Terraformed Skies

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Terraformed Skies Page 63

by Anna Lewis

  “Are you okay?” Christopher joined her in her bedroom and he wrapped his arms comfortingly around her waist. “I’m sorry that you had to go through that?”

  “How did you get here so fast?” Lori replied as she wiped a stray tear away.

  “Andrew called me, he wanted to surprise you in his club. We were there waiting as he called you over and over. He couldn’t believe it when he heard that you were in danger.”

  “Thank you for coming.” She turned and leaned into his chest and started sobbing. “I never thought that would happen, I assumed that I’d escaped. I didn’t think I’d see him again.”

  “Shh, it’s okay,” Christopher comforted her. “And don’t you worry about staying here. You can stay with me or Andrew, we will take care of you. No one will ever hurt you again.”

  He rubbed the blood from her cheek and stared into her eyes. In that moment Lori knew that this had transformed into something else, it was no longer just a fun thing–Mike had basically forced that–which was scary but in a nice way.

  “Thank you,” she nodded as she replied. “I really appreciate everything.”

  “I think Andrew has sent that asshole on his way now, so let’s get going.”

  As Christopher wrapped his arm around her shoulder, Lori felt safe. It was a sensation that she hadn’t ever had before and it was nice. She wanted to fall into it, to embrace it, to accept everything that these men were offering. She would for a while, just while she got back on her feet.

  When she saw Andrew again he gave her a loving grin. He had her heart beating faster again but this time for a totally different reason.


  The days passed in a haze, Lori was barely allowed to do anything herself without being watched by either Christopher or Andrew. They wouldn’t allow her out of their sights. The only time she got any peace was when she went to work–which she really had to fight to be allowed to do. Both men offered to give her more than the wages she would’ve earned but Lori didn’t want that. Work represented her freedom, it was where she got to gossip with her friend, Rose, she wasn’t prepared to give that up.

  “I have to ask you,” Rose started one day, about a week and a half after her awful unexpected visit from Mike, just as they were getting dressed to go home after yet another long shift. “What’s going on with you? Ever since that night we went out things have been different. And who the hell are those gorgeous men who drop you off and pick you up? At first, when I only saw the one I assumed he had to be some secret sexy boyfriend of yours, but then there was another…please stop me if I’m being rude, I’m just nosy that’s all.”

  Lori had kept everything to herself, she hadn’t felt confident enough in herself to say anything, but as she eyed Rose curiously she realized that if she wanted a genuine friend then she needed to be more open and honest with herself. Plus, if she did that it would be shaking off Mike’s last grip of control of her.

  “The night when we went out, I got home to a nightmare.” She could already feel a tight knot of stress uncoiling in her chest. “My horrible ex-boyfriend had found me, and he wanted to take me home.” Her eyes fell to the floor as she recalled the horrifying look in his eyes. He really did intend to harm her if she didn’t go with him…she’d only just escaped with her life. “He pulled a knife out on me and threatened me.”

  “My goodness.” Rose clapped her hand to her chest. “That sounds awful. No wonder you ran away.”

  “Andrew and Christopher saved me, and now they’re really anal about leaving me alone. That’s why they drop me off and pick me up.”

  “And…who are they to you?” Rose looked imploringly at Lori. “Because the way that they look at you suggests more than friends.”

  “They are,” Lori whispered that part, feeling utterly terrified that she was about to be judged.

  “Ooh,” Rose exclaimed gleefully, loving the idea of her friend’s exciting life. “That’s awesome, they’re both so gorgeous, and after everything you’ve been through you deserve the attention. So, how does it work?”

  “It’s not a serious thing, it’s only fun,” Lori snapped back far too quickly.

  Rose narrowed her eyes. “I can tell that’s not true. Not for you anyway. Maybe it started off that way but it isn’t anymore.” Lori fell silent, her friend was right. “Do they know about each other? Do you sleep with them separately? Or together? Please tell me together?”

