Impersonation: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron Book 5)

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Impersonation: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron Book 5) Page 9

by Sarah Noffke

  “Or he threatened them,” Julianna added.

  “And we all know that without anyone to speak for your reputation it’s impossible to get a credible job inside or outside the Federation,” Jack stated.

  Eddie chuckled. “I can’t imagine this Liesel woman trying to get a job with the Federation after working for Felix.”

  “She did stand up to him,” Julianna argued.

  “Eddie’s right though,” Jack began. “Liesel was ruined. She wasn’t going to be applying with the Federation or any other venture.”

  “Then what makes you think we can get her to set foot back on this ship?” Julianna asked. “This is the very place her ruin began. She probably hates it.”

  A sneaky grin flicked across Jack’s mouth. “I have to say, transitioning from ArchAngel to Ricky Bobby has taken some getting used to. However, as a spymaster I very much appreciate working with someone who is a research expert.”

  Julianna observed that Jack didn’t appear as quietly melancholy as he had at their last meeting. He still didn’t have the same pep in his step, but a bit of the old Jack seemed to have resurfaced. “Do you mean Ricky Bobby helped you?” she asked.

  Jack nodded triumphantly. “I asked him to assist me in finding anything we could use to leverage Liesel ’s assistance.”

  “And I’m guessing that the detective didn’t disappoint,” Eddie spouted.

  “I reviewed video logs that Liesel had recorded about ship projects,” Ricky Bobby began. “I found that in all the logs, in the background or sometimes on her person, there was a ferret.”

  “‘Ferret?’ Is that like a cat?” Eddie asked.

  Jack’s eyes sparkled as he laughed. “Yes, I think they are similar, although I’ve never seen one in person.”

  “How is this cat-thing going to help us?” Julianna asked.

  “Well, we only need to follow a single lead to find answers,” the great spymaster said. He picked up a remote from his desk and clicked it once. The screen behind his desk flickered to life, and a mostly blue planet rotated in the black and star-lit space.

  Julianna’s gaze shifted from the screen to Jack. “What does the planet Kai have to do with this?”

  “Remember Pistris Station on Kai?” Jack asked.

  “How could I forget?” Eddie said with a chuckle. “That was where I stole the Stingray.”

  “Exactly. And with Marilla’s help, I was able to track down a laboratory in Pistris Station where they hold different animals,” Jack stated, the lightness on his face dropping.

  “Don’t tell me they do tests on them?” Julianna asked.

  Jack’s mouth formed a hard line and he looked at the screen where the planet Kai was still rotating. “Chester was able to hack into the laboratory’s records and found that a ferret was transferred to the facility recently. The timeline matches up with Liesel ’s termination.”

  “So Felix threw Liesel in jail and sent her pet to a Trid lab? What a fucker,” Eddie seethed. “Someone should shoot him in the head.”

  “Ha-ha,” Julianna said before returning her attention to Jack. “Are you thinking that we need to go rescue this ferret? That if we have the ferret, Liesel will be more inclined to accept the position?”

  Jack clasped his hands behind his back and nodded. “That’s exactly what I’m thinking. We have to earn her loyalty, because she’s been burned badly.”

  Eddie sighed. “It seems like a convoluted way to recruit an engineer.”

  “I agree,” Jack said at once. “But this is the applicant Hatch wants, so does one of you want to tell him you’re picking someone else, or do we try and recruit her?”

  Eddie and Julianna looked straight at each other, the same reluctance on both their faces.

  “Convoluted plan it is,” Julianna declared.

  “Where’s Liesel?” Eddie asked. “Have you been able to track down where she went after being discharged from the Brotherhood jail?”

  A hesitant expression filled Jack’s face. “Not yet. Leave that to me, though. I’ll figure out where she is.” He cleared his throat, looking between Eddie and Julianna. “Your job is to find the ferret.”

  Eddie pulled his feet off the ottoman and stood. “That is one order I never thought I’d hear you give us.”


