Mark: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 11)

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Mark: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 11) Page 1

by Katie Dowe


  Started from the bottom now he’s here... with her!

  A sexy rags to (billionaire) riches romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  A lot can happen over coffee.

  When she was younger, Latoya never expected to meet a hunky songwriter at her local café.

  Since then, handsome, creative Mark was all she ever wanted.

  Furthermore, he’d never met anyone like her: a girl who supported his career even when he didn’t believe in himself.

  But despite the love he grew for her, Mark couldn’t help but think the extra time with Latoya’s was what made his music career not take off.

  So he walked out on her, leaving her shattered, hurt and heartbroken in the process.

  Five years later, Mark’s a household name, and his songs are on everybody’s lips.

  But love isn’t easy to forget, and he feels it’s time he finally reunites with the woman he’s been missing so much.

  But will Latoya forget the pain he caused and let her heart open up again?

  Or will Mark find out he’s lost the most important thing in his life?

  Find out in this heartwarming yet fiery romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll desire your own melodic hunk!

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2017 to Katie Dowe and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Bonus Book – Close To Her Asian Billionaire

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

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  Chapter 1

  They met in the old café near to where she worked as a legal secretary at Bidders & Gaston law firm that dealt mostly in civil suits. She was going to the café for the past two months when she noticed him sitting in the corner with his laptop opened before him, his brown hair streaked heavily with blonde, bent over in concentration. She had wondered if he was a novelist and this was where he had come to get his inspiration.

  Latoya Cross was an intense young woman who was very dedicated to the work at the office. She had been with the firm for the past two years and had learned quite a bit. Alfred Gaston, one of the senior members, had jokingly said to her that she could very well become a lawyer, she was so thorough. But she did not want to be one. She was currently working to pay off her heavy student loan as it was and caring for a mother who had become paralyzed in the accident that had taken her husband’s life and had put her heavily in debt. Her mother had died a year ago, succumbing more to the grief of losing her husband and the use of her legs rather than deterioration of her physical health. Latoya missed her very much, but her mother had died when the accident had claimed her dad’s life.

  “Now you can start going out and finding yourself a man,” her best friend Coretta had told her bluntly. But she was not ready for that yet. There had been someone in college but that had not worked out and she was determined to find herself before committing to another person. It had been rough for the past couple of years and she was just now recovering.

  “The usual please, Mabel,” she told the middle aged owner with a smile. The woman nodded and turned to get the latte and straight up black coffee that she always came by to get for her boss. She looked around the small space and noticed him again. This time, he looked up and their eyes met. She was not a writer so she could not accurately describe the color of his eyes. A combination of green and grey was the best she could do! He had a stubble on his chin indicating that he had probably not shaved this morning before he left his place but it only added to the rugged attractiveness of him. He inclined his head slightly in acknowledgement and went back to his laptop. She felt herself looking at him longer and only turning when her order was ready.

  She peeked at him quickly as she made her way outside, but his head was still down. She told herself that she was fascinated to know what he was doing, but it was more than that. Maybe Coretta was right. Maybe she was getting lonely!


  Mark dove into the pool cleanly and went all the way to the bottom before surfacing, feeling the clear blue water covering him and giving him a refreshing new feeling. He had decided to take a break from writing and get the cobwebs out of his head. His mother had been calling him, but he had ignored the calls. Even his sister Stephanie had been calling and usually he would return the call to his beloved twin sister but now he just wanted to be by himself. He needed to think if this was something he should continue doing. He had quit his job as a lawyer and decided to concentrate on his song writing. He had been so enthusiastic at first, but it had been six months now and he had been getting a lot of rejections. He had signed up with an agency against his better judgment and the woman, Sally Gaiters, kept telling him that he would soon get a break. “Just keep at it,” she had said in her falsely cheerful voice that got on his nerves. His songs were ones that told stories of unrequited love and love that bordered on obsession, and he was wondering if he should change it up a bit. He had been experimenting with some lyrics but was not getting it right either. He had been so confident in his creative genius that he had thought he would have made it big by now! He broke surface and combed his long fingers through his wet heavy hair and blinked the water from his eyes.

  The fierce July sun beat down on him and dried the water off him in a matter of minutes. He climbed out of the pool and headed to the towel on the back of the lounge chair and used it to dry the rest of the water off him. He was going to get back and try and do some more writing but not just now. He needed to think and plan and wonder if he had made a gigantic mistake!

