Black Magick

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Black Magick Page 2

by J. E. Taylor

  “Fuck me, Austin, please, please...” She squirmed under him as he continued to play with her with his mouth.

  His fingers slid inside her slowly, even as her hips gyrated to make him move faster. He pulled his fingers out of her pussy and traced her anus, coating her with her own juices before plunging his finger inside her ass.

  “Oh, God,” she gasped.

  Austin met her gaze and slowly finger fucked her ass. He was gentle enough so the movement tingled her pleasure centers, and her next orgasm arched her back with the power of it.

  When he moved his fingers out of her, she moaned. But by the time she caught her breath, his hard cock slid inside her dripping pussy, filling her with his girth.

  “Is that what you want?” he asked, his voice low and sultry in a way she hadn’t ever heard. The smile of satisfaction on his lips along with that voice brought her to the brink again.

  Paige pulled him to her mouth. She didn’t care that his lips were hot with her juices; she just wanted him to kiss her into oblivion.

  His heart thundered against her chest, and a low growling groan came from his throat. His hips plunged once more, burying his cock deep inside her, and he pulled away from the kiss.

  “Oh, fuck,” he groaned, and his eyes clamped shut. Every muscle in his neck tightened with the force of his orgasm, and then the after tremors went through him as he collapsed on top of her.

  The air rushed out of Paige’s lungs at the weight of him.

  “Austin,” she barely breathed, and he shifted enough so she could draw in air. It took him a few ragged breaths before he lifted his head from the crook of her neck.

  “Holy shit,” he said and sent a soft smile in her direction.

  “No kidding.”

  Austin uncoupled and rolled onto his back next to her. Paige debated on whether to roll into the crook of his arm or not. She turned her head, taking in his handsome profile as he studied the ceiling. Eventually, he met her gaze.

  “Can I ask you something?” he asked and began to chew on his bottom lip in that familiar way he did when he was not in his comfort zone.

  Paige nodded and waited for him to formulate the words.

  “If I get in...”

  “You’ll get in,” she said, certain of his ability, and he gave her the look that said he wasn’t finished. “Sorry,” she added at the admonishment in his gaze.

  “If I get in to either Cornell or Columbia, will you move here with me next fall?”

  Paige stared at him and blinked. “Did you just ask me to move in with you?”

  The way his cheeks bloomed red along with the appearance of his dimples, was confirmation enough, so when he just shrugged a shoulder, she couldn’t help her own smirk.

  “You really want to live with me?” she asked, softer than her original question.

  “I really don’t want to be here without you,” he said and turned onto his side, propping his head up on his hand.


  He met her gaze and held it, chewing his lip again. The way he formulated serious questions was one of his most endearing qualities, and Paige felt her lips curving into a smile, despite the heaviness in the air between them.

  “You haven’t really answered my question.” He kept her gaze and Paige’s smile faltered.

  She rolled so she faced him, adopting the same position he maintained, and she took his free hand in hers, giving it a squeeze. “I’m not saying no,” she started, and his features hardened. She actually felt the emotional wall going up between them.

  “But you’re not saying yes, either,” he muttered, and went to pull his hand out of hers.

  Paige tightened her grip, unwilling to let him just end the conversation this way.

  “Austin, come on, it’s a big decision, and I need to make sure I can finish my degree before I up and run off to New York City with you.”

  “Do you even give a shit about me?”

  She tilted her head and sighed. “You know I do. But you also know I have struggled to finish my degree ever since Halloween. I lost three weeks of school and nearly failed all my classes last semester.”

  “But you passed. And you’re a month and a half away from graduating.”

  “I applied for graduation, but I haven’t heard anything yet. My advisor is looking over my transcripts and will let me know whether I qualify. If not, I may have to take a course or two in the fall.”

  His eyebrows arched. “Seriously?”