  Stingray, Planet Kai, Tangki System

  Julianna had only taken the stolen Stingray out on one other occasion. Flying the ship was different than the Black Eagles, but it hadn’t been a huge learning curve.

  In typical fashion, Eddie and she had roshamboed for the mission since only one of them could go to Pistris Station. They had just the one Stingray, which was their only way into the underwater facility.

  “As the only person on the team who has been in Pistris Station, I was the logical choice for this mission,” Eddie grumbled over the comm.

  “Don’t sulk. It isn’t attractive,” Julianna retorted, steering the ship through an asteroid belt. She had to give it to the Trids. This ship had superior handling.

  “So otherwise I’m a total hottie, is that what you mean?” Eddie asked, mischief in his voice.

  “You’re not a total dog is all I’m saying,” Julianna said. There was loud barking over the comm. “Would you get that damn mutt off the bridge? We’re running a ship, not a pound.”

  “I think he’s worried about you,” Eddie said, sounding amused.

  “Tell him I’m bringing him a chew toy.”

  Another bark echoed over the comm. “I think he heard you.”

  “Entering Kai’s atmosphere.” Julianna flipped several switches overhead, following the reentry procedures for the Stingray Hatch had taught her.

  “Copy that, Strong Arm,” Eddie said, a strange tension in his voice.

  Julianna stopped herself from making a joke about how the captain might be worried for her since she realized that everyone on the bridge was listening. Silly banter was one thing, but blurring the lines…well, that was never going to happen.

  Your entry point is coming up, Pip informed her.

  I see the coordinates.

  Oh, so you’re paying attention, then. Thought you were worrying about something else, Pip joked.

  Would you get out of my head? You hear half-thoughts and think you know everything.

  Give me a body to control and I’ll happily get out of your head.


  You’re right. I’ll be here forever. Stuck to you like glue.


  The Stingray cruised over the shimmering blue waters of Kai and arced over the horizon where the sun was streaking the sky with pinks and oranges as it set. To the west a patch of brown land was visible, but Julianna was headed for the underwater facility under the equator.

  Like the last time they had broken into Pistris Station, they were entering after-hours when the staff was lighter. Moreover, the Stingray should keep Julianna from being noticed when she entered the landing bay. Sneaking around the station would be another story, but Eddie had done it before and she could, too. Julianna still couldn’t believe what she was going through for a single ferret. This Liesel must be a damn good engineer.

  “I still say we buy Liesel a new ferret and pass it off as hers,” Julianna stated.

  Eddie chuckled. “I think she’d know.”

  “You don’t even know the woman,” Julianna argued, plunging the ship into the placid waters of Kai. Bubbles engulfed the nose of the ship, blinding Julianna momentarily. The radar told her where Pistris’ landing dock was, so she knew she had time for the bubbles to clear.

  “If you replaced Harley with a different dog I’d know,” Eddie stated matter-of-factly. “We know our pets through and through, like we know people. They can’t simply be replaced.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Julianna squinted through the bubbles. It was such a strange thing to fly an aircraft through water. The weight of the ship had shifted considerably as it plummeted, and she felt the league of water above her now, bur
ying the ship deeper and deeper. When she reached the second landing bay for Pistris Station, Julianna straightened out the nose and zoomed straight into the blackness.

  Eddie had walked her through the process for entering the underwater facility, but still she wasn’t entirely prepared for the strangeness of flying the ship through the black waters of the entry tube.

  After flicking her eyes at the radar Julianna corrected before the ship grazed a wall. The landing bay was a series of zigzagging tunnels that emptied into the dry warehouse at the bottom of the facility.

  Chester was currently scrambling the station’s sensors, which meant their radar wouldn’t pick up Julianna’s arrival. However, when the ship sat dripping wet on the landing bay floor some questions might arise.

  The mission was straightforward. Land. Stroll up to the top floor. Grab a ferret. Run back down. Fly away. It was a plan that relied on dutiful strategy and a hell of a lot of luck.