  His phone rang as soon as he entered his apartment. “Mark, I know you are in a creative slump but the least you can do is just answer your phone,” his sister complained as soon as he answered.

  “I am answering now,” he told her teasingly as he headed to the kitchen. “Where is the fire?” He opened the refrigerator door and contemplated an ice cold beer or a glass of lemonade. The beer won out and he took out the can as he cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder.

  “I thought we could plan a surprise sixtieth birthday party for Mother. What do you think?”

  “You plan and I will make sure I am there.”

  “No way, buddy! You said that the last time and I ended up doing everything. We are in this thing together. It’s nothing big. We could have it at my apartment because yours is always such a mess! We w
ill have a few friends over and make it something casual. The weather is lovely so it could be done outdoors. You will get to try out your grilling expertise.”

  “You seem to have it all planned, so what do you need me for?” he asked her dryly as he sat on the stool and opened the can of beer, relishing the ice cold liquid going down his parched throat.

  “I need you to get the cake at Maria’s and a couple of your buddies to tag along as well.” She paused for breath. “Are you okay?”


  “Talk to me, please. I have not seen you in two weeks and you are not calling us. Mother is worried.”

  “I am fine. I am just hitting a writer’s block, but it will clear up shortly.”

  “Call Mother, she is worried and so am I.”

  “You worry too much,” he told her lightly.

  “We are siblings and more than that you are my twin, I am entitled. Serena was asking for you.”

  “Don’t go there,” he warned her. “I don’t need you to set me up with a woman, Steph.”

  “You need to get out there,” she sniffed. “You are too hot to be single.”

  “I might just use that as one of my titles,” he told her in amusement. “I have my writing to concentrate on.”

  “You still need someone,” his sister insisted. “Maybe that would give your writing the boost it needs.”

  “I will bear that in mind. How is Luke?” he asked, referring to her boyfriend.

  “I am still waiting on him to pop the question.” She sighed. “Why are you guys so dense?”

  “I have no idea. He will get there. We are slow, but we are sure.”

  “That does not reassure me.”

  “Talk to you later,” he said with a laugh.

  “Call Mother!” she said before hanging up.

  He put the phone down and sipped his beer, relishing the icy coldness of it. He knew what his mother was going to say to him, that was why he hesitated in calling her. When he had decided to quit the legal scene she had been horrified telling him that he was going to ruin his life. Over the past few months, she had been inferring that she had told him so without really coming out with the words.

  He drank down the rest of the beer and crushing the can in his palm he dumped it going towards the small gym to get in a workout. He needed to clear his mind for a little bit!


  “Tidy and neat, Latoya,” Alfred Gaston told her looking up at her with a beaming smile. “This civil suit against the county is going slow, but we are getting there. The court date has been put off twice already, but we consider it to be a good thing. More time to tidy up loose ends.” He leafed through the documents she had given him and nodded with a smile. “Very tidy and neat,” he repeated. “Good job.”

  Latoya was pleased with herself. She had spent her nights and early mornings making sure everything was there. She was not a lawyer but she was abreast with vagaries of it and made sure she armed herself with the various sections pertaining to what she was doing. She was hoping for an increase which would go a far way in clearing off some of her debts. She had told her friend that she was not worried but she did not like owing. She went back to her office and glanced at her watch realizing that it was time to go for her usual coffee run. Her heartbeat quickened at the thought! Ever since she had noticed him in the corner she had been thinking about him a lot and looking forward to seeing him each morning. I really need to get a man, she thought wryly as she went to get the money from petty cash.

  Mark looked up the minute she entered and his eyes followed her to the front as she made her order. He liked the way she looked. Tall and slim, her curves obvious in the knee length brown and white skirt she had on. Her shoulder length black hair was caught at the nape of her neck by a jeweled clip. He had caught her staring at him and noticed her large dark brown eyes and small turned up nose, but it was her mouth that had caught his attention. The bottom lip was full and sensuous with a shiny rose colored lipstick that highlighted the shape of it.

  He did not turn away when she turned to look at him and their eyes met and held for a few minutes before she looked away. With a sudden decision, he got up from his seat and met her as she was about to leave. “Caramel latte and straight up black coffee. I am guessing that the latte is for you.” His voice was deep and sent shivers down her spine.

  “You are guessing right,” she said with a brief smile.

  “My name is Mark Seville.” He smiled at her, revealing white teeth against his tanned skin. He looked relaxed and confident as he stood there before her in his white t-shirt and faded denims.

