Highlander's Kiss

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Highlander's Kiss Page 6

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “I almost can’t believe I’m here.” He shook his head as he tried to take it all in. This was where their shifter clan had first begun, so far across the Highlands from his own home at Ivanson. At the sea-gate landing, four moored birlinns bobbed with the incoming tide, and on the tip of the landing Cherub and Kirk stood, both waving out. “I see we have a welcoming party.”

  “Oh no.” Gasping, Julia clutched the back of her head.

  “Is something wrong? Are you hurt?”

  “Nay, but I got my head wet and you said I wasnae supposed to.”

  “It could hardly be helped.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Do you care to show me your home?”

  “Since you’ve arrived for a visit, it would be rude of me no’ to. Let’s swim in.” She slipped out of his arms, caught a cresting wave and rode it in toward land.

  “Wait up, woman.” Hell, she was a slippery lass to hold on to. He took off after her and he and Tor caught the next wave and cruised with it into land. Once his feet hit the sandy sea floor, he slogged through the water and scooped Julia off her feet before she made the beach. “No more disappearing with Cherub, or swimming away from me. For a mate, you’re certainly a handful to keep in my sight.”

  “Julia.” Cherub rushed from the landing onto the pebbly shore and hugged Julia as he held her in his arms. “You should never have let go of me. Are you all right?”

  “I’m absolutely fine. Dinnae worry over me.” Julia snuggled into him and his chest pumped out. As much of a handful as she was, he wouldn’t want her any other way. Her feistiness drew him toward her, her devotion and love for her clan as well. Lucky didn’t even begin to describe how fortunate he was to have been gifted with a mate such as the woman he held in his arms.

  “At least you’ve all arrived safe and well.” Cherub glanced at Kirk. “Since everyone has arrived without any issue, you and I should continue on. We need to update Gilleoin and Nessa about the MacKenzie’s decree, then get started on a search plan. There’s little time to waste.”

  “I agree. We’ll go now, head to Stirling then return.” Kirk eyed him and Tor. “It’s great to have you both here. I’ll catch up with you as soon as we’re both back.”

  “You do what you need to.” Tavish nodded, his grip on Julia firm. “Travel safely.”

  “We will.” Kirk wrapped his arms around Cherub and the two of them disappeared in a rush of wind.

  Julia tapped his chest. “You can put me down now. I need to find my sister and assure her all is well.”

  “I prefer to carry you.” His bear growled at the thought of releasing her. “That way I’ll know exactly where you are. We’ll find her together.”

  “Julia!” A woman hurried down the winding castle trail toward them, her golden locks streaming behind her in the fresh breeze, a lass who looked identical to his mate in every way.

  “I take it that’s Arabel?”

  “Aye, please, set me down, Tavish. She’ll believe I’m injured if you’re carrying me about.”

  “I’ll set you down on one condition, that you promise not to disappear on me again.” He’d keep her within arm’s reach, no matter what she promised.

  “I’ll do my very best.” She kissed his cheek and smiled. “I can see you’re going to be a very demanding mate.”

  “You better believe it.” Warmth rushed through him. Had she actually acknowledged their mated bond? Carefully, he set her on her feet, knelt and wrung her soggy skirts out.

  “Look at you,” Arabel tsked as she arrived and hauled Julia into her arms. “You’re soaking wet. How’s your head?”

  “All stitched, although I’m no’ supposed to get the stitches wet.” She motioned toward him and his brother. “Meet Tavish, my doctor, or he was my doctor afore he gave me notice he would no longer tend to me. Next to him is Tor, his brother.”

  “’Tis lovely to meet you both.” Arabel smiled wide. “Welcome to the House of Clan Matheson.”

  “Thank you.” Tavish wound one arm around Julia’s shoulders and in her ear, murmured, “By the way, I will be tending to you, although not as your doctor but as your mate, which you can be assured will be with the greatest attention to detail.”

  “Your mate?” Arabel’s eyes widened and her mouth popped open. She darted a look between him and Julia. “Tavish said you’re his mate. Do you care to explain?”

