Haunted Ever After

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Haunted Ever After Page 15

by Juliet Madison

  Dr Ty’s prescription for Sexy Sally ~ 30 minutes of moderate laughter in the company of the nearest available man.

  And he’d drawn an arrow pointing towards him.

  A wide smile healed my despair and I stuck the post-it to his forehead. ‘Nearest available man, huh?’

  He shrugged.

  ‘And just how does Doctor Ty expect me to laugh for half an hour in a situation like this?’

  ‘I could tickle you.’

  I covered my arms over my chest. ‘You wouldn’t.’

  ‘But I could.’

  ‘But you won’t.’

  ‘But I will.’ He reached towards me quickly and tickled my ribs, and I wriggled and laughed as I tried to get away.

  ‘Stop, stop!’ I laughed, trying to tickle him back but trying to cover my ticklish spots at the same time.

  He gave me a reprieve. ‘See? Laughter comes easy when Doctor Ty prescribes it.’

  ‘But you can’t exactly tickle me for half an hour.’

  ‘I could, but I won’t. I have a back-up plan.’ He stood and studied the collection of DVD’s on a shelf next to the TV. ‘Do you have a favourite sitcom?’ he asked.

  ‘Oh, um, let me think…’

  ‘I have a large selection. Cody is addicted to them, watches one every night.’

  ‘Do you have Friends?’

  He looked at me like I was an idiot. ‘Do I have Friends? It’s only the best sitcom ever made. That and Seinfeld. I have the whole series.’ He pulled out a DVD. ‘Any episode requests?’

  ‘Surprise me.’

  ‘Random episode coming up.’ He withdrew a disc and slotted it into the player, and the familiar theme song lifted my spirits and brought back memories of watching this with the girls when we were younger. ‘How about that hot drink now?’

  ‘Actually, that would be nice. Thank you.’

  ‘Tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate?’

  ‘I think this situation calls for a comforting hot chocolate.’

  ‘As you wish.’ He winked and flicked the kettle switch, and a couple of minutes later handed me a steaming mug and plonked some cookies on the coffee table. I munched and drank, and decided to forget about Greg, if only for the next twenty minutes.

  ‘Oh, is this the one where Ross gets those leather pants?’ I asked.

  ‘Yep. I love this one!’

  A smile stayed put on my lips in anticipation, and when the scene came where Ross tried unsuccessfully to get his tight pants back on by using talcum powder, I had to put my mug down for fear of spilling my hot chocolate from laughter.

  I thought this weekend had been embarrassing, at least I didn’t have a leather pants incident,’ I said.

  ‘Lucky. They are tricky things, those leather pants.’

  I glanced his way. ‘And you know this from personal experience?’

  He nodded. ‘When I first started stripping I got a pair, and my practice run went okay, but I made the mistake of getting them washed before wearing them to a job. They seemed to have gotten a little tighter, and let’s just say the strip was more like a sumo wrestling match than a smooth and sexy display of clothing removal.’

  I laughed. ‘I might have to call you Ross from now on.’

  ‘Gee, thanks.’

  ‘It’s a compliment. Ross attracts the embarrassing situations, but he’s a sweet guy.’ I bit off a chunk of cookie. ‘Oh, and he gets the girl in the end.’

  It was only after I’d spoken that I realised what I’d said, and hoped he didn’t think it related to us or anything. I didn’t mean it that way, and my brain couldn’t even comprehend the idea of eventually being with someone else. But a strange feeling arose in my mind, a realisation that I never would have considered had tonight not happened: that there may be someone in this world who’s more perfect for me than I ever thought Greg could be.

  * * *

  When my episode of prescribed laughter concluded, I stood and took my mug to the sink. ‘If Cody’s going to be up early I better let you finally get some sleep,’ I said, noticing it was after midnight.

  ‘Ah, it’s no problem, and I don’t have to work again till Tuesday so I can have an easy Sunday.’

  ‘You get Mondays off from your disability work?’

  ‘Every second Monday. On those days Cody goes to a respite centre. Gives him a break from me as much as it gives me a break from him!’

  ‘He’s really lucky to have you, have I mentioned that before?’

