The lonesome Poppy then found her wandering mind back within the centre of the plaza as she sadly looked up at the distant flashing of the blimp’s light that was high in the sky and longed to be there. She longed to be away from all the unruly crowds that buzzed around her and the barrage of noise that saturated the surrounding air with its unruly disregard for others. She wished to be away from Ness and even Cleveland itself because of her long and traumatic history here which magically imbued the city with an almost mystical status within her psyche, so much so in fact that she felt that it cruelly dominated her. This cruel city dominated her like the Terminal Tower dominated the surrounding skyline with its obvious defiance at the fragility of life and its total disregard for those fleetingly precious transient moments that could never be created from mortar and stone.
Her attention was then drawn to the water display across on one side of the plaza and noticed that the female dancers, whom were standing on different levels of the impermanent tower creation, where wearing some revealingly risky clothes. She smiled to herself thinking of the accusatory newspapers headlines that would inevitably follow in tomorrow mornings newspapers and was glad to have her mind escape the misery that Ness now represented. She shivered as a sudden cold wind picked up its strength and attempted to remove her red shoulder shawl, causing her to quickly hold it down whilst still keeping her renowned composure. She then decided to quickly move from the centre of the humid plaza and off to one side which was heavily protected by the imposing Terminal Tower and gently moved through the mass of crowds until she accidentally found herself looking at a small, multi-coloured wooden kiosk display of old wooden dolls from a bygone era.
Each finely crafted doll was gorgeously created with love, care and tenderness and uncomfortably reminded her of her own long lost doll which she had not seen in many years. Two smaller girls suddenly eagerly attended the same viewing as the pondering Poppy and she was delighted to be joined by such adorably esteemed company. She lovingly smiled at the pair before their angry mother abruptly whisked them both away, not wanting to fork out the extortionate prices that the kiosk owners where asking for. She was sadly once again left alone and her mind unwillingly wandered back to her own troubled past as she unconsciously identified the distinctive wooden doll’s smell to that of her own beloved doll.
She troublingly recalled her doll being given to her by her adopted farther and then remembered that he used to regularly take her to the Euclid Beach Amusement Park to look at the vast assortments of gorgeous dolls that lined the parks kiosk shelves with tantalizing fascination. He used to ask her which ones she liked and she used to carefully pick them out from the jumbled masses of wooden and plastic creations. She stood there by the doll kiosk and could not help but shed a tear as she thought about her abusive adoptive farther and held herself tightly to prevent the dark, painful memories from flooding back into her. These fearful emotions where usually kept under control but by being here next to the familiar smell which brought back these troubling memories, she felt almost overwhelmed by their closing proximity.
She then desperately looked around to take her mind off the dark thoughts that where now attempting to invade her consciousness and overwhelm her, like they had done so many times successfully before. She did not notice that there was a large silhouette of a mystery man covertly observing her emotional distress from behind one of the many dolls that lined the chaotic kiosk’s walls. The unknown man remained silently transfixed upon her as he curiously watched her discomfort at the troubling memory that she had just recalled and so desperately wished to evade. The mystery man’s round spectacles glared in the chaotic multi-coloured lighting that lined the doll kiosk as his face remained hidden in darkness behind the cluttering of dolls.
The disturbed Poppy then quickly moved back into the busy plaza and unwittingly headed into the cacophony of relentless sound and activity that immediately surrounding her. The shadowy stranger looked on as she drifted from his view and understood her troubled yet private reflection upon her disturbing memories for he knew her and understood what she truly was. The knowledgeable stranger then took in a prolonged deep breath to absorb the traumatic memory that she was effortlessly producing and savoured its sweet taste, a taste that only he could smell and a taste that only he could fully appreciate.
