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The Playbook

Page 6

by Kelly Elliott

  “Aubrey! I can tell by the way your face is flushed that is exactly what you wanted to happen! You can’t go to the dinner tonight.”

  My lips parted as I was about to protest.

  “No. If you show up looking all sexy and hot, Mr. Pussy Hound will be all over you and then, next thing you know you’ll be at his place. Then there will be a conflict of interest with the piece you’re writing and Joe will have the one thing he has been wanting, something to hold over you.”

  With a look of displeasure, I sighed. “Please. We are adults who understand that a relationship, sexual or more, is never going to happen. Geesh, can’t a girl fantasy about a hot guy? I mean come on, if Brett Owens kissed you, tell me you wouldn’t think about wanting more.”

  She waved me off and walked up to the wine. Pouring another glass, she handed it to me. “Please. I’d ripped my own clothes off, lock the damn door, and have my wicked way with that man.”

  With a chuckle, I took the glass and drank some of it. “You’re going to need to stay focused tonight. Why are you going?”

  “Pat said Brett needed a plus one.”

  “Oh, my gawd! Ugh.” Michelle gave me a frustrated look. “No! You are going because Brett Owens is your assignment, that’s all. The guy you’re writing about for a huge spread for your job. You remember your job, right?”

  My lip curled up as I answered, “Yes. I remember.” Lifting the wine glass, I finished off the rest of it in one drink.

  “Come on, we need to get to the store. I’ve already arranged to have a hair stylist there to fix your mop.”

  “Hey!” I said, touching my hair. Michelle grabbed both our purses and dragged me out the door.

  “You look stunning,” Michelle whispered.

  I stared at myself in the mirror and grinned at the woman I barely recognized. “I forgot how fun it is to play dress up.”

  “Stella McCarthy is one of my favorite designers. The plunging sweetheart neckline will for sure catch the eye of every guy in the room.”

  My hand came up to my stomach and I couldn't help where my thoughts went. What would Brett do when he saw me in this dress? Would it affect him in any way or was the kiss from earlier enough to get it out of his system? He seemed to play it off pretty good when Pat walked in. He was so calm and collected and I was practically dying on the inside.

  “Are you sure black is okay?” I questioned Lisa, the owner of the designer dress shop Michelle had brought me to.

  “Honey, please, when is black not okay?”

  Lifting the gown, I smiled as I looked at my latest promotion gift to myself. The four-and-a-half-inch suede Jimmy Choo heels. The crystal mesh added the perfect elegant touch. Too bad the dress had a long skirt and no one would ever see my expensive-ass shoes that I had buyer’s remorse for weeks after I purchased them.

  I blew out a deep cleansing breath. “So, I think I’m ready.”

  Michelle stood and walked over next to me, staring at me in the mirror. My hair was pulled up in a sloppy bun with curls framing my face. I went very light on my make-up. A slightly smoky eye with mascara only finished out my light brown eyes. A very light tint of pink graced my lips and was applied to bring out the almost same shade of blush on my cheeks.

  “You look stunning, Aubrey. Only you could pull this off with only a few hours to do it.”

  My lips pressed together to keep my emotions in check. Turning to Michelle, I replied, “I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you for pulling strings and making me feel like a princess.”

  She fiddled with one of the curls and grinned. “Who knows, maybe you’ll meet your prince charming tonight, then we’ll both have boyfriends in Austin!”

  I chortled at her comment. “You never know.”

  Michelle’s smile faded as she took my hands. “Have fun and talk to other people besides Brett okay? Get out there and meet someone.”

  With a nod, I replied, “Yes, Mom!”

  Michelle handed me a small clutch. “I put a recorder in there if you wanted to take notes.”

  “Thanks,” I softly spoke. We made our way out of the store and I hugged Lisa before leaving. “Thank you again for helping me find the perfect dress.”

  “You’re so welcome. I still can’t believe we found one that fit you like a glove.”

  My hand ran over the silk fabric of the dress as I said, “It was meant to be!”

