Once Upon A Time (Historical Romance)

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Once Upon A Time (Historical Romance) Page 11

by Constance O'Banyon

  Jilliana wished she could ask Netta about what happened between a husband and wife, but how could she broach such a delicate matter with a servant?

  "If you have been married ten years, you must have many children, Netta."

  The maid smiled faintly. "No, but I have not given up hoping, Your Majesty. And if God never sees fit to bless us with children, I'll never regret my life with Tom."

  "It must have been difficult for you to leave your husband to serve me."

  "My duty is to you for as long as you need me. My only concern is that I not fail you."

  "Would you like me to send for your husband so that you may be together?"

  Netta's face brightened, then she dropped her gaze. "I would not ask it of you, Majesty. I know you have many important matters that are troubling you, and I do not want you to be concerned with my affairs."

  "But you miss your husband?" Jilliana pressed, wanting to learn more about the first amicable marriage she had encountered.

  Netta's plain face was suddenly beautiful and her eyes softened as she thought of her husband. "We've known each other since we were children, and Tom is so much a part of me, Your Majesty, that even when we are separated, I feel his presence."

  Jilliana's expression was wistful, and she wondered what it would be like to have someone love her in that way. She was startled when she looked up and found that Ruyen had entered the room and was watching her closely, his face inscrutable.

  She felt shy because she had to explain to him what had transpired between her and Henry.

  "That will be all tonight, Netta. You should seek out your bed. I wish to be up and away from this place well before the noon hour on the morrow."

  "An ambitious undertaking," Ruyen said in a sneering tone. "Have you told Henry your plans as of yet?"

  Netta set the hairbrush aside and curtsied to her queen, preparing to depart.

  "Netta," Jilliana said, "I will want you to sleep near Princess Cassandra again tonight. Even though she seems better, she may have need of you."

  Netta bobbed a quick curtsy and hurried to the door. Something about the prince's mood made her apprehensive. It was clear that the queen and her new husband were not on good terms. But she was only a maid and the workings of royal minds were not for the likes of her.

  When they were alone, Ruyen bowed with an exaggerated flourish. "Did you summon me?" he asked mockingly, his eyes raking her scantily clad body. The look he gave her made her very aware that he knew what she had in mind.

  Jilliana raised her chin defiantly. "If you mean did I ask if you would wait upon me when you returned from your sister's chamber, then, yes, I did. I thought you might be interested in what Henry had to say about us."

  Ruyen gave her a sharp glance. "Well, what did Henry say?"

  "He said that neither of us could leave until"— her cheeks became flushed— "until..."

  "Yes?" He said, more than a little irritated that she was allowed the freedom of the castle and he was not. "Until what?"

  "Henry and I had a rather vehement discussion. He was at his most formidable."

  "I dare say." He moved to the window and turned his back on her, staring out into the inky blackness. "I suppose you with your usual directness convinced Henry to allow us to leave?"

  "Not... precisely."

  "You should have tried charm. I understand it is a weapon women use very well."

  "It did not work on you."

  He still did not face her. "Did it not, Jilliana?"

  "You have not agreed to give me a child. Is it because of the woman you love?"

  "Katharine?" He mouthed the name softly. "Perhaps."

  "Ruyen, Henry knows that we only…that we did not make love. How can that be?"

  "Innocent," he hissed, fighting against the need to rush to her and take her in his arms, to crush those lips beneath his until she cried for mercy.

  There was a long silence in the chamber. He had not known that she was beside him until he felt her hand on his arm. He turned to find puzzlement in her blue eyes.

  "I had not considered that you might not be able to father a child. Is there something wrong with you?"

  He opened his mouth to speak, but was unable to utter a sound. She could have said nothing that would have stunned him more.

  "Well, is there something wrong with you?"

  He grabbed her wrists, slamming her against his hard body. His eyes were like dark storm centers and his mouth twisted with rancor. "Why don't we just see, Jilliana."

