Terraformed Skies

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Terraformed Skies Page 100

by Anna Lewis

  “Take this time you have now to find your second,” I told her. She gave me a puzzled look, but didn’t argue. Alexis left to go find herself a partner. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had two options, it seemed. Either get craftier in settling her suspicions of me, or call Kai and leave with him soon.

  Instead of getting lost in an endless cycle of thoughts about Kai, I chose to do some shooting practice. I didn’t realize how long I’d been shooting until Case called my attention.

  “Sophia, the fighters from the Vancouver Coven has arrived,” he said. I followed him out to the grand foyer.

  “Welcome neighbors,” I said to the group, who were loosely gathered at the foot of the curving staircase. They were dressed for fighting in usual black leather gear.

  The leader of the seven fighters stepped forward. She was a slender vampire with fiery red hair and odd amber colored eyes. “Sophia, I’m Regan. Paelin sends his regards and thanks on behalf of the Vancouver Coven,” she said.

  “Good to meet you Regan and the thanks is to you. I’m afraid this Hunter infestation has gotten entirely too trying,” I said.

  “Indeed, they are well organized and well informed. It’s uncanny,” she said.

  “Hopefully our teams can manage to regain some of our blood banks,” I said.

  “Case and I have our teams ready Sophia,” Nathaniel said.

  “Why don’t we all gather in the gym to talk strategy,” I said and beckoned Regan’s team to follow us back.

  “The Hunters know our collection schedules which is the problem. Every time we send out runners they’re either killed or come back for fear of being killed. The Hunters’ presence is heavy,” Regan said.

  “Someone fetch Alexis for me,” I said. Case was quick to do my bidding. Everyone was gathered in the sparring room within two minutes. Alexis looked the same as she did when we spoke earlier.

  “The objective tonight is to make a statement. Decimate their numbers and reclaim our blood banks. Spare a few in order to relay a message. It’s either we have our banks, or the humans suffer for our blood needs,” I told everyone. It was the natural course of things anyway. Should the Hunters make it impossible for us to collect blood, the ways of vampires would backslide several decades and begin stalking humans again. Case, Regan, and Nathaniel quickly mapped out strategy, then all three fighting teams mobilized within the hour.

  “Hopefully they return successful,” Alexis sighed. We stood together in the gym, looking out over the courtyard. The gate was closing after the last black SUV disappeared onto the main road.

  “If we don’t regain at least one bank…then the Hunter problem has truly reached home,” I said.

  “How do you think we will defeat them?” she asked. “They have information on what hiking trails we frequent, they know where our blood banks are. What’s to say they don’t know the locations of all our coven houses and safe houses? The Hunters aren’t just after deer and wolves anymore.”

  “I know Alexis,” I replied. “Though it may seem daunting, there is always a way to preserve vampire survival. We’ve never been eradicated before and we won’t show any weaknesses now,” I said.

  “I’ve come to understand what you meant…about having a ‘second’. Having someone loyal behind you while running the coven,” she said slowly. “A leader will need someone to keep them grounded. In sanity, in the goings on of the coven, in helping with greater conflicts…nearly everything,” she said. I nodded and gave her a small smile that she returned. “I am sorry…that you lost that with Damien’s death,” she added.

  I took a deep breath. I felt like dirt using Damien’s memory in such a way. But on the other hand, she was right in what she said about Damien.

  “Thank you, Alexis…and I am glad you’ve taken my advice to heart,” I said sincerely.

  * * *

  “Case…Nathaniel, are you all accounted for?” I asked them as they filed into the house. All three fighting parties returned just before dawn broke.

  “Regan lost one, and we lost Roy,” Case answered.

  “What’s the report?” I asked. The fighters seemed excited and energized as they lingered in the foyer. I waved Regan over and led her along with Case and Nathaniel to my study. Alexis was already there, speaking with Case’s younger brother, Nolan. They shared the same striking features – moss green eyes and silver blond hair that paired interestingly with their pale skin.

