Untrusting Hearts: A Contemporary New Orleans Romance

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Untrusting Hearts: A Contemporary New Orleans Romance Page 19

by Hartt, Madison

  “How about another glass of wine instead? We’re supposed to be celebrating, remember?” He grinned roguishly.

  “I think you’re celebrating enough for the both of us.” She chuckled as she patted him good-naturedly on the shoulder. Once he’d moved away, she frowned at Jade. “I sent him on that little errand so I could have a private word with you. It seems to me you’ve been spending a lot of time with Ty lately.”


  “I shouldn’t be this way; after all, he is my nephew. But Ty can be something of a, well, rascal.” Maylene fidgeted with the front of her dress, as if it hurt her to talk badly about the young man.

  “Maylene. Ty and I are just friends. I have no romantic interest in him nor he in me. Does that ease your concerns?” Jade pasted on a smile.

  “That does relieve me, yes. I don’t like being a busybody, but I just had to say something. Now, I must ask you to do a favor for me.”

  “I’d be happy to. What do you need?”

  “I’d like you to accompany Gage to Baton Rouge. It would mean a lot to me.”

  “It would?”

  “Oh, yes.” Maylene cleared her throat delicately. “It’s very important that he makes the trip Monday.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s Ty.” Maylene glanced around, assuring herself they wouldn’t be overheard. “He’s working on an important presentation for the company and I’m sure he can complete it brilliantly. That is, if Gage isn’t around to make him nervous.”

  “Why don’t you ask Gage to back off? I’m sure he’d do that for you.”

  “Of course, he would. But if he’s somewhere nearby, Ty will most likely think I have Gage watching over him. Jean Pierre trusted him and I want to also. He just needs a chance to show what he’s capable of. I’d like to give him that chance. You understand, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I think so. But, won’t Gage be going to Baton Rouge with or without me?”

  Maylene gave her a tolerant smile. “I’m counting on you to keep him there a bit longer. If you’re not along to sightsee, he’ll hurry back.”

  “Well, I had decided not to go. I suppose I could reconsider. But what about Liv?” Jade frowned into her wine glass.

  “What about Olivia?” Maylene looked like she’d sucked on a sour grape.

  “If they’re reconciling, he may wish for her to go with him instead.”

  Maylene laughed. “Appearances in public are often inconsistent with the private reality. Gage isn’t a young boy chasing skirts anymore. He won’t be jumping back into that relationship anytime soon. I’m sure she thinks he sits and languishes over her daily, but she is delusional. It was entertaining watching as you gave her something to think about. She’s jealous.”

  “Of who? Of me? That’s ridiculous.”

  “No, it isn’t. In fact, it makes perfect sense.”

  “Why would she be jealous of me?”

  “I’m sure she’s seen the signs. How his voice changes when he speaks to you. How he defended you when she was being rude. It’s so obvious he has feelings for you.”

  “Don’t be silly, Maylene!” Jade reproached. “Gage knows next to nothing about me. And to tell the truth, I’m not sure I should go on a road trip with him.”

  “I can’t imagine why you would say such a thing.” Her aunt sounded hurt. “Whatever do you mean?”

  Jade could think of no response that would be appropriate or that wouldn’t sound ungrateful. “I just feel I’ve imposed on him enough already.”

  “Please.” Maylene’s cheeks flushed. “I have plans for the day that simply can’t be changed and as a hostess I would never feel right leaving you alone.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of entertaining myself for the day, Maylene. It’s not necessary to involve Gage.”

  Maylene’s cheeks reddened. “You’re forcing me to divulge more than I wanted to. The thing is, I may be having someone over and I’d rather not have any interruptions during that time. You’d be doing me a great favor by accompanying Gage.”

  “I understand.” Jade gave an embarrassed nod. Though it went against her nature, she’d search out Gage and his ex-fiancée and barge in where she wasn’t wanted or needed, just to let him know she’d go to Baton Rouge on Monday. She’d do it for Maylene.

  “Bless you, Jade.” Maylene dropped her voice as Ty approached, a drink in each hand.

