Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion)

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Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion) Page 7

by Milan, Adrian

  Derrick and Gwen’s sexual escapades lasted until about 2am. And then they sat and talked until about 5am in the morning. Derrick had no intentions of sleeping there, but it happened. Gwen had given him the meat and potatoes of what was going on with Roland and his obsession with Satin. That he had her on a project that would make her a $100 Million dollars commission if she could pull it off. And that he would use the workings of that project to have her sexually, but that SEX was not the goal. What he wanted was to enslave her emotionally and then break her mentally so that he can own her spiritually. Sex was just the tool he used to deliver his method of brainwashing. And if Gwen was to be believed, Roland was no novice. This entire sky scraper was filled with his converts. Willing subjects who enjoyed the pleasures in the lifestyle that belonged to the true residents of Passions Pique. And what he sought, was to not just make Satin a permanent resident, but to make her it’s Queen.

  “Over my dead body!” Derrick had thought to himself.

  But the alcohol that was in him coupled with the workout that Gwen put him through left him more exhausted than he had realized. To him, it seem as though he merely blinked and suddenly it went from 5am to 8:30am.

  “Oh my God!!! – I’m late!!!”

  Derrick jumped up confused. He ran in the bedroom to check on Gwen. Surely she was late too. But she was gone. There was no sign of her in the apartment at all. Derrick grabbed his keys off of the bar and ran out the door straight for the elevator. Thank goodness he lived in the same building that he worked. But he was still in wearing yesterday’s clothes. He got to his apartment washed his face and brushed his teeth as fast as he could. The clock on the nightstand was telling him that he was cutting this too close.

  “Let me call Milly and let her know I’ll be a few minutes late. Maybe she can clock in for me.” Derrick mumbled out loud.

  Derrick reached for his cell phone. It wasn’t in his pocket.

  “Oh shit.” Derrick paused trying to collect his thoughts. “What did I do with my phone?”

  He looked at the clock again and knew that he didn’t have time to worry about that now. He needed to get downstairs and clock in ASAP before he got his self into some drama that he really did not want or need. He put on fresh clothing grabbed his briefcase and made a mad dash for the door yet again. Derrick was panicking. He was about to be late. He’s never been late. And there was nothing worse than a “NO CALL/NO SHOW.” On your record.

  “Think! Think! Think! Where did I leave that damn phone? When was the last time I remember looking at it?”

  The elevator doors opened and Derrick shot out of there like a cannon ball. He made it to the time card and punched it. Then he checked the time stamp to be sure of the time.

  “8:59am. Barely made it by the skin of my damn teeth.”

  Now that he could breathe, Derrick was about to turn around and head back to Satin’s office and then it suddenly dawned on him, he knew exactly where his cell phone. He thought to himself;

  “Damn it! I left it in Gwen’s shower! And by now the battery is dead which means all of my calls are going straight to voicemail. I’ve got to contact Gwen.”

  Derrick goes into his office and slams the door. There is a lot of information to process. And he knows that he’s going to need a strategy if he was about to go up against one of the richest, most powerful men in the world. Work was going to have to wait. Derrick buzzed his secretary, Milly.

  “Milly, I need all incoming calls rerouted to your desk until further notice. I have some very important things that need to be attended to today. And I am not to be disturbed under any circumstance by anyone. Do you understand?”

  “Uh, yes Sir, Mr. Billings.”

  “And please get me a pot of coffee, Milly.”

  “A pot, Sir? As in an entire pot of coffee?”

  “Yes, Milly, an entire pot of coffee. And just keep it coming. It’s going to be a long day.”

  “Yes Sir. Right away.”