  He lowered his head, his mouth almost touching hers. "Remember, you have been begging for this."

  Now she was losing her courage. She attempted to move away, but his arms tightened about her, holding her firmly against him. When she tried to turn her head, he captured her chin and held it firm.

  Flinging her head back, she felt his warm breath on her neck. The trembling of her body was involuntary, and the feelings she was experiencing were unexpected and new to her.

  When she felt his hot lips nestle in the curve of her breast, she closed her eyes, feeling a sudden weakness as his hands drifted into her hair and his mouth moved up her arched neck to settle softly on her lips.

  At first she stiffened at the touch of his lips, then she sighed, pressing her mouth tighter against him, wanting to feel more of the glorious sensation he invoked. When Ruyen felt her respond, he deepened the kiss, and his hold on her became gentle, caressing, loverlike.

  Jilliana was stirring his blood and he felt, once again, that he had broken faith with his Katharine. But the woman in his arms was so desirable and he ached to possess her completely.

  He wanted to be the man who introduced her to deeper feelings, to control her body and even to meld with her mind. He wanted to know what she was feeling as his hand slipped beneath her shift, as he pushed it off her shoulders.

  She gave a momentary cry of protest, suddenly afraid of the unknown. She had goaded him and tormented him into this action, why then was she so unsure that she wanted him to continue?

  Modesty overruled her awakened passion and she crossed her arms over her breasts as her chemise fell at her feet.

  His eyes ran over her silken body as his hand went to his tunic and he tore it away, tossing it aside. He wanted to rip the rest of his clothing off as his eyes devoured her sweetly curved body. Desire flamed through him with intensity when he traced a line through her ebony hair, which fell about her in a velvety curtain. Her waist was tiny, her hips rounded, just right to receive a man. Her legs were long and shapely, and her arched feet dainty.

  Never had he seen a woman so perfect in every way and she was his to take, to hold, to do with as he deemed—she was his legal wife, and had she not asked for what he was about to do to her?

  With a moment of doubt reflected in her eyes, she nodded and flung her head back when he came forward, lifting her in his arms.

  Shyly her arms slid around his neck and she somehow reminded him of a frightened little girl.

  "Are you sure this is what you want, Jilliana?" he asked.

  "If this is what is required of me, I will strive to overcome my maidenly diffidence," she told him. "Do with me whatever is necessary."

  Suddenly Ruyen shook with laughter. "Do not look on this as climbing the steps to meet the executioner's ax. It is not nearly so bad as all that."

  He lay her down and she looked up at him with uncertainty when he sat on the side of the bed to remove his soft leather boots. When he stood to unlace his leather trousers, she nervously pulled the curtain of her long hair across her exposed breasts.

  She gasped and sprang to a sitting position when he slid his naked body against her. She could not know that he was deliberately trying to shock her. There was passion in him, but anger as well—since he had known her, she had manipulated his life and he had been as helpless as a banner fluttering against a gale-force wind.

  When he drew her into his arms he felt her tremble.

  "If you wish to change your mind, I will u

  Bewildered blue eyes were raised to him. "I will not change my mind. Our bargain is that you will give me a child, and I will give you freedom. Do you swear to this?"

  "I have no wish to keep you. Whenever you want, you are free of me."

  "Swear to me on your honor that you will execute no claim on any child I might bear from our . . . union."

  "All I want from you is freedom."

  "Swear this to me."

  "I swear."

  In a move that took him by surprise, she moved forward, touching her lips to his. A shock of pleasure flowed through his body as she pressed her naked body against his.

  Promises were forgotten as he slid his arm about her and brought her on top of him, pressing and molding her against him, needing to feel all of her, craving the sweetness her satiny body promised.

  "Jilliana, beautiful Jilliana, what are you doing to me?" he said softly in her ear. "I will have you now."

