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The Playbook

Page 12

by Kelly Elliott

  The next thing I knew, Aubrey flew up, had the mirror down and was fixing her hair and make-up. “Why didn’t you wake me up before we got here?” she asked with a sharp voice.

  Hiding my smile, I shrugged. “You didn’t tell me to.”

  “I didn’t know we were stopping here first!”

  “Did I not tell you, princess?”

  Her mouth parted open before she shut it and snarled her lip at me. “You anger me so much.”

  “Then my work here is done.” With a wink, I opened the door and got out of my car. Reaching into the back seat, I grabbed the folder and headed to the front door with Aubrey hot on my heels.

  “Can I put this in the article?”

  “If his parents are okay with it, I don’t care.”

  With a fist pump, she whispered, “Yes!”

  Not long after we arrived, Dave was signing his letter of intent and Aubrey was taking pictures. She had to run back out to the car to grab her camera.

  “Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. Richardson for letting me capture this moment not only for you, but for the article.”

  Smiling, Mrs. Richardson said, “Thank you for offering to send the pictures. That’s very sweet of you.”

  “Well, I’m sure his high school will have another mockup of the signing, but since this is the official one I’m sure you would like that memory captured.”

  I wasn’t surprised everyone feel immediately in love with Aubrey. Dave’s parents, his grandparents, and most of all, his seven-year-old sister. Aubrey had made sure to pay special attention to little Rose as she watched her big brother get all the attention.

  Slipping into the car, I looked at Aubrey. “Have you always had such a knack with people?”

  She shrugged. “I like seeing people happy. You could tell his parents are so proud and wanted this opportunity for him. It was easy talking to them about it.”

  I started the car and lifted my hand in a wave to Dave as he watched us pull off and drive down their long driveway. “He will for sure have opportunities. Every college recruiter under the sun was after this kid.”

  “How did you get him? What did you say to him on that walk?” she inquired.

  Dave and I had gone for a walk alone together shortly after we arrived. He was still on the fence about what college he wanted, until I was done talking to him.

  “I told him my story. How I grew up here in this same town, what I had wanted in life, what the University of Austin could do for him. Straight up, no promises. Just a chance to play ball for a top-rated team.”

  The heat from her stare was almost more than I could stand. I glanced over quickly to see her smiling at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” she murmured as she turned and looked out the window. “How much longer to your parents’?”

  “A little over an hour. I called them to let them know we would be there soon.”

  “You’re sure they won’t mind me being with you?”

  Letting out a laugh, I shook my head. “Are you kidding? My mother is giddy as hell at the idea I’m bringing a girl home. Never mind the fact I’ve tried explaining to her why you’re with me.”

  “And that is?”

  Turning to her, I answered her. “Business. You’re interviewing me and you work for ESPN.”

  Her face dropped and she quickly looked away. I wasn’t sure if she meant to speak out loud because I barely heard her next words.

  “Yep. Business.”

  WHEN BRETT ANNOUNCED we were at his parents’ place, I tried to push away the nerves. Of course, that was damn near five minutes ago.

  “Holy hell, how long is this driveway?”

  “Well, twenty-five sections is a lot of land,” Brett replied.

  Finally, there was a house I could barely see through the trees. I could tell we were getting closer as more and more oak trees lined the gravel driveway.

  The large white house came into view as Brett turned slightly right, following a circular driveway.

  “Oh. My. Lord.”

  The two-story house was breathtaking. Wait. Is that a third floor?

  Brett pulled up as I continued to stare at the house. The porch appeared to wrap completely around the large home.

  “You grew up here?” I gasped.

  “Yep,” was his only response.

  “Just you and your folks?”

  With a slight laugh, he replied, “Just us three. And Julia.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “Technically, she was the nanny, but she was more part of the family than anything.”

  I slowly shook my head as I peered back at the house. “I’d never leave if this was my home.”

  “I would imagine with two lawyers for parents you grew up in a nice home.”

