Demigod Down

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Demigod Down Page 21

by Kim Schubert

  “You can thank Kass for that!” Darren screamed at him, followed by the slamming door.

  Lovely, now we both were involved. I heaved a sigh. It was never my intent to prevent the natural order of the shifters from taking place, but it appeared now I was involved and it wasn’t a situation I was enjoying.

  Whatever, not my monkeys not my circus, actually I think they were mine now. Fuck.


  I’m going to spare the details of the men who harassed me, groped me, fondled me, and treated me like a piece of meat solely put on the earth to give them pleasure.

  My efforts were not in vain though, since I was the best dancer the Boss had, I was invited to the private party in his plush office and there ladies and gentleman was pay dirt. It was a brief glimpse, but I found their information hub of shiny digital recordings, camera data, and row after row of highly protected files.

  Now I just needed a way to get in there.

  Hector has assigned us a new police officer, Reynolds I think his name was, I wasn’t paying much attention. Although he had snagged a blue print of the Last Lap that we were now pouring over in Logan’s hotel room.

  “The best way has to be the hidden door in the private client room,” Reynolds stated, tapping the map in front of us.

  “Why can’t we just storm the place again?” I asked, needing a release after bottling up so much anger and self-resentment.

  “Innocent bystanders, for one. For second, Tommy found a failsafe that will delete the information we are after with a touch of a button,” Darren reminded me.

  I sighed, resting my chin in my hand, “Right,” I muttered.

  “The good news is we have an in,” Darren said casting a look at Logan who shifted uncomfortably.

  “Do tell,” I prompted.

  “I got spotted outside the Last Lap,” Logan began.

  “Multiple times,” Darren said, trying not to laugh.

  “Right, well ‘the Boss’ thought I was after something else,” he said, clearing his throat, “and asked for a meet, which I agreed to,” He looked severely uncomfortable.

  I laughed, “I never dreamed your crappy engagement would have benefits.”

  He had the decency not to say anything as he blushed deeply.

  The plan was simple, Boss would use me as a distraction and a temptation for Logan. Reynolds would set up a distraction to get Boss out of the room so that Logan and I could get through the secret tunnel to the master computer room and find out where the new super-secret location of the big bad evil guy and his liar was.

  “I hate this plan.,” I groaned. “I am so fucking tired of pretending to be dumb and easy.”

  Darren patted my back, “If this goes as planned you won’t have to go back there.”

  “Oh I am going back alright, to put a bullet through the Boss’s head,” I said sarcastically.

  Reynolds shifted uncertainly, watching Darren’s shrug and Logan nonchalance. Humans.

  “Maybe I should take him into custody,” Reynolds stated.

  “Sure, but you better keep him there,” I answered, standing before heading to my room to change.


  We reconvened later that night at the obnoxious white van where yet again Logan and I debated the merit of the plan, only for seriously different reasons.

  “Really Logan all you have to do is pretend to be interested, it should be perfectly natural for you to want to push me off your lap,” I scolded, annoyed by his behavior and the fact that I was working with him again.

  “You just can’t let the -” Darren paused, clearly not trying to insult me, but the only words Logan used about me were insults.

  With my eyes not leaving Logan’s, I finished his sentence, “You cannot allow your real hatred and disgust to show through at having to work with a demon.” As I darted out of the undercover van, my heart fractured.

  No matter how hard I tried, how many people I saved, I was only just a suspected demon in a pool of semi-believers.

  Hiking my backpack up higher on my tense shoulder I let my hips roll in my jean shorts wondering if Darren thought the same of me. His pause had me wanting to believe he didn’t, plus he was marrying Kass. Steeling myself, I remembered it didn’t fucking matter what they thought of me as long as he was good to Kass, Hannah, and the new baby.

  Pressing those unneeded emotions down deep, I flung open the faded blue door with paint chipping off on my hand as a wave of musty air laced with sweat, perfume, the tang of attraction, and bitter disappointment blasted me out of my funk reminding me exactly why I was here.

  “Hey Sassy,” Carmen greeted me, her sparkling blue eye makeup laid on thick.

  “Hi Carmen,” I said, setting my backpack in my seat pulling out my makeup case. “How’s the crowd look?” I asked, making small talk.

  She sighed, shrugging, “The usual.”

  I cringed. I hated the usual crowd of leering, dirty men who the security ignored when they copped a feel.

  “Don’t worry though I think Boss has something special lined up for you,” Carmen said, trying to infuse it with cheer.

  “Really?” I asked, attempting to mirror her attempt at a good mood.

  “Yep, some big guy he needs to impress,” Carmen said, touching up her lipstick before checking her watch. “I’m on. Good luck,” She wished me sincerely, squeezing my shoulder as she walked by.

  I sighed, my shoulders drooping as I surveyed my unappealing reflection, self-loathing seeping out my pores. Closing my eyes, I pulled a long breath reminding myself why I was here, this was our best lead at finding the thing responsible for the vampire, shifter, and human killings.

  I really wished Blake here.

  Tony the bouncer appeared behind me a stoic figure for the lusty environment. “Boss needs you in twenty,” He told me before walking away again.

