The Shameless Billionaire Series: Billionaire Romance Box Set (An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance)

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The Shameless Billionaire Series: Billionaire Romance Box Set (An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance) Page 33

by Michelle Love

A tiny cherry tomato cut into a rose I place atop the pile of vegetables and turn to her. “I write, but they hate my stuff.”

  I lean back against the bar and cross my arms as she looks me over for some reason. “Why would they hate your music, Kip?”

  “I write about things like life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. They want songs about my rockin’ bod, and how I use it to get the girls.” I turn back to pick up the bowl of salad and take it to the table. “It sells though, so who am I to tell them any different.”

  Following behind me with the spaghetti, she says, “You’re an artist who should get to do the type of art he likes to do.”

  The platter I take from her and place it in the middle of the table. “You’re a sweet girl, but that’s not how the music industry works. You want to make money, you do what sells. My father taught me that.”

  “Is it hard to sing things you don’t like?” she asks as she places plates on the table.

  I pull forks from a drawer and grab a handful of napkins. “It’s not hard, it’s just a bit unfulfilling. It’s all an act.”

  “All of it?” she asks.

  After the last fork is placed on the table I turn to her and wrap my arms around her. “All of it.”

  She lays her head on my chest and runs her arms around me. “I find that sad, Kip.”

  I kiss the top of her head. “Don’t, I make lots of money to do that act. I do mean lots, pet. Sure sometimes I begin to feel a bit used then I look at my bank account and forget about it.”

  “Money isn’t everything, you know,” she says as she clings to me.

  “No, it isn’t, but it sure does help.” I gently push her back. “Should we call them all in to eat now?”

  Letting me go she nods and goes to get her family. I watch her walk away in a pair of faded blue jean shorts and tank top. Long, tan legs, still wet curls and not an ounce of make-up and she’s taking my breath away.

  What is happening to me?


  After dinner Dad put on a movie and the whole family gathered in the living room to watch it. He’s put on a comedy and Kip seems to be finding not only the movie, but the comments my family makes about it more than hysterical. “You are the funniest people on Earth. You need your own reality show.”

  Mom’s snuggled up next to Dad. “No way,” she says. “These boys ain’t movin’ back in here. And since Sissy has graduated college, I’m sure she’ll find herself a place pretty darn soon. Nope, no reality show here.” She looks at Dad and kisses his cheek. “We’re loving the place to ourselves after so many years of raisin’ kids.”

  I awe while my brothers look as if they may be sick. “Gross,” Tyler says as he gets up off the sofa he and my other two brothers were sitting on. “I’m going to bed.”

  Levi stands up and stretches then taps Blake on the shoulder. “Wanna go down to Huebel’s and see what’s up?”

  Blake is up and grabbing his keys before he answers, “Hell yes I do.”

  Kip looks at me. “What’s a Huebel’s?”

  “A bar,” I answer.

  A smile creeps over his face. “Let’s go.”

  I raise one eyebrow. “I don’t know why you’d want to go anywhere with my brothers. They’re assholes, as if you haven’t noticed.”

  A quick kiss he gives my cheek. “I adore them, Peyton. They’re part of the reason you’re the way you are, which is perfect.”

  My eyes narrow as I look at him. “Levi, can we go with you?”

  Both brothers stop their exit and look at each other. Levi’s head tilts to one side. “You sure, Hollyweird? I mean, we party pretty hard down here. You might not be able to keep up.”

  My whole head rolls along with my eyes as I look at Levi. “Literally, you goof, do you remember who his father is? Huebel’s ain’t nothin’ and his nickname ain’t Hollyweird, it’s Pop Rock.”

  “Come on,” Levi says with a wave of his hand. “It’ll be interesting to see how your fan club handles you showing up with a guy anyway.”

  Kip gives me an odd look. “Is he talking about your fan club, Peyton?”

  I nod and follow my brother’s out the door. “I’m kinda famous for my kick ass dance moves and Karaoke singing. I’ve won most of the competitions they put on at that bar.”

  “Really?” he asks with a smile. “Maybe you and I can do a duet, what do you say?”