  “It’s not been like that recently.” She might as well say it all now, maybe her friend could actually give her some advice. “I started off having a fling with Andrew, then Christopher joined in. I felt like there was more to be learned from that experience but then this nightmare with Mike turned up and it’s been all about taking care of me ever since.”

  “Is Andrew the one you like best?”

  “I honestly like both of them equally. They’re both very handsome and have qualities I like. And they’ve been so good to me during this time. I don’t think I could pick either of them for good.” Lori only felt sadder after admitting the truth. “Do you think that means I’ll have to give them both up eventually?”

  “I don’t know.” Rose pursed her lips thoughtfully. “They both seem very alpha types, so I don’t know if it could work long term. Plus, it’s more of a fantasy thing, isn’t it? It’s not generally the sort of thing that lasts forever.”

  Rose only confirmed Lori’s worst fears, but it hurt to have her say that. She just couldn’t see another relationship working after this one, she didn’t imagine any other man giving her the same level of joy and satisfaction as the two guys she currently had in her life.

  “Yeah, I’m sure you’re right.” She looked up at Rose who was smiling sympathetically at her. “Anyway, tell me more about yourself. I completely forgot to ask you how things went with Brandon.”

  “Oh, he was okay. In truth, I’m a little bored of him now. He was fun for a fling, but he’s never going to be the one. It’s a waste of time hanging out with him knowing it isn’t going to go anywhere, isn’t it?”

  Lori couldn’t agree with that. Things with Andrew and Christopher couldn’t last forever, but she didn’t see any moment spent with them as a waste of time. In fact, she couldn’t wait to see them even now when she was spending most of her time with them.

  Damn, she was in trouble. Her heart was falling despite the fact that she knew it shouldn’t. She was falling for both guys equally, and if she let her body keep tumbling into this abyss she’d end up with a shattered heart.

  “Ooh look, there’s one of your men now. Which one is that?”

  Lori glanced towards the door where she saw just one of the men who made her heart skip a beat. “Andrew,” she replied quietly. “That’s Andrew.”

  How could she not fall in love?

  “Keep that one. If you have to pick one, he’s lovely.”

  “So is Christopher,” Lori insisted loyally. “They both are.”

  “You do like a complicated life,” Rose laughed as she tossed her backpack over her shoulder. “Mind you, there are worse problems to have.”


  “How was work?” Andrew asked Lori kindly. He knew that he was babying her a little too much, both men did, but they couldn’t help themselves. Until that haunted look vanished from her gaze, they wouldn’t be able to stop. They needed all traces of Mike out of her life so she could fully move on.

  “It was okay, tiring,” she sighed wearily. “I’ll be glad to get to bed. And thank you again for letting me stay. How are the workers getting on at my apartment?” It was the only thing that she’d willingly let Andrew pay for because she simply couldn’t afford it herself and she didn’t really want to go to the landlord about it.

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?” he teased as they got out of his car and they walked towards his home where Lori had been ever since the incident. It seemed the most reasonable, obvious choice to take her somewhere she was familiar with while she recovered from her trauma.

  “Oh, no
I was just wondering…” Lori trailed off as she recognized that Andrew was teasing her.

  “It’ll be done soon, but of course you’re always welcome to stay here.”

  Lori wandered into his living room and she collapsed onto the couch for a few moments. Much as she was tired, she wanted to chat to Andrew for a while. “So, how has your day been?”

  “Busy, you know how it is. The club has some events coming up so it keeps me crazy.” Andrew gave her a big smile. “Been worried about you, too.”

  “I know you worry about me, but I am okay,” Lori gave him a small smile. “I’m really starting to relax now. I don’t know what you did to Mike but I’m starting to truly believe that he won’t come back.”

  “He won’t,” Andrew assured her. “I made sure of that. You honestly have nothing to worry about.” He didn’t ever intend to tell Lori what he’d done, but the substantial payoff helped, as did the threats. Andrew was truly confident that he was gone for good. “So you can start really living again.”

  They shared a look, one that was filled with love and promise. Lori wished that it could be something more real, that it didn’t have to be something that would inevitably come to an end. There was an intense yearning in her heart, and she knew for certain that no other man would be able to fill it.

