The Shameless Billionaire Series: Billionaire Romance Box Set (An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance)

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The Shameless Billionaire Series: Billionaire Romance Box Set (An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance) Page 124

by Michelle Love

  I want to stroke his cheek and tell him everything will be okay, but he’s holding my hands down and I feel kind of trapped. “Channing, if you had not one dime, I would still love you and stay with you. No matter what, Baby. I swear it to you.”

  With a low growl he stops looking so hard into my eyes and moves his mouth to my neck where he bites me hard, making me yell a little, then he starts sucking vigorously the place he bit and it sends me into ecstasy.

  I know he’s leaving his mark on me and I don’t care. My body arches up to meet every hard thrust. I grind against him every time our bodies meet. All I want is to feel his heat filling me up entirely.

  His lips move to touch my ear. “You are mine, Beth. Forever. Now come for me, Baby.”

  My body explodes in pulses all around his large cock. I shout with the hard orgasm, “I’m yours, Channing. Always!”

  He pounds harder into me. “Fuck! Baby!” He shoots his heat into me and I wrap my legs around him to hold him to me.

  Our bodies are on fire. Our skin slips easily over the others with the sheen of sweat that now covers us both. He lets my hands go and moves his to the sides of my face.

  His mouth takes mine in a hungry kiss as he makes small strokes until the orgasms slowly end. Then he eases the hard kiss and turns it into a sweet one.

  The emotion flows through him and into me. A sweet, satisfied emotion that feels like home.

  Pulling his mouth from mine, he looks at me. His eyes sparkle as he says, “I love you, Beth. I want to marry you as soon as I can. I want to start our life together.”

  Running my hand up his arm, I rest it on his large bicep I love so much. “I love you, Channing. Soon we will be able to do that. I’m sure this thing with Jana will find its end soon enough.”

  He sighs and his eyes close. Then he rolls off me and I feel cold without his body covering mine.

  Laying on his back I turn on my side to find him looking up at the ceiling. “What should I do, Beth? If I give her all the money do you think she and my father will truly leave me alone for the rest of my life and you and I can become the family I want?”

  “Have you ever read the children’s book, ‘When You Give a Mouse a Cookie,’ Channing?” My fingertips run over his forearm.

  He nods. “I have and I say that about my father all the time. That’s why I’ve never given him the million he wants so bad. I know he’ll keep asking for more and more and it will never end until he’s dead.”

  “Then you have the answer. Don’t give her a thing. Have faith that her lies will come to the top. She’s already proven a bit about herself telling your mother the things she has. And I do have an idea about what you can do when she comes to you with what she wants. Record the whole conversation. Without her knowing, of course,” I say and lean my cheek on his wide chest.

  “That’s not legal, I think, anyway.” His hand moves through my hair.

  I run my hand over his hard abs. “I’m not talking legal, I’m talking about giving it to the media so the people can see what and who she really is. She’s after your money. Plain and simple and she will stop at nothing to take it from you.”

  “You may be right about the media thing. There is a lot of power in the media now days.” I feel his lips touch the top of my head. “You are kind of brilliant. You know that?”

  “I do. Now tell me what you plan to do when she screams at you for telling her you won’t be giving her any money. Because she will threaten to move back in here and apparently you can’t stop her from doing it.”

  He brushes the hair off the side of my face and runs his hand over my cheek. “You and I will be moving into a nice hotel while this house gets treated for termites. The tent and all. It will make it uninhabitable for as long as I need it to be kept that way.”

  “You know, Channing? You are kind of brilliant, yourself.” I kiss his chest and he moans.

  “Your lips feel like satin against my skin. The mere touch of them sets me on fire for you, Baby.” He pulls me up on top of him. “Want to ride the wild beast?” His eyebrows go all wiggly.

  I laugh as I slide over his ready to go erection. “You going to buck for me?”

  He lifts his body with a quick jerk and I have to grab his shoulders to stay on. “Whoa!”

  He smiles and I think I could look at him smiling like that forever.

