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Broken Page 28

by Jordan Silver

  His roar couldn’t be held back once he started shooting off inside her for the first time in way too long. He felt it before the last drop of his seed spilled into her fertile belly. “Did you feel that?” Pushing her hair back he studied her eyes and let her see what was in his. Her ‘oh shit’ made him grin and he would’ve stayed inside her if his son hadn’t started to fret in his crib.

  With one last kiss he eased out of her. “I’ll get him.” He left the bed to get his son who was gearing up for a good bellow before his daddy picked him up. As soon as Kellan got his scent and heard his voice he settled down with his fist in his mouth.

  Kyle felt that other kind of love that had grown inside him since the moment he knew his child was growing inside her. For a man who’d achieved so much in life, the mountains he’d climbed and obstacles he’d overcame, nothing had ever meant more than this little one he held in his arms, his siblings and their mother. The four of them were without a doubt the most precious of his possessions.

  And if he was right, if what he’d just felt as he emptied himself inside her was true, then in nine months there will be another one to add to that place in his heart. There was more than enough room there.

  He’d be sure to stay on top of things this time so there were no surprises though. The last one had almost made him pass out in the delivery room, which would not have been cool in front of his wife.

  Thank heaven his mom never listened for shit and had shown up a few hours after the delivery, ready to take over. He wouldn’t admit it to her, but he’d never been more grateful for her presence than then. With her and his dad there to help gramps and Ms. Lucille and their crew keep an eye on things, he was able to breathe easy where his family was concerned.

  He knew he had enemies in town-well three of them for sure. And though two of them were gone now, two months ago he was still on fucking high alert. He didn’t trust that Jen person one fuck, the trick was a sociopath if you asked him, and capable of anything.

  After the new ruling and Paul had exhausted all of his attempts to swindle Kerryanne out of her half to no avail, they had no choice but to cut the check, which was promptly signed over to the contractors working on the project Kyle had already started for battered and abandoned women.

  He’d gotten the idea from her story, seeing her going through what she had when they first met. The rundown apartment in the not too safe neighborhood, barely getting by. And it had hit home that there were probably lots of women living that hell everyday. Jen had tried to start up some shit in town, but by then the wind had shifted and she was losing friends faster than a sinking ship.

  He took his son over to the changing table while his mother got herself together and his mind wandered to all that he had to be thankful for. His life had made a complete three sixty, in one year. He had a family that he adored, a wife that he would die for and a whole new outlook on life. Gramps had pulled through and the old man never got tired of boasting about how he’d got his grandson to pull up stakes and move to the boonies from the big city, but Kyle couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.

  His wife flourished here. Something about the town and this house feeds a need in her that taking her away would’ve killed somehow. Her writing had taken off and she was working on book number two after choosing to go the independent route. She’d foregone the traditional way since she said she didn’t want anything taking her away from him and the kids. This way she wrote at her own speed and though it had taken a little doing since her hardheaded ass liked doing everything herself, she’d finally found a following.

  Not too many knew about her publishing, at least they didn’t used to. But gramps and his crew couldn’t keep their traps shut and the word got out. Now she was being asked to do readings at the local library and people were asking for her autograph. It was a far cry from when he first came here. He’d only denied her one thing. When Sarah had tried making amends he’d forbidden Kerryanne to have anything to do with the snake. She was as transparent as gossamer.

  In the end, it was a good call because when the fall out came his wife was not involved in anyway. He wasn’t there-thank fuck, but from what he’d heard, Sarah had lost it one day in the restaurant and called Jen out on her shit. Going so far as to let everyone within hearing distance know that the child Jen had was her own husband’s.

  Apparently, the cops had been called when the two women went at it right there with half the town looking on. Kerry had acted like she didn’t care about all the drama, but he knew inside she had to pleased that her enemies were finally getting their comeuppance.

  The asshole’s business had started to dwindle and Kyle hadn’t had to lift a finger to do it. He knew just what he was doing when he started investing in some of the businesses around town and opening new job opportunities for the out of work men and women. It wasn’t hard to shift those loyalties-people were people after all.

  Just after the babies were born, the asshole had packed up and left after asking for a divorce. There were rumors of paternity tests and a scandal that was sure to keep tongues wagging for months. Kyle was already tired of hearing about that shit-fuck ‘em.

  Having his own kids now, he would’ve worried about the little girl. But her grandparents had taken over her care, and from what he’d seen, they were decent enough people. They’d have to be- seeing as how they’d come to his wife and apologized for their daughter’s behavior.

  Kyle had a reputation of being fair but stern, and it wasn’t long before he was the go to guy around town. He was having a blast getting back to basics- only going into the city once or twice a month. Since the babies were too young to travel, he didn’t like being away from home so those trips were always short.

  All in all-things had turned out just fine. “Here you go mama-I think he’s hungry.” Kyle placed his son in his wife’s arms and watched with pride as she placed him at her breast. This was one of his favorite times of any day-his world. She smiled up at him as their son fed. The little broken doll was no more. In her place was a beautiful, confident, amazing woman who held his heart in the palm of her hand.


