Demigod Down

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Demigod Down Page 15

by Kim Schubert

  We made a good team and that should have disturbed me, but I was too exhausted to actually pay close attention to that.

  Finally, when the hall cleared out, I rested my head against the table. “I could seriously sleep here.” I groaned.

  I felt Blake enter the hall, pulling my head up smiling. “Hey!” I greeted his unexpected arrival.

  “I’m going to guess you don’t know about tonight,” he informed me coming to up to pull me into a hug.

  I breathed in his scent, my eyes closing in his strength.

  “Bed,” I muttered into his jacket.

  I heard Lorraine stalk on to the stage, her heel clicking loudly, “Logan we are having dinner with your parents tonight.”

  I snuggled closer to Blake. She continued, “The succubus bitch and whore will be joining us.”

  “I’m going to kill her,” I muttered before moving to make good on my threat.

  Blake restrained me with a hand, his eyes glowing amber. I hoped he glamoured her. I was unfortunately well aware I couldn’t kill the bitch, yet.

  Logan moved to block the view of Lorraine, whispering lowly to her, “Can you hear them?” I hissed, turning to Blake watching the look of sheer surprise plastered onto his face.

  “Yes, you are going to like this,” he muttered smiling.

  Logan moved away from Lorraine and she fumed with repressed anger. “I apologize for the childish name calling.”

  I opened my mouth ready with a smart ass answer when Blake’s hand clamped over my mouth, “Accepted.” He spoke for me and I turned to him angry as Lorraine and Logan left.

  “Trust me, it was for the best,” he said, not seeing the problem.

  I narrowed my eyes at him, not liking him speaking for me. I had just opened my mouth to inform him so, when Kass burst upon the scene.

  “What are you still doing here Olie? Blake take her home, she just has enough time to shower and change,” Kass demanded, flustered.

  She was so fucking lucky I loved her.

  “Let’s go,” I growled at Blake heading outside.

  Blake gave me a wide birth, feeling my anger and resentment. “How the hell am I going to make it through dinner like this?” I groaned as we got into this car.

  “I think a shower will do wonders for your disposition,” Blake said teasingly.

  “Everyone better fucking hope so,” I groaned.

  I looked over at Blake. He was going to fucking pay for my lack of sleep, for my irritation with Lorraine and attempting to speak for me.

  Reaching over, I stroked the back of his neck letting my shields fall and my naturally high lust drive swirl to the surface.

  Blake sucked a breath as I turned toward him in the car, gently massaging the tense muscles in his neck before I slid my nimble fingers under the lobe of his ear, continuing the massage. He shifted in his seat and I looked down, happily watching his throbbing erection nestled against his leg.

  “Olivia,” he warned.

  “Hmmm?” I asked, sweetly thickening the sharp and intense desire the air.

  His hands held the steering wheel tightly as he blew out a breath.

  Smiling, I slid one of his hands off the steering wheel and into my lap. His hands tightened on my thigh, pushing up toward my core. I smiled, tugging his hand off bringing his long, skillful fingers to my mouth.

  Blake huffed, making an effort not to look at me as I slowly brought his index finger to my lips, licking them I pressed his index finger against my soft wet mouth before snaking my tongue out to bring his finger into my mouth.

  He groaned, turning sharply as we rounded onto his street. Gently, I nipped the pad of his finger before I soothed it with my tongue again. Blake pressed back in his seat, pulling into the garage so quickly we almost took out the door that was still opening.

  I laughed, throwing back his hand, bolting from the car and into the house. The door into the house didn’t have chance to close as Blake was hot on my heels. With a squeal, he had me over his shoulder and up the three flights of stairs before Alfie could even acknowledge our presence.

  I laughed the whole way up until he threw me on his bed, pulling off my boots. Springing up, I tossed him on the bed. “Sorry love,” I whispered into his mouth, “I’m running the show tonight.”

  “I do love a woman in control,” he whispered, nesting his fingers in my hair pulling me closer. Pulling his shirt over his head, I pushed him back on the bed, removing the rest of his clothing.

