Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1

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Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1 Page 8

by R A Baker

  Trace stayed quiet for a moment and then nodded. “I liked it. It was different then kissing Kat.” I leaned in against Erick and watched Trace make the next move. I think we were all waiting.

  “Why are you all wary of me? I said I liked it,” Trace said, giving us an odd look.

  We rushed to console him. “It’s not that, Trace. It’s more that we’re surprised that you chose to kiss another man,” I said, Todd and Erick mirroring me.

  “It’s not like it’s just some guy off the street. It was Todd. He’s a part of this. I don’t know if I’ll do it again, anytime soon that is, but I did enjoy it.” He looked at each of us in turn and smiled. “Are we done or is there still more?” His eyes hinting that he wanted more. I wanted more and by the looks of it so did Erick and Todd. We nodded.

  “I have an idea but I don’t know if you’ll go for it,” Trace said. We looked at him again.

  “What’s your idea?” I asked.

  “I think we should have Kat go doggy style, and she’s getting one of you off.”

  I thought about it for a moment and then nodded. Why the hell not? “I take it you want to be inside me, Trace?”

  “Yes. If one of you prefer, that’s fine too.” They shook their heads. It looked to me that they had a plan, that is Todd and Erick had a plan.

  “Who wants my mouth on them?” Erick switched places with Todd. Trace went behind me. Todd laid a gentle kiss on Erick’s cheek and then kissed me fully. I pulled him to me and deepened the kiss.

  Trace patted my back, careful not to hit the cuts. I moved back into position, reluctantly releasing Todd’s mouth.

  Trace entered me slowly as I placed my mouth on Erick’s dick. I teased Erick until small sounds came from his throat. Trace found a gentle rhythm and slid in and out of me. This time it was Todd that started to kiss Erick. I watched as Todd kissed him gently and then moved his body further up to Erick’s mouth. Erick’s mouth slid over Todd’s dick. I just about passed out from not breathing.

  Trace slid out and then pounded into me. We got each other off, which was nice in a way. I cried out as Erick cried out as Todd cried out and as Trace cried out. Todd slid to the side, sated. Erick stayed where he was, his eyes closed. Trace slid out of me making me shiver and I collapsed onto Erick’s body with Trace on top of me.

  Trace rolled to the side of me just before it became too much. I gently sat up from Erick’s body and shivered as the images replayed in my mind. I looked at each of them. They had lazy smiles on their faces. I smiled at them and crawled over to Todd after giving Trace a kiss. I lay in between Todd’s legs, his groin against my side. I looked at Erick and couldn’t help the words. “You surprise me.”

  “How so?”

  I looked at him and tried to tell him with my eyes rather than words but he wouldn’t have any of it, he wanted me to say it. “I’m surprised at your open mindedness. Did you guys talk about this?”

  “We have. It was in the same conversation as kissing. We didn’t know how you would respond to the kissing and when we found that you liked it we had already discussed the possibility of one of us helping the other.”

  “That sure as hell was a surprise. I, uh…,” I wasn’t going to ask…maybe I was. “Do you guys have any plans on doing this while I’m not around?”

  “We hadn’t thought about it. This was mostly for your benefit. I like it well enough but you’re the one I really want.” I looked at Trace. “What do you think of all this?”

  “I don’t know yet. I liked the kissing but I don’t know about getting off with a guy’s mouth around my dick. I’d rather not try that one. Yet.” I smiled and ran my tongue across my lips. Trace laughed softly and ran his tongue along his lips.

  I knew that they weren’t gay in the sense that they liked men. I didn’t think that if left to their own devices that they would get each other off without me present.

  “I think it’s time to shower.” They nodded but made no move to get off the bed. I laughed and slid off the bed. I stepped into the bathroom and turned the whole shower system on.

  I don’t normally use the whole system which consists of a raining system from the ceiling, two waterfalls on either side of the shower stall, and jets of water from the three sides. I stepped into the sprays of water and was soon joined by my three men.

