The Playbook

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The Playbook Page 3

by Kelly Elliott

  Her lips parted and she barely got the words out. “Tracy. Yours?”

  “Brett. And I plan on hearing you scream it out a time or two.”

  “Jesus,” she whispered as I floored it to my place.

  The moment we walked into my condo, Tracy was ripping at my T-shirt to get it off.

  Feisty. I like it.

  “Oh. My. Gawd. Your body is so amazing,” she whispered as she dropped to her knees and ran her tongue along my abs. Ten seconds later, my pants were down and her mouth was wrapped around my cock.

  “Fuck yes,” I hissed. I didn’t normally let women give me a blowjob unless I was two sheets to the wind. I still trembled thinking about Patricia Harley’s braces nearly cutting my dick off in high school.

  Before she caused me to blow, I tugged her up. “Get undressed and get your ass on my bed.”

  It didn’t take long for Tracy to start yelling out my name. She was like a fucking racehorse. The more I gave her, the more she wanted, until we both collapsed onto the bed.

  “Holy shit. That was amazing!” she giggled.

  My phone had gone off again. Getting up, I walked over to it. Tracy murmured something about my ass, but I couldn't hear what she said. Actually that wasn’t true. I chose to ignore what she said. Picking up the phone, it was another text from an unknown number.

  “Do you have any wine, Brett?” she called out as she made her way out of the bedroom.

  I didn’t like the way she was making herself right at home, but I figured I’d get another good fuck out of her, so if she wanted wine, I’d let her have some. We probably had time for one more round before I’d send her on her way and make my way out for a late dinner.

  Swiping my finger over my phone, I opened up the text message.

  Unknown: Hi, Mr. Owens. This is Aubrey Cain. Are you free this evening?

  My heart damn near jumped to my throat as I stared at the message. Aubrey Cain sent me a text.

  Why in the hell did that freak me out?

  I knew why. That fucking smile. That goddamn body. I was going to be spending a lot of time in cold showers.

  Trying to get a bit more information on her, I googled her again after I left Pat’s office. This time it wasn’t to jack off to her, but to learn something about her career at ESPN. If she was doing this article, I needed to make sure I knew who I was dealing with. She had been an analyst for ESPN for awhile and had been rumored to be making her way to sideline reporting. The few connections I had at ESPN all informed me of how good she was at her job and that she knew college football like the back of her hand.

  Unknown: Shit. I hope I have the right number. I thought maybe if we could meet at Second Bar & Kitchen before tomorrow it might be easier. I’m having dinner with my boss there tonight at seven. Brett? If this is your number, we’d love to treat you to dinner.

  How quickly I went from Mr. Owens to Brett. Interesting.

  “Brett? I can’t seem to find your wine opener?”

  Rolling my eyes, I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. Wrapping it around my waist, I made my way back through my bedroom and to the kitchen. My condo was fairly big, especially for being right in the middle of downtown Austin.

  Tracy was leaning over, stark-ass naked, looking in a drawer. For a quick moment, I thought about going and grabbing a condom but then a strange feeling came over me as I thought about Aubrey’s text.

  My heartbeat increased. It felt like I had run up and down the bleachers at the stadium about ten times.

  I stopped walking and stepped out of the kitchen like it was about to catch fire.

  Glancing to my phone, I typed my reply.

  Me: See you tomorrow.

  Warm hands landed on my chest and moved ever so slowly. The towel dropped to the floor. “Looks like we’re going to have to skip the wine. Seeing you standing here got me all worked up again.”

  For the first time in my life, I felt guilty for fucking a girl I picked up in a bar, and I had no clue why. Confusion swam around in my head along with mixed emotions about what I wanted to do right now. It took me less than thirty seconds to make my decision.

  “I’m sorry, Tracy. I got a text. I need to leave, work emergency.”

  She dropped her arms and looked at me with a confused expression. “I thought you said you lived off your parents’ money?”

