Change of Possession

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Change of Possession Page 17

by M. R. Polish

  “Yeah, but it sounded good.”

  We both laughed. It didn’t take too long to reach the cemetery. I got out first, but Vahn followed close behind me. I walked right to it, even in the dark, impressing myself.

  I squatted down and touched the freshly placed headstone. Beautiful pink roses draped across the marble top.

  Alison Wheatley

  Beloved Daughter 1993 – 2013

  She thought she was all alone. Maybe she was right. So many bad things happened to her in her life, and I was only one of them.

  “I’m sorry, my friend,” I whispered. “But I wanted you to know it’s over. Steve is dead and Brick was arrested for killing you. I just thought you’d like to know.”

  Drops of rain landed on me and in seconds the sky opened up, letting the rain fall in a downpour. I didn’t care. It helped hide my tears.

  “Goodbye, Alison. You can rest in peace now.” My heart cried out at the same time, hoping the same for Celeste.


  Five months later…

  Vahn and I sat on the porch of his parents old house wrapped in a blanket and watched as the snow silently fell, covering the ground with a perfect white sheet. There was already a good six inches that we had to traipse through to walk anywhere, but there was something peaceful about the purity of a clean slate across the yard. We moved in to the big house together only a month ago, but it felt like years. It was so perfect being there with him.

  I could see the finished mural on the brick wall and the beautiful red rose made the perfect backdrop against the white sky.

  The last day of court was yesterday and I hoped to never set foot in a courtroom again. My nerves were on edge and I wasn’t sure I could take anymore. Every part of my life, past and present, was revealed. I hated bringing up the past and telling the court how I killed my best friend and why I should be believed as a credible witness against the team, but reliving the last moments with Steve were probably the hardest.

  Christie’s death was hard for Vahn, and for her parents, but in the end, even her death was found to be caused by Steve. Justice, even how harsh, was served. Brick was given the highest punishment Utah had for first degree of murder. I wouldn’t be seeing him walking the streets of Orem anytime soon. The other team members who were not involved directly were charged with small misdemeanors, resulting with either community service or jail time.

  “You doing okay?” Vahn asked as he nuzzled against my neck.

  “Yeah, I was just processing everything. I feel like everything is finally over. Even everything with Celeste feels like I can finally let it go. I won’t ever forget, but I think I can move on.”

  “I know, I feel the same way. Now life is more than just surviving, we are living.” He pulled my hand up to kiss it. “And I’m lucky because I get to live it with you.”

  I smiled as I felt the familiar butterflies in my stomach at his gentle touch. He was right. This was living.

  Special Note From the Author

  While in this story, things may seem gloomy, and Keeley & Alison both hesitates to call authorities, I want EVERYONE to know that there is ALWAYS hope. In this story, people, places and events are fictitious, but many emotions, especially feeling scared about going to authorities or even your friends for help, can be real. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you are scared, stalked, drugged, abused, or even raped, there is ALWAYS hope and there is someone who can help you. Please, please, please, never think that there is no hope and your life is not worth living, because, I promise, your life IS worth living. Being abused, whether it is mental or physical, is not okay.

  Here are a few numbers that you can call if you ever find yourself in such a situation…

  National Domestic Violence Hotline:

  Number to call: 1-800-799-7233

  National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN)

  Number to call: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

  National Stalking Hotline

  Number to call:0808-802-0300 (Per their website: The National Stalking Helpline provides guidance and information to anybody who is currently or has previously been affected by harassment or stalking.)

  M.R. Polish


  So many people are to thank for this book. I always thank my Father in Heaven first, for giving me the talent to write and to be a storyteller.

  My husband, Jym, who is my biggest supporter and all around awesome husband. And because he hasn’t complained for the late nights writing, or all the dinners he helped to cook because of edits. My four kiddos, who I love with all my heart. I am so blessed to be a wife and mom to these incredible people. To my dad, for believing in me and living this dream with me.

  A HUGE thank you to Starla Huchton. Seriously, this book is what it is because of her. She has such an insightful mind.

  Kristina Circelli, for being an awesome editor.

  Big hugs to Jenny Laatsch for another amazing cover. You can show the story so well, it is mind-blowing! You have such a great talent and never cease to amaze me.

  A great big thank you to ALL the early readers who took a chance reading this story before the final edits. I freaking love you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  Lisa Markson, Merisha Abbott, Kate Wilson, and Lisa Graziano I seriously love you guys. I can’t thank you enough for all your help and support.

  To everyone in Team Wolf, my favorite group, you are the BEST! No one has ever had the greatest fans as I do. Seriously, I heart you big time! Annme, Lisa G. Lisa M. Merisha, Tanya, Kate, Darcus, Patches, Jane, Laura, Susan, Jennifer, Chuya, you ladies rock! Annme, thank you for all the meme’s, they are awesome and mean so much to me!

  All the Story 4 Story Authors, thanks ladies for always being there for me. I love our group and am excited we are friends!

