The Shameless Billionaire Series: Billionaire Romance Box Set (An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance)

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The Shameless Billionaire Series: Billionaire Romance Box Set (An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance) Page 47

by Michelle Love

  “I haven’t in years, but I do like to. That sounds fun.”

  “Now boarding seats one through fifteen,” the stewardess calls out.

  “That’s you,” Rachelle says. “I guess I’ll see you around, Peyton. Maybe we can get together this weekend before I come back here on Monday.”

  “Yeah, I’ll give you a call or you can call me. Thanks again for the earlier flight and the sandwich. You saved me.”

  I get up and she does too and surprises me with a hug. “It’s all going to be okay, Peyton. And just think about keeping the father in this kid’s life, whether you and he have anything or not. Every kid needs both their parents if at all possible.”

  “I’ll think about it. Not right now, because I don’t want to go on board and bawl like I have been, but later I will. I promise.” I walk away and get on the plane with a heavy heart.

  The thought that maybe I should turn back around and see Kip or at least talk to him on the phone keeps going through my head. He may not be able to accept the feelings he and I have for each other, but he needs to come to terms with what he’s going to feel for this child, if anything.

  I take my seat on the plane and turn my phone to airplane mode and lay my head back. I’m not going to call him, I’m not going to do that to myself again. Maybe once I get home, but not now.


  The traffic got worse the minute I got back on the highway to get to the airport. Finally I made it, but now I can’t seem to find her or anyone who knows a damn thing about the flights to Austin. So I’m kind of running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to find the gate to any flight to Texas.

  I see a small amount of people getting in line to get on a plane and as I come up I can see it’s going to Austin. But I don’t see Peyton. I walk up to the stewardess who’s taking the tickets.

  “Excuse me, did a young woman with blonde curls and hazel eyes, a bit more green than brown and cute little rosebud lips, get on already?”

  “Sorry, I can’t tell you anything about the passengers, sir,” she states without even glancing at me.

  “But, she’s not just any passenger. She’s my fiancé and her friends told me she was sick and she won’t answer my calls and I’m worried to death about her and she’s having my baby….”

  The lady holds her hand up, stopping my ramble. “Sounds like a personal issue. Sorry, sir. I cannot help you.”

  I turn around and look down, defeated. She’s gone and I won’t be able to get to her until I get on a plane and get my own ass to Texas. Slow steps I take as I walk away.

  “Hey,” a young woman says as I walk past her. “You looking for someone?”

  I stop and look at her. “I am, my fiancé, Peyton Reed.”

  She shakes her head. “You look really different without all that make-up and hair crap, Kip.”

  My surprise must show all over my face as the girl laughs at me. “How do you know who I am?”

  “She told me all about you and how you’re too afraid of how you two feel about each other and you ran off this morning and left her again. Taking the ring you just gave her back was such a dick thing to do, man.” She shakes her head and gives me a look that says she’s really disappointed in me.

  “I didn’t leave her. If she would’ve answered my calls she’d know that. The woman is so crazy, and it makes me nuts. Wait, is she on that plane?”

  She nods and I take her by the shoulders. “I need to get her off of it.”

  “Yes you do and I think I know how I can get to her and convince her to get off. You see, it’s my ticket she has. So if you’ll wait here, I’m going to go and take it back.” She walks away and I nearly jump up and down with joy.

  Somehow she has more clout with the stewardess than I did and she’s allowed to go to the plane. I pace as I wait and pray Peyton doesn’t put up too much of a fight.

  A few minutes later another stewardess escorts a rather hassled looking Peyton out and she’s so busy complaining she doesn’t even notice me. “I can’t believe she did that. I need to get my luggage off the plane.”

  The lady gestures to the waiting area. “We’re getting that taken care of right now, Miss Reed. If I can get you to wait right here, someone will be bringing it to you shortly.”

  “Can you believe what a bitch that girl turned out to be?” Peyton asks the lady.

  The lady breaks into a smile. “Sorry about that. It was her ticket though, and she did say she had a good reason.”