  Todd turned the jets of water off and we were left with the waterfalls and rain. We soaped up and cleaned off. I washed my hair and watched as the three did the same.

  We rinsed off and stepped out of the shower then wrapped towels around ourselves and went into the bedroom. “I have to be up in a couple hours.”

  Todd shot a look past me to Erick. I turned in time to see him nod. “Kat, Erick’s called Starla and told her that you won’t be in for at least a week. We don’t know if you’re still a target.”

  “If I am, we should keep me out there. I could play bait.” That suggestion was shot down so fast that I didn’t have time to blink. “Why not? You guys can follow me around discreetly and make sure, if I’m nabbed, to rescue me.”

  “No,” Todd shook his head and so did Trace and Erick. I blew out a sigh and hopped into bed. I was warm and toasty from the sex and shower so I didn’t get under the covers. The guys laid down next to me and we fell asleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  For three weeks I did nothing more than have sex, which wasn’t a problem, and eat. Oh, and complain nearly every day to be let out of the house. They wouldn’t let me out of the house for more than a few minutes. They were still frightened that I would be targeted by some bad vampire and taken hostage again. I tried to forget about what had happened but I couldn’t, not with them moping around twenty-four-seven.

  I got dressed in work clothes and when Erick came into the bedroom he just about launched a full-on assault. “Calm down, Erick. I’m going to work for a couple hours. Come with me if you don’t trust that I can drive myself.”

  “You know it’s not your driving we worry about, Katja.” I nodded my head, doubtful. “If you go in, we all go,” he said firmly. I heaved a sigh and consented. They got ready quickly and we piled into Todd’s SUV.

  >< ><

  We got to my office and stopped the floor when we walked in. Todd, Trace, and Erick, were fanned out so that they protected me, and flanked me at the same time. I waved to Starla and walked into my office. I shut the door and pulled the blinds. “Geez, guys. What did you think? Did you think my people would turn on me?”

  “You know it’s not that, Kat. Finish you’re work then we’ll leave,” Todd said.

  Todd and Erick sat at my desk chairs looking out and to the side. Trace sat on the couch nearest the door. I raised my eyebrows and shook my head in disbelief.

  I got a lot done in the three hours they gave me but I still had a huge stack of papers on my desk. I’ll work from home I decided. I gathered all the necessary paperwork and told them I was ready. I said bye to Starla and told her that I would be working from home for a while. She waved bye to me and went back to her work.

  Todd drove us home.

  I grabbed the papers from the floorboard and went into the house. Our living room had been turned into an office, as it was an unused space since we had the sitting room. It had all of one window. I placed my papers on the desk and sat at the desk chair, pausing for just a moment to compose my thoughts, then started on my work.

  >< ><

  I didn’t realize the time until Todd came in and kissed the back of my neck. “Dinner, babe.” I looked up and nodded, giving him a faint smile.

  I saved my files and joined them in the dining room. It was only Todd, Trace, Erick, and me. They had dressed the table up really nice with a creamy satin tablecloth that was sheer in the middle, candles, and a bottle of champagne.

  Todd pulled out the chair at the head of the table. I grimaced and took the proffered seat; I hated being at the head of the table. It felt wrong somehow. Todd took the seat to my right and Erick to my left. Trace sat next to Erick. I didn’t s
ee any food on the table but for a basket of bread. I grabbed a roll and ate it while Todd poured champagne.

  He held up his glass and said, “To us.” We toasted and sipped the champagne.

  I grabbed another roll and started to eat it. If this was it, I’d better have something in my stomach so I didn’t get too drunk.

  After I finished the roll and a second glass of alcohol, Todd excused himself and left the room. I raised my eyebrows and looked at the other two. They kept their mouths shut.

  Todd wheeled in a cart laden with food, all of which looked delicious. The cart held: cedar-plank salmon, roasted new potatoes, steamed veggies, and green salads. There was an assortment of desserts on the second level. Todd served me, then Trace, then Erick. He dished out some food for himself and sat down. My mouth watered as the aromas wafted up to me.