  “That’s what he said, but he would let me know. If they’re available in the summer, I can take them then, but if not...” She sighed and shrugged. “If it wasn’t so up in the air, the answer would be easy.”

  It took him a couple of blinks before her words sank in, and then his rigid features softened. “So, if this wasn’t hanging over you, you’d say yes?”

  Paige nodded and offered a smile. His gaze moved from hers to the spot over her shoulder and back before he leaned in for a gentle kiss.

  “I need to clean up and get ready for my next interview.”

  “Did you bring a second shirt?” she asked, and his smile disappeared.

  He rolled off the bed and picked up the shirt he had been wearing before they started their sexcapades, inspecting the shredded fabric to the right of where most of the buttons remained.

  “Shit,” he muttered. “My suit jacket won’t cover this.” He glanced over his shoulder at Paige.

  “What other shirts did you bring?”

  “Just a sweater.”

  “The grey one that I love?” she asked. She prayed that was the one because he could get away with that and just the slacks he had on and still look somewhat professional.

  “Yeah,” he said, refocusing on the tattered shirt in his hand.

  “Wear the sweater without the blazer.”

  He glanced at her, the question written on his face made her raise her eyebrows in a challenge.

  “Trust me.”

  “Well, I’m going to have to, because there’s no way I can make it to a store and get to the interview on time.” He stood and gathered his clothing before heading to the bathroom.

  Paige picked up her scattered clothing and headed into the bathroom as well. Austin was already in the shower and she pulled the curtain aside. He stopped lathering his hair and met her gaze, moving to give her access to the warm spray.

  The only shower they had ever taken together was the one he gave her at the sanitarium, and that crossed her mind as she watched him tilt his head back to rinse the shampoo away. She couldn’t help herself. She reached out and ran her fingers down his chest.

  A grin formed, revealing the deep dimples she had fallen for more than once, and he ran his hands through his hair one last time before bringing his focus to her. His eyes shimmered with mischief as he stepped closer.

  “I can’t be late,” he said and maneuvered her fully under the spray before he stepped out of the shower.

  Paige stood under the water staring at the spot he had just left, expecting him to return, but the sound of the water running in the sink told her that wasn’t happening. She didn’t know whether to be irritated or impressed by his self-restraint but decided against getting aggravated. She quickly rinsed her body, leaving her hair as dry as she could and turned off the water.

  She took the remaining towel and wrapped it around herself before she pulled the curtain back. Austin glanced from his reflection to her, his eyes drifting over her form while a smile captured his lips. He refocused on his image, combing his hair into place.

  “Are you going over to the Museum of Natural History while I’m at the interview?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure. It depends if I finish my paper or not,” Paige said, and he turned towards her.

  “If you do, I’ll meet you there, and we can find a nice place for dinner.”

  “And if I don’t?” she asked, stepping closer. She looked up into his grey-blue eyes and grinned.

  “Then maybe room service would be better.” />
  He used that tone that made her knees weak, and she stood on her tiptoes, gently kissing him. His freshly brushed breath welcomed her tongue, and his arms wrapped around her, pulling her against his half-clothed form. He smelled delicious and she deepened the kiss.

  Austin’s low groan, coupled with him pushing her away, pulled a smile to her lips. She loved the power she held over him and hated to admit it, but he was able to wield the same type of power over her when he chose.

  “You are going to have to hold on to that thought,” he said and turned back to the mirror, finishing his minimal preening before pulling on the grey sweater. He stepped back, studying his reflection before he glanced at her. “I hope this passes whatever image the dean of medicine has.”

  “You look great.”

  “Thanks.” He stepped into the hotel room and gathered his wallet and his leather portfolio case.

  “Good luck,” Paige said from the bathroom door.

  Austin caught a kiss from her before heading out of the hotel room.

  Black Magick Chapter 4

  Paige saved her work and leaned back in the chair, covering a yawn with her hands. She was almost done and really in need of a change of scenery. The morning encounter with the stranger had rattled her, and then the conversation with Austin about moving in with him had thrown her completely.

