The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer [Hedon Falls 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer [Hedon Falls 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Michelle Graham

  Crawling back into bed, Shay pressed against Remy’s back. “I love you,” he said and then kissed the back of Remy’s neck.

  “I love you, too.” Remy sank into the warmth of his embrace, contentment flooding through him. But it was followed by a twinge of guilt as the vision of a lithe, female dancer flitted through his mind.

  Chapter 3

  Nicole didn’t even hear what Father David said, only aware of his voice droning on and on. The man was known for his long, rambling homilies, and she had learned a long time ago to tune him out. Of course she felt guilty about that, but she was sure there were very few parishioners who actually paid attention to the aging priest.

  What kept Nicole’s mind busy was the memory of the dream she’d had the night before, and a bolt of electricity surged through her as the image flashed in her mind. In her dream, she and Remy stood flirting in the office, the innuendos becoming increasingly lewd until Remy swept her up in a kiss so passionate it left her gasping. He moved one of his hands up her side until it brushed the side of her breast, at which point Nicole’s nipples stood stiff and aching for his touch.

  That’s when she’d woken up.

  As she sat daydreaming now, she thought of Shay, too, and imagined what his kiss would feel like. They are married, and they are gay, Nicole! She sighed, not sure why she had these feelings. It seemed especially naughty to be thinking about them in the Church, but somehow, she couldn’t stop. Perhaps she needed to go to confession again, but that would require a trip into the neighboring town of Stevensburg to see Father Tim. No way would she bring any confession of this nature to Father David, whose pompous attitude grated on Nicole’s nerves. He had a way of making her feel guilty, even after pronouncing her forgiven.

  At last the homily ended and the mass continued, the motions and responses so familiar, Nicole could do them in her sleep. When it was over, she headed outside, trailing behind her parents and brothers. She needed to get to the studio before Ainsley so she could dance for a while. Thank goodness she’d brought her mom’s car so she could leave right away. When they reached the vehicles, Nicole hugged her mother and told her she’d see them at dinner, while ignoring her dad as he grumbled about working on a Sunday.

  Once at the studio, Nicole relaxed. Lately she felt more at home here than in her house. In dance, the only thing that mattered was becoming one with the music. Part of her success had come from the endless hours of practice she put in when trying to work through problems or cheer herself up. Stripping out of her church clothes and into her shorts and sports bra, Nicole remembered how good it had felt to escape to the garage at home where her dad had built a practice stage for her. She took out her shoes, debating for a moment between the soft or hard, and finally opting for the latter. She needed to make some noise.

  In the studio, Nicole put her favorite practice CD in the stereo and began to dance. As she moved, the worry, the guilt, the anxiety all melted away. She concentrated on the music, feeling it coming from within her and moving her feet in perfect time, lifting her into her own little world.

  * * * *

  When Remy arrived at the studio with Shay and Ainsley, he heard the music blaring from the back room, along with a series of rapid fire taps, clicks, and stomps, all timed perfectly.

  “It’s Miss Nicole!” Ainsley said. “Daddy, Papa, you have to watch her!”

  Somehow the ten-year-old managed to drag two grown men down the short hall to the door. Remy sucked in a breath when he saw Nicole. She wore a pair of skintight exercise shorts like those most of the dancers had, and a grey sports bra. He gazed at the outline of her hard nipples through the light fabric. Her concentration was so deep, she didn’t notice them standing there watching. The reason for her three World Championship wins was apparent. Every move was executed with precision, and she moved with grace and strength, making the difficult steps look effortless.

  Remy glanced in the mirror and saw Shay’s eyes glued to the woman. Interesting. He darted a glance down at Shay’s crotch and noted with a thrill that his husband found the sight of the petite dancer as arousing as he did. Remy sent Ainsley to the changing room and moved closer to Shay.

  “I see your hard-on,” Remy whispered.

  Shay didn’t look at him or say anything, but a muscle in his jaw twitched and somehow Remy knew he was in for another spanking. Knowing that, he decided to push further.

