Ascension (Book 4, The Watcher Chronicles)

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Ascension (Book 4, The Watcher Chronicles) Page 10

by West, S. J.

  “Jess,” Mama Lynn says, “can you and Mason make it over here for dinner tonight? I was going to call your grandpa to see if he could make it too.”

  “Yes, we can come. We don’t have any plans.”

  “Wonderful,” she says and I can hear the happiness in her voice. “We also need to decide on a date for the wedding. I figured we could do that tonight.”

  “That’s fine. How are the preparations coming along?”

  “Oh, they’re fine,” Mama Lynn says but I hear a note of slight disappointment in her voice.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask her. “Are you having trouble with something?”

  “No, not trouble really,” she says hesitantly. “It’s just that everyone in town keeps asking me about it. I think they’re disappointed they won’t be there to wish you well is all.”

  “Did you remind them we’ll have a private reception at your place afterwards?”

  “Well yes, but it’s just not the same you know. Most of these people have been in your life since you came to live with me. They feel like part of your family.”

  I sigh. “They’ll be fine,” I say, having no intention of changing my mind on the matter. I know that’s what she wants. She’s always wanted us girls to have fairytale weddings but I’m just not a fairytale kind of girl. She knows this.

  “What time do you want us over for dinner tonight?” I ask her changing the subject as deftly as I can.

  “Five, sweetie.”

  “Ok. We’ll be there.”

  I end the call and feel Mason staring at me.

  “Problems?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “No, not really. Mama Lynn just hinted strongly that she wants to invite the whole town to the wedding.”

  “My offer still stands,” Mason says, gently reminding me of his willingness to just elope.

  “No, it’s too late. I’ll be fine,” I tell him, trying my best to smile even though it comes out a bit strained.

  Mason holds his hand out to me and I take it. He brings me into his arms and just holds me. I lay my head against his chest and breathe him in, feeling myself instantly relax.

  My phone vibrates in my jean pocket and I reluctantly pull away from him to answer it.

  It’s JoJo.

  “Mon cher, I need you to come to my studio so I can fit you for the dress you are to wear to the Grammy’s with Chandler.”

  “Do you need me now?”


  “Ok, we’ll be right there.”

  I look up at Mason. “We need to go to JoJo’s studio so I can try on the dress she made for me to wear to the Grammy’s.”

  In less than a second, we’re standing in JoJo’s studio.

  I find JoJo studying a black dress lying across one of her work tables, but she isn’t alone. Chandler is standing right beside her and staring at me without his usual friendly smile to greet me.

  “Crap,” I mumble under my breath.

  “Do you want me to handle him?” Mason asks, all too ready to make sure Chandler doesn’t give me too much grief for my hasty departure from the night before.

  “No, I’ll deal with him. Why don’t you go talk to Aiden?” I suggest, seeing the other Watcher looking out one of the glass walls towards the Eiffel tower.

  I make my way over to JoJo and Chandler.

  JoJo is as bubbly as ever and bounces over to me giving me a kiss on the cheek in greeting.

  “Chandler said you might be sick,” JoJo said, looking me over in a glance. “But I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look more beautiful, mon cher.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy,” I tell her.

  I chance a glance at Chandler still standing a few feet away from me on the other side of the work table. His demeanor seems to soften slightly with my confession to JoJo.

  “Would you mind if I talked to Chandler before I try on the dress?” I ask her.

  JoJo nods her head, her black curls bouncing around her shoulders. She walks over to where Aiden and Mason are while I brace myself to face Chandler’s music.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, keeping it simple.

  “Matches?” He asks me point blank.

  “Yes, matches.”

  He shakes his head and looks up to the ceiling of the room taking in a deep breath.

  “My parents were disappointed,” he tells me not looking down at me immediately but continuing to stare straight up. Finally, he lowers his head, and I can see his disappointment in me in his eyes.

  “I am sorry I left the way I did,” I tell Chandler. “But honestly, I was looking for an excuse to leave. I didn’t like sitting there lying to your folks Chandler. It wasn’t right. I’m not a liar.”