  When Satin arrived at Roland’s office, Gwen greeted her with a smile, a firm shake of the hand and then escorted her into Roland’s Executive Boardroom. The five young ladies from the video were all seated at the grand table which seats 22 people. Ten on each side and then two on each end of the table. Roland had everyone sit near the head where his chair stood like a mammoth throne. Noticeably larger than all of the rest with a huge back rest and two control panels. One on each arm rest. Satin recognized immediately that his chair was another control module. Which meant that somewhere in here he had another set of monitors or some kind of multi-media capabilities. Now that she was aware of his fondness for false walls and secret rooms and hidden passage ways, she knew that she would never be able to look at any room in this building the same again. Satin nodded her greetings to Roland and then immediately turned her attentions to the young ladies.

  “Good morning Ladies. My name is Satin Silverstone. This weekend we will be having a very impromptu meeting with Natsu Yakamura.”

  This information immediately made Roland perk up. When did she arrange this? How could he have missed her setting this up?

  “Have you already been in contact with him Satin? Have you confirmed this meeting?” He asked.

  “No Sir. That is why I have requested you bring back these ladies. Okinawa, Japan is 13 hours ahead of us. I tried calling to set up an appointment earlier, but I recognized right away that I was getting the run around. Because of the time table that we talked about earlier, I don’t have time to play cat and mouse with Natsu. So I’m going to send him an invitation that he cannot refuse.”

  “Really? And what kind of invitation is this?”

  “I will get it to you by this afternoon for final approval before having it sent to Natsu via email. Once he receives it he will be her by Sunday afternoon per his appointed scheduled time.”

  Roland was complete lost.

  “I don’t understand what you mean, Satin. What appointed scheduled time are you referring to?”

  “It will all be explained in the invitation Sir. And I need all of the time that I can get with these ladies, so if you’ll excuse us, I’d like to get started right away.”

  Roland stared at Satin for a second. This was quite unexpected. What did this little vixen have up her sleeve. She had him more than just a little intrigued. A sensation he had not known in quite some time.

  “Very well, Satin. Ladies, you are now under Satin’s employ for the duration of the project. Follow her orders as if they were my own. Do I make myself clear?”

  The ladies took a moment to silently look to one another for confirmation and agreement on the decision as a unified front. Then they all turned to faced Roland and again in unison sang;

  “Yes, Mr. Pique.”

  Very good, Satin. They are yours. I look forward to your presentation this afternoon.” He paused momentarily for effect. “Don’t make me wait too long for it, Satin.” He said without smiling.

  “Yes Sir, Mr. Pique.” Satin turned to face the women. “Ladies, follow me please.”

  The woman all rose to follow Satin out of the door. Satin stopped in front of Gwen momentarily.

  “Gwen, is the Presidential Suite that Natsu used available right now?”

  “Why, yes. Yes, of course. Did you need to use those facilities for your,...umm INVITATION?”

  Gwen smiled. Confident that she knew exactly what Satin was going to do by way of an invitation.

  “Yes, Gwen. And I will need for all of the cameras from every possible angle to be rolling. Once the ladies and I are done, I will be back to edit the raw tape and craft it into the invitation that Natsu could never say no to.”

  Gwen nodded, giving her a knowing smile. This Satin was a minx. Multifaceted, cunning, surprising. Gwen understood all too well exactly what it was that Roland admired in her, because she found herself admiring her too.

  “Not a problem, Satin. I’ll go turn everything on now and I’ll be here waiting for you when you return.” She gav
e Satin a genuine smile. She was easy to like. “See you soon.”

  “Thank you Gwen.” Satin beamed. “Ladies, with me.”

  The ladies all filed out of Roland’s office. Roland stayed seated in his chair staring at Gwen. Eying her intently. He wanted her to feel his gaze upon her. And when she finally turned to acknowledge him she could barely look him straight in the eye.

  “Is there something wrong, Mr. Pique?”

  “I should be asking you that question, Gwen. Tell me; What seems to be the problem?”

  Gwen’s heart literally skipped a beat. Perhaps he was paying her more attention than she had realized.

  “There is no problem, Sir. I just want to ensure that Satin has everything she needs to complete her tasks by this weekend.”