  Andrew couldn’t hold back any longer. He and Christopher had made an agreement that they wouldn’t do anything physical with Lori until they knew for certain that she was better, but the look in her eye made her irresistible. He leaned in, he placed his lips against Lori’s, and they both got swallowed up by fireworks.

  “No, stop.” Lori didn’t want to, but she had to push Andrew off. With all the confusion circling her body, she couldn’t in all good faith kiss Andrew knowing how she felt inside. “I can’t.”

  “Why not?” Andrew knotted his eyebrows in confusion. He knew that she felt something for him, so why was she rejecting him? Had he pushed too fast too soon?

  “Because…” she panted loudly and rubbed her forehead hard. “Because I like you too much. I have feelings for you.” She gulped loudly, freaking out inside. “I have feelings for Christopher too.”

  She blanched, expecting a slaughtering, but Andrew only chuckled kindly. “It’s so strange that you say that, I was only having this conversation with Christopher recently. We both like you a lot too, more than I ever thought that we’d like anyone.” Lori stared up at him under her eyelashes, wondering where this was going. “I know we’ve messed around with women before, but it’s different with you. We care about you.”

  Lori’s heart hammered in her chest. “What…what are you saying?” She didn’t dare dream, it was too much.

  “We both want to be with you.”

  Her heart stopped, she had to lightly pinch her arm to check that she wasn’t dreaming. “How? What do you mean? How would that work?”

  “We should be together. All of us.”

  “How would it work?” Lori leaned back, her brain dancing in her head. This was insane, she expected her comment to be the end of it, not the start of something new.

  “We’ll work it out as we go. It’ll be fun, won’t it? If it gets complicated we’ll revisit everything but why not give it a go for now?”

  “And Christopher would agree to this?” They’d talked about it, but would the reality be too much?

  “Why don’t we call him?”

  Lori nodded and Andrew put in the call. As she watched him on the phone, Lori couldn’t believe what was happening. This wasn’t an outcome that she’d ever considered, she had always seen it as one, the other, or none. Now she could have both. Andrew was right, it might get messy somewhere along the line but they could switch things up again then.

  Lori wasn’t ready to say goodbye to her sexual revelation just yet, there was still so much to lose. She had come to New York searching for freedom and a fresh start. She’d spent so many months locked inside, too scared to do anything. Now she was freer than she’d ever been. She had full control over her whole life, and she loved every second of it.

  For a moment, she wondered what other people would say before quickly dismissing the idea. Who the hell cared? No one had to live Lori’s life but her, so as long as she was content it really didn’t make a difference. Rose would be happy for her, and as her only friend it was only her opinion that she cared about. It didn’t matter what strangers thought, and her family didn’t speak to her anymore…

  Maybe now that Mike was gone, that was something she could try and fix…eventually.


  Lori lay her naked body across the lovely Egyptian cotton sheets of Andrew’s bed, loving the way it felt to have both men smiling down at her. She’d never been body confident, but now she was happy to have four eyes trailing over her silky, pale skin.

  “You really are beautiful,” Andrew declared. “We are lucky.”

  “So lucky.” Christopher loved the plan, he didn’t even bat an eyelid. Both men wanted to be with Lori and in this exciting way. Their relationship was an illicit thrill that all of them were addicted to.

  “Strip!” Lori commanded with a wicked smile on her face. “I’m lying here nude. I want to see you two naked too.”

  Taking the challenge to heart, both men slowly and seductively peeled their clothes from their body. Lori gasped at the incredible sight of Andrew and his lean muscles, and she squirmed excitedly at the image of Christopher and his slightly softer body. She was the lucky one, she got to have them both.

  Andrew climbed onto the bed and he kissed Lori deeply. She lost herself in his mouth, loving the way that his hands knotted up in her hair. A swarm of hot bees buzzed in her stomach, she was on fire, needing everything. Now that this wasn’t just fun, now that it was leading somewhere it was even more thrilling. This meant everything to Lori, and she couldn’t wait to experience both of her men again.

