Hot Target

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Hot Target Page 4

by Nathalie Gray

  “Drop the museum piece,” she said.

  Museum piece?

  “Relax,” he replied as he bent sideways and let the gun drop to the ground. It landed with a dull clang. With any luck, she hadn’t seen the bulge along his calf. With the goggles on, she probably had trouble with depth perception. He’d bank on that and hope for the rest.

  “Relax,” she parroted. “You crippled my ship. But yeah, I’ll just go ahead and relax.”

  Mouthy little thing.

  “Now take your jacket off. Slowly.”

  Titan clenched his jaws so tightly, he feared causing damage to his teeth. Slowly, as the lady said, he unbuttoned his jacket and slid each shoulder out. After he folded the jacket in half, he hooked it over an arm.

  “Drop it. Now get rid of the hardware.”

  He did, unbuckled and unsnapped everything from his waist that wasn’t part of the wardrobe. His small but accurate Glock 19 with the custom grip and the ten inch barrel, black Nitron finish SIG Hammerli acquired a while ago, back when painkillers were his best friends. Titan had abandoned those several years before. He heard her snort as he pulled out his weapons. “What?”

  “I hadn’t imagined you were a Glock kind of man, that’s all.”

  His nostrils flared when he sensed her getting closer. He didn’t even know what she had in her hands. Could be a feather duster for all he knew. He wouldn’t die to find out though. For now, she was in control and he’d do what she asked. Then after he grew tired of playing nice, he’d find a way to make her pay.

  “Take off the tie and shirt too. Come on.”

  Did she think he was hiding a gun in the knot of his tie? “Argh, for fuck’s sake—”

  “Just do it.”

  Slowly, staring right in front of him at where he thought her face could be, he loosened the tie then slid it off completely. Letting it fall to the floor, he undid each button with growing thrill throbbing behind his balls. No woman had ever made him strip like this before. Unless she meant to chop something off, this could be interesting.

  When he got rid of the last button, Titan spread the shirt wide over his chest and took it off. A gasp from somewhere to his left indicated she either liked what she saw or she’d just poked her finger with something sharp. He decided he liked hypothesis A better.

  Knowing his muscles banded with the movement, he extended his arms and let the shirt fall behind him.

  So far, so good. She hadn’t mentioned the pants. His micro pistol could remain safely strapped to his ankle.

  The cooling air of the crippled ship caressed his back and chest, tightened his nipples. He swallowed. His eyes must have gotten used to the darkness because he could spot a faint glimmer of that killer orange suit a few feet from him. But he focused elsewhere so she wouldn’t guess he’d seen her. Two could play this game.

  “Enjoying the view?” he asked with a half smile.

  She snorted. “That’s not the point of this exercise, is it? Here.”

  Something landed at his feet. He picked it up and realized they were cuffs of Yithian make. These things were unbreakable. Shit.

  “Kneel then put them on. Behind you.”

  He knelt then put his arms back so he could slip the thin silvery cords around his wrists, making sure his old-fashioned, knuckle-less, car-racing gloves fit underneath. He pretended to tighten them. “There. What now? Are you going to dump me overboard?”

  “No, I have something else in mind.”

  And Kim had no idea what.

  Okay, this situation proved more than entertaining. What woman wouldn’t want to be on the handle end of the stunner with a guy like this half naked? Watching such a glorious body could be a pastime for any gal. He was built, handsome, obviously smart and packed one hell of a rocket judging by the lump filling the tailored dress pants. Maybe the idea had formed before she’d consciously realized? Whatever it was, she had Titan helpless in front of her and she’d be damned if she wasn’t going to enjoy herself a little bit.

  But then what? She had him kneeling on the floor of her cargo bay, with Sekmeth’s restraints on, yet had no precise plan what to do with the guy. She couldn’t very well keep him this way. She couldn’t let him go either. Kim licked her lips when a particularly vivid image danced in her mind.

  With shoulders like that, he’d make for a perfect oral sex candidate. She could just picture herself hooking her knees on those wide shoulders. Heat inside her latex suit kicked up another notch when he rolled his head as if his neck hurt him. What she’d do to rub the kinks out of that body…

  Down girl.

