A Succubus For Christmas

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A Succubus For Christmas Page 9

by M. E. Hydra

  “Is this the place?” Carpenter asked.

  “Yes,” the abbot replied.

  Carpenter drew his shotgun and faced the door.

  “Um. You appear to be carrying a lot of weaponry,” the abbot said. “I don't want to sound as if I have the wrong priorities…”

  Carpenter lifted up a heavy boot.

  “...but the library does contain a number of very rare–priceless even–books. I would like to ask you to please take this into account when…”

  Carpenter kicked the door in with a spray of splinters. He charged in, keeping low with the shotgun primed and ready.

  “Please be careful,” the abbot called plaintively after him.

  Shit, the room was bigger than Carpenter expected. He'd expected some poky little room with bookshelves along each wall. Instead the library was a stone hall about the length of a running track. Rows and rows of bookcases stood like dominoes on either side of a central aisle.

  He spotted the demon immediately. It was hanging upside down from a wooden beam like a bat, its black wings folded around its body. The setting sun sent shafts of light through the narrow windows behind it. An elaborate chalk circle was drawn on the stone floor beneath it. This must have been what the monks used to summon it.

  Carpenter's loud intrusion had already woken the demon. It snarled at him before unfurling midnight-black wings.

  Carpenter brought up the shotgun and fired in one smooth motion. There wasn't a lot he could do at this range though. The demon dropped down from its perch and took cover behind one of the bookshelves.

  So much for having the element of surprise, Carpenter thought as he sprinted down the aisle. He reached the last bookcase, turned and…

  …the demon was a babe.

  She leaned against a bookcase, her hips pushed forward as she struck a provocative pose. She wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing. Her voluptuous figure was completely naked. Carpenter marvelled at the full swell of her ample breasts, her long legs and the elegant features of her face. Black hair cascaded down her back in waves.

  The babe was a demon.

  Her skin was a deep blood-red. Two black wings were folded behind her back. A tail, complete with a little arrow point, flicked back and forth between her ankles. Her ears were pointed, she had two horns on her head and her eyes looked like two doorways into the abyss. Despite this her face was still more beautiful than the most exotic model.

  She was a demon babe. No, she was a demon mega-babe.

  “So you're the big bad demon hunter come to send me back to hell,” she pouted.

  She turned towards Carpenter, showing him the hairless folds of her pussy. The labia were already moist.

  “Are you sure you wouldn't like to play with me first?” she asked. She held out her arms.

  Fuck yeah, Carpenter thought. Then he remembered she'd already killed four monks.

  “I heard you play rough darlin',” he said. “Guess what, so do I.”

  He levelled the shotgun in her direction and pulled the trigger.

  He missed. Like a dancer she gracefully pirouetted away down the aisle. In the space she'd vacated books exploded in little white puffs of paper.

  He'd missed.

  How did that happen? He was standing practically right next to her.

  Carpenter gave chase to her slender form as she ran down the aisles. He got off two more shots, but both went wild, putting trash can lid sized holes in the ornate bookcases.

  He turned the next corner and slammed on the brakes as a razor-edged wing lashed out and nearly took his head off.

  Good job you've got panther-like reflexes, he thought.

  The succubus followed up the attack as her red tail came at him like a whip. It coiled around the barrel of his shotgun, the arrow-tipped point slashing through his ammo belt on the way, bare millimetres from his chest. The demon gave a sharp tug and Carpenter's gun was wrenched from his hands to clatter away across the stone floor.

  With his weapon out of the way the succubus came at Carpenter in a flurry of claws and black leathery wings. He somersaulted backwards as one of her talons neatly sliced open the arm of his leather jacket. As he fell back against a shelf he drew his handgun in one smooth motion and got off four shots. One missed, two punctured her wings and the fourth smashed into her shoulder, spinning her like a top.

  She gave a shriek of both pain and fury before leaping up over a bookshelf. Carpenter fired twice more, but he was off balance and both missed.

  Gotcha bitch, he thought.

  It wouldn't be enough though. He'd hit her high on the left shoulder, a flesh wound at best. Contrary to popular superstition demons weren't invulnerable to conventional weapons, they just healed real fast. You either had to deal them massive amounts of damage to overwhelm their natural healing capacity or hit them with something that screwed it up.

  Like silver, Carpenter thought, drawing his katana.

  Time for slice'n'dice, bitch.

  He heard her chanting over to his right in a language he didn't understand. He doubted any human would. The syllables lingered and hung in the air as if they possessed a malevolent half-life of their own.

  The mumbo-jumbo. Damn. He hated it when they started with the mumbo-jumbo.

  Tendrils of pink mist rose up from the stone floor and suffused the library in a soft fog. The musky aroma of a subtle perfume playfully teased his nostrils.

  Carpenter continued to stalk her through the misty aisles. His cock was stiff in his trousers with the thrill of the hunt.


  The demon leapt out from his left in a blur of black claws. Carpenter frantically brought up the katana to parry while simultaneously swivelling sideways to dodge her attack.

  Damn, his reactions were off tonight. Her claws raked through his jacket, missing his flesh but ruining his coat.