  “Yeah but…” Peyton says but the stewardess interrupts her as she points at me.

  “Seems someone is very interested in you, miss.”

  Peyton follows the lady’s finger and finally she lays her eyes on me. They open wide. “What the hell do you want?” she asks as she walks past me.

  The stewardess calls out to her. “I need you to stay right here if you want your bags back, mam.”

  Peyton turns back quickly and glares at me. “I have to stay, so you have to go.”

  “What is it you’re thinking, love?” I ask as I walk slowly towards her as she seems about to take off running if I approach her too quickly.

  “Do not, ‘love’ me, you jack ass!”

  “Darling, really. What are you thinking? I thought we got back together last night. Isn’t that what happened? Or was I dreaming that?” I ask.

  She holds up her left hand and wiggles her fingers at me. “You took my ring, and you left me alone. What do you mean asking me what I’m thinking? Obviously I’m thinking you got all freaked out again and decided I, no we, are too much for you.”

  I laugh and quickly stop myself as her face goes red and I’m afraid she’s about to find something and hit me with it. “Look, you got everything wrong, baby. I took the ring to get it fitted. We’re going to pick it up in a few days and get our wedding rings. I wish you would’ve read some of my texts or took one of my phone calls.”

  Her eyes go soft. “Really? You didn’t get freaked and leave me? You swear it?”

  Slowly I move towards her and she stands still so I may be able to get a hold of her. I run my hands up her arms and pull her to me. “I swear it, love.”

  She lets out a deep breath and lays her head against my chest. “Thank God! I thought it was over and I just wanted to die.”

  I rock her back and forth as I hug her tight. “Never will it be over, Peyton. You and I are a family now. What we have will never be over. Not ever, love.”

  Little sobs I hear as her body starts shaking and pull her back to find her crying. “I hated you so much. Like just a minute ago and now somehow I love you again. What’s wrong with me?”

  “Nothing, you just got a little bit stubborn and refused to listen to me and caused yourself a lot of heart ache for no reason, but that’s over now,” I say and pull her back into my chest and run my hand over her hair.

  Thankfully a man shows up with her bags. I take one and place the strap over my shoulder and take the handle of the other and roll it as I take Peyton out of the airport and back to my car. Her face buried in my chest the whole way.

  I’m not sure if it’s embarrassment or relief she’s crying with, but whatever it is at least this little mishap is over.


  My head rests on the soft leather of Kip’s car. My eyes burn and my body aches from all the crying I’ve done. All for no damn reason too. What an idiot I feel like!

  “Did I say I was sorry, Kip?”

  He takes my hand and kisses it. “You did, and I accepted your apology. Now let’s just put that behind us and move forward. I can see why you thought what you did, and it was partially my fault for leaving without waking you anyway.”

  I sigh and wonder what I did to deserve a man as wonderful as Kip. “I need to call my mother and tell her I’m not coming home. Or, do you want to go back and spend Thanksgiving with my family?”

  His eyebrows furrow as he thinks then he looks at me and smiles. “Since this is our first holiday together, let’s do it with just the
two of us. We’ll do the whole thing together. Go shopping and cook the food. I’ll give the staff the day off and the place will be all ours.”

  “I’ve never cooked a turkey, but I have cooked a chicken so how much different could that be?” I smile. “I like that. Just the two of us.”

  “Good, that’s settled and first thing next week we’ll find you a doctor here and get a sonogram done and see what type of kid we need to decorate the nursery for.” I squeeze her hand and hold it on top of my thigh.

  “I wonder how my parents are going to take me not living at least near them,” I say and a little homesickness trickles through me.

  I thought I was going to sleep in my own bed tonight. Now it seems I’m about to see where I’ll be living. “Didn’t you tell me you had three mansions?” I ask as I look out the window and see one gorgeous mansion after another as we drive through Beverly Hills.

  “I have one here, one is Brisbane and one in London.” He makes a turn and pulls up to a tall, black, ornate iron gate.