Poppy was thankful for the instantaneous distraction that the unruly crowds surrounding here unwittingly provided and then she saw something interesting in the far side of the plaza. The legendary small police death mask display that she had heard so much about in the office now teasingly revealed itself to her through the masses of shadowy people. It stood out in an unremarkably lit and quiet area of the plaza that no one appeared to be interested in or attending and this drew Poppy nearer to it, being attracted towards its obvious obscurity and thinner crowds. She had always differed from her fellow human beings in society because she had always felt like an outcast and much like the macabre display that parents now kept their children away from. These parents were understandably determined to not let their offspring see the gruesome death mask’s that where being so proudly shown within this supposedly “family setting”.
She had always been attracted towards other such social outcasts and the unusual, not being content with the ordinary or mundane and seeing the forsaken police display there was like a comforting lighthouse to her which was steadily guiding her into calmer waters. She then saw the pleasantly familiar sight of her equally social outcast ex-love, Merlyo leisurely talking to his partner Zalewski and there nervous companion Gerber. All three were actively looking and pointing at their solitary but well-lit death mask display with a look of proud achievement upon their individual and curiously smiling faces. She had heard rumours around the office that the artistic Trunk had spent many a late hour working hard on the various plaster death masks, along with help from all the others whom where present, and she smiled to herself as she felt a comforting warmth within her heart towards the lonesome detective.
He now occupied her thoughts with this comforting emotion that she had not felt in such a long time and she secretly longed for their deep friendship to develop further. She was thankful for the friendship that they had both carefully nurtured and built up over the last few months with their regular lunch meetings at Wohl’s café. At first she had been hesitant to develop a friendship but after she had voiced her concerns about Ness’s addiction to him on that grimly cold morning within his Ford, she had felt a new attraction towards him that she had not anticipated.
As these thoughts about her hearts complex decision making flooded her racing mind, she amusingly then noticed that Zalewski was thoroughly enjoying his regular diet combination of coffee and doughnuts whilst he pointed to the death masks and spoke to a viewing young female officer whom she did not recognise. The on looking Merlyo stood speaking next to Gerber whom was predictably never far away from his precious Gladstone bag as she saw it resting on his nearby seat, curiously speculating on his secretive contents with yet more comforting feelings of familiarity. The two small chatting groups where separated by a few macabre plaster death masks which were well illuminated within their own personal, glass and wooden display. They all appeared to be in good spirits as the excited Poppy then started to covertly make her way over to the groups, not wishing to show her obvious happiness through her face as she came closer for fear of causing them to alter their naturally relaxed behaviour. She knew that when they saw her they would instantly alter their behaviour, not because of her but more so because they would expect Ness to be closely behind her and this expectation would cause this undesired change to naturally happen.
An sudden involuntary rush of blood came rushing to her face in the excited anticipation of seeing Merlyo again, she tried to keep her feelings hidden from her expressionless face as she made her way across the packed plaza, not wishing to let the observant detective see her loving eyes for fear of identifying her unspoken love. While she walked across the plaza she
attempted to control her long flowing red dress whilst she graciously maundered effortlessly through the last exhibit between her and the group, the popular Great Lakes of the United States display. This display had numerous images and depictions of the great lakes within all their glory and eradiated a bluey green shimmering light that submerged all as they came near within its chaotically swirling colours. Her bright red dress instantly became a dark blood red colour as she swiftly moved through the dizzying blue and green colours that emanated from the display, submerging all who walked through it within an illusion of watery translucence. Her dress then changed back into its original striking red colour as she left this impressive display behind her and finally reached the preoccupied groups unnoticed.
She then happily decided to announce her presence in a fittingly dramatic fashion “Hello Gentlemen! Did you know that Kingsbury Run is situated on a prehistoric riverbed?” The pleasantly surprised Merlyo suddenly spun around upon hearing her sweet voice and instantly became filled with loving warmth, not expecting her heavenly presence but undoubtedly thrilled at her surprise appearance. He instantly took in the delightful image of the wondrous Poppy that graced his beleaguered and tired vision and could not help but smile as he started to move towards her with the full intention of giving her a loving hug and a kiss upon the cheek.
