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Imposter Page 6

by J. J. Bella

  What did Regina tell her? Scott wondered. If she spun another one of her lies…

  After a time, Scott could sense that the prolonged socialization was wearing Ashley out.

  "I think I've had just about enough meet-and-greets for one night," he said, leaning in close among the crowd of tuxedo and gown-clad men and women.

  "I couldn't agree more," said Ashley.

  Scott found Michael in the crowd, thanked him for the invitation, and he and Ashley bid him and his wife a good evening. Minutes later, they were in the back of Scott's car as it drove north towards San Francisco.

  But during the drive, Ashley was quiet and stone-faced.

  Something's definitely going on with her, thought Scott. Better to get to the bottom of it now, rather than risk letting whatever it festers, especially since it likely has to do with her conversation with Regina.

  "You OK?" he asked, undoing the tight knot of his bow tie and buttoning the top button of his dress shirt.

  "Yeah, fine," said Ashley, her tone flat.

  A moment passed, the lights from the highway pulsing the back of the car with thin, white light.

  "You sure about that?" asked Scott.

  Ashley sighed and tightened her expression, as if debating whether or not to say anything. Finally, after several more moments, she spoke.

  "No, I'm not," she said, turning to Scott. "It's…Regina."

  "I figured as much," said Scott. "What's up?"

  "She told me about what happened between you two."

  "Oh?" asked Scott, wondering if what he was about to hear was truth or another one of Regina's lies.

  "She told me what she did to Olivia, that she slapped her."

  Scott felt his teeth instinctively clench at the memory of that day.

  "Yeah, she did do that," he said.

  "But then she said that you were a womanizer who only cared about yourself."

  Scott said nothing for a moment, letting the accusation sink in.

  "And what do you think about that?" he asked.

  "I don't know," said Ashley. "We've only known each other for a short time, but that's…just not the impression that I get at all. You seem dedicated to Olivia and your work, in that order."

  "And you'd be exactly right. Sure, I've played the field, but never when I was with Regina; not once did I step out on that girl."

  "That's good to hear."

  "And her hitting Olivia in that way was something I couldn't get past. Sure, it may've been a little slap then, but there's no way I'd risk letting someone who'd do something like that in anger be near my daughter."

  "I agree," said Ashley. "I'm not a parent, so I can't say, but that sounds entirely reasonable to me."

  Then what's her issue? thought Scott.

  "But…you seem upset," he said.

  "I am. But it's not about you, it's about Regina."


  "Yeah. I'm just feeling so…stupid for thinking of her the way I used to. Back in high school, she was one of the pretty girls, one of the girls who all the boys wanted. And I could see why. Something about her seemed…I don't know- magical. I know that sounds stupid, but I was only seventeen. Then she decided to be friends with me. At the time, I had no idea why a girl like her would want to be associated with someone like me; it didn't make any sense. Although, looking back, it was obvious."

  "What was obvious?" asked Scott.

  "That me and the other girls Regina kept around her were the girls that she felt were ‘lower' than her- less pretty, less popular, all that. And because of that, we looked up to her. And that's what she wanted from friends, just people to look up to her and make her feel important."

  "That sounds like Regina," said Scott. "She had a lot of great qualities, but she thrived on attention."

  "Right," said Ashley. "She could make you feel like the center of the universe if she wanted; she's one of those people that, when she's talking to you, can make you think that there's no one else in the world. But she could turn it off just as fast as she turned it on, leaving you out in the cold. And she did this whenever she felt like you did her wrong in some way."

  "And you never knew what it was," said Scott, the memories of his time with Regina flooding back into his mind, all of the words Ashley spoke ringing true.

  "Exactly. Once, in college, she shut me out for a week during our freshman year. She ignored my texts and calls, gave me the cold shoulder on campus, and, basically, pretended that I didn't exist. Later, I found out that it was because she caught me talking to some guy she hooked up with a few times. I wasn't even flirting with him; I was just getting a copy of the notes from a class I missed."

