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Rory and the Alien Groom (Intergalactic Brides 9)

Page 9

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  “You already have.”

  “Oh. Was it that nice Swanson boy? I could tell he had his eye on you at Brittany’s wedding.”

  “You mean her almost wedding? In case you forgot, she ditched the groom and took off to Vegas to marry a rock star.”

  “Your sister was just confused. I’m sure she’ll be home before you know it and the wedding will be back on.”

  Rory snorted. “Yeah, because Zwyk wants a rock star’s leftovers. I think it’s safe to say that Brittany screwed herself when it comes to marrying Zwyk. He doesn’t want anything to do with her. And I can’t blame him.”

  “How would you know? You’ve barely spoken to him.”

  Oh, she’d spoken to him, and then some. Might as well just rip the Band-Aid off.

  “Mom, I’m dating Zwyk. I tried to cheer him up the day of the almost-wedding and one thing just led to another. I can honestly say that he doesn’t want anything to do with Brittany, and besides, I seriously doubt he’d want to raise another man’s baby when it was conceived while the mom was engaged to him.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Ask Brittany. I found a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom trash the morning of the wedding. So, unless you have a secret you’d like to share, I think it’s safe to say that Brittany will make you a grandma before too long.”

  “That’s a cruel thing to say about your sister.”

  “The truth hurts, Mom. I need to go. My shopping and spa day took longer than I thought and I’d like to go home and change before I see Zwyk tonight.”

  Her mom got quiet for a moment. “You’re really seeing him?”

  “Yes, Mom. We’re really seeing each other. I’m not asking you to be happy for me, because we both know that would be asking too much of you, but could you at least lay off trying to get him back together with Brittany?”

  “I know you don’t think we care about you, Rory, and maybe we haven’t been the best parents, but we really do want you to be happy. We’ve spoiled your sister, and we see now that it was the wrong thing to do. You’ve never lacked for anything, but maybe we should have paid a little more attention to you over the years. If Zwyk makes you happy, then I’m glad the two of you are together. All I ask is that if you get married we at least get an invitation.”

  Rory bit her lip. “Tell you what, Mom. If Zwyk ever asks me to marry him, I’ll let you help me pick out a dress, as long as you consider my opinion on it and don’t steamroll me.”

  “I’d really like that.”

  She could hear the tears in her mom’s voice and knew if she didn’t disconnect she’d end up crying too.

  “I need to go, Mom. I’ll call you soon. Promise.”

  “Goodbye, Rory. We love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  She hung up just as she was pulling into her driveway. Rory grabbed the sacks out of her trunk and went inside to freshen up a little before meeting Zwyk. She left her hair pinned up and took a quick shower to wash off the massage oils before pulling out her standard outfit. This time she chose a T-shirt that had characters from her favorite childhood cartoon and paired it with her favorite jeans that were soft as butter and her teal Converse.

  Rory pulled the band from her hair and let it tumble down around her shoulders. She ran a brush through it and smiled at the waves from having pinned it while it was wet. She put on a little lip-gloss and decided she was as ready as she was going to get. After digging through her games, she picked two that they hadn’t played yet, grabbed her purse, and ran out the door. It took her twenty minutes at the Chinese place to order their food and wait for it then she drove straight to Zwyk’s house. When she pulled into the driveway, she noticed his car was still absent. It made butterflies flutter in her stomach just thinking about letting herself in with the key he’d given her. She gathered their sack of food and her purse and then let herself into his home.

  Rory took the food to the kitchen then set her purse on an end table in the living room. She took out the games she’d picked up and set them on the coffee table. It was after six and Zwyk still hadn’t called to say he was leaving. She hoped he didn’t get held up for too long or their dinner would get cold. Microwaved Chinese just didn’t taste the same.

  Rory made herself at home and flicked on the TV. She found a cooking show to watch while she waited. When seven o’clock rolled around and she still hadn’t heard from him, she picked up her cell phone and called the Terran station. She didn’t have his direct line, so she hoped someone was still at the reception desk. He’d said there was someone there day and night.

  “Thank you for calling the Terran station. How may I direct your call?”

  “I’d like to speak with Zwyk please.”

  It was dead silent on the other end.

  “Hello? Are you still there?” Rory asked.

  “No one called you?” the receptionist asked.

  “Called me about what?”

  “There was an altercation at the station earlier in the day. We’d received a bomb threat from one of those crazy human activist groups who think the Terrans are going to take over the world. There wasn’t a bomb, thank goodness, but when the threat didn’t have desired results, they sent someone in with a gun.”

  “Oh my God. Is everyone all right?”

  “Quite a few people were hurt. Zwyk tackled the man but before he could get the gun away from him, he was shot. He’s in the medical center since about four this afternoon. I think they’re keeping him overnight unless someone can sit with him.”

  “I’m on my way up there. Will they let me see him?”

  “I’m certain they will. Anyone around here with eyes can see the two of you are an item. I’ll call ahead and let the doctor know to expect you.”

