Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1

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Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1 Page 25

by R A Baker

  “Not that I’m unhappy about this development and all but the reason Thorn’s alive is because of you…and Todd.” I added the last when I caught Todd’s eyebrow lift. “Why aren’t you with him?”

  “He really wants to be with Beatrice right now and I’m giving him that freedom just as he’s giving me the freedom to be with you.” I looked at his downcast eyes hidden by dark lashes that just brushed his cheeks and sighed.

  “Okay. If that’s what’s going on, fine.” I finished my beer and stood up. They stood up too. I looked at them for a moment. “Why are you guys standing?”

  “We’re waiting for you.”

  What the hell did that mean? “Huh?”

  “Where were you going, Kat?” Todd asked on a breath. Oh.

  “I’m going to get ready and go to work. I haven’t been there for a long while and I thought I’d catch up. Something else I should be concerned about?” Todd shook his head. “Good. I’ll see you guys later.” I didn’t wait for a reply. I turned on my heel and walked out of the room.

  I grabbed a tailored suit and changed quickly. I grabbed the purse I used last night and stalked out of the room. My heels made hard clacking sounds on the marble and soapstone flooring. Someone appeared beside me. I twirled around and smacked him with my purse before I realized that it was Sven. “Sorry,” I mumbled.

  “That’s quite all right, Katja. You really know how to swing your purse,” he said with a chuckle.

  I rolled my eyes and smiled. “You really shouldn’t appear beside someone without giving a warning.”

  “I’ll make sure I clear my throat or something,” he said and winked at me before holding out his arm. I grimaced halfheartedly and slid my hand into the crook of his arm. He escorted me outside and into Todd’s truck.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  We arrived at the office before everyone left for the evening. Starla and I spoke quickly and then I went into my office where Sven was waiting. I sat at my desk and did paperwork. I typed on my computer for a minute and then looked up. “Aren’t you bored?” I asked Sven.

  He shook his head. “Nope. Why do you ask?”

  “I’m just filling out paperwork. You’re just sitting there. You don’t even have a Sudoku puzzle or something to read.”

  “I enjoy watching you, Katja.” I blushed. “I like it when you bite your lip in concentration. Or tap your fingernails against the desk as your writing.”

  I held up my hand. “Okay, I get it. You like watching me.” I looked around the room for a second. “I’m thoroughly embarrassed now, thanks.” I bit my lip, then returned to my work.

  >< ><

  I finished all of the paperwork for the past month and shut down my computer. I wrote out a detailed note for Starla. On the way out of the office I placed the note on her desk. Sven held his arm out for me. I took it and he walked us outside to Todd’s truck.

  I was getting into the truck when the office exploded. Sven had me in his arms in a second and across the street in the next.

  Sven pulled out his cell phone and called the fire department and cops and everyone else that needed to be there. He also placed a call to the house. “They’re on the way, Katja.” I nodded mutely. I was staring at the building, mildly shocked. Someone went to a great deal to keep the other buildings intact and only take out mine.

  The emergency vehicles came in moments. I met up with the officers and firemen. I filled out statements and talked my head off. Then it started all over when the fire marshal arrived and the lead detective. I couldn’t give them much info since all I did was work for five hours and then walk out of the building. When he asked who could have done this I just shook my head and made noises about not knowing, even when I knew it had been Cyril. I wondered why it didn’t go off while I was in the building.

  Todd, Trace, and Erick arrived a half hour later. Todd walked up to the lead detective and spoke with him for a few minutes. Trace and Erick came up to me and gave me a hug. Todd slowly walked up to me. He gave me a hug and kissed my cheek.

  We stayed there for another two hours. The lead detective gave the all clear for us to leave. I thanked him and we left. Sven and I took off in Todd’s truck, which had survived the explosion. We followed Todd and the guys to the house.

  I made the necessary phone calls to Starla and the reps, apologizing for the late hour. It was after eleven at night. I didn’t have any other building for us to work out of but luckily I had everything backed up at a secure location.