  She felt his hot lips cover hers and she groaned with pleasure at the feel of his hard thighs and the swelling of his male member between her legs, while his hands roamed at will over her hips, pressing, tightening her body to his, invoking a rush of desire so strong that she could scarcely breath.

  "I did not expect it to be like this. The feelings are . . . amazing," she said, turning her head and trying to drag air into her lungs. "Please do it now."

  His desire for her intensified and he roughly turned her to her back, hovering over her, his gaze moving hungrily over her swollen breasts that moved enticingly every time she took a deep breath.

  He softly touch her cheek and her eyes widened with bewilderment and aching passion. She allowed her eyes to move over the wide expanse of his chest and down to his tapered waist and flat stomach. She had not known a man's body could be so magnificent, or that a mere touch could send the blood running hotly through her veins.

  "Do not forget, Jilliana—you asked for this. I would have had you walk away without touching you."

  Ruyen tried to think of Katharine, but his body was betraying him. He wanted this naked beauty that lay beneath him—he wanted her in the worst way. As if it would excuse his own unleashed passion, a passion he had never felt for Katharine, he spoke in a harsh voice.

  "I will plant my seed in you, then by the saints, I'll be rid of you."


  Ruyen was touching her breasts, then her thighs, and when his hand slipped to the inside of her leg, she caught her breath, clamping her lips tightly together as he gently massaged her until she moaned.

  White-hot passion coiled through his body with such an intensity that he wanted to take her to him, to hold her thus until the wanting stopped. The sweetness of her almost drove him out of his mind with need.

  He closed his eyes, trying to regain some measure of control over his racing heart. That he was wronging Katharine in his mind as well as with his body made him angry, and he took that anger out on the object of his desire, the woman who had taunted him until he had to have her.

  Jilliana gasped when Ruyen thrust forward, driving his steely hardness into her. She twisted beneath him, her eyes wide, biting her lip to keep from crying out. She had not known there would be pain. But the pain did not last, and it was quickly replaced by a sensation so surprising that she turned her head from side to side, reveling in the newly awakened feelings he invoked as he plunged forward and then slowly withdrew, only to plunge forward again and again.

  Her arms went about his shoulders and she planted kisses on his forehead, his eyes, and then when he raised his head, their lips met in a kiss so consuming that he groaned her name.

  "Jilliana, what are you doing to me?"

  She could not speak because his lips found hers once more and he ground his mouth against hers. He continued his tender assault on her body, and she found that if she met his forward thrusts it gave even more pleasure to them both.

  Suddenly his thrusts became more forceful, and liquid, life-giving heat pulsed into her body. She held on to him tightly until he relaxed against her.

  The only sound inside the room was their breathing that was slow to return to normal. Ruyen rolled over, taking her with him and keeping her at his side. In a move that surprised her, he laced his fingers through hers and raised her hand to his mouth, kissing it tenderly.

  Jilliana reached up, touching his face and feeling the stubble of his beard. She looked into his eyes and saw softness there, the same softness she felt in her heart.

  "I never knew making love could be so wonderful," she told him, allowing her hand to drift to his hair. "Is it always like this?"

  He was quiet for a long moment. He pushed her hand away and moved to the side of the bed, where he sat upright. "What happened was no more than the coupling of two bodies. You want a baby, and I am merely attempting to oblige you."

  She blinked at his coldness and tried to ignore the ache that throbbed in her heart.

  She had felt so close to him only moments ago; had he not felt it also? Jilliana stared at his rigid back—no, he had merely done as she asked him. She wished he would look at her with the same softness he had when he was making love to her.

  "Am I with child?"

  Ruyen turned his eyes on her lovely face, that was partly in shadows. "If you are not, you soon will be. I'll mount you until your belly swells with my seed."

  While he dressed, Jilliana slipped off the bed and retrieved her shift from the floor. Pulling it over her head, she tried to gather the courage to ask him a question that was pounding in her brain.

  Ruyen was fastening his doublet when she moved to stand in front of him.