  Midnight arrived and with it, the great unmasking. Jade found that even though some of the masks were small, they did indeed help hide identities. She managed to connect the faces of some guests to their clothes but most remained unremembered. Soon after the great reveal, guests began to leave. Jade hoped Ty would corral Liv and take her home since he’d brought her, but so far that hadn’t happened.

  Just as she was going to find Gage, she saw him and Liv approaching. “Gage,” Jade spoke quietly, obviously uncomfortable. “Could I speak to you in private?”

  Gage turned to the woman next to him. “Don’t you need to find Ty? He is your ride home, is he not?”

  The woman blanched. “I thought you and I…”

  “You thought wrong, Liv.”

  Olivia looked like she wanted to chew Jade up and spit her out and she didn’t bother to hide her ire. “You would rather be with her than me?”

  “Actually,” Gage leaned in close, “I’d rather be with Satan than with you. I’ve put up with you all night for Maylene’s benefit but now I’m done”

  “That’s a stupid excuse if I’ve ever heard one. How was it to Maylene’s benefit?” Liv’s pretty face was set in hard lines.

  “I know you, Liv. You love nothing more than to make a scene. I didn’t want Maylene’s special night ruined by your dramatics. Now, go on home, Olivia.”

  His words seemed to leave the woman speechless. Gage turned to Jade. “Care for a breath of air?”

  “Outside?” Jade looked nervous.

  “Well, there is air in here, too, but I’d prefer that in the garden,” he said with a smile. “I think we’ll be safe from interruption there.”

  Jade felt the daggers stabbing from Olivia’s eyes as Gage led her to the rear of the house. “Let me shed this jacket. It’s hotter than all get out.” He tossed the coat on a chair and opened the patio door.

  They moved over to the balustrade. Jade turned to face Gage. “I’ve given it some thought and I’ve decided I would like to go with you to Baton Rouge, after all. I’d hate to miss it just because I’m angry with you.”

  “Angry with me?” Gage closed the space between them. “What have I done now?”

  “Well, for one thing, you ignored me all night.”

  Gage touched his forehead to hers, staring intently into her eyes. “Believe me, Jade, I wasn’t ignoring you. I knew where you were every second.”

  Jade’s heart beat rapidly against her chest; she scarcely breathed as she awaited his next move. His lips barely touched hers when Maylene opened the door and they stepped apart. But not before the woman noticed and smiled with self-satisfaction.

  “Oh my! I’m sorry. Don’t let me interrupt.” She began backing away.

  “You’re not interrupting, Maylene,” Gage was quick to say. “It’s late. Time to call it a night.”

  “Yes, it is. But wasn’t it a glorious party?”

  Jade and Gage murmured their agreement as they eyed each other with undisguised longing. Maylene seemed to be oblivious, but her features were graced with a cat-like serenity. “I understand you two will be going to Baton Rouge together, after all.” She looped her arms through theirs, sandwiching herself between them. “I couldn’t be more pleased.”

  All three went inside. Maylene and Jade walked Gage to the front door and bid him goodnight. He bent to give Maylene a kiss on the cheek before pinning Jade with a smoldering look. And then he was gone. But the impact of his gaze lingered, filling Jade with helpless desire.

  Maylene broke into her thoughts with a touch on the arm. “I just want to give some final instructions
to the help,” she said. “Go on to bed, dear. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Okay. Goodnight, Maylene. Oh, and thank you so much for the party. It was wonderful.”

  Maylene smiled and patted her hand. “You’re most welcome, darling.”

  Jade glided upstairs, her thoughts lingering over the feel of Gage’s lips on hers.

  Chapter 15

  The sun burned through a sultry haze on Monday, and the temperature was already nearing eighty degrees when Gage helped Jade into his car. As they merged onto I-10, she sneaked a peek at his chiseled profile. His unique masculine vitality radiated around him, impacting her senses, but his mood was inscrutable. She had not even a hint of how the day might turn out.