  “We better get going. Brett’s supposed to pick you up in a few minutes.”

  I carefully slid into Michelle’s rental car as we made our way back to my condo. The drive was less than three minutes, but the entire time I stared out the window. I had no idea what tonight would bring. For all I knew, Brett had a date to this thing and his boss pushed me into her spot. That would suck.

  Michelle was right. I needed to take tonight to mingle and meet new people. If Brett’s reputation served him right, he’d be bringing home a girl tonight to screw around with. I needed to have my own plans.

  “We’re here.”

  My best friend’s voice drew me out of my thoughts. It was settled. Brett was simply my assignment. I’d accompany him tonight, but I was not going to expect to be his date. The sooner I pushed that kiss from my memory, the better.


  This was only business.

  WHY IN THE hell are my hands shaking?

  Dragging in a deep breath, I exhaled and stepped off the elevator. I told Aubrey I’d pick her up at seven forty-five. I never liked being right on time for things like this. If you showed up a little late, less attention was on your arrival because people were already deep into conversations.

  I stopped at her door and stood there. Cracking my neck from side to side, I took in a few calming breaths.

  We kissed. It was over and done with. I had a taste of her. It was time to move on.

  I wanted more.

  No. I promised Aubrey I wouldn’t put her job on the line and I intended to keep my promise. That meant I needed to practice self-control. Hell, I jacked off before I got dressed in hopes my cock would play nice tonight.

  Focus was the key. As soon as we got there, I’d make it my mission to find the first woman I saw and strike up a conversation with her.

  This is not a date.

  This is business.

  Nothing more.

  My hand came up and knocked.


  I closed my eyes. “Fuck,” I whispered. The sound of her voice caused my heart to race.

  Focus! Damn it. Shake it off… business only.

  The door to Aubrey’s condo opened and I almost fell back on my ass.

  “Holy shit,” I murmured, taking in the sight before me.

  Aubrey stood there dressed in the most beautiful black gown I’d ever seen on a woman. The way it hugged her body had my betraying cock growing quickly in my pants. My eyes scanned her, nearly bulging out of my head when I saw the neckline.

  Son-of-a-bitch. I bet her tits would fit perfectly in my hands.

  I closed my eyes and re-focused. Opening them, I grinned and tried to act like I didn’t want to press my lips against hers again. Or run my hand over that silky material to see if she was wearing anything underneath it.

  Finally, able to get myself under control, I spoke. “You look beautiful, Aubrey.”

  With a smile so sweet the ground felt like it wobbled, she replied, “Thank you. And look at you. You give new meaning to the word handsome in that tux.”

  Her voice faltered and I knew she was just as affected by this as I was. My lips itched to feel hers. It didn't help when she ran her tongue along her bottom lip and sucked it in quickly before releasing it.

  Fucking hell. This was going to be a long night.

  The ride over to the W hotel seemed to last forever. Aubrey sat next to me with her body barely touching mine. The heat was almost too much and I forced myself to remain still. Fighting internally with the question to move closer to her or further away.

  “So, what exactl
y is this we are going to?”

  I hated talking about myself, especially to Aubrey. I knew everything I said would most likely end up in a magazine article.

  “It’s a benefit dinner for a kid’s organization. Some of Austin’s richest people are invited for the gala-type event with hopes of raising money. Tonight they happen to be paying special attention to me… unfortunately.”

  Feeling the heat of her stare on me, I turned to look at her. She was giving me the evil eye.

  “No shit. I wouldn’t be dressed in a formal gown if I didn’t know that. What are they honoring you with and why did you say unfortunately?”

  With a shrug, I answered, “I don’t like the attention. I do it because it’s something I’m passionate about, not for the attention.”

  Aubrey grinned. “What is the organization?”

  “I started a group last year for young kids in the Austin area. The guys on the team spend time with the kids, helping them with everything from homework to teaching them how to throw a football. It’s a way to give back to the community while keeping the guys’ heads on straight. Plus, it hopefully helps the kids pick a path that leads to success.”