  “Don’t move,” I warned him, “Or I will tie you down,” I informed him, kissing him gently as I placed his hands above his head.

  Blake’s blue eyes darkened with lust in his amber rimmed gaze as his hands flexed where I had set them. Slowly, I moved from his lips to his strong jaw, over the delicate and sensitive flesh of his earlobes nipping gently as his body arched beneath me.

  I drew out my kisses down his neck, taking time to dig my teeth in deeper to his collar bone before I caressed down those beautifully formed pectoral muscles and began lavishing his strongly defined abs with kisses and nips.

  I blasted him with a stronger dose of desire peeking up to see him struggling not to move and smiled.

  I skipped over the part I knew he wanted me to touch the most working my way up using my teeth forcefully up his inner thigh. Reaching his throbbing cock I blew my warm breath gently against him watching his clenched eyes closely before I swept my tongue over his head.

  His entire body shuttered and I smiled as I brought my lips down around his impressive girth, flattening my tongue against the underside. His hips rolled as I moved him in and out of my mouth painfully slowly. Reaching up I caressed his balls enjoying his moans through gritted teeth. Using my teeth, I gently scraped down the sides of his cock and over his head.

  “Fuck,” He whispered, panting. “Olivia, get up here.” He growled.

  Pulling him out of my mouth, I smiled as I began the torture again, enjoying the way his body clenched and shook beneath me. His legs moved to press into me. “Olivia, baby please.” He begged and I smiled, throwing off my clothing as I straddled him.

  His eyes flashed open in surprise as I hovered above his slick length, dipping my hips down slightly letting my juices work over the tip of his engorged head. Pulling his hands up, I pressed them against my tender breasts and he took to my movement easily, rolling the nubs almost painfully between his fingers.

  I took a small piece of him inside of me before pushing back up to his groan of misery. His hips thrust up, but I moved out of his reach, taking the action.

  Relaxing against the bed, he assaulted my breasts as I slowly took more of him inside of me, rocking down with my own impatience. His body arched up, pulling my upper body down to his so his greedy mouth could torture my nipples anew.

  Rolling my hips, I began moving him deep within in me. His groan of pleasure hand his hands digging into my hips as I increased the pace needing the sweet release that his body could grant me. Leaning down, I kissed him feeling his hips moving with my own, clasping tightly onto the shoulders I leaned back arching my back as my climax broke over in sweet release.

  Blake threw me to the bottom wrapping my legs around his hips as he thrust into me like a man possessed before grunted his own release. Biting into my neck and sending pleasure through my body again, he fell on top of me and laughed after having drunk his full. He said, “We are so going to be late.”

  I yawned, feeling better. “They’ll appreciate it. I’m certain.”

  He groaned, pulling out of me and hauling us both into the shower.

  Chapter 12

  We were washed, dressed, and arriving only slightly late. Thanks to Blake’s fantastic vampire reflexes, we made it in record time to the small restaurant tucked into a residential district.

  “Trendy,” Blake muttered, taking my hand as the valet took his expensive sports car.

  The exterior was modern with black flat walls and wine colored accents and a huge oversized frosted glass door.

  “I hope the food is good,” I muttered to Blake my expectations fairly low.

  “I hope they have blood on the menu,” he whispered into my ear, pinching my ass in my jeans as we entered the crowded waiting room. The acoustics were terrible, echoing everything back to us in loud waves that people had to shout over.

  I groaned, casting a look back at Blake and his jaw tightened. His hearing was far beyond my own and I knew this was a terrible environment for him. He was busy looking around the restaurant trying to find our party.

  “This way,” he said leading me around a half wall and into a throng of people. I fucking hate crowds, I groaned to myself, pushing my way behind him through skinny human males who hadn’t showered in days and girls in ugly clothing purchased for being fashionable rather than complimenting their body styles.

  I was ready to leave.

  Blake slipped us around effortless and onto a slightly less crowded patio. Kass stood up quickly her chair grinding over the concrete floor as she rushed over to us.

  “You made it!” She cried, overjoyed wrapping her arms around me in a hug. “Save me.” She whispered into my ear before turning and hugging Blake as well.