  Dim light shone through the water ahead, and Julianna slowed the Stingray and turned in that direction. The ship plunged through the surface of the water, cruising toward the vast warehouse ahead.

  To Julianna’s horror, two other Stingrays were steering onto the ramp. Firstly, she had hoped that the static-filled comm they were listening to would disguise her sudden arrival. Secondly, she had prayed that the tint on the Stingray’s windshield was dark enough that the Trids couldn’t see her inside the ship. The bright lights did little to make her feel confident in that hope.

  Taking her first opportunity to get away from the taxiing ships, Julianna steered to the back of a line of parked Stingrays.

  “Status update.” Eddie’s voice crackled over the comm.

  “The fish has landed, but the school isn’t asleep,” Julianna said.

  “How many?” Eddie asked tightly.

  “Two,” Julianna whispered, watching between the ships in front of her as the first Stingray sped down and out through the launch tunnel.

  “So they are active right now,” Eddie guessed.

  “It appears so,” Julianna stated. The second Stingray idled behind where the first had been and she said to it, “Get the fuck out of here.”

  “Isn’t it fun to be sitting in the belly of the whale?” Eddie asked.

  “It’s a rush, I’ll give you that,” Julianna stated.

  “Strong Arm,” Chester said over the comm.

  “Yes, Cheshire. You got good news for me?” Julianna asked.

  “All news is relative, but no,” Chester said, his tone flat. He was in hacker mode. “Pip is sending me intel on the Trids’ mainframe, which he’s hooked into while you’re in close proximity.”

  “And?” Julianna asked.

  “It appears that for some odd reason they’ve upped their security measures,” Chester stated.

  “That is odd. It’s like someone recently broke into their station,” Eddie said with a hint of a laugh in his voice.

  “What does that mean, Cheshire?” Julianna’s voice was growing less patient.

  “It means that although I can get you through the building, they’re going to damn well know about it,” Chester said quickly.

  “Fuck,” Eddie stammered. “Abort mission. This isn’t worth it.”

  Julianna shook her head, although none of them could see it. She watched as the second Stingray launched. “No, I’m already here. There are two Stingrays now outside around the perimeter. Either they’ll spot me, or I’ll be spotted inside the facility. I’m going to take my chances.”

  “So, you’re going to climb to the top of Pistris Station and then what? Shoot your way out?” Eddie sounded mad now. No, not mad. Agonized.

  “Indiana Jones and I discussed Pistris based on her knowledge,” Chester began, referring to Marilla’s callsign. “She was advised by that Trid, Rex—the one who informed us the last time we attempted to enter the facility.”

  “Give me good news,” Julianna said, drumming her hands on the controls.

  “I might have another strategy to get you out of there, but…” Chester trailed away, a weight in his voice.

  “But what?” Eddie boomed.

  “But it’s going to involve you rushing in for a rescue mission, captain,” Chester said, an edge of reluctance in his voice.

  “Why didn’t you say so?” Eddie retorted. “Fuck, yeah! I’ll suit up now.”

  “Wait, rescue mission? I’m no fucking damsel in distress,” Julianna argued.

  “No, you definitely aren’t,” Eddie said, his tone different now…thoughtful. “You’re part of a team, and sometimes we have to rely on each other.”

  “Strong Arm, this is the only way if you want to complete the mission,” Chester told her. “You can get up there, but there’s little hope of you getting back down. If you want to get out of Pistris Station, someone will have to pick you up.”

  “While I’m holding a fucking ferret, need I remind you?” Julianna almost laughed at the absurdity of this all. “And yeah, fine. Get your ass out this way, Blackbeard, but stay cloaked. There are two Stingrays cruising around.”

  “Copy that, Strong Arm,” Eddie stated. “Stay in communication.”

  “Blackbeard, I’m sending over the coordinates for the rendezvous,” Chester said.

  “Thanks, Cheshire,” Eddie said. “I hope this plan of yours works.”

  “There’s a probability of seventy-four percent that it will,” Ricky Bobby chimed over the comm.