  “The blood banks were only being patrolled by lesser Hunters. None of them had the gear of those elites that patrol the woods,” Regan said. “We even managed to regain two of our lost blood banks across the river,” she added.

  “Which means the Hunters might return with their elites to keep us away,” I said. “As we have already done, Regan I suggest your coven change its collection schedules and randomize it as well,” I added.

  “We will, certainly,” she said. I could see she was still high on the excitement of a much-needed vampire victory, no matter how small it might have been and that we had both suffered a loss.

  “As for us; Case and Nathaniel, our runners will need escorts of at least three fighters when collecting from the banks. Make sure your teams rendezvous with Arien,” I said.

  “Of course, Sophia,” they replied in unison.

  “Good work for now all. Regan, you and your team are welcome here of course. Our guest wing is on the west side of the house there is plenty of anything you all might need,” I said.

  “Thank you, Sophia,” she said sincerely. I inclined my head, then took leave from the room. When back in my own bedroom, I debated calling Kai, then after twenty minutes, decided just to do it.

  He answered on the first ring. “I was starting to think you wouldn’t call,” he chuckled.

  “Of course I was going to call. I needed time to digest was all,” I said.

  “So, have you…digested?” he asked, humor in his voice. Even though it was silly in a juvenile way, I smirked.

  “I have…I’d like to see you and I’d like to pick a house,” I said.

  “And a date?” he asked.

  “And a date,” I said.

  “Excellent,” he said. “I’m so glad.”

  We made plans to meet in a couple of hours then ended the call. After that I showered and waited for the house to quiet down before I slipped out.

  Kai was shirtless when I walked into his apartment. I smelled bacon cooking and wrinkled my nose. “Good morning,” I greeted him. He smiled and gave me a soft kiss on the lips, before he bent at the waist to kiss my stomach as well.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “You know, you don’t have to be shirtless to attract me,” I teased.

  “Oh, this doesn’t do it for you?” he asked and flexed his pecs. I laughed and followed him into the kitchen area. “You don’t eat regular food, do you?” he asked.

  “I can…but I haven’t in a long time. I don’t need to,” I said.

  “So, the baby will grow off of purely blood?” he asked.

  “Yes…otherwise I might have already had cravings for food,” I said. He nodded and made his plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. We sat at the breakfast bar together and I was oddly attentive to the way his jaw flexed as he chewed.

  “So where are the listings you wanted to show me?” I asked.

  “First…are you sure you’re okay with leaving? Because we can work something out if you aren’t. After you give birth maybe I can take—”

  “No, no…I’m fine with leaving. I’ve made my peace with it. I want a new life with you and our child…a life with different possibilities outside of a coven,” I said. “The idea of building a hybrid era sounds intriguing,” I added, only half joking.

  “Good, I’m glad,” he said, and let out a deep breath. He must have been tense before then. His body relaxed.

  “So ideally, when would you want to go?” he asked.

  “Within the week if possible,” I mumbled. I wanted to go before the big council meeting when I would be consc
ripted into some position of high responsibility.

  “Totally doable,” Kai said. He got up and quickly brought his computer. He pulled up the listings for me to scroll through.

  “I like this one in Bois-Franc,” I told him. It was a semi-detached three-story townhouse with high end finishing throughout. There was everything a homeowner could possibly need inside.

  “I had a feeling you’d choose that one,” he said. “Then maybe, after the baby is born and the dust dies down from our disappearances, we can get a bigger place near Algonquin or near the Vérendrye Reserve, or build one.”

  “I like that plan,” I said, smiling.

  “I’ll contact the realtor ASAP,” he said. Already he was typing up an e-mail.

  “You’re very efficient,” I observed.

  “My dad taught me that if I got everything that needs doing out of the way, I’ll have more time for bigger and greater things,” he said.

  “That is a good value to have,” I said.

  “Last night I had a dream about our baby…that it was a girl and not a boy,” he said. I looked at him with a dropped jaw.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yep, she had your features, but my skin tone. And she had your eyes…” he smiled.

