Sidearms and Silk (A Nash Mystery Book 1)

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Sidearms and Silk (A Nash Mystery Book 1) Page 25

by Vella Day

  Dax jerked the gear into reverse, backed up, and waited for another pump to free up. Once he finished, he opened his wallet to put back his credit card, and the photo of his fiancée smiled up at him. This time the familiar rush of seeing her face didn’t materialize. While Laura had been a pretty woman, she’d never been as warm as Jessie. Sure, Laura and he enjoyed each other, but Jessie and he were soul mates on a molecular level. She understood him like no one else ever had.

  He fingered the photo, regretting he’d never taken even one picture of Jessie.


  A small smile lifted his lips. Never once had she made fun of his limp or for him not having a real job as his brother David would say. Hell, Jessie didn’t even mock him when she’d learned of his panic attacks. Dax shook his head. When he had been with Laura, his hormones had ruled him, not love. After meeting Jessie, he finally understood what a true relationship could be like.

  I love her. Plain and simple.

  Yet, here he was, about to return to Baltimore to be surrounded by people he never spoke to. Hell, he barely knew the man who lived next door to him. That wasn’t any way to live. Odd as it sounded, he knew more people in Kerry than he did in his own town where he’d lived in for so many years.

  Go back to her. If she shoots you down at least you tried.

  Decision made. Dax charged out of the station and headed back the way he came, hoping he wasn’t going to make a fool of himself. Happy he was letting his heart be his guide, he studied his surroundings. As he neared Kerry, the leaves appeared greener, the houses neater, and the sky brighter. The ride back grew prettier and prettier the closer he came to Kerry—pretty, just like Jessie.

  With no clouds to block the sun, Dax rolled down his windows and turned on the truck’s heater. He wanted to feel the air on his face, smell the freshness of the air, and enjoy the fact he was alive.

  As he approached the town, he pulled over before he crossed the bridge to Kerry and stepped out. He looked down at the town like he had before. For some reason, the one road in and one road out didn’t bother him anymore. This time, the glistening water spoke of welcome and not of some dark evil. He knew what he had to do, and if Jessie said no, he’d stay until she changed her mind.

  Dax Mitchell wasn’t going to let the best thing in his life get away from him.

  * * *

  Jessie was tired and hungry. She leaned back in the office chair, pleased Brian wasn’t the bad man she thought after all. She would have felt guilty if she’d had a hand in putting him away for a few years if he had been innocent.

  Even better news, Lena hadn’t gone to pieces when she’d learned about Seth’s injury. In fact, she too seemed pleased that he got what he deserved. But perhaps the most astonishing news was that Roberta had come back safe and sound. Nana was going to be the happiest woman alive when she learned of her friend’s adventure.

  Frank must have noticed Roberta for the first time because he offered to escort her home, and knowing him, he’d probably ask her out to dinner. Frank might not be an alien, but she bet he’d give Roberta some much-needed attention. Somehow, Roberta would have to figure out a way to let Doc down and not hurt his feelings.

  Jessie closed her eyes and sighed. The circle had closed on so many issues. The only hole left open was for Mayor Kreplick to stop by and drop the bomb that she could kiss her job goodbye.

  Hell, maybe it would be a good thing if they kicked her out of town. If Nana were willing, perhaps they’d sell the house and move to New Mexico. She hadn’t seen her cousin in years, but Sky always said they were looking for more officers.

  On the other hand, Jessie could go to Baltimore and look up Dax, or had finding Sadie been just another job to him? Sure, when he was trapped in the mine and thought they would die, he treated her like no other man ever had, but if he’d really cared, he wouldn’t have left.

  She hated self-pity, but right now she wasn’t in the mood for anything else. She’d wallow in sorrow for a while, then pick herself up, dust herself off, and go on as if none of this nastiness had ever happened. It was how the Nash women handled life.

  The door creaked open, and she sagged against her seat. Here comes the brush off from the mayor. Jessie swiveled around to face the next tragedy in Kerry.