  “Wouldn’t it be nice to grab those firm tits? To bury yourself in a warm, wet pussy for a change?”

  Before Remy knew what had happened, Shay pressed him against the wall, arms pinned at his sides and their erections rubbing together.

  “Watch it,” Shay growled, breathing hard. Then he crushed his lips to Remy’s, thrusting his tongue roughly between his lips.

  Remy moaned at the bruising pressure, but responded eagerly. The music came to an abrupt halt and they sprang apart, looking to the studio. Nicole stood beside the stereo, her eyes on them, mouth slightly open in surprise. When her gaze flicked down to their crotches, Remy broke into a grin. Maybe, just maybe, they might be able to do something about their mutual attraction.

  * * * *

  The knife tapped against the cutting board as Shay mutilated the celery. When that was done, he turned to the peppers, reducing them to tiny bits in a matter of minutes. As he continued his preparations, he tried not to think about the dance teacher. Tried not to think about the supple strength of her legs as she moved. Tried not to think about the way her sports bra had clung to her breasts. Tried not to think about how hard he got watching her.

  With a groan, Shay continued to take his anger out on the helpless produce. He couldn’t stop thinking about her and it scared him. He was a married man, but his husband seemed to share his attraction to the woman. He didn’t know what to do, and the uncertainty scared him. Everything in his life was in perfect order, from his kitchen, to his bedroom, to his goddamn tie collection. Where did Nicole fit in?

  A movement on the other side of the island caught his attention and he looked up to see Remy sitting on one of the bar stools watching him.

  “We need to talk,” Remy said.

  “I don’t want to talk.” Shay scraped the chopped veggies into the pan on the stove, poured some wine over them, and then took a long swig from the bottle.

  “Shay, I know you’re attracted to her. And I think she’s attracted to us, too. Maybe we can invite her to join us.”

  Shay choked on the wine. “What do you mean? A threesome?”

  The sexy smile on Remy’s face said it all. Rage flared in Shay’s head. “How can you possibly suggest that?” His voice boomed through the kitchen and Remy blanched. “After what they—You know that there’s no way I could do it!”

  Fear sliced through the rage, gripping Shay’s heart and squeezing as a memory flashed through his head. Pushing it back, Shay grabbed another pepper and started to chop it. He ignored Remy’s attempts to talk to him. Remy knew his history. He knew why a threesome would never work, but he had the nerve to suggest it anyway. He got some satisfaction picturing how red he planned to make Remy’s ass later.

  “Fuck!” Shay cried as a burning pain lanced his fingertip and looking down, he saw he’d cut himself with the knife. “Goddamn it!” He thrust his hand under the tap and turned on the water. Fiery needles jabbed through the finger and up into his arm and he swore again, unable to keep back the tears now.

  Remy appeared at his side with a towel and wrapped it around Shay’s finger before leading him to a stool. Unable to control his sobs, Shay buried his head against Remy’s shoulder and let the pain pour out. Remy stood silent until Shay was able to get himself under control. Remy’s ability to give Shay exactly what he needed made him the ideal mate, and that’s why the suggestion of a threesome took Shay by surprise. Shay lifted his head from Remy’s shoulder and wiped the last of the tears from his face.

  “I’m good,” he said at last. “Sorry about that.” Shay glanced down at the towel to see it soaked with bl
ood. “Shit. The bleeding isn’t stopping.”

  “Okay, let’s get to the hospital, then,” Remy said. “I’ll get someone to watch Ainsley.”

  Shay went to turn off the stove and grab another towel. In the background he heard Remy on the phone, and then he yelled for Ainsley to come downstairs. Remy explained what had happened and Ainsley ran over to hug Shay.

  “Papa, are you going to be okay?”

  His heart melted a little and he kissed her forehead. “I’ll be fine, sweetie. But I can’t finish supper, so do you want to order a pizza?”

  “Yeah!” she cried. “Can I call?”