  She thought she knew what she wanted. She thought Austin was just in it for the friendship, especially with how things had been since she left the hospital. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t kissed her in all that time—he had—and it was always sweet. But it wasn’t full of the passion that gripped him today. This afternoon, the man who had opened her to new possibilities had come back into her life.

  She chewed on the end of her pen as she stared out the window towards the park, gauging her emotional state. She wasn’t sure she could settle for the type of lackluster relationship they had shared for the last few months, but if today was more indicative of the true fire between them, she could see being with Austin for the long term.

  She stood and dropped her pen next to the computer, deciding it was time to get out of the hotel room before she started overanalyzing their entire relationship. She sent a quick text to Austin and then tucked her phone in the inside pocket of her coat. Paige grabbed her pocketbook and the spare room key before she headed to the Museum of Natural History.

  Instead of starting on the first floor and working her way up, she headed directly to the fourth floor and the dinosaur exhibits. She wandered through, reading the plaques and studying the exhibits. After making her way around the fourth floor, she descended the stairs to the third floor, turning to the reptile and amphibian section.

  Most of the female patrons seemed to shy away from the snakes and other reptiles, and Paige had to suppress a smile. The special exhibition gallery on the third floor was closed, and she turned to find her way back to the mammal section.

  She drew short as the man they had seen this morning blocked her exit. He offered a knowing smirk and herded her into the closed section before her brain could register anything more than shock.

  In the dark room, he slammed her against the wall.

  “I was wondering just how long it would take before our paths crossed.” His voice caressed her with a cold fear.

  “Hunter?” Her voice cracked as she uttered his name.

  His light chuckle filled the dark. “Miss me, baby?” he answered, but there was no warmth in the statement.

  The way he had her pinned to the wall made her heart thunder in her ears, and all the spit in her mouth dried, replaced by tinny fear. Paige forced a swallow but her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. Her lungs squeezed, making her breath wheeze as she fought to draw air into the tight confines.

  “I... I banished you,” she said, forcing the words between gasps of breath.

  “From your boy-toy and the town, but not from existence,” he said, his voice low and menacing in her ear.

  A shiver traversed her spine, but before it could reach the base of her neck, he bit her ear, drawing a gasp that fell flat on the air. Her brain registered the pain, as well as the lack of an echo, and then understanding of the cushioning on the wall behind her sank in. The room they stood in absorbed sound, making it impossible for anyone to hear her scream.

  “I found this poor soul on the brink of suicide, and I made a deal,” he continued after releasing her ear. “I’d end his suffering if he would just let me in. The fool believed me.”

  His dark laugh penetrated every cell in her body, and the only thing that kept her from losing her bladder was the distraction of the hot liquid dripping down the back of her ear, tickling as it slid along her skin.

  When he pulled away far enough, his unearthly green eyes shimmered in the dark like evil cat eyes.

  “I’ve been practicing,” he said and stepped away.

  Paige couldn’t move but she met his gleeful gaze. “How?” she whispered, for fear her voice would shake.

  He tapped his temple. “I seem to have brought a little magic back with me.”

  Dawning horror swept through her. This magic was as black as it got, and she had no idea how to overcome it. Hunter spread his arms wide and hers mimicked his. He took a dozen steps backwards and her feet followed, moving her forwards into the center of the dark room.

  Paige’s mind screamed in rebellion, but her body would hear none of her arguments.

  “He likes to watch, doesn’t he?” Hunter said when he had finished positioning her. He stood close enough for his hot breath to tickle her skin.

  “Please don’t do this,” she said as smooth rope wrapped around each of her wrists, locking her in place.

  “You don’t find this form appealing?” Hunter waved to the body he was wearing.

  She slowly shook her head. While he had chosen a hot package, it was the evil residing within that repelled her. Besides, her mind was on Austin and the vulnerability he had shown her today. She had no idea what he would do if he walked in on Hunter having his way with her.