  “Hello,” said the sexiest man alive.

  “D-Dax! What are you doing here?” Jessie shot up out of her chair and pressed her hands down her skirt then tried to detangle her hair, but adrenaline, lust, and excitement, ripped the air from her lungs.

  He walked toward her with a gleam in his eye. “I want you to come with me.” He held out his hand.


  He let out a loud breath. “Jessie, trust me. Okay?”

  “I want to but I can’t leave.”

  The door opened again and Frank strolled in. “Heard you needed some coverage.”

  Dax glanced back and nodded. Wasn’t he the sly old dog? “Okay then,” she said with a smile.

  “Better bring your coat,” Dax said. “There’s a chill in the air.”

  She nabbed her purse too, just in case. In case of what, she didn’t know, but she wanted to be prepared. Holding hands, they crossed the street and headed south, which meant they weren’t going to the diner. His truck was parked in front, so they probably weren’t going far. Jessie couldn’t fathom what he was up to, but as long as that something involved Dax, she was willing.

  Peter Lucas stepped out of the bank, waved, and walked down the street. She expected him to rush over and rant about how the town had suffered so much because of her incompetence, but instead he smiled and strolled on. After all, Kerry had lost electricity for several hours because she’d pissed off Amanda, and no telling if Mr. Catchman would sue once he found out his precious mine had been ruined.

  Cars dashed down the street, people honked, and the fresh smell of fall filled the air. Dax kept looking down at her and smiling, and she wanted to ask him what was going on, but then decided to let him take the lead.

  When he turned into the Kerry Hotel, she halted. “Are you crazy? I can’t just waltz into the hotel with you?”

  “Why not?”

  “How would that look to the good citizens of Kerry if I spent an afternoon in a room with a man?”

  He had the gall to laugh. “I think they’d clap. I’m sure most of the town is waiting to see that in-control veneer of yours crack. Come on, Jessie. Lighten up. It’s the twenty-first century, not the eighteen hundreds.”

  She looked around. The clerk at the front desk was on the phone not paying her any mind, and two city councilmen were having a drink in the front parlor seemingly unaware they’d even come in. Aw hell. Life was too short, as Sadie always said. “Lead the way.”

  “Yes.” Dax practically raced toward the elevator.

  When he pushed the button several times, she had to laugh. “It doesn’t come any faster if you press it more than once.”

  “I know, but I don’t want you to change your mind.”

  “Me change my mind? Why would I do that? You haven’t told me what you have planned.” Well, okay, she could guess—Dax, bed, sex, wow.

  The elevator doors opened and she and Dax stepped in. She almost expected him to kiss her in the confined space until she remembered he probably wasn’t comfortable in the three-foot by four-foot box.

  As soon as they reached his floor, he rushed out and led her down the corridor where the soft carpet cushioned her tired feet. Dax stopped at room 304, swiped the keycard, and twisted the handle.

  When Jessie stepped in, her heart almost stopped.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “You like it?” Dax held his breath.

  “Like it? Are you kidding? It’s incredible. What woman wouldn’t love a room lined with candles and a bed sprinkled with rose petals? It’s dark, yet light at the same time. Cozy, comforting, wonderful. When did you have time to do this?”

  “I called the hotel. The concierge has many talents.”

“I never knew.”

  He smiled. “One of the reasons I wanted to hurry was that I didn’t want to burn down the hotel. They’d fire you for sure.”

  She huffed out a laugh. “I don’t know what to say.”

  He turned Jessie around to face him, loving her vulnerability, her strength, and her honesty. She was everything he wanted in a woman. She might act tough, but inside she was marshmallow soft. He dragged a thumb across her lips, and her dreamy eyes almost melted him to the spot. “You don’t have to say anything.”

  “Dax, I’m not sure about this.” She swept a hand at the bed and candles.

  A rush of anxiety nearly crushed him. “What about this aren’t you sure?”

  “I mean. Once we make love, what will happen to us?”