  Chandler shuffles his feet and looks down at the floor.

  “Yeah, I know. I didn’t like lying to them either. I just couldn’t seem to get my mom off my back about meeting you. I didn’t realize she would already have it in her head that you were part of the family.”

  “As soon as this is over, we’ve got to tell them the truth. I don’t care what anyone says about national security. They deserve to know the truth.”

  Chandler nods. “I’d like that. Think you could come with me when I tell them? I might need the extra backup because I think my mom might kill me.”

  I laugh. “She’s not going to kill you, especially when she learns you saved the world.”

  “Has Gabe woken up yet? I’d really like to see if he knows what the hell is going on. We’re kind of flying blind.”

  “Not that I know of,” I say, suddenly realizing Aiden shouldn’t be in JoJo’s studio. He should be watching the guys at the villa.

  “Aiden,” I call.

  Aiden turns away from Mason and JoJo to face me.

  “Who’s watching Gabe, Zack and Rafe?”

  “I had Malcolm come to the villa to give me a break while I brought Chandler here.”

  “Do you need a break break?” I ask him, lifting a knowing eyebrow at him.

  All we needed was for Aiden to fall off the blood wagon. I would much rather see him satisfy his urges with one of his women than attack someone because we were forcing him to play babysitter.

  “I could use a…break,” he admits reluctantly.

  “Then go,” Mason tells him. “I can take Chandler back.”

  Aiden nods to Mason in acknowledgment of the order. I can see his shoulders lower in relief right before he phases.

  My attention is drawn down to the dress on JoJo’s work table. It’s a mixture of black sheer and solid fabrics. The criss-cross bodice is solid in the spots it counts and sheer in the places it doesn’t like the midriff and over the shoulders. The skirt is made up of sheer fabric making it look almost solid merely by the number of layers present.

  “It’s beautiful, JoJo,” I tell her as she comes to me and places a casual arm around my waist.

  “Try it on,” she urges.

  I pick it up and take it to the dressing room. It fits perfectly which is probably why JoJo didn’t bother to come into the dressing room with me. She was sure it would fit since she had my new measurements.

  I walk out of the dressing room and all eyes are drawn to me.

  The skirt floats around me effortlessly as I walk over to JoJo so she can make sure everything is as she designed.

  She smiles at me in glee.

  “Oui, oui, just as I envisioned you, mon cher.”

  She walks around me looking at the dress from every angle.

  Chandler smiles. “I don’t think it’s going to matter what I wear,” he says, letting his eyes travel the length of me. “Everyone’s going to be staring at you.”

  I look over at Mason who is still standing by the glass wall facing the Eiffel tower. Once I know JoJo is pleased with how the dress fits, I walk over to him.

  “What do you think?” I ask twirling around in front of him.

  “I think you look good enough to eat,” he tells me in a voice only I can hear.

  His non-subt
le suggestion isn’t lost on me and I turn away from him to head back to the dressing room before temptation makes me forget we have things to do that day. I chance a glance over my shoulder to look at Mason one more time and feel my heart race at the longing in his eyes. Quelling my need to run back to him, I make my feet take me into the dressing room.

  Before we leave to go to the villa, Mason takes Chandler back to his hotel room in L.A.

  “Jess, would you please tell Malcolm to come here when he has some time?” JoJo says to me.

  “Sure. Mind me asking why?”

  “Lilly asked me to make a dress for Caylin to wear on Valentine’s Day,” she says nodding to a black garment bag hanging on a nearby rack.

  “Oh, for her date with Joshua? You know they’re going to Chandler’s concert in Denver.”

  “I suppose,” JoJo says with a shrug. “But Lilly mentioned Caylin and her father were supposed to do something special together on that day too.”

  When Mason gets back, we phase to the villa. We find Malcolm in the room where Zack and Gabe are still sleeping. Malcolm is sitting in a wingback chair by the French doors which lead out to the balcony. I see a book in his hands but can’t tell what it is.