  “So the palace is beyond these gates?” I ask with a giggle. “My Prince Charming is taking me to his palace.”

  “Stop it, Peyton. Don’t make a big deal about it. It’s just a place to live. Is it big? Yes. Is it beautiful? Yes. But it’s just a home. Our home, now.”

  He pulls up a long drive and I catch my first glimpse of the slightly pink colored walls. Gorgeous flowers surround a monster marble staircase. “Wow, marble on the outside. What could possibly be on the inside of such a grand structure?”

  “More marble and some granite and even a little gold,” he says with a laugh. “It’s just a….”

  I interrupt. “A home. Yeah I’ve heard. Would you rather I act like I’ve seen things much more grand than this and act blasé?”

  He pulls into a massive garage filled with cars and one truck. “I don’t know what I’d rather you act like about it to be honest. I just want you to make it feel like home to you.”

  I smile and say, “If you’d like to know the truth where ever you are is where I feel like home is.”

  “There’s that romantic writer in you coming out again.” He takes my hand and kisses it. “Wait right there and let me get the door for you.”

  He jumps out before I can tell him I can let myself out of the car. My door opens, and he holds his hand out.

  I fight the urge to trail my hand over a bright red Corvette that he parked his Lexus next to. “I like your truck. You should take me for a ride later. It’s even taller than Levi’s.”

  “You got it, babe.” His arm goes around me and it feels so good I lean into him and relish the moment. “Your car will be here within three days. They’re sending it out on the next truck.”

  “My car?” I ask. “My Jeep?”

  We walk into a huge area off the garage after he presses a bunch of numbers on a keypad at the door. “No, your Tesla. I sold it back to the dealer in Austin, and I called this morning. They hadn’t sold it, so I bought it back for you.”

  My heart skips a beat. “I loved that car!”

  “Good, then you’ll be happy to have it back.” We enter a huge and completely gorgeous kitchen.

  “Wow! Is this where we’ll be making our first Thanksgiving dinner?” I ask as I look around in amazement. Three refrigerators, a gas stove that’s larger than any I’ve ever seen and an island that goes on for miles. “This is amazing!”

  “It is, and after the holiday you can hire a cook. I had only a skeleton staff working while I was on tour. The groundskeeper and housekeeper were the only two I kept on.” On he leads me through a dining room with a table for twenty people.

  I’m trying so hard to look at this place like my home, but it’s impossible. It’s like a museum or a fancy hotel or something. “Kip, is this the nicest one of your mansions?”

  “It’s much more contemporary. And a whole lot newer. The one in London is the oldest and some say it’s haunted,” he says and gooses me.

  “Ah!” I bat at his chest. “I’ll have to take my mother there. She loves a good haunted house. She thinks she’s psychic so we can let her test her powers.”

  “That’s funny, mine does too. They should hit it off well. Come Christmas we can find out if you’d like to invite your family up. I can send the jet for them.”

  “Oh can you, well how lovely,” I say with a snooty tone and he laughs.

  Up a marble staircase we go and he smiles as he looks at me. “You are the first woman I’ve ever brought here, Peyton. You are the first woman I’ve ever brought to my bed.”

  I blush and look away. “Kip, stop.”

  He opens the first door on the left and a giant four post highly polished red wood bed stands in the middle of the room. A black comforter covers it. He opens a door right off the bedroom and an empty room he gestures to. “I give you the nursery.”

  We walk in and the first thing I notice is the beautiful windows and how they let in sunlight and can almost see our baby lying in a crib, bathed in the light. “This is very nice, Kip.”

  “So this will do then?” he asks and scoops me up suddenly.

  My arms go around his neck and his chiseled chest and abs are hard against my ribs. Over to the bed he seems to be taking me. My heart starts to pound as I know what he’s about to do.

  Gently he lies me on top of the soft mattress. His fingers take the buttons of my shirt and undo them. He pushes the shirt back and runs his hands over my pink, lacey bra. “I get to feel these all the time now.”

  I smile. “Until this little monster you created comes out, then they belong to him or her.”