She wore a striking floral deep red evening dress that vibrantly stuck out amongst the restless masses behind her, as well as the immersive shimmering bluey green lights. The front was delightfully done up in bow over her unseen tummy which created the impression that she herself was a wondrous bouquet of flowers. The alluringly yet conservative floral dress was further complimented by her delightful floral red shawl which was elegantly draped over her naked shoulders. Her curled golden hair was parted down one side and ended just below her shoulder blades in a fashionably done style which would make many competing women jealous. The tastefully elegant silver jewellery that hung around her neck and upon her wrists dazzled any eye that dared to venture towards its alluringly sparkling location. She supremely stood with a lovingly warm smile upon her pretty face as the bluey green lights swirled behind her, literally demanding instant admiration from all whom saw her.
Merlyo then gave the eagerly awaiting Poppy a well needed loving hug and warm kiss upon her cheek as the rest of the group stopped talking and looked upon the beauty that now graced their grim surroundings. The hug that Merlyo had given her was only for a blissful moment because he did not wish to impose himself needlessly upon her before he then reluctantly let her go and spoke “Poppy! What an unexpected surprise? You look absolutely stunning! I love your hair and the dress, Wow! Beautiful! I’m so happy to see you! I thought you’d be with Ness wining and dining someplace ‘posh’?” Merlyo could not help himself but smile as his happiness upon seeing her unexpended arrival was apparent for all to see, effortlessly exhibiting an unhindered warmth towards her which expressed itself through his physical movements and facial expressions. The same rush of excitement and joy that she had experienced upon seeing him also occurred within himself but he could not hide it as well as she could and Poppy got even more excited upon seeing his physical reaction towards her. That she could have such a positive physical reaction of pure happiness upon another person, especially someone whom she was attracted towards herself, was a powerful feeling that she had sadly missed recently and never knew how much until now.
She relished this resurrected feeling of dominate control over a former love and adored the powerful sensation that it ignited deep within her, further exciting her desire to be with the mesmerized detective once again. Poppy then replied after a brief moments thought about her turbulent feelings that where notoriously dangerous to her achingly lonely heart “Well! I’m supposed to be Eliot’s ‘plus one’ this evening but he’s currently busy with the masses of his adoring fans” She then pointed over to a crowd of people across the far side of the plaza as flashes of the distant camera’s erupted at random intervals. The group curiously followed her finger towards the distant confusing mass of people before the intuitive Merlyo wanted to move the conversation swiftly on to another, more positive topic “So er? What do you think of our ‘popular’ little macabre death mask display? It’s quite something isn’t it?”
The curious group then intently looked at Poppy’s facial reactions as she intriguingly surveyed the macabre display of a dozen life like painted death masks which where all homicide victims of The Mad Butcher, most of which were still as yet unidentified. A large black curtain in the foreground of the display further enhanced its gothic like appearance and highlighted each death mask, along with their individual lights under each face along with a small cardboard description. The recent tattooed victim’s mask took centre stage as did his recent life like photographs that Gerber had taken of him within the morgue. A detailed depiction of his marvellous tattoo collection also hang centre stage, easily identifying his tattoo locations upon his absent body whilst a picture of his sleeping looking head was ominously stuck above the tattooed riddled image.
The numerous plaster death masks almost appeared to come to life in an eerie way as the light that illuminated each one from below, in combination with the nearby shimmering bluey green lights of the Great Lakes display, dramatically complimented each other to create an unwittingly ghostly effect. The bluey green lights where constantly moving to create a wave of fluid motion and in combination with the shadows and illuminated death masks, tricking the eye into thinking that the death masks where constantly moving. Only until one trained there eye to see that this optical illusion was a mere trick of the light, did they fully appreciate the magnitude of the displays ability to confound. Poppy knew that each detailed plaster death mask represented a real life victim of the Mad Butcher and this unnerving reality made these macabre creations appear that much more unsettling.