  And hope that’s a real possibility…

  Chapter 12


  Thanks to Lance and his connections, I’ve managed to get a wire placed on me. After checking Beth and myself into a hotel downtown, I had a termite company go out and tent my house. Thanks to a little contribution to their business, the tent can stay up as long as I need it to.

  So now I’m waiting for Jana to meet me at a small restaurant in town. I also have a few people taking pictures of this occasion where I’m meeting her in public. And that should show how she isn’t so afraid of me.

  The hostess brings a smiling Jana to the table and I get up and pull her chair out for her.

  May as well get some pictures of me being a perfect gentleman while we’re at it!

  “Jana, how nice to see you here. I was afraid you might not come. You know since you’re so afraid of me.” I take my chair and find her laughing quietly.

  “Channing, you are incorrigible.” She clasps her hands together as she puts her elbows on the table and looks into my eyes. “We both knew I’d come to talk to you about the financial arrangement that will get me and your father completely out of your life so you can move on with the young slut you’ve found.”

  “Of course. Can I ask you one question before you tell me what kind of deal you want?” I look back into her darkly lined, light blue eyes.

  She nods. “Of course.”

  With a smile, I ask, “Did you know my father before you and I met?”

  The way she looks off to the left tells me she did. But I’d like to have it recorded. “What would that even matter, Channing?”

  “It wouldn’t. I’d just like to know,” I say as I lean back in my chair and gaze up at the ceiling. “I have the feeling this was something you two planned before you were introduced to me.”

  “And if it was?” she asks, making me look back at her.

  I shake my head. “I just want to know. For my own sanity, is all.”

  “Your father was my employer for a while. I was his maid. Until he lost what was left of his inheritance. Your father is a good man, Channing. A bit of a gambler, but we’ve dealt with that issue and he’s been in therapy for his addiction to gambling. I feel he can handle this money now. That’s why I agreed to help him get what is his back from you,” she says then gestures to the waitress who comes right over. “A Scotch and soda please.”

  The waitress nods. “And for you, sir?”

  “Water, please.”

  She rushes off and Jana’s left eyebrow cocks up. “Not drinking today, Channing. How unlike you.”

  “I think I need to keep my head clear so I can clearly understand what it is you want from me.”

  Lines form at the corners of her red lips. “I only want what is rightfully Morgan’s. You see, I believe that without the money his father gave you, you would have none of what you have. I feel it’s more than fair you start over fresh with just your degree, which I can’t take away from you. You can make yourself over using your wits.”

  “So your best friend, Rene, my old personal assistant, how does she fit into things?” I ask as I have been dying to know this for some time.

  “Oh yes, Rene. I met her at the gym she goes to. Well, after we found out the closest people you kept around you, that is. She’s unaware of anything. A pawn in the plot. Pity she quit her job, though. I didn’t see that coming. Do you know the poor thing can’t seem to find a job anywhere? You really should think about asking her to come back as your assistant.” Her drink comes, and she immediately puts it to her lips and holds out one finger to the waitress.

  I look at the waitress. “
I believe she wants another, please.”

  She nods as she places the glass of water in front of me. “Yes, sir. Will you be wanting to see the menu?”

  With a glance at Jana, I ask, “Will you be eating today, or just drinking your lunch?”

  She pulls the glass away from her mouth. “Nothing for me thanks. I had an enormous breakfast. Just the drinks, dearest.”

  “And I’m not hungry. Thank you, though,” I tell the young waitress who looks a little confused as to why we’re in the restaurant if neither of us is eating.

  I’m used to that, though. Jana hardly eats a thing. I suppose the small amount of nutrients in the things she drinks keeps her thin-as-shit ass alive.

  My eyes rake over her and I have to wonder what made me ever even date her much less ask her to marry me. Then I snap my fingers under the table as I do recall it was she who said we should get married.

  Now that I think about it, she plied me with a ton of alcohol during our dating period. And then it hits me that her family had to have known she worked for Morgan.