  He should have dodged that easily.

  The demon continued her charge past him, scaling a bookcase and slipping out of sight. Carpenter's swishing blow after her only managed to chop a heavy tome in two.

  His jacket–his favourite jacket–was toast. The bitch had slashed it to ribbons. He shrugged off the sad remains and continued to stalk through the mist, holding the katana out before him. Pink mist swirled through the aisles, narrowing visibility and filling the air with a musky aroma that reminded Carpenter of sex.

  Where are you, bitch?

  Carpenter heard chanting behind him and spun round just in time to see a ball of fire leave the succubus's hands and roar down the aisle towards him.


  Carpenter tried to dodge, but his reactions really were shitty this evening. The fireball caught him on the side and blasted him backwards into a bookcase. A burning smell filled his nostrils and he realised it was probably him, or at least his clothes. They were still on fire. Carpenter frantically tore them off before they burnt the flesh beneath. The smouldering ash of burnt books floated around him like snow.

  “Mmm, you're a big boy,” the succubus said as she looked over his mostly naked body.

  She was leaning on a bookshelf at the other end of the aisle, her naked pussy still pushed alluringly forward.

  “Do you still want to continue this ridiculous fight?” she asked. “I can think of far better ways to spend our time.” She pumped her hips forward and her pussy gaped invitingly open.

  “Sorry babe, necrophilia ain't my thing…”

  Carpenter reached down to his ankle holster, drew a silver knife and threw it at her in one smooth moment.

  “…and you're about to be…”

  At the same time he was thinking about how much he'd like to fuck that nice piece of ass.

  The knife whistled past her right ear and sank, quivering, into a heavy old tome.

  He missed?

  The succubus laughed mockingly and walked around the corner.

  What the fuck? He should have split her head in two.

  Angrily, he picked up his sword and charged after her.

ll slice you to fucking ribbons with my sword, bitch, Carpenter thought. I'll thrust it right through your body. Thrust it right in and out. In and out…

  An image entered his mind, but it was his cock he was thrusting in and out of her.

  What the fuck was wrong with him?

  He rushed around the corner only to find the succubus waiting for him. She leant forward, put a hand to her pouting lips and blew him a kiss.

  The blown kiss rushed into him like a physical force. It knocked him off his feet and sent him skidding backwards across the floor. He dropped the katana and it clattered away from him. A pleasant tingly feeling ran across his naked flesh.

  Carpenter didn't have time to recover his sword. The succubus was already pouncing, her breasts swaying hypnotically in the air.

  He caught her claw-tipped hands at the wrists as her body crashed into him, knocking him back to the ground. Her fanged mouth snapped shut mere centimetres from his exposed throat.

  Fuck, this was not the position he wanted to be in.

  The fangs lunged again, almost close enough to graze his skin.

  She was strong, maybe stronger than the average man.

  Carpenter was anything but the average man. His body was at peak fitness. He twisted an elbow under her chin and pushed up, forcing her teeth away from his throat.

  Yeah, we're bad. I'll break you in half with my bare hands, bitch.

  “Silly men,” the succubus said. “So afraid of my fangs when it is my true mouth they should fear.”

  She thrust down with her hips, impaling herself on Carpenter's massive erection.

  Oh fuuuuck.

  Carpenter's cock had just entered the tightest, hottest, juiciest pussy he'd ever felt in his life.

  “Ah,” the succubus moaned. “I told you this was more fun than fighting.” She straddled him and began to pump her hips up and down.

  Red mist boiled into Carpenter's brain.

  So she wanted a fuck. He'd give her a fuck.

  He stood up and rammed her body up against the nearest wall. She moaned in delight as her body jarred from the impact. Carpenter powered his big cock deeper into her hot cunt.

  Yeah bitch. You want a fuck? This is a fuck.

  He pinned her against the wall and growled as he thrust into her with strong pushes of his hips. He took satisfaction in her incoherent moans as his manhood ripped in and out of her tight cunt.

  Yeah, take it bitch. This is what a real man feels like.

  He rammed in and out. Juices dripped from her sopping wet pussy onto his legs.

  …succubi are purported to have a legendary arousing effect on men…

  Yeah? Well she'd got him fully aroused now and he was going to make her pay. He felt a familiar twitching sensation begin in his balls. This was going to be a big one. He was going to blast her so full of cum she'd burst.

  He thrust harder and faster, feeling her pinned body bounce helplessly against his.

  It is a sexual vampire…

  Carpenter stopped mid-thrust, feeling a cold trickle run down his spine. Had he lost his mind? This was exactly what she wanted.

  “Don't stop now, lover,” the succubus chuckled darkly. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Within her vagina powerful muscles closed around Carpenter's cock and began to suck.


  Panic gave Carpenter both speed and strength. Before she was able to lock her legs together around his back and before her vagina clamped fully around his cock he managed to slam her against the wall, hard enough to jar her into loosening her grip. He put his hands on her hips and bodily threw her off him.

  His cock twitched between his legs and a little dribble of pre-cum ran down the shaft. Thankfully that was all as his body cooled back down from the threshold of orgasm.