  With a nod, I glanced back to the house. “I did. It was modest, my parents believed in keeping things simple. But this is beyond amazing. I could sit on this front porch and never leave and be perfectly happy.”

  Peeking back to Brett, he was staring at me with a strange look on his face. Almost like he was in shock I would say such a thing. Or maybe he was thinking the same exact thing I was.

  He smiled and my heart skipped a beat. “Yeah, me too.”

  And like that, he was out of the car and walking around to my side. I could get used to Brett’s chivalry. The man may have a dirty-talking mouth, but my-oh-my, his southern charm and manners were out of this world.

  Opening the door, he reached for my hand. “Don’t get overwhelmed with my mother.”

  With a nervous chuckle, I replied, “Okay.”

  “And don’t believe anything my parents say.”

  Looking into his blues eyes, I was taken by how full of life they were. Brett was happy to be home. He may have acted like he wasn’t, but I could tell from the way his eyes sparkled and came to life, he was thrilled to be here.

  “Brett Joseph Owens!”

  Glancing over Brett’s shoulder, I saw a woman with light brown hair coming our way.

  With a chuckle, Brett leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, “It took everything I had to keep my hands off you, Bree. How easy it would have been to make you come all over my leather seats.”

  The sharp intake of air was the clear indication of how his words affected me. I was momentarily stunned as he turned around and walked to his mother, wrapping her up in his arms and spinning her around.

  Between my legs pulsed as his words replayed in my mind. I needed to get my thoughts together and calm my libido down before I made a fool out of myself. Or worse yet, let him know he rocked my world just now.

  I shot daggers at him as he kissed his mother on the cheek. My heart quickly melted though. It was so sweet to see how much he loved her.

  Damn you, Brett Owens.

  Before I had a chance to even move, his mother was in my face. “Mom, this is Aubrey Cain, the reporter from ESPN I told you about.”

  My hand reached out to shake hers, but I was soon wrapped up in her arms. “Lord almighty, the boy has never brought a girl home. Not even …”

  Brett cleared his throat and his mother instantly stopped talking.

  Not even who? Who was she going to say?

  Pushing me back to arm’s length, she quickly scanned me over. It gave me a moment to take her in as well. She didn’t look a day over forty. Her light brown hair was pulled half up, with the other half falling to below her shoulders. I could see where Brett got his good looks from. His mother looked like she was a model she was so gorgeous.

  I finally snapped out of my daze and spoke. “Oh, Brett and I are friends. I mean, business friends. And all of that. Nothing more.” The nervous laugh that escaped my lips were betraying the words I had just spoken. Little did she know her son turned me on every moment I was near him. How his dirty talking mouth was something I longed to hear every day. No one was more surprised by that than me.

  My face blushed at the memory of what he had said to me only a few moments ago.

nbsp; She lifted a brow. “Uh huh. Well, welcome to our home.”

  With a smile, I looked into her sky blue eyes. “Thank you for having me, Mrs. Owens.”

  Her hand came up and rested on the side of my face. “There will be none of that here. Call me Birdy.”

  There had to be a story behind that name. I made a mental note to ask Brett about it and to question him again about his comment about Ryan and a wife and the girl he never brought home.

  “Birdy it is,” I replied as I glanced up. My eyes about popped out of my head at the sight before me.

  Brett’s mom bumped me on the shoulder and chuckled. “Now you see where my son gets his good looks.”

  All I could do was nod. The older version of Brett stood before me with a huge grin on his face while he talked to his son. You could tell he wasn’t the type of man who ordered other people to work while he stood by and watched. He was the type of man who worked right alongside of them. His dark tan and built body was evidence of that.

  The two men looked almost identical. If they hadn’t been separated by age, you’d think they were twins. When Brett’s dad turned to look at me, I was stunned by how blue his eyes were.

  Birdy laughed. “The man has been known to sweep a few girls off their feet.”