All the death masks seemed to entice her to investigate them individually further and upon seeing Poppy’s interest Merlyo handed her a glass of red wine that the clever Zalewski had acquired earlier for his female colleague. As she instinctively took the glass and sipped it whilst looking at the ghostly line up of illuminated victims, Merlyo spoke again “The Tattooed Man’s collection of tattoos image and the all the plaster death masks where created mainly by the artistic detective Trunk whom unfortunately could not be with us here tonight because he’s with the congressman’s ‘entourage’ I believe? I think he’s actually in his personal security detail or something like that? I’m not sure? Regardless of which, we all miss his ‘thrilling’ company, don’t we guy’s Hehe!” All amusingly smiled whilst the shy Gerber then awkwardly came up to Poppy, took her hand and gently kissed it as he spoke “I also did a lot of the plaster head creation work myself Miss Valentine and may I say that you look positively ravishing tonight, truly a rare rose amongst the surrounding chaos”
A blushing Poppy was happy to be getting such flattery and attention from the small group whom admired every inch of her beauty as if they were painter’s admiring a modern masterpiece within an prestigious art gallery. She had been lacking this elusive feeling of being attractive of late and had not known how much until now, pleasurably absorbing the immense affection that she getting even though she thought it to be thoroughly undeserving. Then Zalewski decided to join in with the dramatic proceedings and spoke as he gently moved Gerber to one side so that he could not be outdone by the debonair coroner “You look absolutely stunning tonight Poppy! Ness is a fool to let you wander around alone here, especially with all these dubious characters running around”
The teasing Zalewski jokingly smiled at the awkward Gerber whom in turn awkwardly smiled back in embarrassment before he continued after also taking her hand and kissing it “You’re exquisitely beautiful and that dress is truly a work of art like yourself! Truly one of a kind and I must say…” Merlyo then interjected himself into the conversation, getting slightly jealous of both men’s eager advances upon his former girlfriend “Gerber and Zale
wski, you sly old dogs you! Hehe!” to which Zalewski jokingly replied “Who you calling old?” Merlyo the replied whilst smiling, enjoying the amusingly friendly altercation between friends “Dubious characters? You mean people like yourself right Zalewski?”
They all then laughed together in unison whilst Zalewski’s young female colleague gave them all glasses of red wine that she had diligently acquired for them from the nearby winery stall. The smiling Zalewski then quietly thanked his blushing colleague before he raised his glass into the air and spoke whilst looking at the brilliantly lit macabre display “To all the dedicated peoples whom are tirelessly working to solve this case and to the victims whom are looking down on us now and willing us on!” Just before they toasted Poppy wished to add something and interjected herself “And to good dear friends!” to which they all lovingly smiled at her and said “Here, here!” and drank together.
An awkward moment of silence then passed by in which both Poppy and Merlyo attempted, but failed to avoid each other’s alluring gaze. They were still romantically drawn to each other and it was as if something was pulling them back together, an unseen force which was blissfully around them and compelling them to unite. There fleeting glances towards one another could mean only one thing, an unsated love that needed to be satisfied and an unsated love that needed to be fulfilled. It was one of life’s ironies that both social oddities now found themselves compelled towards one another in such a macabre environment that had repelled so many others away from it.
Then the same mysterious man whom had been covertly watching Poppy back at the doll kiosk appeared to casually come towards the death mask display whilst walking through the swirling bluey green colours of the nearby exhibit. The impressively large man remained within the confusing mix of complex colours that masked his face in a wall of chaotic light and shadow. He casually walked up to the macabre death mask display and keenly looked at the gruesome sight whilst keeping his back turned towards the preoccupied group of friends. The preoccupied group where still talking amongst themselves and catching up on life’s events as Gerber momentarily glanced at their newest viewer, paying no heed to the shadowy stranger after being momentarily impressed by his sheer size.
The Noir Evil Page 25