  Bloggers, oh yes, you guys ROCK! I love you all. Thank you for hosting my books on your blogs. I could never thank you enough.

  Big hugs to all,

  M.R. Polish

  About the Author

  M.R. Polish was born in Idaho, a long, long, long, maybe not that long time ago.... Writing has always been there for her. Growing up, her mind was filled with stories, some she shared and others she filed away to write down later in life. It wasn't until 2011 that she decided to publish her stories for everyone to enjoy. Her first award, and when writing became more than just an idea, was in the 5th grade. She won the scary story contest for the school newspaper. It is one story she still has tucked away for memories. Her teacher told her she could be anything she wanted and that she had a talent for writing, being creative and drawing people into her stories. M.R. took that to heart and continued to write, although mostly in secret until recent years.

  Now you can find her enjoying life with her family - wrangling her four kids, setting traps in the house with toys for unsuspecting victims (aka, her husband) and writing down all her crazy and fun stories.

  "Life is too short to stand by and watch everyone else live your dreams. The bigger the dream, the bigger the adventure!"

  ~ M.R. Polish~

  YOU CAN find M.R. Polish Here:

  Facebook: M.R. Polish

  Twitter: @_MRPolish_

  Want to be a part of Team Wolf, the fantastic street team for M.R. Polish? You can find Team Wolf on Facebook:

  Ageless Sea

  By M.R. Polish



  Shamike (Earth Year: 1922)

  “Karis, the council has reached an agreement. You are to be banished for life on Earth.” The council members nodded their heads in agreement as the Commissioner read the verdict aloud. His long blue cloak brushed the ground as he paced the stone platform in front of the stands where the council members sat.

  He stopped pacing long enough to gaze at Karis with his soul-piercing blue eyes. His expression revealed everything to her that he couldn’t say. His voice
wavered as he continued, “This is not a unanimous decision, but majority rules.”

  Karis swallowed hard and could feel her heart race inside her chest. She glared at the man who framed her into the predicament she now faced. His green eyes seemed to laugh at her as he stared back.

  Earth. At least Earth was the most like her world, and they spoke the same language. Although, there were a few differences, such as the fact that the humans didn’t use their inner power for day-to-day interactions. She was accustomed to using her energy for the smallest tasks, and it scared her that she might not be able to use her power for everything. She knew from her father’s stories that Earth wasn’t set up to use inner energy. The humans weren’t there to live, but to learn, so that part of them needed to be suppressed and hidden.

  Another fear raced through her mind. How would she blend in with the humans without them knowing she was different? All Shamikas looked human, but her magic and power surpassed anything on Earth. Her immortality alone would cause suspicion. Usually an immortal only died when a person used dark magic against them.

  Many otherworldly beings lived on Earth for several years, so it gave Karis hope. Maybe she could do it too, but because of her royal lineage, her powers were a little stronger than most. She hadn’t learned all of her powers, as they were still growing inside her, but her father had high hopes for her. Her ability to heal others was an enormous strength, as was how well she could capture energy around her and use it to her will.

  The Commissioner placed the paper with the verdict on the bench where the King sat, then turned to Karis. “You will live your life alone. We have already placed a boundary around an island in the South Pacific Ocean. One that even you are incapable of breaking.”

  She moved her manacled hands to her face. How could this be happening? Why didn’t they believe that someone set her up? Tears threatened to spill from her eyes, pooling around the rims. She was barely twenty years old and now she’d have to live alone.

  Hands roughly gripped around her upper arms. A masked guard, standing rigid in his green uniform stood beside her. She scanned the council members that surrounded her in the balconies. “Why don’t you believe me? I’ve done nothing to the King.”

  One of the members stood and spoke, “You charmed Marin into committing treason against the King so you could regain your royal privileges.”

  “I was tricked. Marin asked me to come to his home. I didn’t know he wanted to use my power against me.” Tears fell from her eyes.

  The Commissioner cleared his throat and gestured to the man she still glared at. “Marin, the High Councilor of Shamike, has been in good standings with the council for many years.” His full attention returned to her. “Karis, you know with King Parius’s death, and you without a husband, the law states that the next in line would be your cousin. We know how much losing the position of Queen must upset you, but planning an execution against not only your kin, but also your new King, is treason. It is because of your royal lineage that we are not sentencing you to death.”

  Marin gave her a slight grin that played at the corners of his mouth. He planned this all along. Everything was his fault, and now she would have to pay the price.

  The guard’s grip on her arm tightened as he pulled her away from the arena. Everything became a blur. Karis heard a loud roar of voices as a crowd formed outside the Pentacle doors, waiting for the verdict. When they saw her, a hush fell over them. The once-loved Princess of Shamike was now a banished traitor. Murmurs and whispers of denial floated on the air, reaching Karis, pulling at her heart.

  Hot tears fell from her eyes, completely disorientating her vision. She had to rely on the guard, who still held on to her arm, to safely guide her through the throng of people. Someone grabbed at her shoulder. “Karis, no, they can’t take you!”