  “Bullshit,” he snapped and stepped in closer. His hands found her breasts, squeezing them through her thin t-shirt.

  She glared at him and he pulled his hand away, snapping his finger. A spotlight illuminated a bench behind him, and the cuffs dangling from the seat sent a chill through her.

  “He made me watch,” Hunter growled. This time when his hands returned, they tore her t-shirt open, leaving her exposed.

  The phone in her back pocket buzzed, and Hunter reached around, yanking it from her pants before typing in her passcode. Paige cursed under her breath. She hadn’t changed her passcode for over a year, and Hunter knew it as well as his own. He gave her a sideways glare as he typed a message back to Austin, telling him exactly where to go in the museum.

  Curtains drew closed, hiding the single bench from her view, and Hunter unbuttoned her jeans leaving them zipped. When a pocket knife appeared in his hands, she tried to jerk back, but she had no control over her physical form. He used the blade to saw through her bra straps, and then he reached behind her with one hand, unlatching her bra. He tossed it into the far corner and pushed the torn t-shirt back so her breasts were in full view.

  “You both will pay for what you did to me,” he said, his eyes raking over her and chilling her to the core.

  Paige drew a breath to scream, and a ball of fabric was stuffed into her mouth, cutting off the scream even before it began. Then Hunter stepped away, disappearing into the blackness surrounding her.

  Black Magick Chapter 5

  Austin stood on the platform waiting for the subway, going over the last hour and a half of being grilled by the dean of medicine. The Columbia interview seemed much more intense than the one at Cornell, but he wasn’t sure if it was his lack of comfort in his attire or if it was just his exhaustion finally taking hold. He sighed, hoping he’d impressed at least one of them enough to get an acceptance letter.

  His phone buzzed and he glanced at the text response
from Paige. She had decided to take a break from homework and go to the museum after all. The idea of ravaging her in the hotel room was much more appealing than wandering around The Museum of Natural History. His stomach growled, reminding him that food was the priority, otherwise he wouldn’t have the energy for an all night love making session with Paige.

  The subway car squeaked to a stop, pulling him out of his thoughts, and he stepped onto the train. It took another fifteen minutes to reach 81st Street where he got off, trotted up the steps, and down a block to the entrance of the museum.

  He bought a ticket and the moment he was inside, he texted her. The answer came and he headed toward the third floor where she said she was. Austin stared at the No Admittance sign on the door and looked down at the text again, confirming this was where she said she was.

  He smiled. Maybe she was on the same page as he was since this afternoon’s romp in the hotel room. He glanced in both directions before he slid into the room, closing the door as the darkness gathered around him. The click of the lock gave him a start, and when he tried to re-open the door, the knob wouldn’t budge.

  Austin’s internal alarms started just as the slow illumination behind him caught his attention. A single bench lay beneath a soft halo of light.


  “Take a seat,” a soft voice purred over the speakers.

  It wasn’t Paige’s voice, and he glanced at the message again, chewing on his bottom lip. She said she had a surprise for him, and curiosity won out. He crossed, trying to see anything beyond in the darkness but it was impenetrable.

  Nerves burned his skin as he lowered himself onto the center of the bench. No sooner had his ass met the metal than cold steel bit into each wrist, locking him in place. Dread pressed on his chest as he tried to pull his wrists free. His phone fell from his grip like it had been yanked out of his hand, and his head snapped up, looking for a sign of who had trapped him in this nightmare.

  The light above his head faded to a dull shine, and the ruffle of curtains caught his attention. He stared as a low light illuminated Paige in the center of the stage, bound and half naked. If he hadn’t been cuffed to the bench, the idea of screwing around with her while she was in such a compromising position would have turned him on. But the fear in her eyes, along with the rag stuffed into her mouth, dried every ounce of spit in his mouth, replacing it with terror.


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