  I fake laughed. “It was a joke. I have a job at the University. I need to get going.”

  Her lips formed a pout. “Does your dad have two ranches, though?”

  I headed to my bedroom and called out over my shoulder, “Yep!”

  “When can I see you again?”

  With a smirk, I mumbled, “Never.”

  MICHELLE HAD BEEN talking for months about this restaurant. She often came to Austin. The guy she was dating was a doctor here. Joe and I sat at the table as the waiter handed us each a menu.

  Joe took his napkin and folded it across his lap. “So, no word from our golden boy?”

  I had to admit, when he mentioned meeting Brett before tomorrow, I was unsure. But if it meant getting the coldness I was sure to get from him over with, then maybe that was what I needed to do.

  “He sent a text saying he had plans this evening,” I replied with a polite grin. I wasn’t about to tell him the jerk blew off my invite with not so much as a “No, thank you” or “I’m sorry, I have plans.”


  “Yeah, his boss called me earlier today to tell me he dropped the bomb on Owens this morning.”

  My breath caught in my throat. Oh. Shit.

  I tried to act casual as I asked, “And how did that go?” One day? They gave him one-day notice? No wonder I got the cold reply.

  When the young waitress came over, Joe went into flirt mode.

  “What can I get you two to drink?”

  Joe spoke first, cutting me off before I could respond. “Well, my-oh-my. Do they breed all women in Austin to be as beautiful as you?”

  I gave him a dumbfounded look. Was that the best he could come up with? No wonder the guy was still single.

  When a giggle came from her lips, I turned to her and gave her the same look. Please tell me you’re not falling for that line of bullshit?

  “You’re making me blush, sir.”

  I cleared my throat, getting both of their attention. “I’ll take a water, please.”

  The girl smiled and turned back to Joe. “And for you?”

  “A glass of Merlot, please.”

  Flashing us both a friendly look, she said, “I’ll get those right out. Are we going to be doing appetizers?”

  Glancing over to Joe, I shook my head. “I don’t care for any, but if you do, don’t let me stop you.”

  “No, I’m good. Maybe a few minutes to look at the menu.”

  The waitress nodded and quickly left to get the drinks.

  Taking in a shallow breath, I opened the menu and looked for this great burger Michelle went on and on about.

  “What are you in the mood for?” Joe probed.

  “I’m getting the burger. Michelle raves about it.”

  With an absentminded nod, he continued to peruse the menu. I wondered if he even heard what I said. I figured he had simply gotten used to making small talk. Half the time, in meetings when I would speak, it was if he was staring right through me. I swore he never heard half the shit that came out of my mouth.

  Glancing around the restaurant, a strange feeling came over me. It felt like someone was watching me. I quickly did a search of the place before I shook it off.

  The waitress brought back our drinks and set them in front of us.

  “Are we ready to order?” she questioned.

  Joe motioned for me to go first without so much as looking in my direction.

  I fake-smiled at him and then set my sights on the waitress and replied, “I’ll have the congress burger with everything, and well done, please.”

  She turned to Joe. “And for the handsome gentleman?”


  “I think I’ll take the soba noodles and sprouts.”

  I internally rolled my eyes at my boss. Yep. The more I saw, the more I understood why he had never settled down.

  “Got it. I’ll put that order in now.”

  Folding my arms in front of me, I looked directly at Joe. “I know why you put me on this piece.”

  His head lifted. When the slow smirk spread across his face, he leaned back and looked at me like he knew something I didn’t.

  “Is that so? Enlighten me then.”

  “It’s simple. You want me to fail so you can go back to your boss and tell him you made the right decision in keeping me on the college level.”

  He tried not to show that my words affected him, but I saw the twitch in his neck muscle. “Why would my boss care?”

  “Because, he suggested I cover the NFL two years ago, and you chose to ignore his suggestions.”

  My gaze fell to Joe’s throat as I watched him force a swallow. Now the ball was in my court. I knew it was risky to call him out, but I was pissed he put me in this situation.

