Invisible (A Night Fire Novel Book 5)

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Invisible (A Night Fire Novel Book 5) Page 8

by Watkins, TM

  Anger swelled as more tears slipped away. I could have dated when I finished my schooling. There hadn't been many to show an interest but there had been a few. Some that might have even been worth the effort. I could have lost my virginity to someone that might have actually cared instead of saving it for the one who doesn't see me. He can't see me. I am invisible.

  A coyote ran across the road ahead of me, stopping in the headlights. I yelled at it, slamming my foot onto the brake. The mutt ran away and as the car span out of control, I hit my head and blacked out.

  Chapter Eleven

  A light flashed in front of me, dimmed light and then light again. Over and over again. A face appeared, a middle aged man that looked like he'd had a rough night. Tired eyes, a shadowed existence. He flashed a little light over my eyes, his mouth moving but no words escaping beyond his scruffy beard.

  More lights passing, another face. This time it was a woman. Her hair was pulled back, she was young and pretty. It looked like she was talking too but there was no sound. She frowned and looked away.

  More people, more doing things. They poked and prodded at me. I wanted to tell them to stop but I couldn't move my mouth. I wanted to push them away but I couldn't... I couldn't move anything.

  Something green was cut away, something that went out of view. I couldn't turn my head to see what it was. Green. Why was that so familiar?

  A man appeared at the top of my head. I was laying on something, but what? The new man put something on my mouth, I wanted to scream out no but nothing would work.

  Slowly darkness took me away again.

  When I surfaced again, I was in a dark room. I wanted to groan with the pain that I felt. In my hand was something round, cylindrical. There was a button at the end, it took all my strength to press it but I did. I was thirsty.

  A door opened, light flooding the room from the corridor. The soft steps of someone who was light on their feet padded across the room, turning on a light behind me.

  “Good morning.”

  The woman smiled at me warmly, I looked her over. A nurse. I was in hospital. How did I get here? She helped me to sit up, making the bed move upright.

  “Can you tell me your name?”

  I frowned as I struggled through the fog in my mind.

  “No.” I rasped. “Can I have drink of water please?”

  “Of course.”

  She took the jug and cup, pouring a drink for me. I drank the water, so cold and crisp it was divine.

  “Can you tell me what day of the week it is?”

  I shook my head, taking another sip.

  “Do you know how you got here?”


  “The doctor will be arriving soon. In the meantime there are some people that are waiting to say hello.”

  She walked away and I was left staring at my reflection in a large mirror on the wall. Since when did hospital rooms have mirrors?

  The woman in the mirror was covered in bruises. Listless hair sat around her battered face and the sight of her made me cry. It hurt to touch, even though my fingers were so delicate the pain was too raw.

  The door opened again, this time it was a middle aged man and woman, two young men followed as well.

  “Hello darling.” the woman cooed softly, tears welling in her pretty eyes.

  “Hi.” I offered to the sad woman.

  They all looked rather dressed up, the woman was dressed in a long black dress that hugged her narrow frame. The men were in suits looking rather dashing.

  “Where have you been? Why are you dressed up?”

  Tears slid down her cheeks as she smiled, a terrible attempt at trying to keep herself from crying. One of the younger guys put his hand on her shoulder.

  “Maybe you should take a breather mom.”

  She nodded and took my hand, the warmth of her skin was nice against my cold skin.

  “Everything is going to be okay darling. We will get you back to the way you were.”

  Her fingers slipped from mine as she rose from the bed, leaving the room.

  The elder man cleared his throat once the door was closed again.

  “Right young lady. Your mother is the mushy one, I'm the hard liner. Get your memory back. I don't have time for this nonsense and you've got to get your ass back to work. Deal?”

  “Uh sure.”

  Whoever the hell you are, crazy man. But he called the woman my mother. Did that make him my father? And these two beside him, were they my brothers? I looked like none of them. One of the younger guys was like the woman, tall with dark hair, blue eyes and dimples when he smiled. The other was like the man, robust frame, blue eyes and black hair. I had auburn hair and green eyes. This was not my family.

  The door swung open, light flooding the room again. A man stood at the doorway, staring at me.

  “You were told to wait outside.”

  He said nothing, just looking at me with despair etched on his face. This one was dressed up too, they must have been at a party together. Slowly he took a step forward, the door swinging closed behind him.

  Blonde hair was neatly brushed to one side, the suit was creased like he had slept in it. As he drew closer I could see his deep blue eyes, bloodshot and tired.

  There was no happiness in any of these people. They were dressed like they were having fun but their faces did not match.

  The elder fellow sighed and nodded his head to the other two.

  “You've got five minutes, then I'm kicking your sorry ass out.”

  The three of them left the room, the blonde man remained. He sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand carefully looking over it.

  “I'm sorry.” he whispered.

  “What did you do?”

  “I caused this mess.”