  Levi opens the back door to his four-wheel-drive truck. “You need a boost, Hollyweird?”

  I smack Levi on the shoulder. “Stop calling him that. We can’t let anyone know who he really is or they’ll mob him.” Levi takes me by the waist and lifts me up into the backseat of his tall truck. I scoot over and Kip grabs the handle and gets right in with no trouble at all.

  Levi laughs as he gets into the driver’s seat. “Ain’t no one gonna mob him at Hueble’s. We don’t get star struck around here. Austin is so close we’ve seen all kinds of stars in there. Hell, Harry Connick Jr. still shows up and has a beer with all of us every now and then.”

  Kip takes the seat belt and straps me in, he leans in close and whispers, “Is he serious?”

  I nod. “Every once in a while some actor will come in. They’ve made a few movies around here. When I worked at the convenient store before college I waited on Lou Diamond Phillips and that was weird.”

  “So, that’s why you didn’t get all crazy when I talked to you at the college, you’re used to celebrities,” he says and smiles. “I knew there had to be some reason.”

  “I don’t think that’s the only reason why,” I say as Levi pulls out of the long driveway and heads towards the small town. “I also don’t see the need to get all crazy, like ever.”

  “Ever?” he asks, quietly. “I think I’d like to see how crazy I could make you.”

  I look at him and know he’s talking sexual and my face heats up as I know he’d make me act plenty crazy and that’s why I have to keep my wits about me. He slips his hand around mine as Levi turns up the radio and one of Kip’s songs is playing. My brothers start banging their heads as I look at Kip and he looks back at me.


  The bar is small and dark with bits of neon light here-there-and-yonder. The parking lot is full as it’s Saturday night in BFE and this seems to be the only watering hole. Peyton’s brothers walk in as she and I follow them. I have my arm around her waist.

  The men walk in and there are a few people who high five them and a couple trade fist bumps. Then I see the first guy whose eyes go wide when he sees Peyton. “Damn it! They let you come with them! Shit, baby,” he says and wraps his arms around her, oblivious to me as he takes her from me.

  The music is playing some country song, and the moron tries to drag her out on the dance floor, before I can protest another guy, tall with broad shoulders and long, dark hair, pulls her from the other, much smaller guy. “Uh, uh, she’s dancing with me first.”

  “Guys wait,” she shouts over the music as an old man pushes past both of the young men who both have their hands on her arms, basically pulling her in two directions at the same time.

  The old man, skinny and short, walks straight up to her and takes her in his old, wrinkly, and very skinny arms and dances out to the little dance-floor with her as the two men look at each other. “Bob, wins again, the old fart,” the tall, dark haired guys says. “I’m next, Doug, so don’t even think about it.”

  The smaller guy who must be Doug looks up at the other guy. “Fuck you, Pete. Once the song’s over I’m getting to her first.”

  My eyes go out to the dance-floor to see Peyton cutting the rug up with the old man who is smiling like he won the lottery. Her brothers come up on either side of me and Levi hands me a tall, dark bottle of beer. “You’ll play hell getting to her now, Hollyweird. Her fan club will keep her dancing all night.”

  Some guy behind me says, “Hey, Peyton’s here!”

  I sigh and take a long drink of the cold beer.

  No wonder they let us come with them!


  Old Bob tries to hang on to me for another song, but Pete taps him on the shoulder and etiquette dictates he hand me over. I look past Pete to see Kip standing between my brothers, a frown on his handsome face. I give him a smile and wave at him as Pete takes me in his arms and starts twirling me in the direction of Kip without realizing we’re together I’m sure.

  I make a motion for him to tap on Pete’s shoulder, and he walks up to us and does as I showed him. Pete stops and looks at Kip. “What?” Pete asks.

  “Pete, you have to share,” I say. “You know the tapping rules.”

  He sighs and lets me go. “I’m getting her back, you aren’t even in the normal rotation anyway, newbie.”

  Kip takes me in his arms and moves slowly with me. “Wow, girl!”

  I laugh as he pulls me close to him. “You aren’t the only one that gets mobbed. I try to stay out of here most of the time.”

  He laughs and makes a small circle with me. “And now we’re stuck here since we rode with your brother. You should’ve told me you were such a hot commodity.”