  Twenty minutes to prepare to seduce Logan, wonderful.


  Twenty-five minutes later I was encased in thick cigar smoke from the Boss who was trying unsuccessfully to impress Logan.

  I had one job to do, just one.

  Pressing back through the thick privacy curtain I delivered Logan’s drink bending at the waist to give him an easy look down my cheetah pushup bra. Here’s to hoping he took the hint. Stifling an annoyed grimace, I smiled before taking up residence on the private pole.

  If I could just lose myself in the music I would have a better chance of “pretending” to seduce the asshole. What had I ever done to him to make him despise me so? I guess I had forced his brother into quitting.

  Flipping my hair behind me, as I swung on the pole, I found Logan’s eyes riveted to me. Great. He was doing a better job at acting than I was. I have to get my shit together.

  The rhythm of the latest club hit pounded in my veins and I sent my entire focus there until I no longer worried about Logan or the obnoxious, weasel called Boss.

  My frustration ran high being forced back to a profession I hated, the few and limited resources I had here, along with not being able to beat my way to the heart of the problem. This undercover assignment was literally was my last lead, until the bastard struck again leaving a bloody and brutal trail of torture and destruction in his wake. It turned my skin knowing he or she was out there now beginning anew, again.

  Logan’s fingers grazed my arm and I hadn’t realized he was close as I blinked myself back into reality. The call had come in and the Boss looked livid, turning to us.

  “I have some important business I must attend do, but please enjoy the dance and whatever else you desire,” he said quickly heading for the exit and the look he leveled at me was the unspoken command to keep Logan here, no matter what. Sick bastard.

  The heavy curtain was drawn tightly before I stepped down to the floor, pulling Logan to the back wall. “This is where the trap door was, can you hear anything?” I asked, pressing my own ear against it.

  Logan was stiff at my side, eyes running over my outfit, checking my control that I wa
sn’t leaking anything more than annoyance. “What?” I hissed at him, moving aside the thick fabric.

  “You look amazing,” he whispered close to my ear.

  “Get it together Logan, or I am going to hurt you and tell Lorraine,” I threatened.

  At the mere mention of his fiancé’s name, Logan became the mask of professional detachment.

  Good. I didn’t need that headache to deal with.

  Pressing himself closer to the wall, he pressed lightly with the pads of his fingers until something made him smile and he leaned back, pulling open a narrow door.

  “Ladies first,” he insisted, smiling.

  “Who are you? And why are you in a good mood?” I asked, hustling in before him.

  I felt his shrug trapped in the darkness as he pulled the door closed. The space was tight although we didn’t have to crouch which was nice.


  “Can you see anything?” I asked in a hushed whisper.

  His breath on my neck made me jump before he whispered, “Yes, can you?”

  “No,” I growled, “Go first,” I said sliding my body against his in the tight hallway. Something hard brushed against my naked thigh and I refused to think more on it.

  Fisting my hand in his jacket, I followed close behind him. I hoped Reynolds’ distraction would buy us enough time.

  The darkened hallway abruptly stopped as I slammed into Logan’s back.

  “Ouch,” I grumbled. “What’s the hold up?”

  “Ladder,” he growled lowly before climbing up.

  I looked down at my stupidly high heels before deciding to ditch them in favor of speed and stealth, following Logan up, what felt like a metal ladder. He was faster than me and able to see in the pitch black. Reaching for the next rung, I ran into his pant leg instead.

  “Wait,” he rumbled.

  Hooking my arm through a rung I looked up around his bulky frame to see the broken outline of a door. I’d let Logan give the orders, for now, his hearing was better than my own.

  I huffed at that fact and the fact he had fangs, so jealous.

  Logan crept up the rungs hunching his massive body under the door, putting his shoulder flush he waited another moment before shoving up the sound of splintering wood loud in the quiet passageway.

  He disappeared from my view but I could hear him tackle someone followed by grunting as I hauled ass up the remaining steps and into the dim light of the computer room.

  Logan’s fists connected solidly with the guard on duty, the tech already in a pile on the floor. I couldn’t lie, there was something very sexy watching him brutally subdue a threat with his bare hands.

  I turned away from him quickly and to the computers in front of us, watching the dizzying display of code flowing across the screens.

  “I wish Tommy was here,” I muttered before I turned back to Logan.

  “You know what we are looking for?” I asked woefully aware of my own short fallings. I could kill almost anything, but computers presented a mystery I never needed to figure out.

  “Tommy walked me through it,” Logan answered rapidly entering commands to the keyboard.

  I fidgeted, not liking being idol or depending on Logan.

  Logan let out a low whistle turning to face me “What?” I asked coming to look over his shoulder at the information being displayed there.

  He paged through it, “The location of their current –“ he faltered for the right word.

  “Private hell,” I offered.

  He nodded, “Isn’t anywhere I can see, but,” he continued to page to the end of the file, “the names and address of everyone they have taken are.”

  My eyes locked to my false name glowing in green letters at me. “Tonight?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Logan said.

  “Great,” I answered turning to look at the geek and guard. “Let’s get them into the tunnel and get back. Apparently I am finishing this shift,” I huffed with a sigh.