  "Yep," said Scott. "React first, get the facts later, if ever."

  "Mhmm," said Ashley. "I learned all this as the years went on, and when she graduated she vanished, leaving me and the rest of her little crew behind like we never existed. I felt abandoned, lost, unsure of who I was. It sounds so stupid now, but looking back, I realized that I relied on her to feel good about myself. Only a word from her made me feel positive about who I was; I just wasn't able to bring myself up like that on my own."

  "That's not stupid at all," said Scott. "When you're young and unsure of yourself, it's easy to be attracted to those who seem like they have it all figured out. Even if they clearly don't."

  "Right," said Ashley. "And she didn't; you don't need me to tell you that. But seeing her tonight, it's like I was able to see her for who she really was. And all I can feel now is…stupid. Stupid that I let a girl like her, the stupid, spoiled kid that she is, be such a big part of my life for so long."

  Scott's eyes stayed fixed on Ashley's; he could see tears of frustration welling in them, her green eyes sheened and wet.

  "And it makes me feel like a stupid kid. Like, I think that I've grown up, but what if I'm just the same person I've always been, just waiting for another person like Regina to scoop me up and make me feel better about myself? What if I'm never going to be my own, complete person? What if…"

  But before she could finish, the tears that had been welling began to pour, dripping down her face in darting angles.

  "I'm being stupid," she said, sniffling, trying to compose herself. "Sorry you have to deal with this."

  Scott moved closer to her, placing his arm around her shoulder and bringing her close. He pulled a clean, white handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her. Ashley took it and quickly dabbed the tear tracks from her face.

  "Don't apologize," said Scott, the heat from her body palpable. "We all have to learn these lessons one way or another."

  "I know," she said. "But that doesn't make it less hard."

  "Well," said Scott. "If it's any consolation, even in the short time we've known each other, I can easily see that you have a good, caring heart. You're open, trusting, and warm. Girls like Regina, who're cold and manipulative, find girls like you because they're the ones who want to be you."

  Ashley looked up at Scott, her eyes still wet. "You think so?"

  "Of course," he said. "Never spend a minute longer than you need to thinking about girls like her. They're doomed to make the same mistakes over and over. Never feel bad about who you are."

  Scott looked down at Ashley, her eyes wide, her expression soft, her lips red. At that moment, he felt a charge, like electricity, between their bodies. Then, seemingly out of his control, the urge to place his lips on hers, to pull her close, to kiss her, to embrace her, overcame him.

  But, before he could give in, he looked away, letting his gaze fall onto the passing landscape.

  Now's not the time, he thought to himself.

  They spent the rest of the drive in this way, sitting in silence, Ashley's head on Scott's shoulder, his arm wrapped around her, no sound but the gentle passing of traffic on the streets.

  Chapter 12

  Current Moment

  What the hell was I thinking? thought Ashley, her head resting her on her hand as she looked over the latest figures from Michael
's firm. One too many glasses of champagne and I start with the damn waterworks. Scott must think I'm such a baby.

  It was a few days after the party, and Ashley was still frustrated with her behavior the other night. Sure, she accepted, seeing Regina understandably upset her. And sure, keeping things bottled up is never a good idea. But, she knew that looking like a melodramatic teen in front of her boss wasn't the best move if she wanted to look like a professional that he can trust.

  Whatever. What's done is done. Maybe if I kick butt getting this investment sorted out I can at least send the message that he can trust me with work-related matters.

  She tore through the sheet in front of her, checking over the numbers and making sure they all added up. But as soon as she was one, her gaze drifted away from the work in front of her and out onto the beautiful clear sky through the windows near her, the water of the backyard pool shimmering and beckoning her. Sitting at the dining room table, she noticed the house was quiet and still, Scott off schmoozing with another potential client and Olivia not yet home from school.