  I had installed terabyte drives in the basement of this house after I bought it. I hadn’t expected them to bomb my place of business but I had expected something outrageous to happen. I sighed as I walked into the house. I smelled like smoke and burnt building. I caught sight of myself in the hall mirror and stifled a gasp.

  I had smoke and char smeared all over my face, my hair was windblown, and as I looked at my clothes, they were filthy. I shook my head and made tracks into the bedroom. I grabbed clean jeans and a t-shirt and immediately went into the bathroom.

  I showered and brushed my teeth and then grimaced as I still smelled smoke on me. Maybe it was the filthy clothes lying on the floor but I doubted it. I dressed in the jeans and t-shirt, and walked out of the bathroom. Sven was freshly showered and sitting on the bed waiting for me. I smiled and he smiled back.

  “It was Cyril.”

  I nodded my head. “Yeah. That’s fairly obvious, Sven. I only wonder why the bomb didn’t go off while we were in the building.”

  “I have an idea on that.” I waited. “Maybe it was a timer and was meant to put fear into you.”

  I had thought about that. “If that was his idea it didn’t work. All I want to do now is kill him more. He could have killed the people who work for me. I have to find him and take him out before he does go after my employees.”

  “I won’t let that happen, Katja.”

  I just nodded and started out of the room. Sven took me into his arms and held me close. “I was frightened and I’m not used to it,” he whispered against my shoulder.

  I pulled back from him. “Frightened?”

  “Yes. I keep thinking that I could have lost you in the fire.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that. “You didn’t,” I murmured and pulled against his arms until he let me go. I stepped back from him and put my hand on his face. He leaned into my hand. “It really is okay, Sven.” He nodded but wouldn’t look at me.

  I put my other hand to his face and tried to lift his head, he wouldn’t budge. I ducked my head and looked up into his eyes. “See, I’m right here, Sven. I don’t understand your reaction.” I really didn’t. I wondered if he was in shock or something. “When was the last time you fed, Sven?”

  “It’s been a day.”

  “You should feed. You’ve been through a shock.” I was one to speak. I released his head and stepped back from him. He fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around my waist putting his head against my stomach. I petted his head and made soothing sounds. Todd walked into the room to find Sven still kneeling with his arms wrapped around my waist.

  Todd raised an eyebrow. I shrugged. What was I to say? “Sven needs to feed.”

  “He refuses?”

  I couldn’t say. He wouldn’t let go of my stomach. “I don’t know. He’s…uh.” I looked down at his head. He pulled back a second and I felt his tears cool on my t-shirt. I really wanted to gape at him but I didn’t. “Sven are you okay?” I asked in concern.

  “Yes. I am now. I’m sorry for ruining your t-shirt.”

  “Huh?” He pointed at my shirt as he stood up. I looked down. Pink stains colored the grey fabric. “Who the hell cares about a t-shirt, Sven? I sure don’t. I can always get more.” I clamped my mouth shut to keep from babbling more than I already was. “Did you want to feed?”

  “Yes. I will do that.” He turned and walked out of the room. Todd and I stared after him.

  “What was going on, Kat?”

  “I have no idea. He seemed to
be in shock. He said that he was frightened that he almost lost me. Then he hugged me and fell to his knees and then you walked in. That’s it. I have no idea what’s gotten into him.”

  “I have to agree with him. I was afraid, too. I almost lost you. I keep…” He stopped talking.

  “Todd, it’s okay, really. I’m here, right?” He nodded. “Okay, then. Just relax.” I didn’t know what to say to console them. It hadn’t fully sunk in as to my life being in danger yet, so I was really good with me being here.

  “Do you want to get a drink?” I asked. He looked at me. “Let’s go to a bar. We can get plastered and girls can hit on you,” I said, winking to soften the comment, and grabbed his hand on the way out of the room.

  Trace and Erick met us on the way to the door. “You guys wanna get a drink, too?” They nodded. “Good. Where’s Sven? He’ll probably want to go with us.” Trace and Erick shared a look. I tilted my head at them and narrowed my eyes at them. “What?”

  “He’s having some time with Thorn.”

