Liberate (The Vindicated Series Book 2)

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Liberate (The Vindicated Series Book 2) Page 6

by Addison Jane

  Noah sinks into himself and winces. “It was an order, I didn’t know who she was.”

  Molly reacts before we even have time to comprehend what she’s doing and lunges for him. She claws at his face, her nails ripping at his flesh as she mounts him on the sofa. He sits there letting her claw at him. She’s rabid, as she screams in his face slapping and clawing at him, but I jump up along with Luca and grab her as quickly as possible, pulling her off him and holding her back.

  “Fuck you, you fucking piece of fucking shit. I’m gonna kill you myself you mother fucki—”

  “Molly… stop!” Lily yells standing up between Molly and Noah as he sits panting on the sofa with streams of blood forming rivers down his face. “It’s not his fault. He thought I was the bad guy. He was just doing his job. I don’t blame him and I hold no grudges. You shouldn’t either.”

  Molly stops struggling and looks to Lily furrowing her brows and shaking her head. “I don’t understand. If he’s a member of your team then why the hell…” She pauses and bites her lip. “I don’t get it? Kace, tell me everything.”

  “Sit back down, keep your hands off my team—”

  “My team,” Luca interrupts and I send him a death glare.

  “Keep your hands off everyone and I’ll finish telling you what happened.”

  She nods and looks to Noah who’s now dabbing his puffy face with some tissues. Poor guy. She winces and tilts her head in a sort of apology and then sits down.

  “So, Noah was given the waste order for Lily, but luckily Daisy got to him before he could get to Lily. Then we arrived and scared him off. It wasn’t until then we started to notice something was off in The Agency, things weren’t adding up. Our leader was giving out missions to the team without the rest of us knowing and that just didn’t happen. We had no idea Noah was given the order on Lily… he was told not to tell us. It wasn’t until he found out that Lily and I were a thing that he came clean, and I saw the scuffle marks on him from Daisy that it all came out. Right then I knew something wasn’t right. I went to our leader and she told me that Lily was my next target… that I had to take her out because her biological father ran a syndicate.”

  Molly nods. “Oh yeah, Lily told me about her real dad and that he was a bad guy.”

  “Yeah, well, the Director of The Agency told me that Lily was part of the Syndicate and that she was playing me, and that there was a requirement to take her out. It didn’t add up, though. When I spoke to Lily, I could tell she was telling the truth about not being part of the Syndicate. It was then I knew she was in trouble. There was more to the story too… something was happening in The Agency I wasn’t aware of. So I had to take Lily and go.”

  Molly nods. “Oh, so your holiday wasn’t a holiday at all?”

  “No, we were on the run, from my team. She sent them after us. Said I’d joined Lily and swapped sides.”

  “Wow! How many are on your team exactly?”


  “So you were running from six well-trained Operatives, with my best friend… for your lives?”

  I shrug. “Well, it was the six of them. Plus, the rest of The Agency.”

  Molly slumps her shoulders. “Oh… for crying out loud. But obviously something has happened to make your team trust you? Or at least some of them, ‘cause you know, they’re here in the same room and all.”

  “When they found us I told them what I’d found out. About how The Agency wasn’t what we thought it was. About how the head, and our leader, were not helping our country and fighting against the bad guys. About how they were, in fact, helping organize and fund terrorists instead, and we were the ones actually killing the innocent victims in this all along. We had no idea, we were pawns in their much bigger game. So once they knew, we devised an out plan for Lily and me. To make it seem like we were killed in action, and our bodies destroyed in a house explosion so they couldn’t be recovered and The Agency wouldn’t look for us. When Luca went back to our leader telling her of our deaths, she devised the crash and incineration for the news and for Lily’s family. There was a reason for having no bodies… we went into the wind. Once we heard the leader was going to be at Lily’s funeral, though, we knew something else was brewing. This isn’t over… I just… I’m still not sure what’s going on.”