  Again, her thoughts focused on Regina. They were still the same frustrated thoughts about being used by her, wondering how a shallow, manipulative girl like Regina could've ever had an influence on her.

  What is wrong with me? Why can't I just leave this stuff in the past where it belongs? Everything Scott said was right. So why can't I get over it?

  But before she could ruminate on the same issues for too long, the front door opened, and Olivia stepped in.

  "Ashley!" she said, dropping her backpack on the floor and running towards Ashley, wrapping her arms around her shoulders.

  "Hey, kid!" said Ashley, returning the hug. "How was school?"

  "Boring," said Olivia, rolling her eyes at the thought.

  Ashley cast another glance at the pool.

  "What do you think of taking a swim?" said Ashley, the idea of taking a break from work sounding absolutely heavenly to her.

  "Yeah!" said Olivia.

  "Awesome. Go get your suit on and meet me outside."


  With that, Olivia dashed off to her room.

  Ashley pushed her papers away, ready to be done with work, at least for the time being. Heading to her room, she opened the drawer that contained the few swimsuits she owned, removing the one-piece that she wore to the beach the other day.

  Some sun sounds really nice, she thought, her eyes settling on the red two-piece that she realized she rarely wore. Deciding on that, she slid out of her clothes and put on the bikini, grabbing a towel on the way out.

  Olivia was waiting for her by the pool, a beaming smile on her face. And as soon as she spotted Ashley, she jumped in, her slight frame splashing into the water.

  "Careful!" shouted Ashley, sitting at the side of the pool and letting her are legs slide into the water.

  Slipping her sunglasses on her face, she let the warmth of the sun and the cool of the water clear her mind, thoughts of Regina and the other night drifting away as she hopped off of the side and into the cool, clear water.


  Scott arrived home to the sounds of splashing and playing in the pool. Setting down his brown, Italian leather bag and kicking off his dress loafers and socks, he undid his tie as he walked towards the windows that overlooked the backyard. Standing in front of the glass, he smiled as he watched Ashley and Olivia splash and play in the water.

  God, she couldn't be any more different than Regina, he thought, memories resurging of Regina sunning herself while idly flicking through gossip sites on her iPad while Olivia played alone in the pool.

  In spite of himself, Scott was finding Regina entering his thoughts as well since the party…much to his chagrin. Though he and Regina dated for some time, and were even engaged, he found little to wax nostalgic about when sifting through the memories of their relationship. But seeing her the other night brought her into his mind like an invader.

  I can't believe I dated that woman for as long as I did. What was I thinking? he asked himself as he went to the kitchen to prepare himself a cup of coffee.

  Oh, that's right- I thought she was the glamorous, composed woman that I figured a man like me should be married to. Looks like Ashley isn't the only one who made stupid mistakes involving Regina.

  Sipping his coffee, Scott thought about the days since the party. Ashley, despite how upset she was that night, threw herself back into her work with aplomb. Scott was impressed by this; dealing with coworkers and subordinates who couldn't seem to separate their personal and work lives was one of the many reasons that he decided to get into business for himself.

  Geez, he thought, I'm already starting to wonder what I'll do when she's gone.

  Mug in hand, Scott walked back to the windows overlooking the pool. This time, he opened the door and stepped out, the wet cement cool on his bare feet.

  "A little pool break?" he asked, watching the girls play fight with rubber noodles, Olivia squealing with delight.

  "Work's mostly done for the day," said Ashley, her body completely submerged aside from her head and arms.

  "If you say so, I'll trust you," said Scott.

  "Get in, dad!" shouted Olivia, waggling a hot pink pool noodle towards him.

  "Nah, I think I'll just hang out over here where it's nice and dry, if you ladies don't mind," he said, settling his coffee mug down on the glass poolside table and taking a seat on the wicker chair in front of it.

  Time passed, the girls playing and swimming, Scott reading the latest financial information on his iPad, slowly sipping his coffee. After a time, a rumbling sounded from his stomach, and he realized that he hadn't eaten all day.