  “So, your family must’ve known about you working for my father. Wonder why that was never mentioned to me.” I sip my water and look at my soon to be ex-wife.

  Her smile thins her already thin lips to near invisibility. “Oh, well, I told them about your hard feelings for Morgan and asked them never to tell you that. I told them I was afraid it would make you think bad things about me.”

  “And they kept your little secret. You were right, I would’ve thought bad things about you, Jana.”

  “See, I was right!” she says and sounds like she’s so proud of herself for fooling me.

  “Well, aren’t you the clever one,” I say as I lace my fingers and place them behind my head. “So, do tell me what it is you want from me then, please.”

  “All of it, Channing.” She smiles and taps the side of her now empty glass. “I want every last thing you have liquidated. The cars, the business, that damn hockey team. All if it I want sold and then I want your entire bank account given to me. And I want you to do this in the name of retribution. You can tell your lawyer you want to make things right with me. He can set the paperwork all up and I can tell the police I no longer wish to see you in prison. The loss of your precious money will be punishment enough.”

  “Everything, huh?” I ask then take a sip of the water that sits in front of me and I have to struggle not to toss it in her heavily made-up face.

  Exercising great self-control, I place the glass back on the table as the waitress brings Jana her second drink in a matter of ten minutes.

  “Here you are, Mam. Can I get you anything else?” the waitress asks.

  “I think I’ll be going soon, so no thank you.” Jana picks up the glass then puts it down and says, “Wait a moment, miss.”

  The waitress turns back and smiles. “Yes, Mam?”

  “I need a to-go plate. Lobster and shrimp. Whatever type of plate you have with them both on it. Thank you,” Jana says then looks at me. “You know in case I get hungry later.”

  I nod but know it’s for Morgan. I’m not about to sweat it, though. “So, how long do I have to get everything sold?”

  Her whole face moves up with her eyebrows. Guess the whole thing is attached somehow after all her surgeries. “So you agree then?”

  “I asked how long you’ll give me to do that if I decide to.” I lean my elbows on the table and place my chin in my hands.

  “Well, I don’t know. How long do you think that will take, Channing?”

  I watch her red lips touch the glass as she pours the liquor into her mouth. A mouth at one time I kissed. A mouth which has spouted lies about me and a mouth I’d love to see drop open in shock as her world unravels when the nation gets this recording.

  “Maybe a few years. The team was up for sale for five before I bought them. And my business will cost a ton of money. So naturally I don’t expect someone to snatch it up right away. It could be years before that happens.”

  Her face drops. “I didn’t think about that.”

  Jana nor my father ever seem to really think about too much of anything. So I add, “Maybe you should go back and talk to Morgan about this.”

  Her head shakes, making the tight blonde bun at the back of her head bob a little. “No, he told me if you accepted, then I am to make the deal. I’m not to leave here without a deal set in stone.”

  I cock one eyebrow at her. “Then you should tell the waitress to bring you more food than that, because you’ll be here awhile. The only solid deal you’ll be getting is where I give you a whole lot of nothing, Jana. You have to be on crack to think I’ll be handing over everything I worked so hard for to you. I wouldn’t do that if it was all going to benefit just you. Adding Morgan to it makes it impossible for me to give you a cent. Sorry, Jana. No deal.”

  “I don’t understand,” she takes another long drink. “I thought you said you would be giving it to me. I thought I heard you say those words.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t say those words. I just asked you questions.” I lean back in my chair and watch her wheels spin.

  “Well, I guess I have no choice then. I’ll be moving back into our home and I’ll be bringing Morgan with me to be sure I’m safe there.” Her light blue eyes catch mine and a smirk forms on her lips. “So what do you think about that, Channing? I can fight the divorce for two years. You’ll have to live with me and your father for two whole years. And believe me, we will not make it pleasant at all.”