  We shared a look over her shoulder and I rolled my eyes. Blake tried not to smile at my antics as Kass pulled both of us over to the table. Logan and Lorraine sat at the end where our empty seats were and I tried not to grimace as Kass sat next to the only strangers in the group, Darren and Logan’s parents.

  Logan’s father smiled at us rising to shake both our hands, his grip firm and warm, as were his caramel eyes. I liked him immediately. Logan resembled him, but they both had his strong jaw and wide forehead. “Lee,” he said, introducing himself.

  “Olivia,” I responded, turning, “and this is Blake.”

  Lee smiled, shaking Blake’s hand as well. Turning to his wife I found her scowling at me, taken back I blinked rapidly trying to figure out what I had done, already.

  “Lorraine says you are a demon.” she stated arms crossed over her chest.

  My shoulders slumped and I cracked my neck before answering with a sigh, “Not to my knowledge.” I slid in next to Lorraine.

  “Then you should learn not to spread rumors.” his mother said. Shocked and fairly certain this dinner had just done to hell, I looked up at her shocked, finding her staring menacingly at Lorraine.

  “I’m Jane dear girl. It’s lovely to meet you both.” Jane said pulling out a winning smile I instantly recognized from Darren.

  Thankfully, Blake recovered first, saying, “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” He nodded, sitting across from me taking my hand with a reassuring squeeze.

  Lorraine glared at Logan and a slow smile spread across my lips.

  “How was arbitration?” Lee asked me.

  I wanted to cast an annoyed look at Lorraine, but considering the beating she just took, I refrained. “It went well, I think. We managed to get to the bottom of a few irritating cases,” I answered with a smile.

  “We heard about Amy,” Jane stated sadly.

  “Yeah, that wasn’t a fun one,” I agreed as the waiter delivered waters.

  “You did well,” she complimented me.

  “Thank you,” I said, earnestly again shocked.

  “Not many would have thought to remove her makeup.”

  “It was a hunch.”

  “Does everyone know what they want?” the waiter interrupted perkily.

  All eyes turned to me and I looked quickly at the menu, “Let’s do me last,” I said hopefully.

  Jane smiled, giving her order to the waiter as I hurriedly looked over the menu. Everything was weird, I didn’t understand what half of this shit was. Even the appetizers had me baffled.

  “For you?” the waiter asked me.

  “I’ll just have the grilled cheese,” l said, handing him my menu.

  Blake hadn’t ordered anything and after our romp in the sheets, he should be well fed for now.

  I waggled my eyebrows at him suggestively as he smiled, pressing a kiss against my knuckles.

  “Is that why you were late?” Lorraine asked, disgusted.

  I had opened my mouth to tell her to shove it up her ass, but Jane beat me to it. “You will leave the poor girl alone, Lorraine, you have done nothing but bad mouth her since we showed up.”

  “I can’t help it, you needed to be warned, even if you aren’t heeding my expert advice,” Lorraine said angrily, sucking down her wine. Dang it, I should have ordered wine.

  I groaned as Jane responded, “I don’t know what my son sees in you.”

  Logan threw his napkin on the table and was about to get up, casting a look at Kass. I saw her bottom lip trembling. This was supposed to be about her and Darren.

  “Hey Kass, have you thought anymore about my dress?” I asked, trying to throw the conversation into neutral territory. Lorraine sat back with a huff, crossing her arms over her chest. I gave Logan a pleading look and he put his napkin back in his lap.

  Blowing out a breath, I looked back at Kass as she readily jumped on my attempt to change the subject. “Yes, I have been thinking about it. I want to have you try it on again before I make my decision. Jane maybe you would like to come with us,” Kass offered hopefully.

  Jane stopped glaring at Lorraine, pulling her attention to Kass, “That would be lovely, dear. I need to find a dress as well.”

  “Wonderful,” Kass said smiling.

  “How are you feeling dear?” Jane asked, reaching over to squeeze Kass’s hand.

  “Good, some days are better than others. I’ve mainly just been exhausted, thankfully Darren has picked up my slack,” Kass said, grinning at him.