  Eventually, Andrew flipped Lori onto her front so her head was down the bottom end of the bed facing Christopher, and he brushed his lips all over her neck and back. She tossed her head back, and she looked up at the man in front of her, her heart flapping loudly.

  Andrew’s fingers dug into her hips and he pulled her up onto her knees. Christopher gasped at the gorgeous sight of this beautiful, innocent yet dirty woman, up on all fours staring at him. He moved closer to her and softly touched her cheeks while his friend touched her all over from behind. His other hand kept sneaking forwards to touch her nipples all over. Her breasts felt amazing in his hands, and his touch against her hypersensitive skin was almost too much to bear.

  Lori could barely stand it, Andrew’s expert fingers were running up and down her slit, he was caressing her clit and sending her flying far too high already. His sexy touch had her entire body screaming with bliss. Christopher touched her face in a totally different way, he was caressing, loving, and the difference between them was almost too much for her. It was everything she needed; the wonderful sexy side, the lovely romance, with these two men she had everything. It was perfect.

  “So wet,” Andrew gasped happily behind her.

  “So pretty,” Christopher announced breathlessly to her face.

  Lori couldn’t take it anymore, they were making her feel too many sensations all at once. She rolled her hips backwards, pushing Andrew’s fingers deeper into her, and she yanked Christopher closer to her. Her mouth watered, she needed a taste. Everything about Christopher was utterly tempting and irresistible. Now she wanted to take this to the next level, now she knew she could.

  As soon as Christopher was close enough, she leaned in and wrapped her lips tightly around his cock. As she hummed with pleasure, she slipped her mouth up and down him, flickering her tongue all over him as she went. He tasted phenomenal, salty and sweet all at once. She wanted every inch of him inside of her, so she grabbed onto him and pulled him in so deep that he hit the back of her throat.

  As she groaned with bliss, Andrew took that moment to slam himself into her too. Her men filled her from ev
ery angle and it was the only thing in the world that could actually satisfy her.

  Andrew’s thrusts grew frantic and needy, sending Lori deeper onto Christopher’s cock. He grabbed onto her head, enjoying the sensation of her lips all over him. Lori’s hands dug deeper into the bed as Andrew continually brushed over her clit, again and again. She needed to cry out in bliss as her walls started to contract around him, but she couldn’t. So she kept on sucking hard and fast, just the way that Christopher seemed to like it.

  “Oh fuck!” Andrew yelled as his hands dug into Lori’s hips. The hot sweaty pleasure was exploding from his body, he couldn’t contain it any longer. It was always this way when he was with two other people, even more so with Lori and Christopher. He loved the way it was like watching a live porno, getting him going even faster. “Oh God, Lori.”

  Lori rapidly got swallowed up by the pleasure at the same time as Andrew. She shuddered and buckled under the strain of the tsunami of waves crashing over her body. The bliss built up, then it circled her, heating up her veins, then it shattered through her body leaving her a trembling mess.

  Witnessing Lori and Andrew fall apart was too much for Christopher. He tossed his head back and gave in to everything his body was feeling. His hands held onto the sides of Lori’s cheeks and his salty desire ran free. He filled up her mouth so much that when he finally snapped his eyes back open he could see remnants of himself dribbling down her chin.

  “So pretty,” he repeated happily. There truly was something different about Lori, something that both of them wanted to keep around. She made them feel something that no other woman ever had before.

  Maybe it was her sweet innocence, maybe it was the dirty side of her that was only just being unleashed. She was gorgeous, yes, but her personality shone brightly too. Christopher wasn’t sure that they’d ever get bored of her. He had a feeling that this girl was the one…


  "Are you nervous?” Andrew asked Lori kindly, wrapping her up in his arms. “You’re not worried about seeing Mike are you, because I honestly don’t think that he’ll bother you again, even if we are in his home town.” Again, he wouldn’t tell her, but he’d made damn sure that Mike wouldn’t be anywhere near Lori.


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