  “This weekend?” Roland laughed out loud. “What makes you think that her tasks will be completed by this weekend?”

  Gwen slowly cocked her head to the side, exaggerating a look of bewildered confusion.

  “Because that is the time table that she has given us, Sir.”

  Now Roland was trying to deliberately look cruel.

  “That may well be the time table that she is working from, Gwen, but that has nothing to do with the time table that I’m working from. You should know me by now Gwen. There are no such things as one trick pony’s in my house.”

  Gwen was doing her best to keep her poker face. Satin was to be her replacement. She was sure of it now. Roland was just utilizing this job to break her in as he breaks her down. But his ultimate goal is to have her take over her duties ASAP. And what was she suppose to expect if she is being replaced? What was to become of her? Her career? Would she still have a position in the company? Would she still have a purpose in Roland’s life? Just thinking about it was maddening.

  “I don’t understand what that means. What does that mean Roland?”

  Roland stood up from his chair and walked around the table to come face to face with Gwen. He reached under her chin and lifted her eyes to meet his own.

  “You forget yourself, Gwen. You have forgotten your place and what it means to serve. You would do well to remember your lessons and go back to the basics. I know what you were trying to do the last time that you serviced me. And I will admit that something in me enjoyed it. But you will never again address me in that manner. There is only room enough in this relationship for one of us to be rule. And will always be me. Do I make myself clear, Ms. Pastel?”

  Gwen could feel her bottom lip begin to tremble. It was betraying her, revealing her fear. Her rational mind begin to try and create its own logic for what was going on.

  “My God.” She thought to herself. “Is that what this is about? Did I set these events into play by stepping out of my submissive role? Was that the catalyst that started all of this?”


  Satin had explained in detail exactly what she wanted from the women. She knew that she was going to have to rely on their expertise sexually. She explained;

  “Basically what this is going to boil down to is a MIND FUCK. I watched the video with you all and Natsu probably about 20 times before I was finally able to figure out what his hot spot is. It took a minute, but I figured him out. And it’s all mental with him. It’s about surrender. Natsu finds pleasure in the strength that it takes to surrender physical control and allow himself to be swept by the current flow of whatever that moment is sexually. It doesn’t even really matter what the sexual act is as long as it is taboo. You see, it takes no effort or strength or courage at all to surrender to surrender to something that you already like to do. But to surrender to something that you already know that you really don’t like takes strength, courage and a whole lot of trust. Those things are commodities that are in short supply these days. Especially in business. But for an old war dog like Natsu, to be able to feel those things, to give them life, substance, meaning,... well, that gives him great pleasure. And that great pleasure is what translated into all of that bumping and grinding you were doing. You get it don’t you?”

  All five of the ladies were staring at Satin as though she had grown a second head. They were completely clueless. Tracey, the black woman from Miami spoke for the rest of women.

  “Um, Ms. Satin, we really don’t know what you’re talking about. We just have sex with whoever Roland tells us to.”

  Satin’s face went blank. This chick wasn’t kidding. All of the women had that same blank stare. “Ok, then I’m confused, because watching that tape, you all were moving with such purpose. It was like a well practiced manipulation that mentally drove him to a place of surrender. But you’re telling me that you didn’t do that on purpose? That’s kind of hard to believe. I mean, because,... the timing was,... it was all just too perfect. How could that have all been just coincidence?”

  “If you mean that night that we were with Natsu, none of that was us on our own. Roland had us outfitted with Bluetooth ear pieces and was directing each of us in our individual tasks. We don’t move until Roland commanded us to. He is very strict about that.”

  Satin’s jaw fell open. She knew how she looked and still could not help it.

  “Wait, you mean he’s watching the whole thing live from his cameras and you all know it?”


  “And he is instructing each of you in the individual sex act that you perform?


  “And from beginning to end, none of you move until he says so. Meaning that he is choreographing this entire spectacle from beginning to end?”