  “Tavish believes I’m his chosen one, although his aura does no’ tug toward mine, nor mine toward his. I should have seen it do so by now.” She tipped her head toward him, a curious look on her face. “Although you’re not the only one to believe we’re mated. Cherub too said she’d sensed your soul’s call toward mine. I also cannae deny that I find it very difficult to be parted from you.”

  “It’s extremely difficult for me to be parted from you too.” He tucked her closer under his shoulder, even though all he truly wanted to do was kiss her, then lay claim to her in every possible way. The mated bond had formed between them and of that he had no doubt.

  “Well, this is an interesting turn of events.” Arabel grasped Julia’s hands and squeezed. “Speaking from experience, as one half of a mated pair, these shifter men know when they’ve found their chosen one, no matter what your auras say. Now”—Arabel took one step back and rubbed her hands together—“allow me to dry all three of you.”

  “That I would love.” Julia clasped her skirts and stepped away from him. “Arabel is a fire-wielder and holds one of the deadliest of the fae battle skills. You’ll both need to hold perfectly still while she moves around us and dries us all.”

  “You make me sound far more dangerous than what I am.” Arabel smiled as she smoothed her palms over Julia’s shoulders and along her front then circling her, swished across her waist and down her skirted legs until her gown flapped dry in the breeze. Arabel circled him and Tor next, sending a delicious wave of heat over them both.

  “That’s incredible.” He plucked at his now dry shirt. “Even my feet are all cozy and warm within my boots. That’s a spectacular skill.”

  “Well, it does come in handy from time to time.” Arabel linked arms with Julia and motioned for him and Tor to follow her as she walked up the grassy trail winding upward toward the castle. To Julia, she said, “Finlay will be thrilled to see his kin, as well as rather surprised. Did Cherub and Kirk drop you all off then leave for Stirling?”

  “Aye, they’ve gone to update Gilleoin and Nessa, then they’ll return as soon as they can.”

  They all passed through the arched gates with its raised portcullis and armed guardsmen in their Matheson belted plaids. The bailey’s stone walls rose tall around them while up ahead, the front doors held the carved image of their clan crest emblazoned on the front, just as the front doors of Ivanson Castle did. Tavish stepped inside and entered the great hall with its sweeping ceiling rising to a high crown. Iron chandeliers hung from the wooden beamed rafters, while large tapestries of hunting and landscape scenes graced the walls.

  “This way to the chief’s solar.” Arabel led the way around the edge of the great hall.

  He passed two maids clearing trenches and tankards from the trestle tables while a lad swept the area around the wide arched stone fireplace. Logs crackled in the hearth and sent the fire’s heat wafting toward him.

  “Finlay, I’ve brought you some guests.” Arabel stepped inside a side room and held the door open for them as they entered.

  “Well, well, it’s Tavish and Tor.” Before a chunky wooden desk, Finlay grinned as he eased out of his chair and stood in tan pants and a brown leather vest studded with steel, his sword sheathed at his side glinting from the light beaming in through the narrow window behind him. “What a surprise to see you two here.”

  “Cherub brought us, which was a bit of a bumpy trip, but we got here all the same.” Tavish caught Julia’s hand and lifted it to his lips. “I’ve found my chosen one.”

  Finlay’s grin widened. “That’s the best news. You have my congratulations.” He set the
quill he held in hand down, strode around the desk and clasped his and Tor’s shoulders. “I take it then you’ve both heard about the MacKenzie’s missive?”

  “We have, and we’re here to aid in the search for Aleck and Adair.” He stroked Julia’s arm. “I’ll never allow my chosen one to wed another man.”

  “Neither will we ever allow it.” Finlay nodded. “And on the search front, this morning I sent an additional twenty men to our warrior encampment on our eastern border with Colin MacKenzie, while another twenty will head out tomorrow. I’ve been considering the encampment as the base point from where we could begin our search. Not only do we have a strong presence there but the camp sits in just the right position to allow for multiple search routes to be taken, across land and sea, and also with Cherub on board, through the skies as well.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea.” Arabel sat next to the fireplace and raised her hands to the sizzling flames.