  ‘Thanks.’ Ty interrupted my attempt to wash the mugs and plate with a touch of his hand. ‘And you’re pretty lucky to have those friends of yours back there.’ He tilted his head in the direction of the guest house.

  ‘Very lucky. I’m going to need them more than ever in the coming days.’

  He gave a knowing nod. ‘And if you ever need a Friends marathon, or a reminder of how awesome my hot chocolate making skills are, you know how to reach me.’

  I smiled. ‘That’s good to know.’

  I went back to the coffee table and picked up my phone, and my eyes caught sight of the screensaver. Greg and I at our engagement party. All smiles, sparkling eyes, a lifetime of happiness ahead of us. Or so I thought. How did we end up here? What made him forget his promise to me and see another woman behind my back? Or had he been seeing other women all along and I, with my tendency to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, remained oblivious to the whole thing. Red had said he left her for me. Now I knew how she’d felt. I could understand why she had subjected me to a few challenging situations this weekend, and actually couldn’t believe she hadn’t treated me worse. But I, like her, had not been privy to Greg’s infidelity until later. She knew it hadn’t been my fault, and I knew it wasn’t that woman Katy’s fault. Though surely she knew Greg was engaged and that didn’t seem to stop her throwing herself at him.

  ‘You okay?’ Ty sidled up next to me, and noticed the photo. ‘Oh.’

  I went to my phone settings and erased the screensaver, replacing it with a photo of me with Lorena, Mel, and Georgie. They would never let me down.

  ‘Nice.’ Ty smiled.

  I tucked the phone in my back pocket and glanced around for my bag but realised I’d left it and the keys in the car. But I doubted anyone would steal it, there wasn’t a soul around this sleepy town at night, except for Red, though I had no idea where she was. I was reminded of the fact that Ty said he’d seen a woman in pyjamas, and I considered asking him about her, or even telling him about her, but bit my tongue. I’d shared enough with him tonight. It was time to go back, get into bed, and cry myself to sleep.

  ‘It’ll get easier.’ Ty said, as though sensing the return of my sadness. ‘Give it time.’ He rubbed my arm again.

  ‘I took hold of his hand and squeezed it. ‘Thank you. You made an unbearable night bearable. Fun even. I don’t quite know how you did that, but thank you.’

  ‘Never underestimate the power of a good tickle and an episode of Friends.’ He smiled. ‘Take care,’ he said, pulling me into a hug.

  His big, strong arms enveloped me and I closed my eyes as my chin rested against his right shoulder. I went to pull away after the socially appropriate duration but something stopped me. He didn’t pull away either. He stood there, embracing me, and instead of relaxing into it my body tensed slightly. My heart rate rose, and the touch of his hands splayed against my back sent an exhilarating sensation shooting through my body. I eased back a little, my eyes slowly gazing upwards to his. He didn’t look away, and he didn’t remove his arms from around my back. All I felt in that moment was need. Pure, unadulterated need. I recognised the same in his eyes, and before logic and reasoning could pull me back to reality, he moved his face closer and pressed his lips gently to mine. Soft, warm, luscious lips, slowly testing mine, as though he was scared to give in to the full spectrum of desire simmering between us both. My lips told him it was okay, that I wanted him to kiss me, that right now I didn’t care what was right or wrong or dangerous, I just wanted his lips, his body,
close to mine. His pressure and intensity increased, and his hands moved across my back leaving a trail of blissful warmth in their wake. I had never felt so wonderful, so comforted, so…right. But when my desire for him grew so much it scared me, it felt wrong. I pulled away.


  He let me go and rubbed the back of his neck. ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘No, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s got into me. I shouldn’t be leading you on like this.’

  ‘Let’s forget it ever happened,’ he said, standing awkwardly in front of me and avoiding my eye contact.

  ‘Probably for the best.’ I moved towards the front door. ‘I’ll, ah, see you around, maybe.’

  ‘Yeah.’ He stayed in the same spot, as if he was scared that if he came closer he might not be able to control himself.

  I opened the door, my cheeks burning, my heart aching. But my foot wouldn’t step on the porch. In my mind I saw Greg and Katy, tongues down each other’s throat and hands all over each other, and a surge of anger and entitlement made my blood boil. I spun around, and a look of surprise graced Ty’s face.