  Throwing his head back with a roar of laughter, he walked up to Birdy and picked her up, kissing her smack dab on the lips. “Ah, but you’re the one who fell for my sweet-talking ways.”

  Birdy slapped her husband on his broad muscular chest. “Stop it, you big goofball. Say hello to Brett’s friend, Aubrey.”

  The way she stressed friend had me instantly wanting to explain our relationship all over again.

  Brett wasn’t helping any when he walked up to me and pressed his lips to my ear. “You keep looking at my dad like that and I’m going to get jealous.”

  Snapping my head over to him, I shot him a dirty look. The way he was fervently staring at me had me struggling to swallow. Not taking his gaze off of me, Brett spoke. “Dad, this is Aubrey.” There was something different in his voice. For one brief moment I wished he was introducing me as someone more than just the reporter writing about him for ESPN.

  I had to force myself to look away from his glowing blue eyes. With a smile, I extended my hand. “Mr. Owens, such a pleasure to meet you.”

  The man had a smile like his son. “Call me Joseph, and the pleasure is ours. As long as you write good things about my boy here and you tell me you can ride a horse, you and I will get along great.”

  With a chuckle, I nodded my head and looked between the two men. “Well, he hasn’t given me anything bad to write about so far.”

  Brett seemed so different here. He was relaxed like I’d never seen him before. Lifting his brow in question, he asked. “And riding?”

  Turning back to Joseph, I grinned. “My father had all his girls in riding classes by the age of six.”

  He nodded and wrapped his arm around Birdy’s waist. “Good. But none of that English riding bullshit allowed here on my ranch.”

  Thank goodness I took western and English riding. “Well, actually I’m versed in both.”

  Brett laughed. “We’ll see.”

  Placing my hands on my hips, I asked, “Is that a challenge?”

  His eyes turned dark. “Do you want it to be?”

  I knew exactly how I was going to get my answer about that statement from Brett. “Yes. I do.”

  Joseph let out a roar of laughter. “I’ll have some horses saddled up. Why don’t you two go get settled into your rooms?”

  Brett grabbed our bags and motioned for me to follow his parents up the stairs. The moment I stepped into the house I fell in love.

  “Oh my word,” I whispered. The entry was formal, yet comfortable. Like you could imagine kids running around the circular table that was placed in the center of the foyer. To the right off the entry was the formal living room.

  “Brett, you take Aubrey’s stuff up to her room, and I’ll give her a quick tour so she feels at home,” Birdy instructed.

  Kissing his mother on the cheek, he replied, “Sounds good.” And like that, he bounded up the grand staircase carrying my two bags and his two bags like it was nothing. I watched him until he was out of sight. When I finally turned back, Birdy was smiling at me like she knew something I didn’t.

  “Shall we?” she asked.

  “Yes! Your home is so beautiful,” I gasped as we entered the formal living room. The furniture was very traditional, yet I caught a glimpse of some antique pieces as well. It was so warm and welcoming. The light yellow walls were calming. I could imagine a fire going in the fireplace with me snuggled up reading a book or working.

  “The house has seven fireplaces,” Birdy stated walking through the living room.

  My mouth dropped. “Wow,” was all I could get out.

  We made our way into the kitchen, passing the butler’s pantry on our way. The dark mahogany cabinets were beautiful. I was instantly transported to my childhood. The kitchen was large, yet so simple. It reminded me of my parents’ kitchen.

  My body shivered as I ran my fingers along the cold granite. “I love this kitchen!”

  Birdy beamed with pride. “Do you like to cook?”

  My eyes wandered everywhere. “I do. My sisters and I used to spend Sundays with my mother and grandmother baking up a storm. My grandmother was an amazing cook. When my mother turned to politics, there never seemed to be time to do it. Then my grandmother passed away.” My eyes filled with tears. I hadn’t realized how much I missed those moments.

  Birdy walked up and took my hands in hers. Giving them a squeeze, she nodded her head. “Let’s keep moving along.”