  The NVG were already starting to fog up. She wiped at them with the back of her hand. The stunner felt heavy and dumb. Frankly, she’d rather not shoot at the guy if it could be helped. First, because if she missed, he’d be pissed beyond reason and she’d be stuck with a charging bull, and second, a throb deep in her belly announced she was horny. Horny for a guy who’d tried to kill her, had most probably terminated her partner and crippled her ship. Funny how her body just didn’t attend any of the meetings her brain organized.

  The image remained seared in her mind’s eye. The top of his head sticking out from between her thighs.

  “So,” he asked, his gaze searching. He should’ve brought his own NVG. Too bad she didn’t have an extra pair…for him anyway. “Anything else you want?”

  There was something else she wanted but would gladly shave her head than admit it to him. She wanted him.

  She took a tiny step forward. His face and torso glowed acid green in the goggles, which picked up any point of light and intensified it several thousand times. Even the subtle glint of his metal tooth looked like a blinding flash in the sensitive goggles.

  “Don’t play games with me, Titan.”

  He grinned. “That’s too bad, I love playing games.”

  Kim realized she’d called him by his name Titan, no “mister” in front to add that layer of detachment she usually clung to like an oil stain. Another step closer. She doubted he could see her, even if she stood four feet away. But he could probably feel her close-by. With the thrill of danger needling her on, Kim slowly circled him until she stood behind the kneeling man. His strong back tapered to a tight waist, his arms bent back this way triggered a scree of goose bumps down her arms and legs. She wanted him so acutely it hurt.

  His back muscles bunched when she drew nearer still and allowed her body heat to reach him. He turned his head slightly, his eyes half closed. Feeling powerful and reckless, Kim put her leg very close to his shoulder, so he could let his skin touch the latex if he wished. Tease.

  He must have, because Titan leaned sideway ever so slightly…closer still. Kim stopped breathing. What if he tried to knock her on her ass instead? Danger tolled in her mind. Heat heralded imminent contact. Then his shoulder touched her on the thigh. A shudder of energy shot up her spine just as a tight grimace pulled his mouth.

  Titan cleared his throat. “You’re having fun, aren’t you?”

  She was. Crazy, dangerous, irresponsible fun.

  “You’re not?”

  His tooth gleamed when he curled his upper lip. “I could have much more fun with my hands untied. You would too.”

  “Har har. Like I’m supposed to fall for that?” Kim retorted. “What did you do with her?”

  “The tall chick? Nothing, she was gone when I came back to finish the job. But Collins was there.”

  His feral smile tightened her sex sporadically. God, he was dangerous, sexy and unpredictable. A small creak in her suit made him turn his head fully toward her.

  “Come closer.”

  Said the tiger to the gerbil.

  Kim scoffed. She was no one’s prey. Not ever again. She could play with this man for a while. It wasn’t like he wasn’t enjoying himself.

  She only slid one leg closer so his face would sense the heat, her stunner poised over his head. He straightened, his shoulders bulging, and leaned into her thigh. His bristly head rasped against her sui
t. Pleasure dripped out of her.

  To her shock and excitement, he licked her tightly bound thigh, right along the quad muscle, all the way up to her hipbone. A fiery wake followed his mouth. Kim angled her knee a bit wider, hoping he’d get the hint. He did. Snarling, Titan repeated his movement, only this time, his tongue reached inside her thigh, raked all the way to her mons. With his tongue, he pressed against the seam and managed to part her lips.


  After checking down between her knees, Kim spotted his massive erection tenting the pants. At least he wasn’t faking it. Good to know. Guys were so obvious.

  He licked her again. Kim shivered violently. Man, he was good. If only he had his hands. As if he knew she enjoyed having a man eat her, he licked her through the latex, each run harder than the one before. Hips gyrating slightly now, Kim could hardly control herself.

  “You’re too far, baby,” he murmured from inside her thigh.

  “Well, I guess you’re going to have to do something about that, now won’t you?”