  "What do you girls say for a pizza night out?" he asked before draining the last little bit of his coffee.

  "Yeah!" shouted Olivia.

  "That sounds good," said Ashley. "I'm starving."

  "Great. You girls get ready; I'll wait out here for you."

  His eyes on the small screen of his iPad, Scott almost didn't notice Ashley step out of the pool. But as soon as he did, it was all he could do to not gawk at her like a horny teenager. Unlike the modest one-piece that she wore to their beach outing, Ashley was now wearing a two-piece of tight, dark red fabric, the suit hugging the supple of curves of her body. The water cascaded down her lithe figure, casting her fair skin in a glistening sheet of water, down her smooth, bare stomach and shapely legs. Her strawberry blonde hair was heavy and wet, the curving tendrils pressed upon on her ample cleavage.

  Scott shifted in his seat; he hadn't been prepared for the beauty that was now on display. Ashley walked towards him, stopping feet from where he sat.

  "I just need to dry off; I'll only be a few minutes," she said.

  And with that, she wrapped a towel around her slim body and walked back into the house.

  This is just getting more complicated by the minute, thought Scott, a wry smile on his face as he looked out onto the city beyond, the image of Ashley's bikini-clad body fresh and clear in his mind.


  Ashley watched with a pleased smile on her face as the purple bowling ball thundered down the lane, its path wobbling and irregular. The ball hung on the edge of the lane, just on the precipice of the drop-off into the gutter.

  Almost, she thought.

  Then, with a thud, it fell off, landing into the gutter and rolling down and out of sight, not a single pin jostling as it passed.

  "That's another big, fat ‘x'," she said, watching the letter appear in the open box on the screen above the lanes.

  She grinned as Scott said nothing, shaking his head as he made his way back to his seat.

  The bowling alley was lively and loud, the sounds of pins crashing, balls bounding on lanes, and classic rock music through the speakers blending together in a noisy din. Ashley sat in the hard, plastic chair in the lane, Olivia next to her, her tiny feet clad in orange and white-colored bowing shoes.

  "You're…not very good at this, Dad," said Olivia, her eyes
on the overhead screen.

  "Hey, I never said I was an expert bowler," Scott said, taking his seat next to the girls.

  "I think your performance tonight is making that very, very clear," said Ashley, a playful grin on her face.

  "OK, I think I'm ready for some real food," said Scott. "That pizza should be ready by now."

  "You're only saying that because you're losing," said Olivia.

  "I'm only saying it because I'm hungry," said Scott.

  Ashley chuckled. It was strange to her seeing Scott pull up a distant third in their little match. When Olivia suggested the bowling alley for dinner, Ashley was half-expecting Scott to approach bowling with the same careful expertise that he had for nearly everything else that he did. She was so convinced that his skill for just about everything else that he took on would translate to bowling that she almost didn't believe It when she watched his first toss curve abruptly into the gutter.

  "You know," said Ashley. "I'm sure if I asked they'd be more than happy to put the bumpers in."

  "Ha, ha," said Scott.

  The three finished their game, Scott pulling up a distant third.

  "I'm almost a little happy to see you're so bad at this," said Ashley with a wink. "It makes you seem almost human."

  "I'm just a little rusty is all," said Scott.

  "Dad, it's been the same amount of time since both of us last played," said Olivia.

  "And how was he then?" asked Ashley.

  "Just as bad."

  "Hey, how about that pizza?" said Scott, eagerly bounding away from the lanes and towards the food court, his garish bowling shoes a humorous contrast to his otherwise stylish outfit of gray slacks and a tight-fitting white Henley.

  Olivia and Ashley shared a knowing look before following after him. By the time they arrived at the food court, Scott had already picked up their pizzas- an extra cheese for Olivia and Ashley and a supreme for Scott, along with a pair of corn-yellow beers in frosty glasses for the adults and a cherry Coke for Olivia.


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