  Jumping out of a plane couldn’t match the rush he got from that one word—us.

  He drew her face to him and lightly kissed her supple, sexy lips. “What will happen? I’m no fortune-teller, but I can take a guess. First, we’ll buy a house of our own then we’ll populate it with about a dozen kids. Who knows what will happen after that.” He edged her against the bed.

  Her expression slowly changed from concern to joy. “You want to stay here, with me?”

  He laughed. “I want to more than stay with you. I want to marry you, make love to you every day of our lives, and share all the wonders of the world with you.”

  “Marry me?”

  “Yes, but you’ll need to wait for a ring.”

  “But what will you do for a living?” She didn’t care about the ring—at least not yet.

  He dragged a finger down her forehead then tapped her on the nose. “Do you have to be so practical all the time?”

  She bit her lower lip and his dick shot to attention. He pressed on her shoulder, forcing her to sit and then slid next to her. He gathered her in his arms and loved how her body molded against his.

  Jessie glanced down and fumbled with his jacket. “I guess not, but how are we ever going to buy a house without money?” she asked, worry lines creasing her forehead.

  He released his hold for a moment, slipped off her jacket then tugged off his own. “I guess I could get a job or I can always commute to Baltimore if I have to,” he said.

  “But then I’d miss you too much.”

  “Is that so?” Joy shot through every part of him. He took off her pretty sweater, trying not to rush, and then leaned her back onto the petals, her perky breasts begging to be suckled and caressed. “I’ve never touched the life insurance money from when my father died. It’s been building interest for close to thirty years. It’s more than enough to buy a mansion for our dozen kids.”

  “I wouldn’t want you to do that.”

  “Then maybe you’d let me work with you, huh? Be your deputy?”

  She grabbed his arms. “Really? You’d work for me? Do as I say?”

  He laughed. “I’d be willing to work for you. Let’s not get carried away with the doing-what-you-say part.”

  “Hmm. I guess I could ask the town council what they think.”

  Dax unhooked her bra and lowered the straps over her shoulders. “You have the most beautiful tits.” He dipped his head and licked her brown nipples, first the right one and then the left, and her moans made his balls draw up tight. “You know, you never answered me about whether you’d be willing to marry me,” he murmured trying not to pressure her.

  “I never answered?” She rolled out of his grasp, stretched onto her side, and faced him. She ran a hand from his Adam’s apple across his abs and straight to the bulge in his pants.

  “No, you haven’t, but I’m willing to wait for as long as you need.”

  “I thought it would be more fun to show you my answer instead.”

  He did a mental fist pump. “I like that idea.”

  “Don’t move.”

  Dax wasn’t sure he could handle her hands all over his body and not taste her, touch her, and love her. Jessie sat up, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled them down over his knees. He swore she purposely let her knuckles rub against his cock just to torment him even more. Her warm hands then slid down his thigh almost causing him to prematurely go off—something he wanted to avoid at all cost. She then struggled to take off his boots.

  “Let me help.” Dax jerked off his footwear then discarded his jeans and briefs. All that was left was his shirt. “You want to do the honors?” He must be a masochist because delaying their lovemaking was killing him.

  Jessie dragged her palms under his shirt, setting his skin on fire, and slowly lifted the material over his head. As soon as she tossed it aside, she smiled. “I love your chest and your abs.” Her gaze lowered.


  She grabbed his dick. “This looks like something I might like to test drive.”

  “I’ll be driving it into you in a moment. Now it’s my turn to divest you of your clothes.”

  He tugged off her shoes and socks then pulled down her skirt. His pulse soared as he imagined plunging into her. The only thing preventing that from happening was her pretty lace panties. He ran a finger along the edge and inhaled deeply, enjoying her feminine scent.

  “I love you, Jessie Nash.” Dax held his breath waiting for her to answer, but all she did was smile. He slid on top of her, taking most of his weight on his elbows.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” she panted.

  That wasn’t the answer he was looking for, but he was a patient man.