  “I agree. The encampment offers us a prime position.” Julia leaned her cheek against his shoulder. “So too I would like to be included in the search team. I can hear the gentle hum of my parents’ auras when I’m close to them.”

  “Exactly how close do you need to be?” Finlay asked her, his gaze flaring with interest.

  “Within a hundred yards.”

  “Well, that’s a hundred yards more than what we currently have in pinpointing their location.” Finlay perched on the arm of Arabel’s chair, rested a hand on her knee as he said to her, “I can’t be a part of the search team since I need to remain here. I’d also rather you stay with me. I’m not sure I could handle having you too far from my side. Your help too in ensuring the keep runs smoothly, is invaluable. Do you mind staying?”

  “Aye, I’ve no wish to be parted from you either, and I cannae aid in the search quite like Julia can.” She squeezed his fingers. “We’ll remain together.”

  “Then Cherub and Kirk, Tavish and Julia and Tor will make up the first search team,” he instructed as he glanced at each of them in turn. “You’ll make the camp your base and join with Cherub as she takes you through the skies. Another team can head across MacKenzie’s land via horseback, and yet another via the loch. We can sort out the finer details once Cherub and Kirk return. I take it they’ve continued on to see Gilleoin and Nessa?”

  Julia answered him, “They have. When do we leave for the camp?”

  “Tomorrow, with the team of warriors I have leaving at that time. That’ll give Tavish and Tor some time to become familiar with this keep.”

  “I’ll show them around.” Julia slipped away from his side and opened the door.

  “I’ll join the tour later, brother.” Tor patted his back.

  “Thank you.” Tor understood him as no other could. Right now he needed time alone with Julia and their coming discussion really couldn’t wait. He followed her as she led the way out of the chief’s solar and around the perimeter of the great hall toward the stairwell at the far side. As they climbed the winding stairs, he set a hand at the small of her back. Touch was vitally important to shifters, and even more so between mates. His need for her roared even stronger since they’d yet to complete the bond. “Where are we headed to first on this tour?”

  “My chamber. I can see you have a need to talk, and so do I.” She strolled along a darkened corridor that remained bare of any other, each of the doors leading from it firmly shut. Before the fourth door on the left, she gripped the knob and glanced over her shoulder at him. “This feels like a monumental moment.”

  “It is, and it’ll be one we’ll forever remember.” He covered her hand with his, turned the knob and steered her inside then closed the door after him.

  She crossed the room and opened the shutters over her window. Sunlight beamed in and played over her four-poster bed with its sweeping golden bed curtains and plush white pillows stacked against the carved headboard. A three pronged candelabra stood on the bedside table next to a red-leather bound book. He wandered toward the side table where an oval mirror was propped behind a dish overflowing with silk hair ribbons in an array of vibrant colors.

  Julia swished in behind him and his bear rose and prowled under his skin. “Your bear is growling. I can hear him.”

  “He wants to meet you, to ensure you know that you’re ours.” His claws sliced out and back in as he faced her.

  “Even your eyes are aglow with shifter gold.” She touched his chest and leaned in. “He calms right down when I touch you.”

  “We both like it when you touch me.” Fur rippled across his arm then retracted, there one moment and gone the next. “We need to speak of our bond. Until we complete it and create the merged link of the mind, one that’s inherent in my shifter blood, then both my other half and I will never truly be at peace. I need to join with you, Julia, in all ways, for us to be able to speak to each other at will along a merged pathway known only to us. I want you to accept me and all that I am. My word is the truth. We are mated.” Hair rippled across his other arm. His bear needed to be set free, couldn’t be contained anymore. He gripped his shirt hem, hauled it over his head and tossed it onto the end of her bed. “I need to shift, and since I detest shredding my clothing, it has to go.”

  “Then allow me to give you some privacy while you make the Change.” She walked to the door.

  “No.” He nabbed her hand and tugged her back to his side. “Don’t leave me. It’ll make my bear antsier if you’re not here. We both want you, him and I.”

  “You wish for me to stay?”