  Tracey smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

  “Now you’ve got it.”

  Satin broke into a small fit of laughter.

  “Genius. That man leaves nothing to chance. He found a way to still be the one to call the shots even while they were having sex. That’s how he’s able to stack the deck. He never relinquishes control. Even in a scenario, where one would think or feel like, this is a part or an aspect that Roland has nothing to do with,... like having sex. Mentally, they were tricked into believing that they were sleeping with beautiful women, but the reality is that all of your are simply extensions of Roland’s will. So in effect, while they thought or felt like they were fucking you,... Roland was in fact, fucking them.”

  Satin could not hold it in, she had to laugh out loud. And she could tell by the look on the ladies faces that they were still absolutely clueless. They were all beauty and sexually charged, but they had not one lick of smarts between the five of them combined.

  “How long have you all been working for Roland in this capacity?”

  “All of us have been here for 5 years. There are 10 groups of girls. All work in groups. He hires us in groups and fires us in groups. Our group has been here for 5 years.”

  Satin was definitely getting the bigger picture now. There was a whole other side to Roland and this business that has existed right under everyone’s noses all of this time. And with it, Roland has been able to secure and catapult his business into a multi-billion dollar work machine. Satin was beginning to glimpse the true potential of what this all really meant.

  “Alright ladies. We can get into the details of all of that later. Right now, we have bigger fish to catch. We are about to make a movie right now. Most of the footage that I need will be footage of Natsu himself when he was with you the first time. What I need from you now, is some extra footage that I am going to edit into the original clip to use for my invite. I need some very specific things from you all right now. And I will have to depend on your expertise in this matter. I’ve only been with a woman once before, in college. It was an okay experience. But it wasn’t really for me.”

  “Then it probably still isn’t for you Ms. Silverstone, if you don’t mind me saying.”

  The ladies all laughed and Satin laughed with them.

  “You’re probably right, Tracey, but this deal will earn this firm one billion dollars. And for a commission from a deal like that, I can assure you, I’m going to make it my thing for now.”
She said smiling.”

  “I know that’s right girlfriend!”

  This was good, Satin thought. She felt like she just broke the ice.

  “Ok, so what do you need from us?”

  “We’re going to keep this simple. I’ll do the talking. I know exactly what needs to be said to push his hot buttons. What I need from you all is an organized effort of you making me cum against my will.”

  All of the women smiled and giggled.

  “Ok,... I take it that means you all have no problem doing that at all.”

  “No. Girl on girl love is our specialty.”

  “Excellent. Then I will be doing my speech to the camera and no matter what I do or say no, your job is to keep my limbs outstretched as though I am being tied down with invisible rope. And to lick me and caress me suck and seduce me into the ultimate orgasm. But I need you all to be moving super slow. Like a slow motion reel. The whole thing will be between 15 and 30 minutes long. I’m not really sure about that part yet. Let’s just get things going and I’ll take what I can use and get rid of what I don’t when I do the editing. Ok?”

  “Sounds good to me. Let’s go girls.”

  They all followed Satin into the bedroom. Satin was looking for the cameras. From the angles that she saw on the monitors there were no less than twelve cameras in the room. But they were well hidden. Most behind two way glass and mirrors. But the only one she needed to focus on was the one in the ceiling mirror. That would be her focal point. And the place from which she would be directing her comments to Natsu Yakamura.

  “Let’s get started. Everyone get naked. Leave your clothes outside of the bedroom. I want a clean visual.”

  After they all did as instructed, they returned and stood alongside the bed.

  “Jesus, these chicks really don’t move until they are told.” Satin thought.

  “Ok girls. Loosen up. I’m the newbie here. Everyone get on the bed. I have five limbs and there are five of you. Just do your best not to block my face while I am speaking. In between the talking shower me with slow wet soft kisses. Don’t be shy with it either. I want your tongue. I want all of you to make love to me. Remember, your goal is to make me cum. So let’s get to it.”


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