  Available now from Jordan Silver

  CORD SEAL Team Seven Book 5




  Susie, little Susie! She’s all I think about anymore, morning and night. I go to bed thinking about her and wake up the same. When I’m not imagining holding her just for the sake of being close, I’m thinking about fucking the shit outta her in every way possible. She’s playing hell with my control and my heart no matter how much I tell myself to give her time.

  She’s still so young and innocent though that sometimes I wonder if she’ll ever really be able to live the life I have planned for the two of us. Will she be brave enough to take me, in more ways than one? The fact that she makes my cock hard enough to bend steel is another worry.

  Usually that would be a plus, but she’s so small, and her pussy still so tight around my fingers, I wonder…And then there’s the fact that once I take her, once I claim her completely, I will become the master of her universe.

  I’ve watched and listened enough to know that she’s full of spunk with a will of her own. How will that play out once I bend her to my will? I have no doubt that I will, but it’s getting there that worries me. The struggle I see up ahead. The last thing I wanna do is hurt her in anyway, but I know because of what she brings out in me, if she makes the wrong fucking move that’s exactly what will happen.

  She likes my touch well enough. I’ve got her to where she craves my kisses, my scent, me. But is that enough? How will she stand the test of time? I’m not the easiest fuck to deal with, this I know. And with her, I will be even worse. None of that matters though because I can’t let her go. Not even for her own good.

  She’s like a fever in my blood this girl that barely reaches my chest. It amazes me that something that small could command so much from a man like me. That in as little time as it has taken, m
y whole world now revolves around her. It’s taken great patience, something I never knew I had such an abundance of, outside of battle that is. But I knew there was no other way, not if I wanted her for the lifetime I envision us sharing together.

  We were already growing accustomed to each other’s moods. Something I’ve been teaching her little by little ever since I had decided that she was for me. Now she looks for me whenever she enters a room and draws near whenever we’re in the same space together. And most importantly, I know when she’s in heat.

  By the time I’m through, my little hellcat is going to be so attuned to my wants, that all it would take is the lift of a brow, to get her moving. It won’t be long now before she’s just where I need her to be, and then I won’t have any more days like this. Days where I have to hold myself back.

  I’m not worried about me knowing her every wish. To me that’s the mark of a real man. He knows his woman inside and out. Her every wish, her every need, will be seen to and fulfilled by me. She’s mine. The decision had been made before I even knew who she was, and had only grown surer with time.

  For me, there was no need for anything else. Not once I’d caught her scent and went on the hunt. But she was a different story. How could someone so young and inexperienced keep up with the things that I need?

  I’d had a few hard moments in the beginning, knowing all the things I want and will to do to her. I’d almost walked away. The commander had been the only father I’d ever known. The fact that I had plans to violate his daughter, and make no mistake about it, that’s just what the fuck I plan to do, had given me pause.

  Would I be betraying his trust if I took her. As much as he had admired us as a team, would he have wanted someone like me for his daughter? I had no answers, but the more I was around her the less it was beginning to matter.

  In the end I’ve decided that nothing and no one was going to come between her and I, I won’t let it. My little Susie needs me. She thinks she’s tough, but from my conversations with her brother I know that she was just a little girl playing grown up. She’s had to take on a lot of responsibility in order to help out her mom, sacrificing her childhood in essence. Now I’m here to see that she’s the one taken care of.

  “Come here to me.” She got up with a questioning look on her face as she left her chair and made her way around the table to my side. I was pleased that although there were questions in her eyes there were none on her lips. “Good girl. Now spread your legs open for me.” There was the slightest of hesitations as she looked towards the door, but again she did as she was told.

  I’d dressed her myself after we came home from dinner at Con and Dani’s place. The silk and lace short peignoir in sapphire blue matched her eyes perfectly, and molded her body, lifting her perfect tits, and accentuating her tiny waist.

  Her legs were encased in matching silk stockings held up by silver garters. They matched the straps of the three-inch heels she wore. All carefully chosen by me from one of the finest lingerie shops in Europe. It’s one of my weaknesses, as was she.

  “Look at me.” I waited until her eyes focused on mine before running my hand up her thigh under the little bit of frill until I reached her silk covered pussy. Cupping her heat in my palm I slid my finger over her slit until I met her clit.

  “Give me your mouth.” She leaned over and placed her lips on mine softly before her tongue came out to play. I let her lead without taking over just yet, and her innocence thrilled me. Her kiss was ravenously hungry, yet cloaked in insecurity. I loved that no one else had ever touched her in this way, that all her firsts were mine.

  “Sit.” She climbed into my lap and waited. It was the same every night once we shut out the rest of the world. I’d awaken her body and then seduce her mind. Tonight I planned to push her harder, farther, than ever before, but first I moved slowly, letting my fingers trail up and down her arm as we talked. I stole kisses, always breaking them off just when she was going under, leaving her wanting more. My little gem needed to learn patience.

  My soft whispers of what I wanted to do to her warmed her up as I slid my hand up her thigh and drove my fingers inside her waiting pussy partway. “I’m going to ravish you Little Gem.” Her eyes went to half slits and she groaned as my words heated her blood. “Kiss me.” She opened her mouth and sucked on my tongue greedily while I used my fingers to tease the juices from her body.