  The way Aubrey was looking at me made me feel uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure why, but it was as if she was trying to look into my soul.

  “That’s wonderful, Brett. What made you decide to start the group?”

  “Probably the fact that my parents always taught me to never take for granted the things in life we’re blessed with. Giving back to the community was, and still is, huge for them. I simply followed in their footsteps.”

  Her mouth fell open and she slowly shook her head. “Just when I think I have you figured out, you do a one-eighty on me.”

  Flashing her a sexy smile and a wink, I leaned in closer and whispered, “Does that make your panties wet knowing I give back to the community, Aubrey? That I’m really one of the good guys?”

  The way her eyes sparkled had my dick pressing hard against the fabric of my pants. She quickly looked away and sighed.

  “Why do you always have to ruin it with your dirty mouth, Brett?”

  I let out a laugh. “Most women like my dirty mouth. Especially when it’s between their legs.”

  She turned back to me, her lips parted as if ready to say something. Her stare fell to my lips. Rolling her eyes, she looked straight ahead and didn’t utter another word.

  At least the questions stopped.

  For now, anyway.

  The moment we entered the room, I turned and walked to the bar. I could practically feel the daggers coming from Aubrey. After ordering my drink and downing it, I glanced over my shoulder to see if she waited for me or made her way deeper into the room. It didn't take long to find her. She was the only woman in the ballroom who looked beautiful beyond words.

  My heart slammed against my chest as I watched Aubrey flash that innocent smile as she spoke to a small group of people. I’d never had a woman make me feel the way Aubrey did. It both pissed me off and excited me.

  “Owens, how’s it going?”

  Turning to my left, I forced a smile when I saw Ryan Dryer standing next to me.

  What I really wanted to do was punch the asshole and tell him to fuck off. He knew I wouldn’t make a scene, though. “It’s going. How are you, Dryer?”

  Ryan flashed me that fake smile of his that he reserved for fucking politicians. It pissed me off he used it on me.

  “It is going pretty damn good I must say.”

  With a slight nod, I looked back at the bartender. “I’ll take another.”

  Slapping me on the back, Ryan laughed. “Better slow down there, Owens. We both know what happens when you drink too much.”

  Glaring at him, I forced a grin. “What do you want?”

  He jerked his head back and laughed. “Can’t an old college buddy come congratulate you on yet another success to check off your list?”

  “You never do anything without having a reason behind it.”

  Lifting his whiskey filled glass to his mouth, he looked past me. I followed his gaze straight to Aubrey.

  “Who’s your date?”

  I watched Aubrey glance our way and smile. She was beautiful, smart, and had a body that every man desired. Perfectly curvy. Just the type of woman who Dryer would be attracted to.

  “Aubrey Cain.”

  Ryan looked at me when I didn’t offer up any additional information. “You two a thing?”

  With a laugh, I shook my head. “Hardly. She’s a reporter for ESPN. They’re doing a whole spread on the University of Austin’s football program for an upcoming magazine.”

  With a nod, he replied, “Well no article on the school would be complete unless there was something about the great Brett Owens in there.”

  I took a drink and tried to keep my anger down. “Fuck you, Dryer,” I muttered under my breath so only he would hear it.

  Throwing his head back, he slapped my back again. “Since she’s not your date, I think I’ll go introduce myself.”

  Every part of me wanted to tell him no. Shout that she was mine and only mine, but the truth was, Aubrey wasn’t mine. She belonged to no one. And if I did say that, it would only egg Ryan on.

  For the next hour, I tried to focus on talking to people. My anger grew more and more as I watched Aubrey dance with Ryan. He was sticking to her like glue, that asshole.

  “So, what big plans do you have for the kids this summer, Brett?”

  Pulling my eyes off of Aubrey and Ryan, I turned back to Tara. She worked for the law firm that helped me get everything off the ground with Bright Futures.