  “Well, for now they’re mine.” He runs his hands behind my back and unhooks the bra and pulls me up to take the shirt and bra all the way off.

  I take the buttons of his shirt and undo them so I can see his perfect chest. My hands roam over his tight muscles and I let out a groan without realizing it. His hand moves over mine and it draws my attention to his handsome face.

  “This is so right, Peyton. Never have I felt like something was so meant to be, but you and I, well, I have no doubts.” His eyes glisten and the deep blue seems even darker.

  “That’s so damn good to hear. After the day I’ve had, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded that you have faith in us,” I say and pop the button of his jeans. “You want to drop those and let me play with what they’re hiding.”

  His grin has a devilish quality to it. “I want you to do a hell of a lot more than just play with it.” He drops the jeans and my eyes grow large with how ready he is.

  “Damn it, man.” I take him all in and smile then wiggle my finger. “Come to Mamma.”

  The bed is exactly the right height for me to sit up and him stand right in front of me. Imagine that!

  I run my hands around him and take his tight ass cheeks in each hand and pull him to me. My mouth slides over his erection and his hands tangle up in my hair as he makes a magnificent sound.

  Long, deep strokes I make. My tongue runs along the underside, pressing against the hard ridge as it goes. The silky smooth skin over the hard as a rock dick makes an interesting combination.

  Lightly I press his ass harder and take more of him in. A slight gag I make then he slips past and down my throat. I’m elated at how it makes him groan and his hands stop twisting in my hair. He pushes my head to get as much of him in my mouth as possible.

  “Fuck, baby, that’s awesome!” he growls.

  I’m wet and growing hot as he seems more than pleased by what I’m doing to him. Faster I stroke him then his body stiffens and he pulls back. He pushes me back and yanks my skirt and panties off at the same time.

  I wiggle up the bed a bit and he takes my ankles as he climbs on the bed, pushing them up as he makes his way up. My knees are bent and he runs his tongue along my inner thigh and over my hot pussy then devours my clit.

  With a loud moan I arch up and nearly fall apart with his hot touch. His hands run up and each one grabs a breast. Hard pinches he gives the nipples and
I cry out and squirm with how fantastic it makes me feel.

  His tongue is doing incredible things to my clit and all of a sudden I’m bursting with little electric quakes throughout my body. “Kip! God! Kip!”

  With a swift movement, he runs his tongue down my throbbing pussy and shoves his tongue into me, lapping up all the juices that are flowing with the orgasm. My heart’s pounding and I can barely breathe, then he’s on top of me and slamming his hard cock into my throbbing pussy.

  The air is forced out of my lungs with his heard thrust. His mouth goes to my neck, and he bites it then moans in my ear. “Fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good!”

  The heat from his mouth makes me quiver and I arch up to meet each thrust he makes. Our bodies start to sweat and we slide against each other. His hard pecs move against my breasts, teasing the nipples and sending shooting jolts of complete ecstasy through me.

  My nails dig into his muscled back as my body bursts into a spectacular orgasm. He nails me harder and faster until I’m a quivering mass of pleasure beneath him. Heat explodes inside me as he orgasms and his body goes all tight and rigid. Then it loses all tension and relaxes, leaving his weight on me. A feeling I’ve come to need.

  Softly I run my hands over his slick with sweat back. He murmurs near my ear. “I love you.”

  I whisper it back to him and run one hand up to his silky hair. After a few moments of reveling in the complete satisfaction, Kip pulls the blanket back and pulls us under it. “Time for a little nap after such a rough day, don’t you think, love?”

  I nod and let him move me around so he can spoon me from behind. His hand cups one breast as he snuggles into my back. “I sure do love these. It’s a damn shame I’m going to have to share them soon.”

  And just like that we fall asleep.


  Though late November it’s still not too cold to take Peyton for a stroll down the sandy beach. I took her out for dinner and now we walk hand in hand as the sun begins to melt into the ocean.

  “So, how’d your mother take the news? You never did finish telling me?” I ask her.


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