  “Have you thought of names any?” I asked.

  “I’ve been thinking only about boy names until now. Well, really just one boy name,” he said. “Kai Junior.”

  “As much as I like your name and think it suits you…Perhaps we should have several options. Then when we see the baby for the first time, we’ll name it,” I said.

  “That’s fair, so what’ve you got?”

  “Micah, Caleb, or Seth for a boy and…Iliana, or Violet for a girl,” I said.

  “I like Violet…I like Seth too,” he said. “I’ve gotta brainstorm a few names,” he murmured.

  “We have time,” I said.

  “You already have a baby bump, that’s crazy,” he said. I put a hand on my stomach and felt warmth from the life inside me.

  “The baby will be born in six months,” I said.

  “I heard that hybrids live longer than vampires…have you ever heard that?” he asked.

  “The stories I’ve heard regarding hybrids had to do with how dangerous their existence was. That killing one required a great force because they were so powerful,” I said.

  “Do you think some still live in hiding?” he asked.

  “Probably, yes,” I nodded. Kai finished his food and washed the dishes.

  “I wish we could go out together now,” he sighed. I glanced outside, it was a beautiful day. There weren’t any clouds in the sky and the city was blanketed in the softest fog.

  “I’m sure we can think of something to do inside,” I said.

  “You’ve got shadows under your eyes,” he observed.

  “Really?” I felt fine, still sustained from the blood he gave me just the day before.

  “Yeah, look,” he said, pointing to an oval mirror mounted in the living room area. I went to it and did see emerging shadows. They were from lack of sleep and too much thinking—too much worry.

  “I haven’t slept in a while,” I said.

  “That’s it,” he said. He picked me up from the breakfast bar stool and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. He set me down on the bed and made quick work of undressing me completely. I watched him with a fond smirk as he quickly got out of his own clothes and settled into bed behind me.

  “How can I sleep like this?” I asked him in a soft voice.

  “Just close your eyes…” he murmured, then kissed the back of my neck. Tingles ran down my spine, bringing lethargy with the sensation. I drifted off.

  * * *

  I woke in slow degrees. Instinctually I assumed myself to be in the coven house, but then Kai’s warm scent surrounded me. Brief panic sizzled through me and I opened my eyes. Thankfully the studio was still bathed in bright midday light. I mustn’t have slept more than three hours.

  “That was three times a nap and a third of a good full sleep,” Kai said. I rolled onto my back and found him stretched out on his side, smirking at me with bright hazel eyes.

  “I must want to spend time with you subconsciously,” I said.

  “Subconsciously?” he asked, chuckling. I smiled and leaned forward to kiss his jaw.

  “And consciously,” I murmured. His skin smelled like nutmeg and clean skin. “You’re like a drug to me,” I said.

  “I feel the same way for you. Uncanny huh?”

  “Truly.” I smiled and wrapped my arm around his waist, pulling him closer to me. He rolled me onto my back and splayed his hand across my belly. I reached for him, but he caught my wrist and pinned it with the other over my head. I would have gotten out of his hold, but he slid his hand lower and moved his fingers in between my folds. He rubbed my clitoris and my hips moved towards him instinctively. My eyes closed in a flutter and a soft moan escaped my lips. He pushed two fingers inside of me as his teeth pulled the delicate skin of my nape. I moaned again.

  I wanted to touch him, but he wouldn’t allow it. I arched my back so that my breasts pressed against his chest. He removed his fingers to hold my wrists on either side of my head while he straddled my legs and bent to kiss my breasts. He sucked and nibbled on the puckered tips. His lips hardly left an inch of me un-kissed.