  Logan had hardly gotten the trapped door shut before the voices outside the curtain rose, announcing the Boss’s arrival. Without thinking, I pushed him against the wall, pressing my lips hurriedly to his own. I didn’t expect the shock that ripped down to my toes or how easily his lips parted to me. The feel of his arms wrapping around my waist and pressing me close had my guards slipping down as his lips gently nipped at my own.

  Hands pressed against his chest, I let them fall down to his waist, my fingers pulling out his crisp white shirt.

  A noise behind me forced me to turn as the Boss clapped slowly, holding his hands out wide, “I told you she is the best in the business,” he bragged to Logan.

  Logan let his head fall against the hall, sucking in a clean breath, I went to move off him, only to have him keep me in place in front of him. “Give me a moment,” he whispered to me.

  I obliged, releasing his shirt, resting my hands against his forearms which were braced on my shoulders.

  What the fuck had just happened?


  Logan finished his meeting with the Boss leaving, but not before sparing me a long look back on the poles dancing. I pretended not to notice, but the other girls, they certainly did.

  In the dressing rooms closing up, I realized I was alone staring into my reflection playing over and over what had happened with me and Logan. Should I tell Blake? Was that considered cheating?

  Heaving a sigh, I shouldered my bag heading into the alley and into the fresh air. Before I could suck a clean breath, the bouncer approached me, “Sorry kid,” he muttered before socking me.

  He caught me, throwing me over his shoulder and he must have through that would have knocked me out. I played the part, not letting my anger get the best of me.

  The sliding door of a van opened and I heard the boss and another car door opening. “Dammit Nari, she is the best I have. Do you really have to take her?” he whined.

  “Do not forget who you work for, underling,” a cultured voice purred out as I was loaded into the van.

  The bouncer sighed zip tying my wrists in front of me and ankles together before the door closed before launching into the night.

  This was the only way to find out exactly where the new facility was located and as an added bonus it sounded like the sicko in charge was also coming along on this journey.


  Chapter 17

  The tracking device on my watch would alert the others to where I was, pending they had been paying attention to the smash and grab. Since I wasn’t a trusting individual, I had hidden my dagger in my boot, it was foolish of them not to check me for weapons and it would undoubtedly work in my favor being thought of as dumb and easy.

  I refuse to comment on how that major annoyance was now coming into my favor.

  The drive was long, windy, and frustrating as I rolled around the back of the empty van, until I rolled into something soft and warm. Shifting on the floor I caught sight of Carmen’s idle form along with another body illuminated by the shifting moonlight through the windshield of the van.

  We stopped forty-five minutes later according to my watch and I kept my eyes open as the driver and Nari came around to the back to pull open the sliding panel door.

  He was a handsome man with bronzed skin tone, dark chestnut curls, and piercing brown eyes flecked with undertones of copper accented with defined cheek bones and ruby lips.

  “Nari.” I said with certainty.

  He smiled , a charming playful smile, “My dear girl, finally we meet.”

  “I’ve had fun destroying your projects,” I told him watching his eyes closely.

  Nari smiled, unaffected by my jab. “I am certain you have. Very clever finding my feeding grounds, but I do believe your time as executioner has come to an end,” he gloated, slicing through the bonds at my feet before hauling me up.

  “Care for a tour?” he asked.

  “What about the others?” I questioned, turning to look as the driver hauled Carmen and the other girl
onto a flatbed cart.

  “You should save your worry, for yourself pet,” Nari hissed, stepping closer to me his grin turning deadly.

  I raised an eyebrow. “Oh, is this supposed to be your scary face?” I asked unimpressed.

  I saw the fist coming and let it connect solidly with my jaw.

  Turning back, I licked the blood that had trickled down from my split lip. “So is this the part where I cower in fear?” I rolled my eyes, “I am so unimpressed.”

  Nari pulled me toward him by my white tank top, fisting the material before slamming his lips against my own.


  I bared my teeth biting down into the soft tissue of his bottom lip. “Bitch!” he screamed, hitting me again.

  “You are going to have to try harder than that,” I told Nari, cracking my jaw.

  “By the time I am done with you, you will beg for mercy,” he hissed at me, his anger wafting off in hot waves.

  I could only smile. The fucker would be dead before the sun rose. I would guarantee that.

  Nari pulled me towards the square building illuminated by the bright yellow moon in the cloudless night. A shiver ran down my back as anticipation heightened my senses, more than ready for a fight. Nari laughed, confusing my glee with fear. Foolish man.

  Into the belly of the beast, Nari dragged me, anxious to show me his new cages. This facility was newer than the one I had eliminated, the stench of filth and shit lesser as he dragged me down the row of cages already filling up with half-crazed human beings and shifters.

  “You’ll have to excuse the lack of inventory. We are currently restocking,” Nari informed me, casting a gleeful glance behind me.

  I scowled at his back. This fucker was taking far too much pleasure in the torture of living beings.

  Nari stopped pushing open a stainless steel door into an office gesturing for me to go first. Stepping closer to him, than I would have preferred I inhaled the scent of dust and decay. Nari had a date with the underworld and I was going to arrange it.


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