  “Not really sure yet. We are thinking one thing we might do is a dude ranch type thing with them.”

  Her eyebrows lifted. “Are you thinking of doing it at your dad’s ranch?”

  How this girl knew so much about me should bother me, but right now I was more focused on the way Ryan had his arm wrapped around Aubrey’s waist, pulling her closer as they danced.

  “Um… probably not since it’s a good ways from Austin.”

  Ryan whispered something into Aubrey’s ear, causing her to toss her head back and laugh.

  “Looks like someone is stealing your date, Owens.” Pat stood next to me and wore a smirk as he looked out toward where Aubrey and Ryan were dancing.

  “She’s not my date. If you remember, you pushed her on me tonight.”

  With a chuckle, he looked at me. “I’m sure that was such a hardship to escort such a beautiful woman this evening.”

  “No, but it was a pain in the ass when she interviewed me in the limo on the way here.”

  Pat shrugged as he carefully watched Aubrey and Ryan. He didn’t trust Dryer any more than I did. “Well, that’s why she’s here.”

  The reality of his statement felt like someone punched me in the stomach.

  Once the song was over, I watched as Ryan placed his hand on Aubrey’s lower back and guided her over to another group. Introducing her like she was his date.

  “Excuse me,” I quickly said as I made my way over to them.

  Aubrey laughed at something someone said and it vibrated through my entire body, causing my damn dick to jump.

  “There you are,” I said with a grin as I stepped between Aubrey and Ryan, making sure to give him a go to hell look. “I've been looking for you everywhere, Aubrey. I guess you’ve been dancing the night away with Mr. Dryer here.”

  Everyone looked at Aubrey and then me. I knew it appeared that Aubrey was with Ryan, and by me walking up and essentially acting like a goddamn caveman claiming his woman, it made it seem like Aubrey was giving more attention to Dryer than to the man she came with. The man who happened to be the one being honored tonight. It was a dick move, but I didn’t care. I was pissed off. She was supposed to be here for me. This was my fucking piece she was working on, not Ryan dickhead Dryer.

  Ryan held up his hands and laughed. “Whoa, settle down there, Owens. I was only getting to know Ms. Cain.” He glanc
ed over and smiled at her. “Turns out we have a lot in common.”

  Aubrey gave him a slight grin before looking at me. “How about a dance?” I asked, taking her by the arm gently and leading her away from the group.

  With a huff, she replied, “Well it looks like you’re not giving me much of a choice.”

  With a tight grin on my face, I replied, “You always have a choice, Ms. Cain.”

  “And if I’d rather not dance with you, would you be okay with that choice?”

  My entire body trembled with rage. The thought of Ryan’s hands on Aubrey almost brought out the monster I had worked so hard at burying deep inside.

  Pulling her body closer to me, I placed my mouth to her lips and kissed her. Her mouth felt better than I remembered from the kiss earlier. The feel of her up against me instantly turned me on. “Is that what you want, Aubrey? For Ryan to take you to his fancy house and fuck you on his silk sheets?”

  She tried to step away, but I held her closer to me. Close enough so she could feel my hard dick pressing into her stomach.

  “The next time you dance with him, think about one thing.”

  Aubrey’s breathing increased as she lifted her eyes to mine.

  “What’s that?” she barely spoke as she swallowed hard.

  “My hard cock pressed against your body right now and how much I want to bury it deep inside of you. Or the fact that I could easily make you come by simply touching your body.”

  She frantically searched my face as she fought to keep her breathing under control.

  “You certainly think highly of yourself, Mr. Owens. From the little I’ve talked to Mr. Dryer, I can tell you one thing for certain.”

  My jaws clenched together. “What’s that?”

  Pushing me away, Aubrey lifted her chin and smirked. “He’s more of a gentleman than you’ll ever be.”

  Turning on her heels, she started to walk off. Quickly walking up next to her, I took her arm and led her to the back door that went to the hallway. I knew it well because I’d escaped to it often at events like this to catch my breath.


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