  “Any signs of them waking up yet?” I ask Malcolm.

  Malcolm stands and tosses his book in the seat of the chair he was sitting in.

  “No, not yet. Rafe is sound asleep too.”

  I look at my friends lying in the bed and wonder how the meetings with their archangels are going. I hope Gabe is gathering up as much information as he can from Gabriel and remembers to ask how he was able to connect to him without having a talisman.

  “We can take things from here,” Mason tells Malcolm. “Aiden should be back before we need to leave.”

  Malcolm lifts an eyebrow. “I’m not sure why you have entrusted him with the care of the vessels, Mason. With his predilections…”

  Mason holds up a hand to stop Malcolm. “Once upon a time I seem to remember you having the same predilections,” Mason says. “I thought of any of us you would have more compassion for his predicament.”

  “Lilly kept me sane while I changed my ways,” Malcolm says. “Aiden doesn’t have that same sort of grounding force in his life.”

  “He’s done well these past fifteen years. As far as I know, he’s abstained from drinking blood.”

  “He’s simply traded in blood for sex. He’s still an addict. As far as I know, he’s bedded every willing female in Turkey. America won’t be much safer from his charms.”

  “As long as his liaisons are discreet and his partners willing, I have no problem with him doing whatever he needs to do to stay clean. Give him a little slack, Malcolm. We should be giving him help not ridicule.”

  Malcolm picks up his book from the chair.

  “What are you reading?” I ask him.

  “Trying to brush up on my chess playing skills,” he tells me. “Lilly’s become too good at figuring out my strategies. I need some new moves to throw her off balance.”

  “Good luck with that,” I tell him. “I guess that means the two of you made up after your little tiff the last time I saw you.”

  “Yes. It helped that you told her she needed to stay out of this fight. I thank you for that.”

  “I think it helped more that God told her too,” I admit. “I’m not sure she would have listened to me without him backing me up on it.”

  Malcolm shakes his head. “She can be rather stubborn when it comes to protecting the ones she loves. But she did tell me God warned her that her involvement might jeopardize what you need to do. She won’t try to interfere.”

  “By the way, JoJo asked me to tell you she has Caylin’s outfit ready.”

  “Ok, thank you for letting me know. I’ll go get it before I return home.”

  “Mind me asking what it is she and Brand do on Valentine’s Day? JoJo seemed to think the outfit was more for that than her date with Joshua.”

  “During the year, Brand and I take turns taking Caylin out on small dates. We’ve pretty much done that since she learned to walk. It’s important to us to make sure she understands the way she should expect to be treated by any boy she allows into her life. Though, we may have set the standard higher than any human male can meet,” Malcolm says with a sense of pride. “Valentine’s Day is Brand’s day with her though. It will be their permanent date until she finds the man she’s supposed to marry.”

  I find the sentiment sweet. So many girls set their expectations low, not expecting the boys they date to treat them with the respect they deserve. Part of me, I suspect the Michael/grandfather part of me, is proud to know Caylin has influential men providing her with such a high standard to judge any and all boyfriends who might come and go during her life. Everyone should set their sights high when it comes to investing your heart and soul into a life partner, never settle for second best.

  After Malcolm leaves, Mason brings out his own chess board and we play a game while we wait for the guys to wake up. I win the first game. Yes, I gloat and Mason sulks, but after a few kisses he doesn’t seem to mind losing so much. After that I feel as though he simply lets me win the second game which I admonish him for. But when he sticks his bottom lip out and pouts, all is forgiven. Of course, he has to provide me with a few kisses to prove how truly repentant he is for his subterfuge.

  Later that afternoon, all three of the guys seem to wake up at around the same time. Zack now glows purple and Gabe white to my eyes, telling me they’ve successfully connected to their archangels.

  I sit by Gabe on the bed while he wipes the sleep from his eyes.

  “What happened?” I ask Gabe. “Did Gabriel tell you why you were able to start your connection with him without having your talisman yet?”