  Rory’s heart raced as she stashed their food in the fridge and grabbed her purse and keys. She broke every speed limit between Zwyk’s house and the station. She pulled into the lot with tires squealing and didn’t even bother to park in visitor parking. Rory pulled up along the curb near the door and ran inside, only stopping long enough for directions to the medical center.

  She barreled through the double glass doors and ran straight into the back, not waiting for someone to come up front. She stopped in the middle of the hall and looked at all the doors, feeling lost and anxious.

  “Zwyk! Where are you?” she called out.

  A Terran with a white lab coat came out of a room. “You must be Rory.”

  “Sorry for yelling. I hope I didn’t disturb your patients.”

  “It’s fine. You’re anxious over your mate and it’s understandable.”

  “Oh.” She worried at her bottom lip. “We aren’t mated. Is that going to be a problem?”

  He shook his head and motioned for her to follow him down the hall. He pushed open the last door on the right and she saw Zwyk lying in a fancy hospital bed. She rushed to his side and took his hand, hoping it wouldn’t jar whatever injuries he might have. Zwyk didn’t open his eyes and she looked at the doctor, wanting an explanation but didn’t know if she had the right to demand one.

  “He should wake shortly,” the doctor said. “I’m Xonos, by the way.”

  “What exactly happened to him? I heard there was a shooter.”

  “He was shot in his right shoulder and again in his abdomen. Both shots went straight through and thankfully didn’t do a lot of internal damage. Don’t get me wrong, any bullet can wreak havoc even on our systems, but I was able to seal the wounds with a special laser we use. He should be completely healed in a few days. Until then, he needs rest.”

  “The receptionist said he had to stay overnight unless someone would watch over him.”

  Xonos nodded. “I’m assuming you came to take him home?”

  “Yes. I have a key to his home and I’ll be happy to stay with him for as long as I need to. I don’t have a job right now so I’m free for however long he needs me.”

  “Why don’t you pull up a chair and wait with him for a li
ttle while? He should be awake within the hour and then we’ll see if he wants to go home or stay the night here. If he does remain here, he would probably heal faster. Moving him could delay his healing.”

  Rory squeezed Zwyk’s hand. “I want to do whatever is best for him. If he needs to stay here tonight, then I’ll stay too.”

  “The best thing you can do for him is let him know you’re here, and once he’s resting again, you should go home and do the same. He’s a stubborn male and it’s going to take a lot of energy to keep him seated. He’ll want to get up and go to work or do things around the house. He’s not the type to sit around watching TV all day.”

  “If that’s what you say he needs to do, then I’ll make sure it happens, even if I have to duct tape him to the couch.”

  Xonos laughed. “Well, let’s hope you don’t need to get quite that extreme.”

  “I’ll stay until he tells me to leave. If that means I sleep sitting in this chair all night, then so be it. He needs me. Are you mated?”


  “If it were your mate lying in this bed, would you leave and get some rest at home?” she asked.


  “We may not be mated, but I love Zwyk and I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he gets well again. I’m not leaving unless he makes me or until you release him and I can take him home.”

  Xonos nodded and quietly left the room. Rory turned to find Zwyk watching her.

  “You love me?” he asked softly.

  “It figures out of that entire conversation that would be the one thing you hear.”

  “Do you?”

  She sighed and hoped she wasn’t about to make a huge mistake. “Yeah, I love you. I have for quite some time actually, but I didn’t want to say anything too soon. I thought if you knew you’d run the other way. Guess it’s a good thing you’re stuck in this bed right now.”

  “I had wondered if you might. Were you ever going to tell me?” he asked.

  “Eventually. After some time had passed. We’ve only been seeing each other about a week. I figured that would be fast even by Terran standards. I promised that I wouldn’t push to become your mate and I thought if you knew how I felt then you would feel trapped.”

  He squeezed her hand then winced.

  “You need to be careful. Someone put a bullet in your shoulder. Did you get confused between Gears of War and real life?” Rory asked.

  He smiled a little. “Thank you for coming here.”

  Well, that wasn’t a declaration of love, but at least he hadn’t kicked her out. She supposed it could have gone much worse. As long as he’d let her stay, then maybe everything would be okay. Maybe he’d forget that she’d claimed to love him and they could go on the same as before.

  “I’d have been here sooner, but no one called to tell me what happened.”

  “They only called the mates of those who were injured.”

  Right. And that wasn’t her.

  “I got here as soon as I found out you’d been injured. Xonos told me what happened. Is there anything I can get you? Are you thirsty or hungry?”

  He shook his head.

  Rory tightened her grip on his hand. “Do you want me to go?”


  There was a knock at the door and then Xonos stepped inside. “I thought I heard talking and wanted to come check on my patient.”

  “It’s going to take more than a bullet to slow me down,” Zwyk said.

  “Next time, try not to stop the bullets with your body. You’re not immortal.”

  “How bad is it?” Zwyk asked.

  “You need to rest for a few days. No work. No gaming. Rest your shoulder as much as possible. If you insist on going home tonight, you need to have someone keep an eye on you. I’d recommend staying here because remaining still and in that bed will help speed up your recovery. Rory has already offered to stay with you.”