  She skipped off to the drawer where they kept the takeout menus and began flipping through them. The front bell rang and Remy took off to the door. Checking for his wallet, Shay headed to the door, but stopped short when he saw Nicole standing there. He glared at Remy.

  “Shay, are you all right?” she asked coming over to him. She looked down at the bloody towel and gasped. “Oh my God!” Her hand brushed his arm and an electric jolt raced through him, causing his cock to harden. Damn, Remy!

  Remy avoided making eye contact with Shay as he escorted Nicole into the kitchen where Ainsley shrieked with delight. When Remy returned, he held the door for Shay and helped him into the car, even doing up his seatbelt. After sliding into the driver’s seat, he started the vehicle and pulled out into the street.

  “That was sneaky,” Shay said finally.

  Remy had the decency to look guilty. “I’m sorry. I just thought that if you got used to her being around, you might realize that she’s not like—”

  “If you know what’s good for you, you won’t finish that sentence.”

  Remy stayed silent the rest of the ride, while Shay thought about Nicole. There was no denying her beauty. Or his reaction to it. It had been years since he’d been with a woman. He missed the soft curves, the feel of breasts, the slick wetness of a pussy. Shit, now I’m hard again. In truth, the more he thought about Remy’s suggestion, the more he liked it, and it scared the crap out of him. He couldn’t imagine finding a sweeter woman, but he knew only too well that people could change when they got into the bedroom. And if she were going to be with them, she’d have to be submissive. He couldn’t be intimate with someone who wouldn’t follow his directions exactly.

  When they reached the hospital, Shay still hadn’t figured anything out. He and Remy walked into the Emergency Department and quickly went through triage before being asked to sit in the waiting room. The silence stretched out uncomfortably, until Shay couldn’t stand it anymore.

  “I’m sorry for freaking out.”

  With a gentle smile, Remy took his good hand. “I only brought it up because I saw how turned on you were from watching her. I thought…”

  “She turns me on and I won’t pretend she doesn’t,” Shay said. “But asking her into our bed is a huge step, for all of us, and I don’t think I’m ready for it.”

  Giving his hand a squeeze, Remy leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I didn’t say it had to be right away. Let’s spend some time getting to know her, letting her get to know us.”

  Shay leaned his head against Remy’s. “You’re not just talking about a physical relationship here, are you?” Remy shook his head. “I’m not going to make any promises, but I’m willing to think about it and see where this goes.”

  Shay’s heart fluttered when Remy’s lips brushed his, knowing that ultimately, he wouldn’t be able to resist his husband, or the gorgeous dancer.

  Chapter 4

  A knot of worry had begun to form in Nicole’s stomach as she waited for Remy and Shay to return from the hospital. According to Remy, the injury wasn’t too bad, but they’d been gone for over three hours. Ainsley had refused to go to bed, and Nicole couldn’t blame her, but the little girl fell asleep on the couch while they watched a movie. Now, the TV stood silent, and the only noise in the house came from Ainsley’s soft breathing and Nicole’s pounding heart.

  Taking out her phone, she checked again for any messages from Remy, but there were none. In an effort to distract herself, she began to play Angry Birds, but she couldn’t concentrate. Getting up off the couch, she went into the large foyer and began to work on some new choreography she wanted Ainsley to try. Dance allowed her to forget about her anxiety and kept her from thinking too much about why she was so worried.

  It seemed as though only minutes had passed when she saw the headlights shine through the sidelight and heard the car pull up in the driveway. Heart leaping, she went to the door and opened it, watching as the two men got out of the car. She tried not to think too much about what caused the excitement. Shay was first to the door, and when he looked at her, she took a step back into the house, suddenly having difficulty breathing. His eyes bored into her, and she moved back further, until her back pressed against the wall.

  Nicole didn’t understand why her body reacted so strongly to him, but something about the look in his eyes made her pulse race and her pussy throb, exactly like it had after her dream. He took her hand and she jumped at the jolt of electricity that shot through her. Before she realized what he was doing, he’d pulled her into his arms for a hug. His warmth folded over her and the scent of his cologne wafted into her nose. She closed her eyes and inhaled, committing the smell to memory.