  “That hardly seems possible.” I offered and then paused. “Unless you hit me, then it is your fault.”

  He huffed as he laughed, smiling for a moment. It hurt to do so but I reached out and wiped the tear from under his eyes.

  “Why are you so sad?”

  “Because I had an opportunity to make something wonderful, something perfect. To create happiness. But I was scared.” he whispered.

  “That does not make any sense.”

  The man looked up at me rather bewildered.

  “How can happiness make you scared?”

  “If it went wrong then I'd lose it forever. But it did go wrong and I did lose my happiness. Almost.”

  This man was confusing. He was talking in riddles and it was frustrating. It was bad enough that I had no idea who he was but to talk like this was not beneficial.

  The door swung open again, the older man stood at the door with his stern face. He said nothing but the man on the bed beside me nodded at him and turned back to me as the door closed again.

  “Okay I guess my time is done. I'm not exactly flavor of the month so we probably won't see each other for a while.”

  “You are really confusing, did you know that?”

  He nodded with another slight laugh.

  “I did something yesterday.”

  His fingers pulled at the buttons of his shirt, opening them to show his chest. Far out, that was a pretty good view.

  “I wanted to show you last night but I feared what you would say.”

  The material slid over to one side, his fingers pulling the fabric back to show white padding. He gently pulled away the padding over his heart to show a new tattoo. The skin was still raw and angry but it was clear enough to see the pretty script font. It was one word, black lettering with flourishes and swirls. One word that seemed so familiar but I just couldn't understand.


  “I found my heart.” he said softly.

  He leaned to me, softly pressing his lips against mine. It hurt but it was perfectly sweet.

  “I love you.”

  My eyes widened, his so close to mine as he gently pressed his lips to mine again. Softly tugging on the bottom lip.

  Something entered m
y mind, a vision of him. It was feint but it was something. I struggled to keep hold of it, not wanting to let go. I knew it was important.

  “Can you play guitar?”

  His eyes widened and a slight smile crossed his face.


  “I remembered you on a stage, standing next to a guy with long hair.”

  He gasped and got off the bed, opening the door. It had barely shut before he was pushing it open again, turning on the light.


  “Yeah.” I said as I stared at the tired man.

  His lithe body seemed to sag with lethargy, like the other guy he was in a suit. The long black hair wasn't actually that long. It sat at the shoulders, his fringe hung over his eyes. He was pretty easy on the eye but the one beside him was far more fascinating.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I hurt all over.”

  The man nodded and yawned.

  “Does she know who we are?”


  He nodded and slapped him on the back. “Sorry dude. I'm going back to the wonderful seating in the waiting room. Later Ka...” he paused and looked at the other guy.

  His eyes darted to me, looking rather uneasy about it all.

  “Bye.” I said as I waved.

  The blonde guy sat on the bed beside me again.

  “So I'm Kaylee, right?”

  He nodded. “We're not supposed to help you or tell you things, you have to do it for yourself. But you can do it, it's already started.”

  My fingers laced into his, he lifted it to his lips and kissed the back of my hand.

  “Tell me what I do for a living.”

  “Your fingers are pretty hard and calloused so I'd say that you're...”

  I looked at his neck as I spoke, the edge of another tattoo poked out just over the collar. It was orange. My free hand pulled it back to reveal the edge of a wing.

  “Can I see it?”

  He quickly pulled away the jacket and tie, opening the shirt and pulling it back off his shoulder. The tattoo was off an orange bird that covered most of his shoulder and arm.

  “You're from Phoenix.” I frowned. “No, you're from Texas but you were found in Phoenix.”

  I looked up at him, he nodded with a happy yet sad smile.

  “You were dumped on your aunt and your dad took custody of you and brought you...” I frowned again. “We live in Las Vegas.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

  “Ow.” I said muffled by the shirt and his warm skin. “Jaxon you're hurting me.”

  Our bodies stilled as the realization slowly dawned on us. He pulled away with a little shock on his face.

  “Say it again.” he whispered.


  His lips were on mine again, his kiss more insistent than before. The warmth of his hand against my neck was wonderful in this cold room, his thumb traced over my jaw line. We stared into each others eyes, foreheads pressed together.

  “It's going to be okay.” he whispered, his voice raw with sorrow “I'm going to take care of you.”

  The door swung open, a man in a long white coat entered followed by the man I assume is my father. Jaxon looked around at them with a restrained smile.

  “She remembers some things.”


  Soft padding of feet crossed the room, the nurse opened the shutters to reveal a bright morning. Beautiful blue skies stretched for as far as I could see. Incredible.

  The doctor pulled back the bed cover and I wanted to complain, it was cold in here. He pricked something into my toes and I pulled my feet away because it hurt.

  “Ow.” I muttered.


  You'd think with the thousands of dollars spent on his education he'd learn more words. He wandered around to the side of the bed, flashing a little light into my eyes and giving me the once over.