  Molly exhales shaking her head. “So, this leader of yours sounds intense. Why would she have such a strong dislike for Lily? Like, I know she wants you to be at your best, but surely you guys are allowed to have relationships, right?”

  I slump my body and grimace. “She’s my mother.”

  “Whoa! Plot twist. Did not see that coming. Wow! So your mom wanted to kill your girlfriend because she wanted you to keep focused. Geez, the mother-in-law from hell award right there.”

  Lily laughs and nods. “I know, right? That’s what I said.”

  I smirk as Luca laughs and Noah grins.

  “So yeah… that’s pretty much it. You’re in the loop.”

  “So this is why I’ve had your dog the whole time?”

  I chuckle and nod. “Well… yeah.”

  “Mind blown!” Her hands come up to her face and then blow out like an explosion making Lily chuckle.

  “Well, I better take you home,” Noah states still dabbing at the grazes on his face.

  “Now I’m in the loop, you better not try and keep me out of what’s going on,” Molly snaps.

  “We’ll see, I have to do what’s best for Lily.”

  “Oh yeah, ‘cause you did such a great job of that today,” Molly snaps back at me.

  “Okay, I think it’s time to go now,” Noah says reaching into his pocket to grab something.

  Molly quickly snaps her hand up to her eyes. “Don’t be flashing me with one of those Men in Black mind wipey things now, sexy agent man,” Molly says in all seriousness as Noah chuckles while shaking his head.

  “You’re weird,” Noah replies pulling out his car keys and jingles them on the end of his finger making Molly part her fingers just slightly glancing through them to see the keys. She giggles and pulls her hands down from her face with a grin.

  “Oh…” she simply says standing up. “Okay, let’s go. But I swear, if you die on me again, Lily, I will kill you! Don’t think you can keep me away now I know you’re alive either.”

  “I promise, I won’t die again,” Lily says, and I smile at her.

  “Oh, Noah won’t like assassinate me will he? Like this isn’t one of those… if I tell you I have to kill you… type scenarios is it?”

  Noah smirks and I shake my head. “No, you’re safe and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this but don’t tell anyone. We will be watching and listening to everything you say and do from now on.”

  She lets out a small laugh. “Naw really?” Luca, Noah and I all nod. “Shit, you’re serious.”


  “Okay wow! You guys actually look really fucking serious right now, so I might actually play by the rules on this one. Don’t worry, my lips are sealed unless there’s a nice juicy cock around, all this Jason Bourne talk’s got me horny. Anyone interested?”

  Noah and Luca both open their eyes wide as Lily rolls her eyes and giggles.

  “Oh my God, Molly, you’re such a flirt. Go away and leave the boys alone.”

  “Spoilsport. Daisy… c’mon,” she calls.

  Daisy jumps off the sofa and runs out with her as Noah takes a deep breath turning and heading for the door. Molly moves in behind him and makes a lude gesture toward Noah’s ass with her hands as they walk out.

  Luca snorts. “Oh God what have we done?” he asks as Molly closes the door behind her.

  Lily smirks. “Made my life easier. Didn’t realize how much I needed her until I had no one.”

  I furrow my brows. “You had me.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  I look to Luca. “You need to find out who those guys are and report back to me as soon as you know what’s going down.”

  Luca sal
utes and looks from me to Lily to me. “Will do. Right, I’m off. I’ll leave you two to unwind. It’s been a long day.”

  “Okay, thanks… for everything,” I say and walk with him to the door.

  “Thanks, Luca,” Lily calls out.

  He turns back and smirks. “Wait… what was that? Were you being nice to me?”

  She smiles and shakes her head. “No. What I meant was thanks for leaving, Luca,” Lily jibes while Luca nods matter-of-factly.

  “That’s better, wouldn’t want to think you actually liked me or anything, Lily.”

  She scoffs. “God no! It’s not like you’re actually a friend or anything.”

  He nods and winks at her as he turns back to me and exhales. “You look after her, okay? She may seem all bright and bubbly, but she’s crumbling man. You take care of this, I got everything else.”