  It would take more than that to take out the Lord's Vengeance, Carpenter thought.

  “You tease,” the succubus pouted, “giving me a little taste and stopping like that.”

  “I'm sending you back to hell,” Carpenter said. He was through playing around.

  “You still have plenty of fight. That's good.” The succubus licked her lips. “It's so much more arousing when they wriggle.”

  Her black wings expanded and she was about to take off when Carpenter leapt forward and grabbed her legs.

  You're going nowhere, bitch.

  Her wings were powerful enough to lift both her and Carpenter. She swooped low over a bookcase sending Carpenter into it with enough force to jar his spine and bruise his lower back. He slipped down her legs a little, but refused to let go.

  I'm the big bad demon slayer. You can't get away from me.

  He clawed his way up her lithe legs, trying to get a better grip.

  The succubus swung him into one of the walls and Carpenter's legs hit the unforgiving stone with a hard crack.

  Have to do better than that, bitch.

  Carpenter refused to let go. She flew upwards now, heading between the wooden beams and up into the dark haunts of the high stone ceiling. She reached the high point and then turned her soaring ascent into a screaming dive.

  Not good, Carpenter thought. That stone floor looked awful hard and a lot further away than he would have liked. She'd also started up with the mumbo jumbo again.

  The succubus stretched her wings and brought her dive to an abrupt halt.

  Carpenter didn't.

  He slipped down her legs until his hands were clutching at nothing but empty air. He gritted his teeth and prepared for impact.

  This was going to hurt.

  A lot.

  The impact never came. Carpenter fell into something soft that cushioned his fall like an airbag. He sank down into a pink substance that seemed as insubstantial as gossamer.

  It was the succubus. She hovered above him, her black wings fully extended. She chanted more of the strange words. Thick ribbons of what looked like solidified pink mist issued from her hands and lazily coiled down around him.

  Carpenter was getting tangled up in it. It felt soft and looked about as substantial as candy floss, but Carpenter had nothing to push against, just more of a pink substance that yielded beneath his body, but refused to release him. Trying to get his limbs free was hard, energy-sapping work.

  “That's better. A bed is far more comfortable than these cold stone floors don't you think,” the succubus said, slowly descending until her feet touched down on either side of Carpenter's waist.

  He continued to thrash ineffectually against the soft magical energies entangling his body. The succubus held up her hands, chanted a few more words and more of the pink energy drifted down to bury Carpenter's limbs deeper.

  “There,” the succubus said. “That should hold you in place while we finish what we started.”

  Carpenter thrashed against the entangling energy. He was the big bad demon slayer. He was going to break free and snap her neck with his bare hands.

  “You've still got plenty of fight I see,” the succubus said. “That's good. You'll last for some time.” Her tail coiled around his erect cock, holding it upright as she slowly squatted down on him.

  “This isn't over,” Carpenter said. It was only a matter of time before he got his hands and legs free.

  “Yes it is,” the succubus said. She slowly sat down on his cock and sighed as she drew it up into her warm pussy. “It was over when you entered me the first time.”

  Carpenter groaned as he slid into her soft pussy. It fitted him perfectly, a warm fleshy glove for his cock. Now he was back in her he wasn't sure he ever wanted to leave.

  “My magic becomes more potent once I take the sexual fluids of my victim. I've already had a taste of you.”

  He had to get his hands free, Carpenter thought. He strained against her magical bonds.

  The succubus laid her hands on his chest and stared into his eyes with deep black pools. She rose up and down on his cock with brisk pumps of her hips, letting her wet pussy slurp and suck at his erection. Her full breasts swayed back and forth as s
he fucked him. Her magical bed gently rocked and undulated beneath them with the motions of her body.

  “Can you feel it, demon slayer? Your body is responding. Soon it will give me a spurt of your seed and then your body will be mine completely.”

  Carpenter squirmed beneath her, his hands still trapped in the soft silk of the magic entangling him. An ominous tickling sensation had begun in his balls and was beginning to grow in strength. Her wet pussy felt so good as it slid up and down his shaft.

  “Not going to happen,” Carpenter said. He was the big bad demon slayer. He just needed to...gnh...get free.

  The succubus smiled. She slammed her body up and down against his, harder and faster. Her breasts swayed as she bounced up and down. Her vagina gripped his cock like a silken fist.

  The tickling sensation in his balls grew. His cock twitched within her.


  Carpenter tried to look away. He tried not to think about the incredibly hot babe riding his body, tried not to think about the soft walls of her pussy clenched around his…

  Oh god, he was going to…

  “Yes, that's it,” the succubus purred. She settled down on him, drawing his cock deep within her vagina. Powerful muscles closed around Carpenter's cock and began to suck. The motion was gentle at first, but it quickly grew in strength until Carpenter's nerves were stretched taut.

  “Ughh!” Carpenter groaned as the most powerful orgasm he'd ever experienced erupted from his cock. The succubus smiled in triumph as her pussy hungrily sucked down his seed.

  “Now you are mine,” she chuckled. She sat upright on his body and gently moved her hips back and forth. Her black wings opened wide behind her, like sails.


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