  “I’ll use the dressing screen to shift behind if you wish, but I have no problem changing before you. You are my mate and I will hide nothing from you.” He motioned toward the hand-painted silk screen propped in the corner. “Although I’ll give you the choice.”

  “Aye, use the screen, please.” Her cheeks flushed.

  “Of course. Thank you for staying.” He toed off his boots, unstrapped his sword belt and set it on the side table then strode in behind the screen. Faded blue jeans unzipped, he shoved them down his legs then tossed them onto the table with his weapons. It was time to shift, to show her his other half. No more could he delay. “Are you ready?”

  * * * *

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” Julia clasped a hand to her chest as she waited for Tavish to shift. Suddenly, a sizzling display of bright lights flared behind the screen then a large bear plodded out, reared up onto his hind legs and roared. Goodness. Tavish’s bear was huge, with black fur the same beautiful shade as his head and his golden eyes alight. He dropped down onto all fours and prowled toward her, his pure white aura with its sizzling red tinge at the edge glowing even brighter.

  Overwhelmed, and with a fierce need to touch him rolling through her, she dropped to her knees and held out one hand. “Come closer, Tavish. Let me pet you.”

  Slowly, he padded around her, rubbed against her sides then came back in front and nudged her hand with his head.

  “Thank you.” She sank her fingers into his silky pelt and scratched between his ears. One deeply satisfied purr rumbled from him, the heavenly sound of his content bringing tears to her eyes. “Your bear is beautiful, Tavish, as beautiful as you are.”

  He bumped his muzzle into her belly.

  “You wish another pat?” Heart lifting, she wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed her cheek against his furry one. She couldn’t deny her need to be close to him in his bear form, just as she’d needed to be close to him in his human form. She truly hadn’t wished to leave him so he could shift, had been secretly thrilled when he’d asked her to stay.

  She sank down, tucked her legs underneath her and smiled as he too lowered then rolled onto his back and exposed his belly. With his paws up, he offered her a hopeful look. He definitely wished for a tummy rub.

  “I like touching you, almost too much.” She smoothed her hands over his belly, her fingers sliding through his decadently soft fur. With one slow stretch, his purr deepened. “There’s been the odd time I’ve actually st
umbled upon Gilleoin out in the woods with Aunt Sorcha. Gilleoin adores lying on the grass in a pool of sunshine while Sorcha sits beside him and rubs his belly.” She spread her hand over his heart, its steady and powerful beat soothing her further. “I need to ask you something, and dinnae get mad when I do.”

  He remained still, so she continued, “If you’re wrong and we arena mated, then I shall never keep you from your true mate.”

  Lights shimmered, in a blaze so bright she toppled back and Tavish loomed over her, all man and hard and hot flesh. “I’ve waited a lifetime for you and would wait forever until you accepted your destiny, but my bear won’t. He wants you and I’m not sure how much longer I can continue to hold him back. There will be no more talk of ‘what if I’m wrong.’ You are my true mate, and I’ll do whatever it takes to prove that to you. Allow me to court you.”

  “I—I—” She palmed his wide chest, shocked he’d changed so swiftly in front of her. The smattering of dark hair on his chest thinned as it traversed between his defined abs and led downward in a teasing trail. Gulping, she couldn’t keep her gaze from moving lower. Dark curls covered the apex of his groin and his manhood rose from it, his shaft firm and long and lengthening even more as her gaze roamed over him. His shaft brushed against her belly and her fingers itched to touch him there.

  “Want me, the way I want you. Touch me, Julia.”

  “I…” She shouldn’t, yet she stroked down his sides and over his trim hips. She lifted up, pressed her nose into his neck and drew in more of his intoxicating scent. There was no halting what was between them, this all-consuming need or desire. “I wish for more.”

  “Tell me exactly what you want and I’ll give it to you. I don’t want to push you for more than what you’re willing to give, so you need to speak your mind and be utterly clear with me. This bond is about the two of us, although your needs will always come first.”

  “I’m no’ sure what I need.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and rocked her hips against his, until his hard body carved its powerful heat right into hers. “These feelings are all so new and unexpected.”


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