  Nodding, I take in a deep breath as he walks out of the door.

  This has been a bit of a reality check. I need to know when to let people help. The time is now and who better to help than Luca. Sure he’s not me, but he has the same skills as me. He’s just as good, I hate to admit that, but I’ve taught him everything he knows so I can be humble in that.

  I watch Luca head down to his SUV, then I turn and head back straight toward Lily who’s sitting on the sofa staring off into space. The zoned-out look in her eyes makes me think there’s more to Luca’s crumbling comment than I thought.

  “Lily, I just want to say I’m sorry for what happened today. I don’t know why I was so focused on other things and not you, but I promise that you come first from now on.”

  She smiles weakly. “Okay,” is all she answers and then looks away from me like she’s a little bit out of it.

  Maybe she’s emotionally drained from seeing her family in so much pain? I can’t blame her.

  I can only blame me.

  After watching my funeral today, after seeing my parents and Liam so distressed and not being able to comfort them, after nearly being caught by an Operative—I’m on the edge of breaking down and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Seeing Molly was the only thing stopping me from cracking today. As Kace moves further and further into the light, I’m being overwhelmed and sinking further and further into the abyss that is the dark. He’s seeing that in all this mess Camilla is the monster dressed in his mother’s clothing and he’s trying desperately to find a way that maybe somehow, we can climb out of this chaos. But me? I’m being sucked into this pit of depression—I’ve lost my job, my parents, everything, and now I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing familiar.

  “I pulled you into all of this shit,” Kace says yanking me out of my repetitive thoughts. I look up at him as he continues his apology which I don’t really hear while he steps in front of me between my legs as I continue to sit on the sofa and stare. “I feel like I need to be the one to get you out of this, but I’m realizing that by doing that I’m not looking after you like I promised I would. So now you will be my total focus and I promise to look after you the best way I can.” His eyes blaze with fear but then they soften. “I know it’s hard, but it will be worth it in the end. If it weren’t for you, The Agency and the Seven would still be heading down a dark path of destruction. You helped us to see a truth, a truth we had no idea about and a truth we couldn’t face. And now faced with that truth, we can liberate ourselves and become who we need to be.”

  Warmth floods over me, pushing all my self-doubt to the side. I can feel his affection and he makes me feel safe. As I look at Kace, he gazes lovingly into my eyes and I notice a raw honesty in him that I adore. He loves me and all he wants is to do right, to be a good man, and he is. He’s a righteous man and I will stand beside him at any cost.

  “Kace, you amaze me. I love the man you were and the man you have become since being faced with all of… this. You’re so brave, so strong and I wouldn’t want any other man by my side.”

  He sits down on the coffee table in front of me and sighs. “I Love you, Lily. I want only what’s right for you.”

  After I lean forward I grab his hands in mine and make the space between us lesser. “I know. I know all of this...” I look around the cabin, “… is for us, for me, but I need both of us to be happy, Kace. We need to find a way out of this together. But either way I’m by your side, in the light, in the dark, in the fucking depths of despair,” his jaw clenches, “… I’m right here with you, Kace.”

  His face contorts like he’s deeply moved by my words and his eyes glisten. He takes a deep breath looking into my eyes and blinks a few times. His eyes take on an animalistic hunger and an urgent lust breaks through in his gaze. I lick my bottom lip as he surges forward from the coffee table toward me. His hands fly into my hair as he pushes me back down onto the sofa. His lips crash to mine in a flurry of passion, taking me by surprise as his full weight forces my back to the sofa cushions. His tongue dances with mine as my legs instinctively part, allowing him to sink in between. He grinds his hips into mine and I’m suddenly glad we’re in a secluded cabin in the middle of the woods completely and utterly alone.

