Until Midnight - eBook - Final

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Until Midnight - eBook - Final Page 10

by Maya Banks

  “So did you enjoy tonight’s entertainment?” he asked in a low husky voice.

  Tiny prickles of electric sensation rushed over her skin, like the heated desert sandstorms she’d read about so frequently. Somehow when she looked deep into his eyes, she could envision their twisting bodies in the hot sands of Egypt.

  She licked her lips. “Not particularly, but then you seemed to have enjoyed your evening with Lady Lockhart.” Mortification swept over her in a maelstrom. She could have done without sounding like a jealous lover.

  “She is a warm companion and a truly wonderful lady,” he said in a mild tone.

  “So what am I? Something between cool and lukewarm?” Oh, fie on trying not to squelch the tide of envy that was eating at her.

  He chuckled, then the carriage came to a stop. She cast an irritated look at him and started for the door. He caught her hand and pulled her abruptly against his chest. Her breath was torn from her throat as his lips crashed down on hers with fiery intensity.

  His hand cupped her neck, pulling her further into his embrace. The hard planes of his chest crushed her breasts as she rode the tide of sensation. She met his tongue with her own, the mild taste of the evening’s punch swirling and then disappearing as their kiss became more heated.

  Finally, he drew away, his eyes glazed with passion and his lips swollen from their kisses. “I’ll see you shortly, my lady.”

  She smoothed her skirts with a shaky hand and waited as he got down from the carriage and offered his hand to her. When she stepped down, he raised her hand to his lips. “And there won’t be any conversation tonight, Jenna.”

  Chapter Ten

  Jenna entered the house on shaky legs. To her dismay, Quinn and Sebastian were in the drawing room as she passed. She stopped and returned to the door, knowing she wouldn’t be able to circumvent them.

  Shedding her silk wrap, she walked in, trying very hard to act nonchalant, though her heart was racing.

  “How was your evening?” Sebastian asked, as he and Quinn rose.

  She arched an eyebrow and smirked. “How do you think it was?”

  Quinn laughed. “I take it Lady Lucretia’s singing skills haven’t improved from the last year.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You have such a knack for understatement.”

  “Who brought you home? I didn’t recognize the carriage,” Sebastian asked.

  She struggled to keep the rush of heat from flooding her cheeks. It wouldn’t do to become scarlet-faced in front of her keen-eyed brothers. “Oh that,” she said airily. “Stuart’s carriage suffered a broken wheel, and Mr. Douglas kindly offered us transport home.”

  Sebastian frowned and Quinn looked puzzled as if trying to place the name. “Grayson Douglas?” Sebastian asked.

  She nodded. “Are you acquainted with him?” She held her breath, praying that the answer would be no. This was not a complication she needed.

  His frown didn’t subside. “No. That is we haven’t been formally introduced, but from what I’ve heard, he isn’t the sort of man you should be associating with.”

  “Yes, quite right,” Quinn spoke up. “I couldn’t quite place the name at first, but now I remember. He is rumored to be quite the rake. I’ve seen him in Lady Lockhart’s company most recently.” He rubbed his chin absently. “I wouldn’t have thought the old girl still had it in her.”

  “That is quite enough,” Sebastian said in a warning voice. “This is not an appropriate topic to be discussing in front of Jenna.”

  Jenna rolled her eyes, but the words hit her like ice. It wasn’t her imagination. Obviously Gray and Lady Lockhart had an agreement. Anger and jealousy thrummed through her veins, hot and painful. Could he not have at least put off any other obligations until their affair was over?

  “I don’t want you in his company again,” Sebastian said firmly.

  “Don’t be absurd,” she said, narrowing her eyes. “He was a perfect gentleman, and if it weren’t for his kind offer, I would have had to hire a hack to get home. And frankly, after what happened last night at the opera I was very grateful for his offer.”

  “And for that he has my thanks,” Sebastian said. “But in the future be careful to keep a respectable distance from him.”

  “Really, Sebastian. I hadn’t figured you for such a snob.”