  Karis held her head high but never turned around to look at her friend. “Corina, I have to go.”

  One of the council’s small transport cars stopped below the stairs leading to the Pentacle. It was white with blue lights around the bottom. Windows made up the top half of the car, and Karis could see the white interior. The driver stepped out to open the back door, letting Karis and her guard inside. Sitting back in her seat, she looked out the window and watched as the city lights became nothing but blurs as they sped past the Central Square. The bumps from the road meshed with the rhythm of her heartbeat. Thump-thump, thump-thump.

  They passed by tall buildings that looked like no more than white smudges to distort her memories from her childhood home. Lights from houses began to line the path they took through town as the evening grew darker. There were a few with a slightly different coloration, depending on who used their powers to light the lamp. Each magical energy created a different effect.

  She found no comfort in watching her world slip away. The hour slipped by quickly, feeling more like minutes. The city was behind them and the Shank Sea gave a black watery backdrop.

  “Princess, we’re almost to the port.”

  She tipped her head forward at the driver. “Why do you still call me that?”

  He looked up at her in the rearview mirror, and she could see her own arctic blue eyes staring back at her. “The people believe you are innocent. We love you.”

  His testimony brought more tears to her eyes, but she brushed them off as they fell with the back of her hand. Would her people survive under the new King’s rule? Her father’s death was sudden, and she had reasons to believe it was deliberate. Her cousin wanted the throne, and now he possessed it. She was convinced that he didn’t have any love for her people or Shamike. Her heart ached for everyone.

  “We’re here,” the driver spoke in a near whisper.

  It was the only royal portal in all of Shamike, as it took a significant amount of magic to summon the other portals. This portal sat in the middle of three pillars that formed a triangle on the coast of the sea. It was taller than she remembered when she came back from a trip with her father last year. The silver walls shimmered, and under the lights from the pillars, it looked as if the magic that it held combusted and spilt into the air, sparkling with a thousand crystals.

  The cold night air rushed across her skin as the door opened and her guard pulled her from the vehicle. She shivered. Her thin, white dress did little to keep in heat. Living in the palace her whole life, being subjected to the cold wasn’t something she had to endure before, and it wasn’t anything she thought of before now. Her petite frame racked with a new tremble.

  She could hear the surf crash into the rocky shoreline. The waves sounded angry as they pounded fiercely with each new swell.

  “Your things, what little the council allowed you to take, have already been placed inside the portal and are awaiting you on the island,” the driver explained.

  She tried her best at a brave smile for him. “Thank you.” Sucking in her breath, she stood taller and walked toward the portal and her new life.

  She hesitated in front of the archway. Stars twinkled overhead as if they waved goodbye. Her hand shook as she waved it over the chrome plate that controlled the entrance. It needed magic to open it and even though they banished her, she retained her power; something not even they could take from her. Coming from true royal blood, once she becomes skilled with her powers she would be greater than most in Shamike. It usually took many years of training for anyone to fully understand and use their inner energy.

  The door slid open, revealing the aqua-tiled floor and bright silver, shimmering walls. In the middle of the room was a circle of tall pillars. Blue and pink lights streamed through them, shooting straight up into the ceiling.

  Once she walked through the light, she would be gone. Magic was the source for each portal letting travelers choose their destination, but this time, the council predetermined and set her destination for her. Since this was the royal portal, the King already infused his power to have the gateway open.

  Karis started walking before her legs gave out and she lost all of her cour
age. She strode through the light with her head held high. She felt weightless, and then there was nothing but blackness.

  She blinked several times as shapes formed against a darkened skyline. The wind whipped fiercely, blowing her long black hair around her face, making it look like another shadow in the night.

  She curled up in a ball on the beach. Tears streamed from her eyes. Everything hurt, right down to her fingertips, from the emotional upheaval. She laid there and cried, soaking the sand with her salty tears.

  Earth, Terpesona Island in the South Pacific

  Karis looked around and tried to focus on her surroundings. The warm rays from the sun beat down on her. Its warmth spread over her bare arms like a blanket. Leaves from tall palm trees swayed in the gentle breeze. The metallic aroma from the salty sea filled her senses with a new sadness for home and the fresh scent of Shamike.

  She sat up and leaned on one arm, her hand squishing into the soft white sand. A wall of trees and foliage stood about twenty feet behind her, and large rocks surrounded an inlet. Waves crashed into them, creating a cool mist on her skin.

  Karis pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Resting her head on her knees, she gazed off across the endless ocean. The aquatic blue glared back at her as if to tell her she was unwelcome. A lonely outsider banished, and forced to live in this world.

  “So this is home,” she whispered.

  She slipped her sandals off and dug her toes in the sand. “At least it’s beautiful.”

  Karis tried not to think of how she would never share this world, herself, or a conversation with another person for the entirety of her life. Sucking in a deep breath, she rose and looked around for her things.

  “With my luck, they placed them in the middle of the island for me to search for.”


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