  “It’s lovely, Todd. Trace, Erick.” I held up my glass and toasted them.

  Chapter Thirteen

  We ate slowly, idly chatting throughout the meal. We laughed a lot.

  As dinner wound down, I wondered what was up. They didn’t just feed me a beautiful meal every day. I finished my salad and asked, “What’s going on? Is this like the last meal or something?”

  “Of course not, Kat. That’s preposterous. We’re just sitting here having a nice meal together. Can’t we do that?” Todd said, affecting innocence. Todd was, by no means, innocent.

  “Yeah, why not?” I said, and waved him silent. “But you didn’t answer my other question. What’s going on?”

  Todd sighed. “We found a group of vampires. They sent a video to me and they threatened you and us. We’re going to take care of them tonight after dinner. I wanted to have a nice meal with the three of you before we took them out. And I mean without the threat of anything. Just a nice dinner.”

  “Sorry I ruined it. I just didn’t know why. Sorry,” I muttered and went back to eating.

  I found that I could forget it all as I sampled each dish. We talked about nothing and everything. I was so absorbed with my food that I didn’t realize that Todd had asked me a question. “What’s that?” I asked as I looked up from my food.

  “I was wondering if you wanted to play first.” He gave me those predatory eyes and I shied away. We’d been having sex nearly every night and I’m not complaining by any means.

  “I think we should kill, or at least, apprehend, the vampires, then come home and celebrate.”

  We went back to eating without another word, then got ready to raid the vampire camp. My wounds had healed with a minimum of scarring. I strapped on my arm sheaths that went on both forearm and upper arm and then strapped on my leg holsters with my two guns. I grabbed the long blade and slung it across my back. I thought about grabbing something more but couldn’t find a place to hide them. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and was all set. The guys were ready too. We headed out in Todd’s SUV.

  >< ><

  It took us roughly an hour to get there and we discussed strategy on the way. We were going to try to take them peacefully but if they didn’t come with us we decided killing them would be best.

  We parked a half mile away and walked to the house. It was decrepit on the outside with long, dying grass, chipped and broken flagstone leading to the weathered front porch, and the tattered door.

  We drew our guns and stepped lightly to the door. We couldn’t hear movement but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a basement. Todd kicked the door in and we stormed the place. Nothing, as in, no one. We checked all the rooms and found no basement.

  “What the hell?” We regrouped in the living room. “Did you find anyone?” We shook our heads.

  “What’s going on, Todd?”

  “I haven’t the faintest idea.”

  We left the house and started to make our way to the car when we were surrounded by vampires. Todd stepped forward into the center of the circle. “Leave now or you’ll die,” he said, which was no idle threat. He gave them one chance and when one moved, without speaking, toward us, he started shooting.

  We fired until we ran out of bullets, hardly making a dent in the mass.

  I tossed my empty pistols to the ground and grabbed the long blade from my back. I started cutting off heads.

  A vampire caught me in the back and I went down to my knees. I had lost the long blade when he hit me from behind. I pulled two knives from my arms and rolled to avoid another hit.

  I slashed a leg and the vampire let out a yell. Two vampires went for me. I stabbed the first in the throat and the second in the heart. I twisted both blades and they fell to the ground. I quickly looked around and found that the guys were faring well. A vampire jumped on my back and I went down to a knee. He was heavy as fuck. He wrapped his arm around my neck. I shoved the blade into his eye. He shrieked and tightened his grip on my neck. I tried to breathe through the stranglehold.

  My vision was fading, even as I took another blade from my arm and stabbed him in the stomach. He tried to get my hand but I continued to burrow the knife into his belly, trying for anything vital. His grip loosened a bit and I sucked in air as quickly as I could. I grabbed my last knife and stabbed his other side. If I got the knife far enough up it would do no good since his heart wasn’t on the right side.

  I continued to slice upwards with my right hand and took the left out. I tried again and couldn’t get the proper angle. He stood up and my feet dangled putting more strain on my neck. I abandoned my right blade to try and hold my body with my hand on his arm.