  Ah. “Okay. We’ll see him later then. Charles is with them, right?” Trace nodded.

  We left the house without bothering Sven and took Todd’s truck. We rode in silence as I drove them to a bar. It was a small establishment but the parking lot was filled to the brim. I parked a quarter mile down the road and we walked to the bar. As we walked in, country music assaulted us. I chuckled.

  We found a small table in the back of the room. Women turned and looked at my men but kept to themselves. Todd went to the bar and ordered for us. I hoped he ordered something strong. I didn’t want to remember tonight.

  He came back with four glasses of whiskey, straight. He handed me one and then passed the rest around. He sat next to me and spoke loud enough in my ear to hear. “I was just fondled, smacked, and pinched. I really hope you like your drink.” I laughed so hard that people far enough away gave me quizzical stares.

  I gave Todd a kiss and leaned into him. “I like my drink very much but I’m going to need another.”

  He looked stricken at that fact. “Trace can get it next time. I’m not going up there again.” His eyes lit up. “Maybe you should go up there.”

  I frowned. “Why?”

  “So you can see what it’s like to be fondled, smacked, and pinched.”

  I laughed. “Okay. I’ll go up there.” I tossed back the rest of my whiskey and sauntered up to the counter. I ordered four Coronas with lime.

  I walked back to the table and passed the beer around. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I didn’t get pinched or anything. I think I feel left out.” Todd groaned. I just laughed and sat down, leaning into him for a moment.

  As we started on our beer, a man came up to us and asked, “Can I join you folks?”

  We looked at him weird. “Why?”

  “It looks like you guys are together and you know, I can get into that.”

  My mouth fell open. I closed it, then burst out laughing. “You think these guys are with li’l ole me?” He nodded. “You’re right. Sorry, but we don’t have room.”

  “I don’t take up much room.” He seemed sincere.

  I stared at him. He was a middle-aged man with almost no hair and a beer gut the size of Texas. Not that I was making any disparaging comments about not taking someone to my bed that wasn’t hot or anything but no. “Uh, thanks and all for the proposition but no.”

  He took a seat next to me without the invite and leaned near me. I slid off my seat to get away from him. If Todd hadn’t caught me, I would have slid to the dirty floor. Todd pulled me onto his lap. The man drank his beer and looked at me with desire. I flinched from him and curled tighter into Todd. Maybe this had been a bad idea. Todd kept his arm tight around me. Trace and Erick slid their chairs closer to us.

  Todd spoke slowly and deliberately at the man. “I think you should leave.” I could hear the threat slide out of Todd’s mouth but the guy seemed oblivious.

  We drank our beer with the guy leering at us. I was beyond uncomfortable. He hadn’t done anything more than look at us and sit at our table but the way he looked at us, it was weird.

  “Do you guys wanna get a room or something?” I felt Todd tense. I stared gaped-mouth at the man.

  I slid out from Todd’s lap and stood up. I towered over him, which was hard since I was five-five and his head came to the middle of my stomach sitting down. “Why would you ask that? Didn’t we just say no?”

  “Yeah, but I figured you’d relax some with alcohol in you.” He continued to leer at my men and drink his beer. I grimaced at him.

  A waitress came up to our table and said, “Leave the young’uns alone. You’re making an idiot out of yourself, Sal.”

  “You have no idea what a bounty it is to see four young people looking so fine walk into this bar.” His eyes got a glassy look in them. I think he was trying for seductive but failed miserably.

  I backed away from him and, though I hid behind Todd and Erick, I stayed standing. “I think we should leave, guys.” They nodded. I tipped the waitress and we left.

  The leering man, Sal, ran out of the bar. He waved his hands and said, “Wait, you’re leaving without me.” I was surprised that he could run that fast. He looked like a heart attack waiting to happen. Trace, Erick, and Todd stepped in front of me. Todd was slightly out front and the other two flanked me, protecting me.

  I was afraid we’d have to take the man out and I didn’t want that. It was one thing if he was a vampire then I’d have no problem taking him out but he seemed like a normal man. “Go back inside, Sal,” Todd said.

  “Hey, you know my name.”