  “It’s that twenty-six percent chance that bothers me,” Eddie said.


  Eddie sped the Q-Ship out of the bay, with Lars in the copilot’s seat. He wanted to slam his fist into something, but how could he be mad at Julianna for making exactly the same decision he would have made? Of course she wasn’t going to abandon a mission when she was already on the premises, and then Chester had given them a backup plan. He definitely would have carried out the mission then—but something about this all made his insides fester.

  He kept reminding himself that Julianna was different. She was enhanced. Unlike so many Eddie had lost Julianna couldn’t be easily defeated, but for that very reason it was more difficult. Julianna was different. Losing her would be…worse.

  “Enemy ships approaching portside,” Lars informed him as they barreled over the waters of Kai.

  This was a stealth mission, so they couldn’t engage. Eddie banked hard to starboard, keeping as much distance between them and the Stingrays as possible.

  The Kezzin had at one point been able to spot the Q-Ships with heatseeking technology even when cloaked, but Hatch had figured out ways to confuse their systems. Hopefully it wouldn’t be a problem here, since Eddie needed to be in place and ready. The last thing he needed was to fight a couple of Stingrays and make Julianna wait.

  “Another enemy ship advancing,” Lars stated, pointing his long scaly finger at the radar.

  “Damn it!” Eddie sputtered, igniting the thrusters and lifting the Q-Ship away from the surface of the water where Julianna would soon be waiting. It was too dangerous to be that low with the Stingrays making rounds.

  “Strong Arm,” Eddie whispered over the comm. “What’s your status?”


  Julianna pressed her back to the wall as the door to the stairwell nearly smacked into her face. She’d heard the Trids approaching just before the door swung open, so with no other option Julianna had slid behind it. It would block her from view as the Trid soldiers filed down the stairs and through the door. Grabbing the handle to keep it close, Julianna used the door to shield herself until the Trids had started down the next set of stairs.

  “Strong Arm!” Eddie bellowed over the comm. “Do you copy?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. What the hell? Did Eddie want her to get caught responding to him?

  “Fuck! I thought something happened to you,” he said breathlessly.

  Julianna let the door go and took a breath before rushing up the stairwell, continuing her trek to the top. Having a
personalized cloak would have been ideal, but Hatch had said that the belts had to be reworked to utilize the aether crystals they’d brought back from Berosia.

  “Cheshire, are you intentionally keeping me in suspense about this secret exit strategy?” Eddie asked, his tone dripping with frustration.

  A click-clack sound filled the comm as Chester rejoined the conversation. “I’m working on it right now. It involves overhauling their—”

  “You’re working on it,” Julianna whispered. “That’s all that matters. No details.”

  “It would be relevant for you to know that I’m tricking Pistris Station into thinking there’s a major water leak,” Chester stated.

  “Why does that matter?” Julianna dared ask.

  “Because it’s going to trigger their alarm systems,” Chester said.

  “Why does that matter?” Julianna repeated, clearing the last set of stairs to the top level. “You said they were already going to know I’m here.”

  “Exactly, so it’s worth the risk,” Chester stated.

  “But the alarms haven’t been activated yet,” Julianna replied, a bit of hope lightening her breathing. “Maybe they won’t suspect I’m here.”

  “You’re in the stairwell, right?” Chester asked.

  Julianna’s hand rested on the door to the corridor. “Correct.”

  “They’re going to know as soon as you leave it,” Chester said, a morose quality to his tone.

  Julianna tightened her grip on the handle and pressed her ear flat to the door.

  “I can’t block their surveillance on such short notice,” Chester continued, “not with their new upgrades. The best I can do is trick their monitoring system into thinking that the facility is being flooded.”

  “I’m not sure I understand,” Eddie stated.

  “According to Indiana Jones, the research lab is located on the top level because they employ a handful of humans,” Chester began. “And because humans tend to drown in floods, there’s a special exit strategy for them.”

  “Which is how you plan to get Strong Arm out of there,” Eddie exclaimed. “Good work, Cheshire.”


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