  Darren smiled that winning smile back. “Hannah is really enjoying having another female in the house. Apparently I am stinky boy now,” He teased Kass who laughed in response.

  “I have missed that girl,” Lee said, smiling. “I hear we owe thanks to you for bringing her back.” He nodded at me.

  I shrugged and said, “Just doing my job.” The attention and praise was making me uncomfortable.

  “What do you do Blake?” Jane asked, including him in the conversation.

  “I run security at the Centennial House,” he answered her. “Usually pretty boring stuff, unless Olie is involved. “He laughed.

  I shrugged as our food was delivered agreeing, “I actually can’t find fault with that.”

  “How was France?” I asked. “Kass said you have a home there?”

  Jane sighed. “Yes, we do. It is beautiful and peaceful and just wonderful. But it was time to come home and see our boys,” she said, pride shinning in her eyes.

  We ate and talked more about the wedding plans, avoiding any additional awkward conversations, mainly since Lorraine stayed blissfully silent. Pushing my back plate, I had picked out the strange lettuce and odd-looking tomatoes from my sandwich and I was still hungry.

  Having finished paying for our meal, we made our way outside to get our vehicles from the valet.

  “I’m still hungry,” Kass whispered to me as we waited.

  I laughed. “Me too,” I confided.

  Logan was practically carrying the drunk Lorraine and we let him get his car first.

  “Ice cream?” I suggested. “We can pick up Hannah and hit the place by your house?”

  “That sounds brilliant,” Jane said coming to link arms with both of us. “I’m afraid I am still hungry as well,” she confided and we both laughed.

  On the drive over to the make-it-yourself ice cream parlor, I was absentmindedly stroking the back of Blake’s neck when he asked, “Do you really believe there will be no repercussions for killing Gabrielle?”

  His question took me off guard and I dropped my hand thinking about it. “The agreement was made in witness of a master vampire along with several others, so I do believe no vamps will directly come after me in an attempt to pay for his death. I do know those who want to come after me will find other ways to screw up my life.” I answered honestly.<
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  He nodded. “Angelina pushed the marriage proposal again.”

  Jealousy followed by rage shot through me and I pulled both those emotions down before I asked, “Can she save the pet?”

  Blake took his time answering his hands, gripping the steering wheel with unnecessary force. He said, “She claims that if I consent to mate her I will have additional resources at my disposal for handling the situation.”

  “That sounds like a well-spoken lie,” I muttered.

  Blake scoffed, “I said the same thing and ended up in the pit with Gabrielle.”

  “You shouldn’t have let him beat on you like that,” I said, remembering the bloody mess Blake was.

  He shrugged, tension tight in his shoulders, “It’s a vampire thing,” he muttered.

  I wanted to tell him it’s a fucking stupid thing, but I held my tongue, I really didn’t want to fight again.

  We made it to the parlor before the rest and I dished out an extra large portion of chocolate ice cream followed by a dangerous amount of toppings as I walked carefully back to where Blake was sitting.

  After a few bites, the door jingled open, followed by the high pitched “Olie!” as Hannah ran into my arms.

  I breathed in the scent of vanilla, taking in her rumpled appearance. “Were you in bed?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she stated annoyed and climbing into my lap, “The new sitter tries to make me go to sleep before Kass and Dad get home.” She huffed, crossing her tiny arms over her tummy.

  “Totally rude.” I agreed with her as Darren made his way to the counter and Kass followed behind him.

  Darren turned around a cup in hand, “What do you want Hannah?” he asked as she bounded out of my lap to boss her daddy around.

  I smiled after them, turning to Blake before continuing to stuff my face. Lee and Jane entered, followed by Logan and I couldn’t help the laugh that left me. Blake kicked me under the table, far better at keeping the peace than me.

  Rolling my eyes, I turned back to him with a raised eyebrow, his face perfectly composed. Kass sat down next me to raising her own eyebrow as she dug into her ice cream.

  Grinning like a fool at Blake, I turned to Logan who was pulling up additional chairs at our table. “Where’s Lorraine?” I asked, knowing the answer.


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