there. We haven’t been back there in a while and I am looking forward to it.

  Early the next morning, we head out. Unfortunately, we have to stop twice because I am sick. I can’t wait for this horrible morning sickness to pass.

  Logan is fussing over me when we get there. I love that he cares for me so much, but it is irritating sometimes.

  Once we get up there and get settled, we head out to go fishing. I haven’t fished before, but it is fun. Logan only catches two little fish, which he has to throw back. I, on the other hand, catch three large fish. One is so big, he has to help me reel it in. He doesn’t say much, but I can tell he is jealous, which makes me laugh.

  Logan guts and scales the fish before lighting up the BBQ, and I make a salad. We don’t have to shop for food this time. Yesterday, Logan had Jill get us some groceries.

  The weekend goes fast. We had a nice time, and I am sad when we have to head back to Sydney. Life is so different being away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Not only is the air fresher, but the pace of living is so much more relaxed.

  On Monday afternoon, I pick up Jacinta from school. She is quiet on the drive back to the studio. I’ve decided to teach her a new dance, and think maybe she can do a solo at our end-of-year concert. That’s if she is going to be able to get away from her father to attend.

  Jacinta is a fast learner, and quickly picks up the new steps. With a smile on my face, I stand back and watch her. I notice her grab her side a few times, so I stop the music and ask her if she is alright. She tells me she is fine, but the uncertainty in the way she answers makes me doubt her.

  “You may have pulled a muscle,” I say, concerned. “Let me have a look.” She quickly steps away from me. The frightened look on her face doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “Jacinta,” I plead softly, “let me have a look. I won’t hurt you.” She hesitantly pulls up her top, and I am shocked to find a large bruise on her ribs. When I look at her, she has tears rolling down her face. I quickly pull her into an embrace.


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