  “Would you have believed me?” I see little Rob coming up and know he’s about to make the tap so I look at him and wave him away. He stops and stomps his foot and turns around.

  The song ends and I know if I don’t do something fast I’ll be drug away from Kip again. “Let’s go find a song to sing together.”

  He nods and allows me to pull him towards the bar where Gail has the folder with all the songs in it. Pete stops us as we hightail it towards the bar. “Come on, baby,” he says as he reaches for me.

  “We’re going to sing a song,” I say as I swerve around him with Kip in tow. “After that, I promise.”

  “He looks unhappy,” Kip says as he looks back at the tall guy I grew up with. “Is he one of the two old boyfriends?”

  “No, neither of them are here. One moved away and the other still lives here, but he doesn’t drink so he doesn’t come out here.” I climb on a barstool and wave at Gail, who brings me a beer and the folder. Kip sits on the one next to me and smiles at me.

  “She knows what you want, I see,” he says, then takes a drink of the beer he already had.

  Gail places the things in front of me and leans in so I can hear her over the noise of the bar. “So, who’s your new friend, Peyton?”

  I gesture to Kip. “This is Kip. Kip this Gail, she owns this dump.”

  Kip smiles and gives her a wave. “Nice to meet you. You have a nice place here.”

  Gail’s eyebrows go up, and she extends her hand to shake his. “Aussie?”

  He nods and puts his empty beer bottle on the bar. “How ‘bout another?”

  She reaches into the cooler and grabs him another and pops the top off then places it on the bar in front of him. He reaches into his pocket and she holds up her hand. “Levi has it all, don’t worry.”

  He’s pulled out a twenty and holds it in his hand, then after she turns her back, he places the bill in her tip jar. I smile at him and lean over and kiss his cheek. “You are a sweetheart.” I point to a song. “Wanna do, I Got You Babe, by Sonny and Cher?”

  “Anything you want, love,” he says and gets off the stool and stands in front of me. “I’ll do anything you want to.”

  His blue eyes dance as he looks into mine and what I really want to do is kiss him as he takes all this in stride. Gail walks up behind me and clears her throat. “Did you pick one, honey?”

  I nod and turn around. “We’re going to do that one.”

  Off the stool I go and Kip runs his arm around my shoulders as I lead the way to the little stage. The lights go on as Gail turns them on and we go up the one step to get on the small stage and I take the microphones and hand him one. I laugh as the other music dies down and Gail announces that we are about to sing.

  “No fear, huh, pet?” Kip asks as the music starts up.

  I shake my head. “These people have heard me sing a million times. Get ready to hear some real applause, Pop Rock.”

  The whistles and shouts start up as my fan club sees it’s me who is about to sing and Kip smiles like crazy as he runs his arm around my shoulders. “Damn, girl!”

  We sway back and forth to the music and I start the song, “They say we’re young and we don’t know. We won’t find out until we grow.”

  His eyes light up and he sings his part, “Well, I don’t know if all that’s true. Cause you got me, and baby I got you.”

  He pulls me into his arms and dips me as we sing together, “Babe, I got you babe…” the crowd goes wild and I go weak in the knees for this man.


  Never have I had more fun singing than tonight. Peyton’s brothers brought us home once the bar closed. I had to fight to keep her with me when we were at the bar. I lost her several times to men who just had to dance with her and some girl who had to do a duet with her to a Pat Benatar song. That girl can sing, the little vixen.

  I hold her close as we stand by my rental car and my head feels light, but it’s not from the three beers I drank, it’s from her and her alone. “You are something else, Peyton.”

  Her giggle sends chills through me as I take a step back, making her back touch the car as I push my body closer to hers. “I hate that you have to drive all the way back to Austin tonight.”

  “You should come with me,” I say as I lean down and kiss her cheek.

  “Should I?” she asks as she runs her hands over my back.

  Slow, hot kisses I run down her neck and I can feel her body grow warm. “You really should.”

  Heat fills me as she runs her fingernails lightly across my back and I decide I can’t wait any longer to do what I’ve wanted to since I saw her this morning. Slowly I kiss her neck then make my way to her jaw. Her chest stops moving as she stops breathing, anticipating what I’ll do next.