  I locked eyes with him and confidence straightened my spine. ‘If Greg can get it on with someone else then I bloody well can too.’ Flames of desire ignited within as I launched myself at Ty. I grasped the sides of his face and pulled him close, planting my lips on his with a fierce urgency.

  He didn’t complain. He engulfed me with his arms, his mouth, his energy…his body heating mine on contact. Our passionate, desperate kiss was all encompassing; every nerve in my body buzzed with life. It was utterly electrifying.

  We moved backwards and fell onto the couch. He eased back and caressed the loose strands of hair that had come out of my ponytail, as though he was sculpting a work of art. His hands twirled them while his eyes looked longingly, and with panting breath he lowered onto me and kissed me with as much intensity as before. It had never been like this with Greg. It had never been like this with anyone. I couldn’t believe how much desire coursed through my body for him right now. Where had all this come from? Had I been suppressing my attraction to him out of obligation to Greg, and now that I had no obligation to a cheating fool, it had all come out into the open? I didn’t have time to think any further, my hormones took over. I ripped off his shirt and grabbed at his back, revelling in the rewarding pressure of his hard muscles under my hands. As we rolled over I brought my hands to his chest, and they ran across his skin eagerly, appreciating the toned curves of his pecs. His body was absolute heaven. I couldn’t get enough, didn’t want this to stop.

  Ty removed his lips from mine, and panting, looked me in the eyes. ‘Sally,’ he breathed.


  ‘I think we should stop.’

  My heart plummeted as though I’d been climbing a ladder of ecstasy and it had been taken from under me. I was falling, dropping into the unknown, as Ty manoeuvred to a sitting position and put his shirt back on.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, his face red and flustered.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ I asked, suddenly self-conscious.

  ‘I liked you from the first moment I laid eyes on you, from when you knelt down to look at my foot after running over it.’ He gave a brief smile. ‘But I don’t think this is a good idea. I don’t want to take advantage of you, you deserve better than that.’

  ‘But Ty, it’s okay. I know what I’m doing.’ I touched his shoulder with reassurance.

  He grasped it with his hand and squeezed it.

  ‘I want nothing more than to be with you, to stay here with you, but I can’t. It’s not right.’

  I swallowed a lump that had formed. Deep down I knew he was right. But I didn’t want to admit it.

  ‘A couple of hours ago you were engaged. You were preparing to marry someone else. I don’t want to be a rebound fling. Don’t want you to have more fallout to deal with.’

  I nodded.

  ‘Will you be okay?’ he asked, his eyes gazing at mine.

  I nodded again.

  He ran his finger down my cheek. ‘You’re a special woman. You’re not like others I’ve met.’

  ‘I hope that’s a compliment,’ I said with a small smile.

  ‘It is. A big, fat, juicy compliment.’ He smiled and kissed my forehead, then took both my hands in his. ‘Sally, if something were to happen between us, I’d want it to be at the right time, when you’ve dealt with what’s happened, and in the right place, not here with my brother in the next room.’

  ‘I know,’ I replied. ‘Thank you, for being so respectful.’

  ‘Believe me, it took all my willpower to pull away, but remember what I said before? The mind can always win over the body. The mind gets final say. There is always a choice.’

  ‘You’re stronger than me.’

  ‘You’re stronger than you think you are.’ He squeezed my hands.

  I stood and checked my phone was still in my pocket, and he followed me to the door.

  ‘Now go get some sleep, and let your friends be there for you tomorrow. Do what you need to do to handle what’s happened, and sort out the next step. I’m only ever a phone call away.’

  ‘Thanks, Ty.’ I went to kiss him on the cheek but hugged him, afraid if I felt his skin against my lips I’d be too weak to resist continuing where we left off. ‘Sorry for all the drama. And I hope I didn’t run over any exotic plants,’ I said, gesturing to where the car was parked haphazardly on the lawn.

  ‘Women and parking, huh?’ he said with a sarcastic grin.

  I smiled and slapped him gently on the arm. ‘Let’s hope I’m better at pulling off a three-point-turn,’ I replied.