  My hands run up under the back of his shirt, feeling his every taut muscle. God, I love the way this man is sculptured and he’s all mine. My nails dig into his tanned flesh while he rocks into me causing a slight moan to rumble from the center of my throat. His cock begins to harden against me. The need I feel for him is growing quickly, and after the turbulent and chaotic events of the day, to be with him and have him show me how much love he has for me is just what I need right now. Being with Kace is something special, something uniquely exceptional every single time.

  I move my hands down to the hem of his shirt and start to frantically pull it up over his head. He moves with me breaking apart our lips so his shirt can come off over his head. His mouth doesn’t find its way back to mine, but rather my neck as he trails hard kisses down my skin to the top of my blouse, where he arches back and begins to undo the buttons at lightning speed.

  My top is pulled open quickly and I shuffle up pulling out of the sleeves and throw it to the floor. His hand moves beneath me undoing my bra strap with a single flick of his fingers.

  He’s so skilled at everything he does I think with a smile.

  My bra is soon on the floor too as he comes back down on top of me, pressing his bare chiseled chest to mine. The feeling of his burning hot skin on mine fills me with desire. My hands want to touch every inch of him, to memorize every muscle and every crevice of him. I don’t want to leave a single morsel of him untouched.

  His lips meet mine and that all too familiar buzz screams through my soul. Kissing him isn’t like an electrical charge. It’s not just chemistry, it’s like your favorite thing combined with utter jubilation—it’s like Christmas on crack, endorphins mixed with adrenaline, it’s excitement with pleasure, it’s pure unadulterated bliss. Being with Kace is like nothing I’ve ever experienced, it’s so hard to explain and I feel even with those words I’m still not doing him justice. But as I lay here kissing him while he rocks back and forth into me, working me up without even trying, I know my life is him—it’s not with him, it is him.

  He groans into my mouth as my hands move around to his waistband and I begin to unbuckle his belt. He shifts slightly helping me with my plight, making it easier to open his pants. Unzipping his jeans, I tug his pants down around his ass. He pulls back, standing up from me suddenly, and pulls his pants down completely leaving him naked next to me as I pant on the sofa staring at his length in front of my face. I lick my lips taking in the sight of his strong thick length and I reach out to take him in my hand, but he smirks and leans down before I have a chance. His hands grab the hem of my skirt and pulls it down along with my panties at the same time making me squeal slightly at the speed in which he moves. You’d think I’d be used to stealthy Kace by now, but his speed and agility still leave me in awe.

  My breathing is strained and rushed as he makes quick work of moving back over me on the sofa.
We’re both completely naked as his body presses against mine, and as he looks me in the eyes running his hand along my face gently, I can tell this is going to be anything but a quick fuck.

  He gazes into my eyes lovingly and rests his forehead on mine as our bodies mold together, touching in every way, but not yet joined. “I love you, more than anything in this world.”

  Bringing my hand up to his face, I caress his cheek and gently lean in kissing his lips softly. “You are my world,” I murmur back and with that he adjusts his hips and slowly thrusts up inside of me. I tense up slightly as we didn’t get around to any foreplay, so I’m not fully ready to take him in like normal, but he knows as he leans forward and kisses me strongly, slowly pulling back his hips and thrusting only fractionally, letting me acclimatize to his size. He knows what he’s doing and I adore him for it, but even though I’m not fully worked up it still feels fucking amazing.

  My hands run up his back, pulling him closer to me, needing him, wanting him. We begin the torturous rhythm of rocking together as our tongues dance, kissing each other like there’s no tomorrow. This is gentle, this is soft, this is lovemaking at its best—this is love, this is us.

  My legs pull up higher, wrapping around his waist, my knee hurts, but I don’t care as my heels dig into his back while I grind up into him. The pleasure is rolling through me as he takes me to new heights. Every time with Kace is a new experience and this time is no different.

  He thrusts deep, my belly aching with desire as he moves inside of me. His hand moves to my face tenderly caressing my cheek showing his softer side as he thrusts again and again. The wave of pleasure rolls through me. I feel the tidal wave start in my toes, it catapults through me spiraling up through my legs making them feel like jelly as they shake against his waist.


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