  Cupping the back of her neck in my hand, I run the other over her shoulder and down her side as I move my mouth to hers, I find her lips quivering as they touch mine. She parts them and I slip my tongue inside and find hers. Our kiss deepens and I find her mouth succumbing to the pressure of mine as she moans a little.

  It’s better than I imagined and lift her up. She wraps her legs around me and I push myself into her softness as I taste her. Lemon is what she tastes like and I can’t get enough of it. I can’t get enough of her. I reach down to open the car door and step back with her as I open it, then lay her back in the back seat and move my body over hers, never letting our lips part.

  Her hands tangle in my hair as she arches up against me and I move my body in a grinding motion over her. I’m growing harder by the second and the strain in my shorts is getting uncomfortable. I reach between us and pop the button open and unzip the zipper before I bust them open.

  Free of the denim material between us, I rub against her shorts and wish they were gone. My hand finds her breast and I rub it and squeeze it, making her moan. Her legs come up on either side of me and she holds me between her legs, moving her body up to mine as I grind her underneath me.

  She pulls her shirt up and takes my hand, placing it on her bra. I run my hand around the back and unlatch it then bring my hand back to touch the supple, yet tight flesh of her breast. It’s perfect and fits perfectly in my hand.

  I want to see how perfectly it fits in my mouth, so I take my mouth away from hers and she groans in protest, but it changes to moans as I kiss and nip at her neck then kiss my way down to her breast. Leaving little kisses all over her breast, I take it in my mouth and find it fits there perfectly as well.

  She must like it as she runs her hands over my back and pulls at the bottom of my T-shirt. I pull my mouth off her and sit up and take the T-shirt off as she obviously wants.

  Her eyes light up as she looks at my chest and runs her hands over my tight abs. “Shit! I knew you’d be beautiful,” she says.

  Her shirt is still on and her bra is halfway on. “May I take this off for you?” I ask.

  She gives me a nod and I
have them off before she can change her mind. I look at her as she looks at me and find her to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. The moonlight shining through the tinted windows lends a smoky shadow to her tight breasts. “Kip,” she says quietly. “You are one handsome man. I can’t believe you want me like this.”

  “You’re gorgeous and I can’t believe you want me.” I kiss her stomach and make my way up to pull one breast in my mouth as I take the other in my hand. Her hands flow over my bare back and I find myself aching to be inside her.

  One hand I run down to unbutton her shorts and she runs hers down too and unzips them for me. My fingers move beneath her lacy panties and I find her folds hot and wet as I move my fingers around, finding her clit swollen and pulsing. She groans loudly as I touch it, then pinch it, gently. “Damn it, Kip!” she moans as she writhes under me.

  It takes me a second to realize she may have never been this far with a man before. I pull my mouth from her breast. “Peyton, have you ever done this with anyone?”

  “The most I’ve done is kiss, never even have I let someone get to second base and you’re at third. And it feels beyond what I imagined it would.” Her hands run over my back as she wiggles under me.

  I continue to pinch and pull at her clit and watch her facial expressions as I do. “You like it then?” I ask, but I know she does, I just want to hear her say it.

  “I like it, Kip,” she says as she licks her lips.

  Her tongue makes me want to feel it moving with my own and I kiss her again. Moving my tongue along with hers as I run my fingers down until I find the opening I seek and plunge one finger in, gently. Her whole body arches up and her arms go around my neck.

  She’s tight as hell and so wet, but I know there’s no way she’s ready to accommodate what I have. It reminds me of her innocence and how it’s not something to be taken in the back seat of a rental car. Also, I have no protection and I’m sure she doesn’t either. Splashing my juices all over the back seat is not really how I want our first time to be.

  I ease up and decide to allow her to come undone under my touch, but my need must wait until a better time. With my head clear about things I plunge my finger into her over and over as I twist my tongue with hers until I feel her vagina tighten even more around my finger. Turning my hand, I tap my thumb on her very swollen clit until she pulls me to her hard and moans into my mouth as she pulses around me.


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