  “The waitress said your name,” I said.

  “Is that you, bitty girl?” I groaned. I shouldn’t have said anything.

  “Turn around and go inside. We don’t want any trouble,” Todd repeated.

  “Hey, I’m not lookin’ for trouble. I just wanna get some and you guys seem to be freewheelin’ if you know what I mean.” I shuddered at the thought. I heard the man crunch closer. The ground was rock and shale or something that crunched. I looked behind me. I was getting paranoid. No one was sneaking up behind us. I sighed in relief.

  “If you don’t leave now, I’m going to call the police.” Todd’s voice held the threat of earlier but the man still remained oblivious.

  I heaved a sigh and walked around Trace. I looked at the man. “You say you wanna get some. Some, what?”

  “Sex, bitty girl.” He looked at me like I was a bit dim.

  “Do you always proposition people you don’t know?” I asked.

  “Nope. This is the first time, bitty girl.”

  “Then you don’t know if we’ll fuck you and then gut you like a pig.” I said, putting menace into my voice.

  He stepped back and looked at me in surprise. “You wouldn’t do that. I’ve seen your pictures in the news. You’re such a nice girl.”

  “Looks can be very deceiving.” I grinned at him, showing a lot of teeth. I let a small growl slip from my lips. He looked startled. “You shouldn’t ask people you don’t know to have sex with you.” I put my hand in my pocket and came out with a knife. It was a small blade but a blade is a blade. I held it loosely down at my side and made sure it caught the street lamp just so. “Go back inside, Sal.” He nodded and hightailed it back into the bar.

  We loaded into the truck and drove around for a while, taking unexpected turns to see if we had a tail. “That sure was some act, Kat,” Todd said with some admiration.

  I smiled and tried to contain the laugh that was building in my throat. I swallowed and said, “Men tend to think a small woman can’t be fearsome. I just showed him how wrong he was.”

  “That’s my girl,” Todd said and pulled my hand to his lips.

  Trace and Erick each gave me a kiss and then settled back in their seats. “Where’d you get the knife?”

  “I have them hidden all over. I don’t go outside unarmed any longer. Been there, done that.” I shuddered at the tho
ughts that welled in my head.

  Erick leaned up to me and said, “You were fearsome.” I turned and frowned at him. “You’re such a petite woman.” As if that explained everything.

  “Okay. First, I’m not petite. I’m average height for a woman and second, I’ve killed a bunch of vampires before. I just used that to my advantage. Besides, I didn’t want you guys to get in trouble for taking out a man like Sal.”

  We rode in silence for a while longer and then headed home. No one had followed us. I wasn’t tired and the alcohol had worn off. Todd parked under the portico and we walked into the house. The lights were out and the house was quiet.

  We walked into the bedroom and found Sven lying in bed. He sat up when I flipped the light on. “You guys were gone a long while.”

  “Yeah.” I stifled a laugh at why. At the time it had worried me but now I could laugh about Sal’s stupidity. I sat on the edge of the bed but my men stayed standing. They looked at me. “What?”

  “Are you okay, Kat?” Todd asked with concern.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked confused at his concern.

  “You were just propositioned and had to defend us. Before that, you’re building was blown to bits.”

  “Of course I’m fine.” What a silly statement.

  Sven whispered against my ear, “You’re shaking.”

  I stood up so fast and crashed into Trace in my haste to get away from him. “Sven.” I stopped, staying upright with Trace’s hand on my arm. “You scared the crap out of me. I asked you not to do that.” I jerked my arm from Trace’s grip and backed away from them. I couldn’t tell you why I was backing away from them, I just was. It was like instinct had taken over and I couldn’t control it.

  “I’m fine, guys. Just…relax or something.” I felt trapped all of a sudden. I didn’t know if it was the looks they were giving me or not. Something crashed into the window. I spun around and found nothing. “What the hell was that?” I breathed through my racing heart. My men were around me in seconds when we saw a moon face appear outside the window. I gasped as I recognized the face. It was Sal. Oh, God. He was like a… I let the thought go. How did he find us?


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