  “Who told you that?”

  Leaning forward, I smirked. “Does it really matter, Joe? I can tell by your reaction it’s true. Why you did it no longer concerns me. My goal now is doing this piece and making it the best goddamn feature in the history of ESPN. You want to know about Brett Owens on and off the football field? No problem. I’ll make sure every high school football player decides the University of Austin is the place they want to play college football for. And when I’m done, every woman in America will be lusting after the hottest football coach in college football. Hell, in all of football!”

  My body trembled. It wasn’t from fear or being cold, it was that feeling of being watched again. I didn’t dare take my attention off Joe, though. The last thing I could show was fear.

  “I want to know if you’ve gone over my head with this thing, Aubrey?”

  The left side of my mouth curled up and my heart pounded in my chest. Joe was pissed and I was treading on thin ice, but it was a chance I had to take. “You really think I’m that kind of person? To go running to the higher-ups because I didn’t get my way? Your boss had a little too much to drink and shared his thoughts on how he really feels about your call on keeping me at the college level. Turns out he’s second-guessed a few decisions you’ve made in the past.”

  He leaned forward. I could practically see the steam coming from his head. “Don’t fuck with me, Aubrey. I’ve been doing this shit a lot longer than you, and if you push me, you’ll be back to being a research assistant faster than you can say your name.”

  I lifted my eyebrow and shrugged. “Unlike you, I don’t fuck colleagues.”

  Pushing my chair back, I dropped my napkin onto the table. “Thanks for flying in to see how I’m doing. As you can see, I think I’ve got it under control. I had a good warm-up session this evening. Have a safe flight back to Bristol, Joe.”

  Making my way through the restaurant, I fought to keep my feet walking forward, as well as keep my breathing under control.

  Damn it. The burger.

  Now I was going to have to come back and try the burger another night. My stomach instantly rumbled, alerting me of my bad decision to wait and go off on Joe until after dinner.

  There went that feeling again. One quick glance over my shoulder, and his blue eyes caught mine. I stopped on a dime and stared at him.

  I slowly turned around and faced him. Brett Owens stood at the bar watching my every move.

  He lifted his bottle of beer to his lips and smiled before he took a drink. It was no ordinary smile. It was one that you read about in romance books where your knees get weak and your stomach does that stupid flip thing.

  I’d just told off my boss, there was no way I was going to let Brett Owens throw me off my game plan. With a smile of my own, I walked over and stopped directly in front of him.

  His intense gaze looked over my body before they landed on my lips. Deciding to play him at his own game, I slowly ran my tongue across my lower lip.

  When Brett’s eyes snapped up to mine, I couldn’t help but notice his breath hitch. “Do you know how fucking hot it sounded hearing you put your boss in his place?”

  I knew it. I knew someone was watching me. Sneaky little bastard.

  With a quick peek over toward Joe, I saw he was in full-on flirt mode with the lady at the next table and not paying any attention to anything else around him but the blonde in the tight skirt. Placing my attention back on Brett, I reached for his beer and took a drink. Setting it down, I winked and answered him. “Funny how your plans landed you in the same restaurant as me this evening, Brett.”

  He laughed and it rumbled through my body. I had to focus on my breathing. Michelle was not lying when she said how good looking this guy was up close. Dark messy hair that looked like he ran his fingers through it one too many times. Eyes the color of the sky, and a body that, from where I was standing, looked like he worked out often. Oh yes, not to mention the fact that it appeared he hadn’t shaved in a week. I see now why she was tempted by this man. Of course I knew all too well how Brett Owens could tempt a woman. I still could close my eyes and see that smile he flashed me on the sidelines and how it caused an instant ache between my thighs.

  “Well, turns out I was free after all.”

  My head tilted. “Get stood up?”

  His gaze burned with so much intensity, I had to take a step back. Another look in Joe’s direction showed he was still lost in his conversation.