  A tentative calm existed between them, but the intimacy they’d experienced after Maylene’s party seemed little more than a hazy dream. Though Jade still felt all the tingles and rushes, she couldn’t tell if Gage reciprocated and it made her unsure. His occasional glances at her were warm and friendly, but not overtly passionate.

  “So, what’s on the agenda for today?” Jade asked casually.

  Glancing at her briefly, Gage smiled. “I have a few special places I think you’ll like; the first stop will be the old state capitol building.”

  “Do you have business there?” Jade asked, thinking it wouldn’t be much fun touring government offices or hanging around hallways waiting for Gage to finish his meeting.

  In answer, Gage made a couple of turns and pointed.

  Jade followed his finger and gasped in pleasant surprise. The edifice sported towers, stained glass windows, and gables which gave it the appearance of a fifteenth century Gothic Cathedral. “It’s fantastic.”

  “That it is. Wait until you see the inside.”

  They parked and walked up a long walk and then ascended a series of stairs before reaching the main entrance. “In 1990, the structure underwent major restoration. It’s now referred to as the Museum of Political History or the Old State Capitol and has received awards for its architecture, exhibits, and preservation.”

  “I can see why; this is breathtaking.” Jade looked up, drinking in the sight.

  “You have to arrange for a tour to be able to go inside, but we can look through the windows.”

  Peering into the interior, Jade could see a magnificent spiral stairway winding its way upward; it was lit by multi-colored lights that Gage explained came from the stained glass dome above.

  They wandered around the building, enjoying the gardens and the view of the river before continuing to their next destination which was, surprisingly, The Enchanted Mansion.

  “A doll museum?” Jade exclaimed in delight. “You sure you want to do this?”

  He shrugged and gave her a slow smile. “I thought you might enjoy it.”

  And enjoy it she did. She suspected Gage liked it more than he was willing to admit. The staff members were charming, the tour was fascinating, and there were hundreds of dolls on display: some historical, some presidential, many adorable, and several downright quirky and bizarre.

  “I love this place,” Jade whispered to Gage, as if the dolls might overhear.

  He twined his fingers in hers. “I’m glad.”

  They conversed easily over a late lunch at an outdoor cafe, and the fire between them stayed on a low burn, just beneath the surface. Jade once again perceived his attraction to her. It was there in the lingering glances they exchanged and in the sensuous touch of his hand on hers.

  “It’s still early,” he commented when they’d finished eating. “My appointment’s not for another hour and a half. Want to hit a casino? Or see Tiger Stadium?”

  “No thanks to both. I’m not much of a sports fan and I need to watch my spending.”

  His look darkened briefly and she regretted mentioning money. He was certain to take it wrong.

  “That probably leaves out shopping then,” he said, his rich brown eyes probing hers. “How about another museum?”

  “That sounds great,” she said, but her enthusiasm was diminished. How could she enjoy this outing if she had to monitor every word that came out of her mouth? She grew unreasonably annoyed with Gage and fought to hide it.

  A ringing sound interrupted her musing. “Excuse me for a moment.” He pulled his cell phone from his pocket. Moving a short distance away, he turned as he took the call.

  Jade toyed idly with her silverware and let her eyes drift over Gage’s broad back, and lower, admiring the fit of his pants over his muscular buttocks and powerful legs. Her imagination undressed him and she flushed at the delicious mental pictures her mind created. The back and forth of her emotions left her almost dizzy. One minute she was angry with him, the next she longed for his touch. He was truly the most maddening person she’d ever met. But so irresistible. When he returned to the table, she took a long drink of her soda, trying to drown the urges stirred by her thoughts.

  “Bad news,” he said as he dropped into the chair. “The investor I was supposed to meet with has been called away to deal with an emergency. He’s asked that we reschedule for this evening. I’m sorry, Jade. It means hanging around Baton Rouge all day. Either that or I could drive you back to New Orleans and return by myself.”

  “Don’t be silly; there’s no reason for that.” She repressed a sigh. The heat and humidity were becoming oppressive, but she hated being an inconvenience. “There’s a lot left to see here. It’ll be fine.”

  “Or there’s another option.” He leaned forward and spoke quietly. “We could get a room.”