  “I’ll stay the night, but first thing in the morning I’m going home.”

  Xonos nodded. “You’ll have to leave your car here. No driving for at least three days. After that, you should be healed enough that it won’t cause any damage.”

  “I can take you home,” Rory offered. “And if you need help around the house, I can stay as long as you need me to. Unless you’d prefer to be alone. Just know that I’m here to help.”

  Zwyk lifted her hand, wincing with the motion, then kissed her fingers. “Thank you, Rory. If you need to go home and sleep, I’ll be okay on my own tonight.”

  “I’d like to stay,” she said softly.

  “Then stay.”

  Xonos cleared his throat. “I’ll leave the two of you alone. There are a few other patients on the hall who were also injured today, so if you hear any noises don’t be alarmed. I’m about to head home for the night, but there’s a new doctor who will be around for the rest of the evening if you need anything. Banchek is doing a rotation on Earth for the next few months, then he’ll return home.”

  “Thank you,” Zwyk said. “I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

  Xonos nodded and left them alone, closing the door behind him.

  Chapter Nine

  Zwyk kept playing Rory’s words over in his mind. She loved him? He studied her profile as she dozed in the chair beside the bed. Her hand was still clutched in his and every now and then her fingers would tighten, as if she were afraid to let him go. The moment he’d realized he’d been shot, the first thing he’d thought about was Rory. He’d wondered if he’d ever see her again, and he’d lamented the fact he hadn’t allowed her to get closer to him. In the moment his blood had been pouring onto the floor, and he’d not known if it was fatal, he’d regretted the fact that Rory was only his girlfriend and not something more. He’d known in that moment that somewhere along the way, he’d fallen in love with her.

  Some might consider him an asshole for not saying the words back to her. But the first time he told her loved her, he wanted Rory to have a good memory to go with it. Not him lying in a hospital bed with two bullet wounds. It warmed his heart that she’d rushed to his side when she’d learned of his injuries. He hated the fact no one had called her. She deserved to have been notified along with the other mates. Their system was flawed and he wanted to make sure it didn’t happen again to future couples.

  The only upside to this horrible event was that he’d have a few days off with Rory. It looked like movie marathons were in his near future since gaming was out, but he was certain they could pass the time. There was a lot for them to talk about. For starters, he didn’t want to hide their relationship from her family, even if they would frown upon him dating Rory so soon after being engaged to Brittany. They’d just have to learn to deal with it. If he had his way, they would all be family soon enough. He just needed to plan things a bit and make sure everything was in proper order.

  It was nearing three in the morning when Banchek popped into the room. Zwyk motioned to Rory so the doctor wouldn’t wake her. She’d stayed up for several hours talking to him, and sometime after midnight she’d finally passed out. He wanted her well-rested because he knew he was going to need more help than he liked when they got home.

  Home… he wondered if he could convince her to move in with him.

  “Everything all right in here?” Banchek whispered.

  “I’m fine. Rory finally fell asleep.”

  “You should be sleeping too.”

  Zwyk smiled. “It’s more entertaining to watch her.”

  Banchek nodded. “If I had a mate, I’m sure I would feel the same. And yes, I know you’re not officially mates, but she acts like one. She hasn’t left your side even though she could have gone home to sleep in a comfortable bed tonight. That tells me a lot. I don’t know too many unmated females who would sleep in one of those hard chairs just to be near their male.”

  “Rory is special.”

  “Don’t let that one get away. I don’t know why the two of you aren’t mated yet, but she’s a keeper. I’ve heard the storie
s about the two of you already so I know that passion isn’t lacking between you. Whatever is making you withhold mate status from her, you should work through it.”

  “I intend to ask her when the time is right. I want to be whole again before I do that.”


  “Can you do a scan and see how well I’m healing?”

  Banchek nodded and went to the counter across the room to pick up a portable scanner. He turned on the device and scanned Zwyk’s shoulder and abdomen where he was shot. The doctor pursed his lips and ran the scan again. Then he turned off the device and stuck it in his lab coat pocket.

  “Good news? Bad news?” Zwyk asked.

  “You’re healing at an accelerated rate, even for our kind. Have you sustained injuries in the past?”

  “Not that I can recall. I don’t think I’ve ever even been sick before.”

  Banchek nodded. “You may be a throwback to the first of our kind. I’d like to do some blood work if that’s all right with you, just to see if you carry the gene that’s missing from most of us now.”

  Zwyk stuck out his arm. “Take as much as you need.”

  Banchek withdrew a vial of blood and left the room. Zwyk didn’t understand why it mattered if he carried an extra gene or not. He’d never been considered special by his kind, and he doubted this would change anything. There had to be others on his world with the same genetic makeup.

  He glanced at Rory and watched her sleep, wondering if she would care about the extra gene. As long as it didn’t turn their kids into mutants, he didn’t see the issue. Kids. Hell. He’d never really thought about having kids before, not even when he was getting married to Brittany. She’d never seemed like the motherly type, but he could easily see Rory with a kid or two in her lap reading them a bedtime story. He hoped she wanted kids, it was kind of a requirement for a mating between them.


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