  “Latoya Cross,” she indicated her full hands that stopped her from shaking his hand and he nodded. “I have seen you here with your laptop. Are you a writer?”

  “Of sorts.” He shrugged easily. “I am trying to break into the music industry.”

  “What type of music?” she asked him, obviously fascinated.

  “Mostly romantic ones with a touch of tragedy.”

  “The best type.”

  “So I have been told. Well, I won’t keep you any longer. Nice talking to you, Latoya Cross.”

  “Nice talking to you too, Mark Seville.” She stood there for a moment as if not knowing what to do next before she turned and walked away leaving him staring after her.

  She had a hard time concentrating on work when she got back to the office. She kept seeing his unusual eyes every time she started to type a brief or even when she was doing some research. He had spoken to her and it was as if she had known him for a long time. She wished she had asked him for a number so she could call him but she was not that forward. Her friend Coretta would have done so but then again Coretta’s brutal honesty did not allow her to be in a relationship for very long either. With a sigh, she shook her head to get rid of the image of him and went back to work!


  He found himself thinking about her. He had been toying around with some lyrics when she had come into the café and as soon as she had stepped in his concentration had been shot to hell. He had been noticing her for a few weeks now, but today was different; today he had actually felt the pull of attraction that he had not felt in so long. She was attractive in a quiet solemn way and her eyes looked a little sad. He shook his head and chuckled ruefully. It must be the writer in him! He tended to see different emotions in people and tried to interpret them. Her skin was flawless, kind of like dark honey. He shook his head and abandoned his writing. He had a few calls to make and a party to get his head around.


  “Tell me about this mysterious man you met in the café,” Coretta Jones said desultorily as she passed her friend the glass of chilled wine before taking a seat on one of the sofas strewn in the small living room. She was a flight attendant for a major airline and was often on the move. She discarded men the way most women used and discard seasonal clothes, always claiming that she was looking for the right one.

  “He is a writer.” Latoya settled back against the cushions and stretched her muscles. It was Saturday and she was enjoying the time off from work. She enjoyed what she did, but it was tiring to say the least.

  “Anything I would have read?” Coretta raised carefully tapered brows as she stared at her friend.

  “Only if it was on your phone,” Latoya said dryly. “He is a song writer.”

  “All the better. I love music! What famous artist has been using his material?”

  “I don’t think he has anything published yet. We did not talk for very long.”

  “You sound as if you want to skip the talking and get into his underwear,” her friend said bluntly as she stared at the girl.


  “Honey, when was the last time you had sex? Don’t tell me! It was in college with that loser who was doing the business courses and you told me that the sex was quiet. Who describes sex like that?”

  “I am never going to tell you anything again.”

  “I have ways of finding out,” Coretta said
with a grin. “Your mother is dead and you are available now. Go for it.”

  “I have spoken several words to a complete stranger. Do you want me to go up to him and invite him back to my apartment?”

  “Definitely. You said he is hot and the way you describe those eyes of his and his body. If you don’t jump him soon, I am going to find him and invite him back here. I am wide open, honey.”

  “Aren’t you always?” Latoya asked her dryly.

  Coretta laughed not in the least bit offended. “Sleeping with the married pilot and dumping him is not a good idea,” she said wryly. “He is starting to become obsessive and demanding.”

  “You should not have slept with him in the first place.”

  “I know, Mother Teresa,” she said with rueful smile. “I just have to find a way to let him know that it is definitely over. Now back to your hottie!”


  “We are going to have stop meeting like this.” His deep voice drifted over her and settled causing her to shiver. She had not seen him in several days and had wondered if he was not coming back. She turned with her order and was looking up at him meeting those unbelievable eyes.

  “We should.” She moved out of the line and he moved with her. “I thought you had gone on vacation or something.” She could have bitten off her tongue as soon as she said it. Now he would know that she had noticed he was not around.

  “I had something to take care of,” he told her briefly, his gaze quizzical. “How have you been?”

  “Fine.” She tried for nonchalance but failed dismally. “How about you?”

  “I have been better.” He did not go into details and she had a feeling that he did not want to talk about it. “Hey, listen! How about having dinner with me on Friday? Not here though, but there is a nice little diner at the end of the street that serves the tastiest curried lobster and clams. Are you into seafood?”

  “Definitely.” Even if she was not, she would have said yes! “I leave work at five. Should I meet you there?”

  “Yes. I will be the guy wearing a black or white t-shirt.” There was a twinkle in his eyes as he said it. “See you there, Latoya Cross.”


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