  He spoke loudly, “Stop or I kill her.” I heard the fighting stop. I struggled to speak but it just came out as wheezing gasps. He turned me to see that the vampires had taken the guys’ weapons away. They stood with their hands on their heads and were kneeling.

  The vampire dropped me. I fell onto my knees and hands, and gasped in breath. I put a hand to my throat and coughed as I sucked in air. He grabbed me by my hair and hauled me to my feet. I let out a yelp and then he cut off my air supply again.

  “What do you want?” Todd yelled.

  The vampire loosened his hold on my neck. “I don’t want much, Todd.” Again with the spitting of his name. “All I want is for you to abdicate. If you do, you may all survive.” That didn’t sound promising.

  “Okay, just let her go.” Todd held his head high but I could see the fear, and if I could see it, so could the vampires.

  “Todd, don’t.” I was silenced quickly. I grabbed the vampire’s arm as he squeezed my neck. I was losing air fast.

  I moved my body a little bit and found that he hadn’t taken the knives out. I let my hands drop and allowed my body to sag. I tried to slow my heart so he’d think I passed out. I let my eyes droop mostly closed. I kept my eyes open just enough to see through my lashes. I felt him loosen his grip on me. I had to wait for the right moment.

  The vampire turned with my body hanging limply in his arms. I tried not to tense when he let me go enough to start hauling me over his shoulder. As he started to toss me on his shoulder I snapped out of my false unconsciousness and grabbed both knives from his stomach. I allowed him to grab my left arm and my right plunged the knife into his heart. I twisted and twisted. He let out a God awful screech and fell to his knees.

  I was behind him as he fell. Lucky me, he fell right next to my discarded long knife. “Let them go,” I said as I chopped the vampire’s head off. I grabbed his head and held it up. All of the vampires looked scared to death that I was coming after them. I faked a lunge at them and they scattered like leaves on the wind.

  “Are you guys all right?” They nodded their heads, looking at me strangely. “What?” I asked.

  “We’ve never seen this side of you,” Todd spoke quietly.

  “What are you talking about? I was this ruthless with Antreas.”

  “No, you weren’t, Kat. You’ve changed.”

  “I suppose it’s because I had to. I couldn’t let them kill us and you know they would have.” I shrugged my shoulders, mostly not caring about killing vampires t
hat believed Todd needed to be taken from his position as king.

  I went into the house and found some lighter fluid under the sink cabinet. I doused the vampires, heads and all, in fluid, and lit a match.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ages later, the vampires were nothing but ashes.

  Once the ashes were scattered, we left the field, and Todd drove us home. He took it slow in the event that there were cops around. We didn’t want to call attention to ourselves, considering we were still bloody from the battle, and we had a lot of weapons in the vehicle.

  When the SUV stopped I hopped out and went inside. I went downstairs and grabbed cleaning solution for the guns and knives. I sat in the kitchen and cleaned my weapons, careless of my appearance. Trace, Todd, and Erick did the same.

  We didn’t talk the whole time we cleaned.

  I finally looked at myself, my hands and arms, and realized that I was bloody from head to toes.

  I finished cleaning the weapons and put them in their holsters and sheaths. I took them into the bathroom with me.

  I grabbed the long blade and put it on the little clip that housed my body fluff. I started the shower and cleaned off. The guys joined me but refrained from approaching me. They just wanted to get clean. They didn’t even mention my choice for a weapon, or that I had a weapon the shower with me.

  We finished our shower and went into the bedroom nude. I grabbed pajamas for all of us and tossed the guys theirs. I put mine on, still silent, and set my guns and knives on the bedside table.

  I laid down on the outside of the bed, my hands resting on my stomach. Todd laid nearest me but was still about a foot from me.

  I got out of bed, realizing that we had to have this out, and looked at them. “Are you guys afraid of me?”

  They stared at me for a long moment before nodding. “Yeah,” Todd said.

  My mouth fell open. “Why?” I asked, hurt that they would fear me.

  “After what you just did? Do we have a reason not to be?” Todd asked.


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