  “Snobbery has nothing to do with it,” he growled. “Papa would never approve and you know it. It is my responsibility to make sure this family remains just as he left it.”

  “Good heavens, he gave me a ride home! He didn’t pull off and ravish me, nor did he make untoward advances. I am quite aware of my responsibilities to this family.”

  “There is no need to be vulgar.”

  “And there isn’t a need for you to be so overbearing,” she returned. “I am quite capable of keeping myself out of harmful situations, and moreover, I am a sound judge of character. Now, if you two will excuse me, I am going up to bed.”

  Without giving them a chance to respond, she swept out of the room and marched up the stairs. She fumed as she peeled the dress from her body. Margaret breezed in on Jenna’s heels, but Jenna waved her away. “I don’t have need of you, Margaret. You may go on to bed. Just awaken me for breakfast in the morning.”

  The maid’s lips thinned in disapproval. “I’ve kept my tongue over this, m’lady, but I can’t keep my silence any longer.”

  Jenna gaped as Margaret advanced, hands on her hips.

  “I’ve worked for this family a lot of years, and I’ve been your lady’s maid since you were old enough to escape the school room. I don’t like what I see goin’ on, m’lady. Don’t like it one little bit. You’re in for trouble.”

  “I don’t need a lecture from you,” Jenna began.

  “Indeed not! What you need is a firm sitting down by her ladyship, but she isn’t here, and I’d be remiss in my duty if I didn’t do all I could to keep you on the straight and narrow.”

  “Your duty is to attend my needs and stay out of my personal affairs,” Jenna said angrily. She wished she could take back the words back as soon as they left her mouth, but anger at her brothers had made her hasty. Pain flashed across Margaret’s face, and she clamped her mouth closed.

  “Very well, m’lady,” she sniffed. “I’ll leave you now. If you have need of me, I’ll be in the servants’ quarters.” She turned and walked quietly from the room.

  Jenna closed her eyes in regret. She shouldn’t have spoken so sharply to Margaret. It wasn’t like her to be short with the servants. And Margaret was more than that. She’d been a family friend for years now. She’d soothed Jenna’s scrapes as a child, and consoled her when Jenna had come to her after the news of her engagement had been announced. She would need to apologize to Margaret.

  She turned and flopped down in a chair. So much for secretly sneaking out of the house. Thomas and Margaret both knew. She supposed any servant worth their salt would know the comings and goings of the household. Thomas, she felt certain, would be discreet, but could she count on Margaret to be the same?

  No, Margaret wouldn’t say anything. She wasn’t the sort to report Jenna’s actions to her brothers or the earl. She had never divulged their secrets before, though there had never been any of this magnitude. It wouldn’t prevent her from voicing her disapproval though. Well, Jenna could suffer through it. If all she had to worry about was a few stiff lectures and the disapproving glint in Margaret’s eyes, she could manage.

  She mentally calculated the remaining time she had before her parents’ return. Less than two weeks. On one hand it seemed a lifetime, and yet it would never be enough now that she’d gotten a glimpse of life’s pleasures.

  But she wouldn’t dwell on the end tonight. She would relish the time she had with Gray and not look beyond the present.

  With a mischievous smile, she headed to her wardrobe to decide what to wear to her meeting with Gray. She had a wicked surprise in mind.


>   Gray sat in front of the fire ignoring the stifling heat of the room. Jenna’s jealousy had delighted him. Why, he wasn’t sure, but the possessive note in her voice had thrilled him to the core.

  He didn’t owe her an explanation; after all, all she wanted was a brief liaison. But the idea of her believing the rumors bothered him immeasurably.

  When had he started caring what the ton thought of him? And even worse, he was allowing an aristocrat’s daughter to rule his emotions.

  But Jenna was special. Not at all like so many other women of society. A little naïve, yes, but fresh and unspoiled, and she set his pulse to racing like no other woman since...