  “Are you ready for my mouth?” Tonight would be the first time that we share this particular delight. I’ve been working her up to it for days now, breaking down the barriers of her insecurities about having a man’s head between her thighs. She nodded shyly as I got to my feet with her in my arms.

  I laid her back across the table, lifted her cute silk nightie to her plump tits and tore her panties from her body. “Umph.” Her body jerked and she went beet red as I looked down at the exposed pink gash that was for my eyes only.

  “Beautiful.” I ran my hand down her middle until I reached the prize. “Open your eyes, I want you to watch.” I sat back down again and pulled her ass to the edge of the table.

  I took a mere second to enjoy the plump beauty of her pussy before lowering my mouth to her. I licked the slick folds of her cunt with the flat of my tongue before teasing her clit until it came out of hiding.

  She was already growing wet as I found her tight slit and drove my tongue home. “Fuck.” Her taste was all that I knew it would be, salty sweet. Her pussy was tight around my tongue and I had to use my fingers to open her up for my onslaught.

  “Fuck my tongue, move the way I’ve taught you to on my fingers.” I waited for her to overcome her shyness before grabbing her ass in my hands and diving into her untried cunt like a starving man.

  She sprung a leak in my mouth, at least that’s what it felt like, as much pussy juice as she fed me. I lapped that shit up like life giving water and went back for more. When her movements grew wilder and she raised her legs and put them around my neck while grabbing fistfuls of my hair I wanted to fuck and fuck hard.

  My dick cried out for me to do something and only my hand pressing down on him got him back under control.

  I slapped her ass once while I was tongue fucking her to see how she would take it. Swear to fuck she came on a scream and stopped me in my tracks. My dick, which I had barely contained, got even longer, and my heart picked up speed. Not all women can take a little pain with their pleasure and it was very important to me, to us that she could.

  I tested the strength of her virginity against my tongue while I tried to stretch her. She was tight as fuck and my cock wept at the idea of finally getting in there. I tickled her tiny sphincter with the tip of my finger to help her open up even more as I tongue fucked her to another orgasm.

  When she was through shaking, and squeezing my dick wasn’t really working anymore, I lifted my head from between her thighs and looked up into her eyes. “We’ll work on stretching your little pussy enough to take my cock.” She’s gonna need it.

  I got to my feet with all intentions of taking her to bed to sleep, but the sight of her sprawled there on the table, her legs spread wantonly and her pussy glistening with her juices, I couldn’t resist. I leaned over her again and rubbed my tortured cock over her pussy. She went nuts and the front of my jeans were soaked.

  I pressed her back against the table, grabbed her hair in my fists, and dry fucked her until she was hyperventilating into my mouth. “Ummm, baby, I can’t wait to fuck you.”

  I’m man enough not to cum in my fucking pants but she got me close. I let her cum again all over me and waited until she was calm once more. My balls hurt like a son of a bitch but what’s new? They’ve been that way pretty much since the moment we met.

  “Come, that’s enough for tonight.” I picked her up in my arms and took her to the bed in our playroom. “We’ll sleep here tonight.”




  “I want to spank you will you let me?” My body heated up at his whisper
ed words.

  “Yes please.” I don’t know why he was asking. It was one of his games. Making me believe I had a choice when we both knew I didn’t.

  “Feel how wet your little pussy is?” He shoved two big fingers in me but not far enough, never far enough. He always stopped when he reached my hymen because as he’d put it, that belonged to his cock.

  “Do you like that? Do you like having my fingers inside you, pleasuring you?”

  “Uh-huh, please.” I fought hard not to move, that was my biggest problem, or one of them anyway, moving without his permission. His fingers stretched me so good I wanted to scream.

  If I bit my lip any harder I’d take it off, but I didn’t want him to stop and I knew if I made a peep that’s exactly what he’d do, the diabolical bastard. I concentrated on the feel of his fingers moving inside me but that was no help, it only made me want to do it even more.

  He sped up his movements and I went up in flames. “Move against my hand.” Oh thank you. I almost wept with relief as I moved, pressing myself harder against his fingers. I remembered just in time not to let myself go, though the strain was killing me.

  I felt the blood thundering in my veins as my every thought was centered on that one place where our flesh met. I had to pull back lest I go over before he allowed me to. That too would make him stop and I didn’t want him to. I wanted all of him, now, but knew that he was in control, that it was up to him. It added an extra edge to my already heightened senses, and I felt I would go out of my mind soon.

  I don’t know how much more of this I can stand. I was so close. I needed to cum, but had learned not to ask. He was in charge of my body, and my mind. The thought of just how masterful he was sent the blood rushing to that place between my thighs. He seemed to know what I needed as one of his fingers found my quivering clit.

  “Open your mouth.” I obeyed his order and he pulled his fingers out of me and ran them across my lips before putting them inside. “Suck, taste yourself.” I was too far-gone to care that I was tasting my own juices. It wasn’t what I expected. Instead of repulsion my own essence inflamed me even more.


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