  “Yes,” Gabe stops wiping his eyes and looks at me. “You’re my talisman.”

  I feel sure I’ve misunderstood.

  “Me?” I ask.

  “Well, all of the vessels,” Gabe says. “Apparently when one of you touches me my power increases.”

  “And if we’re all touching you?” I ask.

  “I don’t know really,” Gabe says. “Gabriel seems to think if we all get together I can show us anything we need to know.”

  I take this information in. It’s what I was hoping for: a chance to see into the future so we all know exactly how to stop Lucifer and his princes from winning.

  “We should all gather together tomorrow,” I say. “You’ll be too tired to do it today.”

  “And too hungry,” he says holding a hand to his stomach.

  I look up at Mason. “How much time do we have until we need to be at Mama Lynn’s?”

  “We should be heading there now actually,” he informs me.

  “Good, then we’ll all go have dinner at her house.”

  “Are you sure?” Rafe asks. “Surely she isn’t expecting to feed three more mouths.”

  “Don’t worry,” I tell them. “If I know Mama Lynn she’s made enough food for ten people. There will be plenty.”

  And I’m right. Mama Lynn welcomes the boys with open arms and a table full of my favorites: country fried steak and gravy, biscuits, sweet corn, turnip greens, black eyed peas, sweet potato casserole with marshmallows on top, cornbread and sweet tea.

  Mason phases to my grandfather’s house and brings him over to meet everyone.

  “I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to see you sooner,” I tell my grandpa, giving him a hug in greeting.

  “Oh, that’s all right, Jess,” my grandpa says. “Lynn here told me how busy you’ve been and everything that’s happened. I’m just glad you’re letting me host your wedding.”

  “Speaking of the wedding,” Mama Lynn says setting a chocolate cake on the dining room table for dessert. “We need to set a date.”

  “When do you think you can have everything ready?” I ask.

  “How about a week from today?” Mama Lynn suggests. “That would be the eleventh.”

Friday works for me,” I say and turn to Mason who’s standing beside me. “Work for you?”

  “Sounds perfect,” he tells me, sliding an arm around my waist and kissing me on the cheek.

  “Is that a good day for you, Richard?” Mama Lynn asks my grandfather.

  My grandpa nods. “That works for me too, Lynn.”

  With that settled, we all sit down to eat.

  “Where are Faison and Leah?” I ask Mama Lynn.

  “They just hopped over to the Piggly Wiggly to get a tub of ice cream. Leah wants some to eat with the cake.”

  Just before I’m able to pick up one of the country fried steaks and put it on my plate, my idyllic family dinner is disrupted by multiple howls ripping through the air around the house. Something large and heavy rams itself against the front door.

  I look at Mason and he looks at me. We both know what’s happening.

  We’re under attack.

  Chapter 10

  “Stay in here,” Mason tells me.

  “No,” I tell him back, walking into the living room to retrieve my sword from the couch.

  Mason phases in front of me, blocking my way.

  “Stay in here,” he says more forcefully.

  “I can help,” I argue.

  “You can help by staying put and protecting everyone in here,” he tells me.

  “We were sent to fight,” I say.

  “You were sent to fight Lucifer and the princes,” he reminds me. “I can handle these things.”

  “But you don’t even know how many of them there are out there. What if you’re outnumbered?”

  “I won’t be,” Mason assures me. “I’ve had Watchers keeping guard around the clock here.”

  Another set of howls echo around the house telling me there is definitely more than one of the Watcher children outside circling Mama Lynn’s house.

  “You didn’t tell me you were doing that,” I say.

  “I didn’t want you to worry about Mama Lynn and the girls. Everyone’s been taking shifts to make sure they are kept safe. So please, stay in here and let us handle this, Jess. We know how they fight. You don’t.”

  I want to argue more but something large and growling rams against the front door again.

  “Go,” I tell him, even though I grab the front of his shirt and kiss him like it might be the last time I see him.


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