  No, he wouldn’t think of that now. It had been too long since he’d let a woman past the barriers of his soul. The last time had nearly killed him, and he wasn’t sure he was prepared to endure it again.

  He got up from his seat and rang for Masterson. A few minutes later, the butler appeared in the doorway. “Masterson, have my trunk taken from the attic. The one I brought back from Egypt.”

  “Very good, sir. Where shall I put it?”

  “My bedchamber. Oh and Masterson.”

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Have someone go out to the garden and bring in a dozen each of red, pink and white roses.”


  Jenna shrugged out of her cloak and handed it to Gray’s maid. Masterson appeared briefly to tell her that Mr. Douglas awaited her in the bedroom, but then disappeared from the foyer.

  The bedroom? Somehow it held more promise than it did the first night she met him there. He’d said there would be no conversation tonight. The tingle of anticipation curled and spread rapidly through her limbs.

  As she made her way up the stairs, her nipples strained against her dress and the unbearable twinge between her legs had her wanting to squeeze her knees together.

  His bedroom door was open, and she stopped to peer in before entering. She gasped softly. The entire room was ablaze in soft candlelight. A trail of rose petals littered the floor from the doorway to the bed. And the bed. The bed was draped in the sheerest silk.

  She walked in, following the path of rose petals. As she drew closer to the bed, her eyes were riveted to the sumptuous linens. From the top rails, silk poured to the floor. She put her hand out and parted the veil of silk. Rich, red satin covered the bed. Her fingers came out to touch it, luxuriating in the feel of the decadent material. Pink and white rose petals lay carelessly across the top of the satin, much like leaves drifting across the water.

  “Do you like it?”

  She whirled around and stopped dead when she saw Gray behind her, regarding her with penetrating eyes. He was bare-chested, adorned only in cream-colored breeches. His hair curled around his ears and neck, flipping out in an unruly fashion.

  His muscled chest and shoulders she’d so admired earlier in the evening beckoned her touch, and she itched to satisfy the call.

  His eyes devoured her, and already, she felt naked before him. Her gaze dropped to the bulge in his pants and smiled. Yes, she liked it.

  “To what do you refer, sir?” she asked innocently.

  He chuckled. “I am flattered, my lady.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he closed the distance between them, laying a finger over her lips. “Shhhh. No words tonight. Let our bodies do the talking.” He lowered his head and claimed her lips hungrily.

  His lips broke from hers and rained a trail of nips and kisses down the curve of her neck. She moaned and arched her neck to give him clearer access.

  An impatient hand pushed down the sleeves of her dress, baring her shoulders. His mouth followed the downward path of her dress then he knelt before her.

  Her hands tangled in his hair pulling him even closer as he mouthed her nipples through her dress. Tight arms closed around her back, holding her tightly against him. The rending of material split the silence as her dress sprung open in the back. He pulled the remnants from her waist then sat back on his heels in surprise.

  She smiled at his shock. Her surprise had indeed been quite a surprise. She hadn’t worn anything beneath the dress.

  The astonishment in his eyes soon turned to blistering desire as he took in her naked form. He stood back up and swept her up in his arms, walking forward and depositing her on the petal-covered bed.

  He followed her down, kissing every exposed inch of her body, starting from her ankles and working up to the tips of her breasts.

  She was frantic for his touch, his caress, and his lips. Her breasts arched into him, begging him to take them in his mouth. He obliged her, sucking one taut nipple between his teeth and rolling it over his tongue.

  “Tell me how it feels,” he rasped, as he let go of one and took the other rosy tip in his mouth.

  “Like heaven,” she whispered in a tortured voice. “The most exquisite pleasure I’ve ever experienced. Please don’t stop.”

  He raised his head up and gazed directly into her eyes. “There’ll be no stopping tonight.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The scent of roses surrounded Jenna, and the satin coverlet slid sensuously over her skin as she writhed beneath him. Gray’s hands slipped beneath her buttocks then down her legs as he spread them.