  If someone asked her how often Remy had hugged her, she wouldn’t know because he did it all the time. But Shay? Shay had never hugged her. She had always suspected that he didn’t really like her all that much. But though on the surface, this embrace seemed friendly, Nicole sensed something much stronger at work between them and she gave herself over to the sensation.

  “Thanks for staying with Ainsley.” She shivered with desire when his hot breath caressed her neck.

  “Hallelujah!” Remy cried from behind them.

  Nicole started. She’d forgotten about Remy for a few minutes. Or had it been only seconds? Time had ceased to exist and the world outside the circle of Shay’s arms had disappeared. But now he pulled away and turned to glare at Remy.

  “Foot of the bed!” he growled. “Now.”

  “Yes, Sir!” Remy’s smile lit his entire face. He surprised Nicole by brushing a quick kiss on her cheek before bounding up the stairs, two at a time.

  “Ainsley’s asleep on the couch,” Nicole said.

  “I’ll take her upstairs after I walk you to your car.”

  “Okay. Let me grab my purse.”

  Nicole floated into the kitchen to get her things, buoyed by a light feeling she couldn’t explain. After putting on her shoes, she dug her car keys out of her purse and headed for the door. Shay followed her out and fell into step beside her as they walked down the driveway.

  “Did you need stitches?” she asked.

  “Only four,” Shay replied. “The cut wasn’t long, but it was deep, and that’s why it bled so much.”

  They reached her car and it took her a moment to unlock the door because her hands trembled. She turned to Shay. “I’m glad you weren’t too badly hurt.”

  “I’ll live,” he said, the corner of his mouth twitching. “Thanks again.”

  “Okay. Um, bye.” She sat down, closed the door, and started the car. Giving Shay a quick wave, she drove to the end of the block before pulling over so she could think.

  What the hell is wrong with me? Her whole body shook, her face burned, and shocks ran from her chest to her pussy and back again leaving her throbbing with needs she’d never felt before. For a pair of married, gay men. Could they have felt this tension, too? Neither one seemed to show signs of it, but then she remembered the obvious bulges in their pants earlier at the studio.

  They were kissing each other when you saw them. That’s why their cocks were hard. But thinking about their hard cocks excited her even more and she put her head back and groaned. It wasn’t right to be feeling this way, especially when her feelings weren’t returned. The best thing to do would be to forget about them, and try to fo
cus on someone, or something, else. But Ainsley was at her studio at least three times a week, and she always had one of them with her. Remembering her dream of Remy with her in the office, she swore and ran her hands through her hair. Sitting in her car on the side of the road wasn’t helping anything, so she put the car in gear and headed home.

  * * * *

  Remy stood at the foot of the bed, waiting for the sounds of Shay’s steps on the stairs and feeling happier than he had in a while. Seeing the way Shay backed Nicole against the wall without a word made his cock hard. The power Shay exuded could be felt from across the hall and it nearly dropped Remy to his knees in submission. Instead, he had just watched. Nicole’s face had flushed, and her breathing quickened as evidenced by the noticeable rise and fall of her perfect breasts. She had to be turned on. Better yet, she allowed him to move her without objection. Remy knew Shay was checking to see how submissive she was. When Shay drew her in for a hug, Remy couldn’t help the jubilant cry he’d let out.

  Now, as he waited for his Dom, the possibilities raced through his mind. Luckily, he didn’t have to wait for long before he heard Shay approaching. He bent forward and assumed the position. Though Shay wouldn’t permit him to look around, Remy could picture the other man’s movements around the room, from the closet to the bathroom, and then the toy closet. Remy bit his lip in anticipation, the feeling increasing when he felt Shay beside him.

  “You’ve been having trouble keeping your mouth closed today, haven’t you?” Shay said, tracing Remy’s jaw with his fingers and sending jolts throughout Remy’s body.


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