  Kim bit down hard when he leaned forward and licked her through the suit again, from crotch to waist in a straight, hot line. Going back down, he pressed his tongue against the seam and nibbled at her parted lips. She looked down at the top of his head. His neck muscles bunched and rippled. A shiver tightened her pussy.

  “You liked that, didn’t you?”

  She nodded in the darkness, realized he couldn’t possibly see her. “Yeah.”

  Could she? Should she? He must weigh somewhere around a hundred pounds more than she did, and if he decided to tackle her, hands or not, she’d be going down hard. But she was the one with the stunner, wasn’t she? Kim grinned.

  What the hell…why not?

  Throwing her leg over his, she stood straight, one foot on either side of his hips, her latex-clad mons right in his face.

  “If I had my hands…”

  “All we need is your tongue…for now.”

  By pressing his chin hard and in an upward motion, he ground her clit against the seam, she helping by tilting her pelvis forward. Able to restrain herself no longer, she wrapped her hand around his strong neck and dry-humped and gyrated and crushed his face to her aching cleft. Using him as a pole, she glided down, allowed him to lick over her securely bound breasts then sprang back up, repeated the process, using all her moves and some she’d only seen strippers do.

  “I like the way you move,” he growled as he pushed his chin harder.

  Pleasure drenched her when he ground her clit beneath the seam. It began in her quad muscles, tightened up her butt cheeks before firing back down between her legs. Ecstasy and thrill and fear all rolled into one sharp and quick climax.

  She moaned through her teeth. Then another orgasm needled her clit. She reached up to her collar and pulled the zipper down. In the fogged NVG, Titan looked as though he were sweating lemonade. Kim tilted her ass back, bent straight over his face so he could get at the crack she’d created for him. His tongue moved nimbly along the opening.

  “Fuck, woman, I want to taste you for real.”

  Stunner still in one hand—shaking like crazy—Kim opened the suit even wider, lower, until the glittering diamond dangling from her navel emerged. She hissed when he licked her feverish belly, unknowingly tugging at the jewel. With one hand, she yanked the suit apart, proffering her breasts to him through the purple lace bra.

  Growling now, he used his five o’clock shadowed chin to rub the bra cup down over her nipple and trapped it between his lips. Kim crouched over his lap, allowing him full access to her breasts.

  “Suck,” she urged, throwing her head back. Her hand on the nape of his neck dug in the muscled flesh. Again, she mentally chanted, again, I want to come again.

  Sucking hard, which curled her toes in her boots, Titan thrust his hips forward to meet hers. Man, they’d be good together. He knew just the right moves, the right pressure points, everything. And he could lick. Kim spilled her pleasure again when he pulled her nipple hard then suddenly released it, causing a quiver in her pebbled flesh.

  “I want your mouth,” he said, his voice muffled against the mouthful of breast and lace bra.

  She gave it to him, hard, fast, intense. Their tongues dueled inside one’s mouth then the other’s, their teeth followed suit with the trembling lips, and even chins knocked, retreated then thudded together again. A low moan rode up her throat. She let it out through her nose, a long, plaintive note.

  Wet sounds accompanied his descent on her throat, her chest, each breast receiving vigorous lashes of his satiny whip then lower down her cleavage. Oh god, he wanted to eat her for real. Kim knew she was lost before the thought even registered. So skilled, she knew he’d be so damn skilled.

  Fuck it. Let’s go!

  After she stood, Kim snaked both arms out of the suit, squeezed out enough hip to let him get at her soaked pussy. One finger hooked at the tiny thong, the other trying to manage both the stunner and a grip on his neck, Kim pumped against his face.

  Between licks, Titan chuckled. “That’s it, baby, put it right here.”

  Burning hot, his tongue hit the right spot almost immediately. She came right then and there. Came in his mouth. He greedily slurped it all in. But Kim could tell her pleasure wasn’t complete. Something was missing. For one, she couldn’t spread her legs out wide enough, which was frustrating as hell, and second, she was sure he could do some real damage with those large hands of his.