  His tongue ran hot and wet down her stomach and toward the juncture of her legs. She arched her pelvis upward, wanting, needing his mouth. “Please,” she begged.

  “Tell me what you want,” he whispered.

  “I want your tongue...down there.” If he didn’t comply, she was going to die with need. She didn’t care that she was a wanton. She only cared about quenching her insatiable desire. Tension was building in every muscle in her body, and she desperately needed release.

  He parted the folds between her legs and his warm breath blew over her quivering center. Then his tongue flicked out, and she lost all control of her senses. A cry escaped her lips as his tongue delved further, swirling around the sensitive nub and sliding down to her entrance.

  A rush of cool air washed over her exposed skin as he drew away. He stood in front of her and slowly started to remove his breeches. Her eyes widened as his manhood sprang free, and a fresh wave of desire rolled over her.

  Her breathing became more rapid as he advanced on the bed. She hoped her nervousness wasn’t apparent to him, but her angst was increasing with each of his movements.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he whispered.

  Warmth flooded her again as his body covered hers. She wrapped her arms around him, tangling her fingers in his hair and pulling him down to her. “I trust you.”

  With a low growl, he captured her lips with such ferocity, she felt completely consumed. “Hold on to me,” he said. “Don’t let go.”

  He parted her thighs. Her breath caught as she felt his probing shaft make contact with her flesh.

  An eternity passed as he raised his head and looked directly into her eyes. “Make sure this is what you want, Jenna. There is no turning back after tonight.”

  She didn’t respond. Instead she wrapped her legs around him, instinctively arching her body into his. And then she felt him enter her. She closed her eyes in sheer bliss. The world around her stopped. Slowly, gently, he sank deeper into her. Then with one swift motion he was fully in her.

  Her eyes flew open at the slight twinge. It wasn’t altogether unpleasant, but it broke the reverie for her.

  “It’ll get better,” he soothed. “Wait with me.”

  His motion stilled, and he tenderly cupped her cheek in his hand. He kissed her nose, her eyes and then each cheek before tugging at her lips.

  He moved his hands between them and caressed her breasts, pulling at the nipples with his fingers. She moaned and began to move beneath him. He withdrew and eased his way forward, testing her reaction.

  Her hands gripped his shoulders, and she squeezed his buttocks with her legs. With a groan, he surged forward again and let loose the tumultuous sea of pleasure within her. She
rocked with him, riding each wave, ebbing and flowing with each thrust.

  Faster and faster they sailed, until the world exploded around her. She screamed out his name and dug her nails into his back. She gripped him with her legs as she shook in one continuous arc.

  She felt him surge forward, shouting hoarsely with her and then every muscle in his body tightened until she feared he’d break. He gathered her tightly against him, holding onto her before jerking out of her. He rolled onto his side, carrying her with him, and she felt a flood of warm fluid against her belly.

  Too sluggish to care what had just transpired, she snuggled deeply into his embrace. “Are you all right?” he murmured against her cheek.

  “More than all right.” Her arms crept around his neck. Not wanting to face him just yet and shatter the moment, she buried her face in his chest.

  His warm hands stroked up and down her back, caressing her then delving into her hair. He kissed her softly on the cheek and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re beautiful.”

  She smiled against his chest. “You make me feel beautiful.” Her voice was muffled, but he made no move to pull her away.

  “Get some rest,” he whispered. “We’ll talk in the morning.”


  When she opened her eyes, her first thought was that she’d never felt as deliciously warm and satiated in her life. Her second thought scorched her to the tips of her toes. Memories of her begging him to use his mouth in... She shuddered as she remembered just how specific she’d been in her directive.

  She closed her eyes wishing she could disappear. But strong arms circled her waist, and there was no escaping his embrace.

  A quick glance at the window had her breathing a sigh of relief. It was still dark out, so at least she hadn’t overslept. But what time was it?

  Gray stirred beside her, and she braced herself to face him. “Good morning,” he said in a husky voice. His lips touched her cheek, and his hand came up to caress her hair. Then he turned her over to face him.


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