  “Kai…” I panted his. I felt fully on fire and needed him inside me. He finally positioned himself at my entrance and slowly pushed inside. He laced his fingers with mine and began to rock back and forth. My orgasm came blindly and felt icy hot as it coursed through me. Kai kissed me deeply and became more urgent in his thrusts. My next orgasm wasn’t far off and after the third I lost track of nearly everything except Kai and the sensations he was eliciting in me. When he found his release, he held onto me tight and my name left his lips in a gruff whisper. We stayed tangled up with each other for a few minutes before he slowly pulled out of me and rolled onto his back.

  “Kai, I can’t move,” I mumbled. He chuckled and lazily pushed hair out of my eyes.

  “I can draw a bath and carry you to it,” he suggested.

  “That sounds perfect,” I said. He got out of bed lazily and I drifted off while he ran the bath. I liked him taking care of me, it felt…nice. I wasn’t worried about a coven or bored with the long life both behind and ahead of me. I was living happily in the moment with Kai and I wanted that every day. He came back and carried me to the claw foot tub. I got in on my own and he settled in behind me.

  “I like this…being with you, it’s nice,” I said.

  “I just realized that I’ll be one of the few lucky people on this planet to be happy for most of my life,” he said in a soft voice. I turned slightly to look at him after he kissed my shoulder.

  “You aren’t afraid of jinxing this?” I asked, only half joking.

  “No. I…I love you Sophia. Even as crazy as it may seem for how fast it happened. But I know that when two people are in love, good things happen out of that. It’s a pure emotion,” he said. My heart filled with the warmth only Kai brought me, to the point where tears actually pricked my eyes.

  “I love you too Kai,” I whispered. He smiled and then pressed a kiss to my neck, inhaling my scent as he did. We had four more hours together and spent it mostly naked, simply enjoying each other’s company and agreeing on a shortlist on possible names. Our child would either be a Violet, Seth, Kai Junior, or Raven. I left the studio thirty minutes to eight and drove back to the house in a love-addled haze.

  As I drove through the main gate, and down the long drive, I noticed a few other black Mercedes sedans parked in front of the main entrance. I parked the car in the underground garage and practically held my breath as I rode the elevator up to the main floor. It was just past dusk, which meant that whoever had arrived were of pureblood. Which usually meant notable figures in the vampire world. As I made my way towards the library, Alexis emerged from my private study, wide eyed and unsure.

There you are…Sophia, your father is here for you. He’s been waiting two hours to speak with you,” she said.

  “Two hours? What did you tell him?” I asked in the faintest voice.

  “That you often went out for walks just before dusk,” she said. “I became aware that he does not know of your pregnancy so I didn’t tell him. But he is concerned for you,” she said in an equally small voice.

  “Thank you, Alexis,” I murmured. She gave me a brief nod and then gestured towards the study. My father, Wraith, was sitting behind my desk reading a rebound leather book.

  “Father,” I greeted him. He looked up at me, his expression indiscernible, then carefully set the book down. A breath of unease traveled down my spine.

  “Alexis, please give us a moment, but don’t go far,” he told her. She inclined her head, then silently left the room. “Where have you been Sophia?” he asked.

  “Downtown…with my thoughts,” I told him. He studied me for the length of a breath.

  “Are you keeping something from me?” he asked. My heart was incapable of beating faster than ninety beats, but my chest did constrict a bit with brief panic.

  “What would make you think so?” I asked.

  “Alexis behaved strangely when I spoke to her. As though perhaps there is something about you I do not know and she is too loyal to tell me herself,” he said.

  “It isn’t that she’s too loyal to me, it is because what she’s keeping is only my business to share with you when I am ready,” I said. He squinted at me briefly then gave a curt nod.

  “Fine, I figure it can’t be treasonous, or else she would have said something,” he said.

  “Of course, father,” I said. “So, what brings you back so soon?” I asked.

  “The conference. I managed to pull all the covens of this region together early. The Hunter infestation has touched all the Northwestern covens and all feel the great importance of handling them swiftly,” he said. “I’ve even managed to draw a few powerful coven leaders spanning the south. They’ve heard of the decimation in the Northeast and know that if the Hunters aren’t dealt with now, they will only continue to advance throughout the continent,” he said.


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