  Forcing a grin, I softly spoke, “I’m so sorry. I’m not normally so emotional like that.” With a short laugh, I shook my head. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  “I do. You were hit with a memory and that caused you to miss your family. I’d imagine in your job you have to travel a lot like Brett does.”

  My chest constricted. Traveling before never bothered me the least bit. “Well, truth be told, I have grown to hate the traveling. But I love my job.”

  Wrapping her arm around mine, we continued on. The breakfast room had an incredible view of a lake and the Davis Mountains that were behind the house.

  “How pretty,” I said as I peered out the window.

  We then made our way into the formal dining room that housed one of the seven fireplaces. The family room was right off the kitchen and you could tell this was where they spent much of their time. I walked along the fireplace and smiled at the pictures of Brett. From the time he was a baby up until what looked like last Christmas, maybe.

  “He’s handsome, isn’t he?”

  My fingers moved lazily over one of the pictures of Brett. He was standing on the sidelines of a football field with a serious look on his face as he watched a play.

  “That was his first pro game. A reporter shot that photo and sent it to me.”

  Spinning around, I looked at Birdy. “Has football always been something he loved?”

  With a huge grin, she nodded. “Yes. Since he was probably four, the boy has done nothing but eat, sleep, drink, and live for football.”

  I chortled and followed her out of the room. Birdy showed me a library that I already knew I’d be in most of the time I was there. If not reading, working. Then it was on to Joseph’s office, which was equally amazing.

  “I’ll let Brett show you the media room and the theater room.”

  The idea of Brett showing me the theater room had my mind venturing totally where it shouldn’t. I said a quick prayer I hadn’t made a mistake by joining him here. There was something about being in his family home, meeting his parents, and seeing a part of his life that he kept so private. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could deny my feelings.

  “Mom? Bree?”

  The left side of Birdy’s mouth rose in a grin. “You ready to see the ranch?”

citement bubbled up in my chest. “Yes!”

  Brett walked in and I had to grab onto a chair.

  Holy mother of God.

  My blood rushed through my veins, leaving me feeling weak.

  Birdy walked up to Brett. “Don’t you fall right back into the role of cowboy so well?”

  Brett tipped his cowboy hat and winked at his mother while my eyes slowly moved to see him dressed in tight jeans and cowboy boots.

  Stay. Strong. Aubrey. You do not have a thing for cowboys.

  Lies. I did have a thing for cowboys. And football coaches, dressed like cowboys.

  I am so screwed.

  AUBREY LOOKED AS if she was about to pass out when I walked into the room.

  “Bree, you okay?”

  She widened her eyes and shook her head. “Um.” Her hand came up to her neck and she looked away. “I think I’m thirsty. I just got really thirsty.”

  My mother chuckled. “Brett, take Aubrey to her room so she can freshen up.” She turned to look at her. “And if you don’t want to go riding now, you don’t have to.”

  Aubrey shook her head. “No, honestly, I’m fine.”

  I motioned for her to follow me. When she passed my mother, she stopped. “Thank you for the tour, Birdy. You really do have an amazing home.”

  Mom smiled and kissed Aubrey on the cheek. “You make yourself at home while you’re here, you understand?”

  “Yes ma’am,” she replied before turning and walking along side of me.

  We climbed the back stairs in silence before Aubrey stopped. “Wait. There are back stairs?”

  With a chuckle, I kept walking. “Yep. Just explore the house and you’ll find your way around quickly. Mom has you in the room next to mine in case you need anything.”

  She let out a nervous chuckle at the top of the stairs and then huffed. “What could I possibly need?”

  I moved quickly and pinned her against the wall. I loved seeing her reaction when I was this near to her. Her breathing increased and her eyes danced with anticipation.

  “My mouth on yours.”

  She rolled her eyes and looked down the hall. “You’re not going to do this to me, Brett. That little stunt you pulled outside when your mom showed up didn’t work.”


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