  ‘I’ll help you,’ he said, walking out with me, and little did he know how much he already had.


  ‘Where have you been?’ Lorena emerged from her bedroom with her eye mask pushed onto her forehead, breathing strip over her nose, and knee pillow velcroed between her legs. But no earplugs. She’d obviously been waiting for the sound of the car so she could wake when I returned.

  ‘Oh, Lorena, I’m so sorry, I didn’t want you to wake up. Are the others asleep?’

  ‘Yes, they went off once I showed them your text that you were okay. Where did you go?’

  ‘I had to deal with…a Greg issue, that’s all. Something important.’

  ‘You drove all the way to the golf resort?’

  ‘Not exactly. Anyway, I’m sorry I went MIA, I’ll explain everything tomorrow. Right now, you and your beautiful girl need your sleep, and I’m exhausted too. Let’s chat tomorrow, yeah?’ I leaned in for a goodnight hug.

  ‘Okay, but you’re sure? Everything alright?’

  I gulped. ‘Everything’s alright. See you in the morning.’

  I only said that so she’d be able to sleep. If I said anything was wrong she’d either force me to tell her and we’d be up all night, or she’d be up all night wondering what it was. I didn’t want her health to be impacted by my problems.

  I tiptoed up the stairs and hoped Red had paid attention to my wishes and gone away. I wanted to be alone. And sadly, when I opened the door and the room was empty, alone was what I now felt. Very, very alone.

  * * *

  The next morning I got up early and made myself breakfast. Sleep had evaded me most of the night, and I wanted to fill my stomach before the inevitable ‘talk’ with my friends. I went out the back door and walked around the garden with a cup of coffee, my dressing gown pulled tight around my waist, the sun shining brightly in patches through the trees. Around the country there would no doubt be couples waking up together, reading the Sunday papers in bed with hot buttered toast and fresh orange juice, or toddlers bouncing on the bed and rearing to go for a fun-filled family day. I wondered if there was someone out there like me, someone who’d just discovered their lover was loving someone else. I knew I needed to confront Greg, but not until I’d talked it over with the girls.

  ‘There you are, disappearing again?’

  I tur
ned around as Lorena stepped outside, hugging her dressing gown close to her body.

  ‘Just enjoying the peace and quiet of a Sunday morning.’ I smiled.

  ‘Without us chatterboxes to spoil it for you, huh?’ She winked.

  ‘You could never spoil anything,’ I said, placing my mug on the outdoor table setting, sliding my arm around her waist. Unlike Greg. He’d spoiled everything. Not only our relationship, but my friends’ time and money for this weekend away, and eight months of planning for this big family wedding. Should I tell the guests that he had an affair and that was why the wedding was cancelled? Or should I spare him the humiliation and just say it was cancelled, and that was it? How does one go about cancelling a wedding? Where to start?

  ‘I have a feeling you’ve got a lot on your mind,’ Lorena said, taking a seat at the table setting.

  ‘I do, actually.’

  ‘Hey, don’t like my cooking anymore?’ Georgie asked as she brought out a tray of croissants. ‘I see you had some toast already.’

  ‘Yes, but maybe I can fit one of these in too.’ I picked up a croissant and took a bite.

  ‘Atta girl.’ Georgie placed the tray down, and once Mel had woken somewhat we all sat at the table drinking coffee and tea and eating croissants. I told them I wasn’t saying anything about last night until they’d all eaten.

  ‘I guess I need to explain myself,’ I said, once they had.

  ‘Um, yes.’ Lorena turned to face me.

  ‘First of all, I’m sorry about taking the car. I’ll pay for petrol on the way home tomorrow.’

  ‘Don’t worry about that, just tell us what’s going on.’

  ‘Okay.’ I took a deep breath, and trying to keep it together, relayed the events of last night. Minus the making out with Ty bit. And the ghost bit. And the nearly writing off Lorena’s car bit.

  ‘Oh. My. God.’ Lorena’s jaw dropped open. ‘That total, utter bastard. How dare he!’

  Georgie stood, her hand running through her hair and her body alert and ready for attack. Mel came around to my side of the table and wrapped an arm around me.


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