  Too stunned to speak, she merely stared at him.

  He continued, “It would be a place to freshen up and wait until it’s time to leave. You could relax there later while I take care of my business.”

  “Oh,” she said, heat rising to her cheeks. So he wasn’t propositioning her after all. Or was he? She chose to take his suggestion at face value. “That’s really not a bad idea.”

  He checked them into the Hilton. Though it was a grand establishment and their room was beautiful, Jade was too nervous to be impressed. She could barely register her surroundings with Gage’s virile presence overwhelming her senses. She felt like a woman preparing to indulge in an illicit tryst, even though he’d given innocent reasons for their being here. Maybe it was knowing the room would only be theirs for a few hours that made it seem so decadent. Her breath caught in her throat as he closed the door behind them. A slow smile curved his lips. He was absolutely aware of the implications. And her state of uncertainty. She suspected he was enjoying it.

  “It’s not as dangerous as it seems,” he assured her.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She walked on unsteady legs to a chair near the window and sank into its plush cushions. Sunlight illuminated the white curtain, making the dim room feel like a cool and inviting oasis. She pressed a hand to her hot cheek. “What’s not dangerous?”

  “Us being alone together in a hotel room.”

  “I know that. It’s like you said. We’re just here to pass the time and relax, right?”

  “Right.” He laid his briefcase on the table, a smile still playing at the corners of his mouth. “I’ll give you some privacy, if you want to take a nap. I can go over this paperwork in the lobby.”

  She stood suddenly. “You’re leaving?”

  “Unless you don’t want me to.”

  “I...I...” She ran a hand through her hair and let it fall back over her shoulders. She hated to think he went to the expense of this room just for her to enjoy. Alone.

  Keeping his eyes on her, Gage approached slowly. He moved sensuously, like a sleek animal. “I don’t want to go,” he said quietly. “But what do you want? Tell me, Jade. Do you want me to leave?”

  “No,” she whispered. “I’d rather you stay.”

  “No?” He stood close, watched her carefully. “You don’t look too certain. In fact, you look like you’re teetering on a razor’s edge.” He reached for her.

  Mesmerized by his intense gaze, sh
e was almost ready to melt into his arms. But he didn’t take her into an embrace. He instead surprised her by gently turning her around. With steady, firm pressure, he began massaging her neck and shoulders. She stiffened and then felt her tension flow away.

  “That’s heavenly,” she murmured as her muscles loosened beneath his skilled fingers. He worked up her spine and pressed his thumbs into the back of her neck, kneading the tightness into submission. She tilted her head forward giving him better access.

  “You like that?”

  “Oh, yes.” She turned to face him. “That was wonderful.”

  “Told you I’m good with my hands,” he teased. “Why don’t you stretch out on the bed and let me really work you over?”

  She raised her brows and gave him a knowing look. “Let me slip the bedspread off. They’re supposedly full of germs since they don’t get changed every day.” She folded the spread down to the foot of the bed and then slipped off her shoes and perched lightly on the edge of the mattress.

  “Come on now, Jade. Just let yourself go. Trust me.” He put his hands on her shoulders and stared into her eyes. “Lie down.”

  She complied, wishing he was next to her, but too inhibited to suggest it.

  “Roll over,” he commanded.

  With some trepidation, she turned onto her stomach. His big hands started at the small of her back and began working their magic up her spine. “It’s the best way to give a backrub,” he explained. “Now just let your mind drift.”

  She forced herself to ignore the manly scent of his cologne, the compelling intensity of his nearness, and the feel of his leg pressed against her hip. His hands moved soothingly over her flesh. Before long, she felt herself sinking into slumber.

  When she woke, Gage was just returning to the room with his arms full. He bathed her in a smile that quickened her pulse. “Ah, you’re awake.”

  She sat up, yawning. “What do you have there?”

  “Some Cokes and snacks. I figure we can call room service for a late supper after my meeting, but this will tide us over.”

  Jade jumped to her feet. “Sounds good. I’ll be back in a flash.” She disappeared into the bathroom and emerged a short time later, well-scrubbed and much refreshed.


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