  “I want to take my time and enjoy every inch of your body.” He kissed her neck and worked his way up to her lips.

  She grabbed his head and drew him closer. “I’ve wanted to make love with you since that moment in the mine. I’m more than ready now.” She shook her head. “Who am I kidding? I’ve wanted you for a lot longer than that.”

  He hoped that meant she loved him. “Let’s get you out of those panties then.”

  Jessie wiggled out of them before he had a chance to take them off. She reached between them and grabbed his raging hard-on. Dear God how his woman could drive him wild.

  “Get on your back,” she commanded.

  The last time he let her suck on his cock, he was barely able to hold on. “I thought you were ready.”

  “I’m more than ready.” Jessie pressed on his chest, a determined look on her face.

  Heaven help him. On her knees, Jessie drew him deep into her mouth, and he nearly came off the bed. He fisted her hair with one hand, reached around to the side with the other, and cupped her breast. He rubbed his thumb across her distended nipple, loving how the tips hardened under his caress.

  Her pumping motion increased to the point where he was about to explode. He grabbed her wrist and flipped her over. “My turn.”

  * * *

  “Hurry,” she said.

  “Not on your life.” Damn man had the audacity to smile.

  Jessie grabbed the sheets as Dax slid between her legs, reached up, and twirled a nipple, sending sparks of need straight to her core. She’d fantasized about doing this all last night, but her imagination didn’t come close to the reality.

  With his other hand, he threaded his fingers through her curls and opened her folds wide. The first touch had her reeling. Electric pulses skittered over her belly, igniting her deep inside. She planted her feet on the bed and scooted closer, wanting more of his mouth, more of him. “I love you, Dax Mitchell,” she whispered.

  While she couldn’t see him smile, his response was to flick his tongue over her sensitive bud until heat swamped her. Releasing the sheet, she clawed his shoulders, and then lifted her hips. Each swipe sent her closer to that climactic edge as chaos swirled inside her.

  When he slipped his fingers into her, she fought not to come. This first time, she wanted it to be special in finding their total bliss together. She wiggled her butt, loving the soft, velvet rose petals caressing her skin. “I need you.”

  Dax lifted up and grinned. “Do you want me to use a condom?”

  “I’m on the p
ill.” Though she could see stopping that in the future. “I need you now.”

  Instead of impaling her, he dragged his tongue up her belly, leaving goose bumps in its wake. She reached between them and tugged, trying to line up their bodies, but he ignored her.

  “Let me love you the only way I know how.”

  His sensuous words caused a torrent of ecstasy to shoot through her. “Oh, yes.”

  Dax settled over her and kissed her deeply, his tongue making love to her mouth. When he opened her thighs with his knees, she couldn’t get enough oxygen into her lungs. Overwhelmed with desire, passion, and love, she wrapped her arms around his waist and lifted up to meet him. She clutched his corded muscles and pressed her chest to his.

  The moment his cock entered her, the world seemed to stop rotating. He forged into her, stretching her inner walls to the max, each inch taking her closer to that perfect moment. Their lips met again, but this time, his kisses were butterfly soft. She nipped at his and their breaths mingled.

  “I need you, Jess, forever.”

  With that, he drove into her again, and her heart and body shattered. Each piece connected with him on the most elemental level. It was if they were one. They held on tight and loved each other hard. Each time he thrust into her, she soared higher and higher. He palmed her face and kissed her with such passion, her love bloomed even more. When he drove in to the hilt, Jessie could no longer hold on. Waves of ecstasy washed over her as her climax took hold.

  Dax lifted his head and grunted as his seed spilled into her. He then rolled them over. Too tired to move, she lay on top of him, never happier in her life.

  Once she regained some energy, she lifted her head. “The answer to your question is yes. I will marry you. I love you more than you can know.”

  * * *

  “Come on, Jess. It’s time to get ready for the funeral.” Dax lowered his feet from on top of Clinton’s desk. He looked ready to take over the job already. Frank was by the cells, chatting with the prisoners.


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