  Crouching like a stripper against her pole, she checked his crotch again and assured herself he was still having fun. He was. She stood, the sense of power as she watched him kneeling between her thighs too good to resist. She’d never come standing like this, with a guy—hands tied behind his back—eating her out this way.

  “My hands,” he said roughly, “I need them.”

  In the strange yellow and green darkness, Kim could see his eyes glowing like those of animals. He lunged at her pussy, trapped a lip between his teeth and pulled.

  Oh yes…whoa…he could have his hands!

  “They better be worth it, big guy, otherwise…”

  He grinned fiercely, straightening. “Finally. I couldn’t keep them to myself anymore.”

  Kim cried out when he gripped her hips hard and pulled her down on him.

  Chapter Three

  Titan heard her reaction, even if he didn’t see it. He knew exactly where the weapon was and knocked it out of her hand. It scuttled away on the pitted metal floor.

  She tried to pull away but he held her close to him, both her arms pinned along her side under his bear hug. With a muffled curse, she had no choice but to straddle his lap.

  “Don’t worry, Ballistic Kim, I’m so much better with my hands.”

  He took a chance and released her arms while he buried his face in her opened suit, in the back of his mind knowing she was too close to coming again to even think of stopping him.

  Still, should she decide to pull another weapon on him, there wouldn’t be much for him to do besides curse and bleed.

  “Pull yourself wide for me,” he said, digging his gloved fingers in her thighs, enjoying the feel of the resilient membrane covering her.

  The suit parted wider for him. He heard her gripping at it, clawing at it, her legs cramping around his face, a shower of tresses rubbing against his head and shoulders. No woman had ever been so responsive to his touch, as if he knew where all the buttons were and how hard to push them. Another first for him—no girl had ever used him like a stripper pole. Man, that was good. But then again, she was a professional, wasn’t she?

  “Come in my mouth again.” She tasted of fruits. That lotion was driving him insane. Something clattered to his left. Had she been packing another weapon? Ah, must have been the NVG.

  Lace rubbed against his forehead and he wondered again what color her bra was. Probably some crazy neon color. He was a black lingerie kind of guy himself.

  After he rolled her suit down to her calves, Titan plucked at her
thong, moved it out of the way then noisily drank from that dripping, fruity cunt he couldn’t believe he’d lived his whole life without.

  “Oh, oh yes…again. Again.” She snarled something he didn’t get.

  Cupping her crotch with his arms, he leaned back, took her with him, forced her to straddle his face as he lay supine on the floor. At the first strike of his tongue, she pushed against his face, drowned him in her honey, on which he avidly gorged. As though she would melt in his mouth. While he plucked at her lips with his teeth, she arched back—nimble too, good girl—and cupped his dick through the pants. No wonder Drokesh wanted her back. She must have made him a fortune.

  “Whoa, slow down,” he snarled when she clawed at the belt and zipper. “I’ll do it.”

  He hadn’t even made it all the way down that she was digging her hand in, clutching at his shaft as if her life depended on it and yanked it out.

  The sharp intake of air didn’t escape him.

  “All for you, baby.”

  “You’re some big,” she said, panting. A long hiss followed. She humped his face, pumped his nine-inch rod.

  “Big and cleared.” He couldn’t believe he’d lived half his life without that nifty new thing that put to sleep all the little babies-to-be with a simple pass of some gizmo-fluorescent-light he couldn’t spell the name of.

  She chuckled. “You’re a man of your times.”

  Who knew the little pain would turn out to be the best fuck in the system! Titan thanked his lucky star. And he had a full day all to himself before her boss arrived.

  The narrow strip of hair painted his mouth, his whole face, with her salty honey. He didn’t mind at all being the canvas to this wild, sexy artist and accepted her weight with ferocious appetite.

  Unable to stop himself, Titan bit down rather hard on the inside of her thigh. She froze instantly.

  “Don’t ever bite me.”

  The tone was hard enough to give him pause. “Okay, baby, no biting. Just this,” he replied, before giving a wide lick to her soaked cleft. A moan satisfied him that he hadn’t messed up too badly.


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