  “How is your head?”

  I shrugged, finding a new place to feel pain.

  “I have a headache.”



  “Great.” he said as he smiled.

  Well I guess he does know more than one word. He held up a finger in front of me, the picture perfect smile behind it.

  “How many?”


  “Well then I think that you will be right to go home provided you have constant supervision for a few days. If you get any dizziness, blurred vision, anything unusual you come straight back.”

  “And the memory loss?”

  The doctor turned to the man that was standing at the end of my bed. His pain for the situation was obvious on his face.

  “Should return with a little time. You can help her with photos and videos, anything that will jog her memory. Show her a picture and ask her if she knows the people in the image or what the event was. If she knows the dates of events like birthdays. Ask her if she knows the current president, what the dog's name is, the name of the street she lives in. Structure it in two sections, personal and general and be patient with her. Love and compassion will help her.”

  “But she should have someone with her?”

  “Yes, absolutely. For the first few days to ensure there is no relapse.”

  “She can come to my place.”

  The man that I guess is my father frowned at Jaxon.

  “No.” he said simply.

  “She remembers me and besides, you and the other family members have a lot to do. You can't be staying at home. I am expendable at the moment and when I'm not she can come with me.”

  “I think you've done enough already thanks.”

  Tension was rising fast, even the doctor was frowning at the situation. Jaxon and the unknown man were butting heads over this and it was clear that neither of them would agree to the others plan.

  “Gentlemen I must insist on constant supervision. If you cannot agree to something then she will remain here.”

  “She's staying at the house. End of subject.”

  “Fine.” Jaxon grinned. “But I'm moving in.”

  “Like hell you are.”

  “Gentlemen, do I need to call security?”

  I huffed at them rather loudly. They all turned and looked at me.

  “Did you happen to forget that I'm sitting here? Anyone bother to worry about what I might want?”

  Blank faces stared at me.

  “Sorry, but I don't know you and although I can assume your role in my life it doesn't help any. The only person I can remember is him and you want to keep him away from me? Do you think that's going to work well? You can't just expect me to willingly follow you to a place I don't remember and not at least be a little anxious. So I would appreciate it if you would allow Jaxon to stay with me otherwise I won't be going anywhere.”

  He nodded, not the slightest bit impressed but it didn't matter. What mattered was me feeling safe and although I know deep down that there is no issue with these people, I also know that anxiety won't help the recovery of my memory.

  “Well then.” the doctor sighed cheerily. “If you wouldn't mind stepping out gentlemen, the nurse will have to start the preparations for Kaylee's departure.”

  Jaxon leaned over to whisper his gratitude and a kiss on the cheek. A kiss that left me with mixed emotions.

  Chapter Twelve

  My departure from the hospital was rather interesting. Instead of going out the front door like everyone else did, I was taken through the hospital and out the back door that led to a basement. While I dressed they discussed everything in great detail, had another heated discussion and then had the threat of the security guard yet again. Eventually they agreed that it would be wise to split up, Jaxon and I were to go one way and everyone else were going the other way.

  I now faced a huge black car, an orderly helping me into the passenger seat. The belt went across my body, he carefully plugged me into the seat. He gave me a tentative nod and closed the door.

; “It only hurts a bit.” I offered as Jaxon started the car.

  “I know. He didn't know that you were strapped into a harness in the accident.”

  Light flooded the car as we emerged from the car park, a sea of people surrounded the exit.

  “Shit.” Jaxon groaned. “I guess the ruse didn't work.”

  These people had cameras, pointing them at us as they swarmed the car. Jaxon had to drive slowly to avoid hitting these fools.

  “Look at that Kaylee, for once they're more interested in you than me.” he grinned as he spoke, turning out onto the road.

  Then the pursuit began. I looked in the side view mirror and saw a few cars and motorbikes trailing after us.

  “Is it always like that?”

  “For me, yes. You not so much until recently.”

  “What did I do?”

  He looked at me as he mulled it over and then relented.

  “You might have been portrayed as a person that came between me and a recent love interest of mine.”


  “Look.” he sighed. “I wasn't really interested in her anyway. She was a distraction from the pain of my reality.”

  I picked up a book that was sitting in the center console, it looked worn and well read. Someone had written in a neat cursive on the title page.

  Hobbits aren't the only ones that can have adventures.

  “I'm adopted.” I whispered as a tear fell onto the back of my hand.

  Jaxon nodded when I looked up at him.

  “You've got a couple of photos in your apartment. Someone's gone to collect everything so that you can look at them.”

  “They died in a car accident, didn't they?”

  He nodded as he took my hand, holding it firmly until the lights changed.

  “You have an uncanny knack for surviving car accidents. I'm not going to tell you about it Kaylee. Even though you haven't said much about it I know you would prefer to not remember it.”

  More tears escaped as I looked out the window, watching as we passed the arid land.


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