  Brett took a step toward me and wrapped his arm around my waist, tugging me up against his body. The heat settled between my legs as he took control of the conversation in an instant. What I wouldn’t give to feel his lips on my body.

  No! Stop this, Aubrey. This is work. Do not let this guy get to you!

  “Turns out my cock can only fuck a girl about three times in one afternoon before I’m spent. So I sent her home and came to see who my new buddy was going to be for the next month.”

  My mouth dropped. Did he really just tell me that? I’d never been stunned into silence before, but Brett Owens was able to do it. And that pissed me off.

  Leaning in closer, he placed his mouth up against my ear. “Don’t look so shocked, Aubrey. I’m sure in all of your research you have to know I love two things in life. Football and fucking. In that order…most of the time.”

  My hands landed on his chest. I tried like hell to ignore the zip of energy that raced through my body. Giving him a good push, I winked.

  “Good evening, Mr. Owens.”

  Digging deep down in my gut, I focused on keeping my voice strong and even. I have had plenty of guys hit on me in locker rooms, on the sideline, hell, even at work. None of them ever affected me, though. None. But Brett Owens’ mouth up against my neck and his dirty words whispered in my ear shook me to the core.

  His smile grew bigger. “Good evening, Ms. Cain.”

  Warmth radiated through my body as I made my way through the restaurant. It was going to be a long night.

  Dragging in a deep breath, I slowly blew it out.

  “You’ve got this, Bree.”

  Jumping, I nodded. I’d just gotten back from my morning run when Michelle called. I filled her in on everything that went down last night with Joe and Brett.

  “I’ve got this!” I exclaimed, stretching my sore limbs. I hadn’t slept at all. Every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was Brett’s piercing gaze and hear that silky smooth voice of his.

  “He’s gay! He’s not even really interested in you.”

  I stopped hopping around. “What do you mean he’s gay? He sure didn’t seem gay.”

  Michelle groaned. “For goodness sake, I was trying to get your mind focused in the right place.”

  “It is! I’m not the least bit worried about Brett Owens. He caught me off guard last night. Now I know that was what his intentions were. I’ll give him round one, but round two is going to me.”r />
  “What are you wearing?”

  I looked into the closet of my corporate condo. “Well, I could go conservative. Dress slacks, a nice blouse, and simple heels. Or I could go sexy. Tight skirt, blouse that hints at cleavage, and killer high heels.”

  “Conservative. It will at least keep the pussy hound from sniffing around you.”

  My brows pinched together. “What did you call him?”

  “A pussy hound.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I yanked my T-shirt over my head and tossed it onto the floor. I knew the moment I walked back out it would drive me crazy seeing it on the floor, but for now, I was feeling daring.

  “Did you make that up?” I asked.

  “Yes, but you have to admit it fits him.”

  I couldn’t argue with her on that one.

  “Okay, I’m totally going conservative.”

  “Good choice. I’d play it very cool with this cat.”

  Knowing Michelle was right, I picked out a simple pair of dress pants and a light blue dress shirt. “I better get going if I want to be a little early. Thanks for your help, Michelle!”

  With an evil laugh, she cackled, “Good luck! You’re going to need it.”

  My stomach dropped and I was instantly filled with dread and fear. I knew she was right. Brett Owens rocked my core last night. That was last time that would ever happen to me. I wasn’t about to lose my career over some jackass who thought he was God’s gift to women and football.

  After getting dressed, I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked cute, but not overly sexy. Dress pants and a nice shirt would surely keep Brett Owens at bay. I even pulled my hair up into a ponytail.

  Chewing on my lower lip, I closed my eyes and allowed myself one more forbidden thought about Brett Owens before I pushed him from my thoughts and refocused on the one thing I lived for.


  AN HOUR AND a half later, I stood outside the athletic director’s office trying to keep my nerves settled. In a way, I was glad I saw Brett last night. Now I could walk in and not be the least bit swayed by him.


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