  I pull a piece of paper out of my pocket and hand it to her. “That’s an order from the county health inspector. It states that as long as the home is under the treatment of any pests, such as termites, that it’s uninhabitable for that period of time. Anyone entering the premises during the treatment period can be taken to jail. As that action is a suicidal one and can be punishable by up to five years in prison.”

  “What? Well, the home isn’t being treated for termites.” She looks up at me. “So this paper means nothing. And if you are planning on doing that then I can get in the house before that occurs and stop that from happening as it’s my home too and I’ll simply tell them I don’t want that.” A smile covers her face as she thinks she’s won the day.

  “Hmm, how can I put this so it stings a bit.” I hesitate before I tell her my news. Her face is making so many little lines all over it as she tries to frown but the Botox in her forehead prevents her from doing it right. “The tent is already covering the house. So no one is allowed in until they’re done.”

  “Well, how the hell long will that be?” she asks with so much indignation it’s absolutely amazing.

  With a shrug of my shoulders, I say, “No way to tell. The inspector told me the house is so huge and the extent of the infestation is immense. It could take months. And if they have to remove any boards or walls, then they’ll replace them and repaint and make everything look as if nothing ever happened to it.”

  “Where is it you’re staying? We’ll stay there with you.” The smile returns to her face.

  I pull out the paper my lawyer wrote up for me and hand that to her. She looks it over then says, “This says only the home we shared I’m allowed in until the divorce is final. Nowhere else. Damn it!” Her eyes level on mine. “Damn you, Channing! I’ll make you pay for this! Just watch. You think you have trouble coming your way, just you wait and see what else I can drum up on your ass!”

  I get up and say, “Your threats are so old, Jana. Soon the world will know about how you’ve set me up. You know damn well I didn’t try to kill you. And if you had any idea about how to use a computer then you’d know many people are questioning the whole pregnancy thing. Your ridiculous six months into a pregnancy and not a hint of a baby-bump has skeptics blazing through social media with the picture of our last outing. By the way, who was your doctor?”

  “None of your fucking business, Channing!” Her cheeks are red with rage and the effects of the alcohol.

  “How’s that? This was my
supposed baby, Jana.” I glare at her. “Just admit your lies and this can all go away a whole lot quicker than if you continue with your story of me trying to kill you. I know you drugged the wine and I know Morgan was out there on one of his neighbor’s boats. Two things you’ve failed to mention when doing your little shows for the press.”

  “How do you know about Morgan borrowing a boat?” Her bottom lip trembles a bit.

  “His neighbor is a big fan of my hockey team and he told me. You see, I do have a bit of clout in this town. You may have turned many against me with your lies, but I still have some people in my corner.” I turn to walk away.

  “Your own family is against you, Channing,” she says, stopping me.

  I turn back. “And why are you calling my mother? You never wanted hardly a thing to do with my family but suddenly you call her about everything. Odd, I think.”

  Her head cocks to the right. “She deserves to know what a piece of shit she raised!”

  Mine cocks to the left. “Me, a piece of shit? Well, just so you know. She and my grandparents have caught onto your real agenda with the phone call you made to her this morning. They want me to give the money to you to give back to Morgan only because they see it as evil money and never wanted me to accept anything from that family. They don’t have your back, Jana. They just have their ideas about the money. It’s nothing more than that.”

  I turn to leave again as she shrieks, “Channing, I’m not going to play around with you! Give me the damn money or you’ll spend the rest of your life in prison! I swear I can make it happen!”

  My feet keep taking me towards the door. The waitress runs up to me. “Sir, the bill?”

  “Oh, sorry. How much was the water I had?” I ask as I pull out my wallet.

  “Free, but um, we don’t do split tickets, sir. Sorry.” She looks very apologetic.

  “Well then, my free water is part of her ticket. Go ask her to pay you. I hope you have a nice day. Bye now.” I walk out of the glass door feeling a lot better about everything with the recording of all Jana’s admissions and threats.

  Even from outside I can hear Jana screaming as the waitress must be telling her she has to pay the bill. “Who does this to their wife? I ask you, who does this sort of horrible thing to his very own wife?”


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