  "Did you . . . have you done this with . . . Katharine?" she asked.

  He swung around, pinning her with a glare. "Let us be clear on this one thing, Jilliana. Even though we are husband and wife, that does not give you the right to pry into my affairs. You will never speak to me about Katharine. I do not even want you to say her name."

  Jilliana flung her head back as pride throbbed through her. "I know that you were betrothed to her, and I know that you love her. I neither ask for your heart, nor do I desire your goodwill. As you said, once I am with child, you are free to go to your... your ... betrothed with my blessing."

  He could only stare at the proud beauty that had so satisfied his body. Even now he wanted to reach out and clasp her to him. Damn her for being so desirable, and damn her for making him want her.

  He nodded toward the rumpled bed. "Henry's spies can now report to him that I have bedded you."

  Ruyen watched her belt her gown and place her wimple on her hair. She then took the crown of Talshamar and placed it atop her head and pulled on a blue brocade robe and clasped it with a golden broach. Ignoring him, she moved to the door, her back straight, her manner cold and distant.

  "Where are you going?" he demanded.

  She paused at the door, and turned to face him. "Just because we are married does not give you the right to inquire about my movements."

  Ruyen clamped his jaw shut as his own words were used against him.

  "However, since what I go to do concerns you, I will explain. I go first to see how your sister fares and then I shall seek out Sir Humphrey. I shall also ask for another audience with Henry. I must keep hammering away at him until he relents. You must be prepared to leave when that day comes."

  "I say when I go and when I stay," he said, striking out at Jilliana in frustration. He had never before been in a situation where a woman was so in control of his life. It should be he who demanded to see Henry, and he who finally won their freedom. Of course, he was helpless because he was still Henry's prisoner, and while Henry wanted to keep Jilliana happy, he cared little about being in Ruyen's good graces.

  Jilliana could not understand his attitude. "Very well, you remain here if you like, but as for me and my Talshamarians, we shall soon leave."

  "You have more faith in Henry's word than have I."

  "It is not my faith in him that will gain our freed
om, it will be my ability to outfox the fox."

  He stared at her in disbelief, knowing he had to make her understand what kind of man King Henry was. "You have won pittance from Henry thus far, and only because he allowed it. You are unworldly, and a man like Henry will eat you alive."

  "I do not think so. He dare not antagonize me lest he offend the pope."

  "Even if you did manage to win our freedom, have you thought how you will acquire the ships we need to take us to Falcon Bruine?"

  "Have confidence in Sir Humphrey. He will arrange whatever transportation we need."

  Jilliana watched Ruyen for a long moment, beginning to realize what he was feeling. It could not be easy for a strong, powerful man like him to be held as a prisoner. He was a man who had been stripped of his dignity by Henry, but no one could strip him of his pride.

  "Have faith, Ruyen," she said gently. "We will prevail."

  He looked into her eyes, wishing he had some of her faith.

  "Ruyen," she said, "there is but one thing that troubles me, and that is whether my lords will be welcome on Falcon Bruine. Humphrey says that when we leave here we shall travel to the sea and most of my men will depart for Talshamar—but what of those who accompany us?"

  "None of your men will be harmed in my country. They will be shown the greatest courtesy."

  She looked at him with doubt. "Do you speak for your mother?"

  "I speak for myself."

  She nodded. "I trust you."

  Without another word, she moved out the door and closed it behind her.

  Ruyen stood there for a long time, trying to make sense of his turbulent thoughts. The world as he had known it had ceased to exist. His father was dead, his mother ruled Falcon Bruine. His thoughts turned to Katharine. She was as different from Jilliana as any two women could be. Jilliana's ebony hair felt like a curtain of silk as it slid through his fingers. Katharine's hair was golden in color. Jilliana's eyes were such a deep blue that they could look right into the heart of a man. He had seen those eyes flame with indignation, sparkle with humor, and soften with desire.


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