Holding his phone, Sterling punched in the transmitter’s frequency code so he too could track Kate once on the inside. At the moment, the signal only told him she was located in the north eastern part of the camp. If he could get closer, he might be able to narrow down the exact building.
“This camp is from the 1950’s,” Ben said.
Sterling glanced around at the old wooden buildings. “That explains why this place looks like shit. No one has preserved the area.”
“The camp was a church retreat until some wild boars forced it to be closed,” Ben added as he read from his phone. “The church reopened the camp, but people were too scared to come back. After a few years, the church sold the land to a developer – but then he declared bankruptcy in the early 1970s. I don’t think anyone has been around here in years.”
“This fence is new,” Sterling said, pointing to the electrified metal barrier dividing them from the campers.
Ben studied the fence. “It’s either not too new or just hasn’t been maintained. There are places along the length of it that look broken. There may not be electricity in those parts.”
Sterling walked past the gated entrance, careful not to stir the dogs, and looked down the southern wall of the fence. “The perimeter goes on for well over a mile. You find a map of the place?”
Ben shook his head incredulously. “Dude. 1970s. No one has put a map of this place on the Internet. I was lucky to find a reference to it in the church’s archives.” He pointed up towards the sign swinging freely in the breeze over the gate’s entrance. “Camp Ichowi isn’t high on anyone’s search engines.”
Sterling’s eyes lit up as an idea came to him. “Google maps will at least have the layout of the buildings.” After bringing up the location on his phone, Sterling tilted the small device and then zoomed in on the place. He noticed Ben doing the same. The two studied the map for a few minutes. The camp was mostly rectangular in shape with the far SE corner cut off by the lake. “Looks like this here,” Sterling said pointing to the gate, “is the main entrance. A couple of bigger buildings just to the left could be administrative cabins.”
“Probably a hospital, post office, and that type of thing,” Ben said as he studied the same image on his phone. “The biggest building in the center and to the left is probably the cafeteria.”
Sterling nodded. With this many children, they would need a large place to feed everyone. Plus, many times camps like this did skits and performances. They would need a large building for that. “The little shed between the admin buildings and the cafeteria could be a generator for the place.” He looked up towards the buildings. “There are no phone or electric lines this far out.”
“There are two medium sized buildings near the middle of the camp. I’d guess they’re bathrooms since they’re long and narrow.”
“Eight,” Sterling announced. “There are eight small buildings just past the gate and another set of eight buildings in the NE corner where Kate is.”
“Personal cabins most likely.” Ben glanced over to Sterling. “The kids and camp counselors need to sleep. I’m guessing their cabins would be separated.” He glanced back down at his phone’s display. “The big building near the lake is probably a stable for horses, but what would the small building near the far cabins be?”
Sterling took a good look at the unknown building and finally answered, “Chapel.” He shrugged as he looked over at Ben. “This was a religious camp, so it makes sense they would have a place of worship.” Examining the map again, he studied the cluster of eight cabins where Kate was being held. He wondered if she were in the children or the adult area, and why she was separated.
“If all goes well tonight, those children will be reunited with their families by tomorrow morning,” Ben commented. “We have to wait for everyone to fall asleep so we can cut down on the chance of kids getting hurt.”
Sterling stopped pacing long enough to glare at Ben. “Kate may not be able to wait that long.”
Ben’s eyes narrowed. “We wait for the team and for nightfall.”
“Fuck that.”
“Sterling,” Ben sternly said.
Beginning to pace again, Sterling continued at an agitated pace. He stopped when he saw one of the dogs looking in his direction.
“Your aura is indigo blue.”
Sterling rubbed his eyes and immediately regretted doing so, wincing at the pain.
“Why is your condition so bad right now? Your hands are gloved and you haven’t touched anything for hours.”
Sterling pointed to the trees and vegetation which surrounded them. “I don’t know. Ragweed? Fucking cedar trees?” he barked. His body shook uncontrollably, as if it was covered with ants¸ and he let out a shudder. “I have some rain left in the car.”
Ben shook his head. “Your store won’t be enough. Sulie will be here soon. She’ll take care of you.”
“I’ll manage!”
The puffiness of Sterling’s eyes, and the rash forming around his neck, told another story. “The sun has already set,” Ben said calmly. “Sulie is your best bet. I doubt you’ll have time to be at your best, especially since I know you can sense the same thing I can.”
Sterling eyes darted back into the camp. “Of course I sensed it. There’s another vampire here, a purebred.” He stared at the gate as if looking for more information from the camp. “I’m betting the vamp is the boy who recently turned. Even if he has sided with the kidnappers, I think I can still take him out if needed.”
“A purebred, Sterling. Maybe just a boy, but he’s still going to be stronger than you.”
Sterling rolled his eyes as he quietly opened the car door. “I’m not going out in a pile of dust because of a punk teenager.”
“Pollen is taking you out! Look at yourself.” When Sterling remained silent, Ben added, “If we can sense that vampire, he sure as hell can sense us.”
Ben gave a surprised look, so Sterling repeated. “He can sense you. Not me.” Sterling pulled out his raindrops and a small bottle of rainwater. He tilted his head and put two drops in each eye. Letting out a small sigh of relief, he spritzed what little rainwater he had left around his face. It was the worst affected part of his body since it was the only exposed area.
After refreshing his face, he tossed the empty bottles back into the car. “Wait here for the team. I’m going to find a weak panel of fence and get Kate out now.”
“Hell, no. The team will be here soon and we need to fill them in on what we know.”
“The last time I checked, it only takes one person to deliver status.” With that, Sterling took off down the north side of the fence alone.
Kekoa listened for the sound of the guard’s heartbeat outside the cabin. When he heard the sound, the rhythmic beating excited him. He pursed his lips together as saliva pooled in his mouth. The armed guard stood only a few feet from the door, and he was alone. Kekoa walked carefully around the sleeping children to the back window. The pane was nailed shut, but with his new found strength he popped the window directly out of its frame, nails and all. He looked over to the sleeping boys. They all still slept. Being careful with the noise, Kekoa placed the window inside the cabin and climbed out.
When he spotted the guard, Kekoa’s heart raced. Was he really going to take a human life? He felt sick, but he committed himself to this act. If not for him, then for the children. He was their only hope.
Kekoa took several deep breaths and considered all the options of how to kill the guard. After running through a few scenarios, he chose his deadly strike. The end would be quick.
He picked up a rock from the ground and felt its weight. The stone fit firmly in the palm of his hand and had a good heft. The wait wasn’t long. The guard turned his back to the cabin, and away from Kekoa. With super speed, Kekoa advanced on the unsuspecting human and struck him in the back of the head with a mighty blow.
The impact of the rock caved in the
man’s skull. Blood sprayed from the head trauma like a sprinkler on parched land. Kekoa jumped back as his face and clothes were covered in red. He smelled the blood instantly, and it smelled good. He tore into the man’s wrist while the blood was still warm. The blood tasted sweet and delicious as it dribbled down Kekoa’s chin. His fangs ripped the tissues in the arm as he drained the man dry.
Cells in Kekoa’s body regenerated, with even more strength and stamina. Kekoa felt stronger than he ever had in his life. He licked his lips and savored the moment.
One down. Many to go.
Hearing the soft crunching of the freshly fallen leaves beneath his feet, Sterling crouched low to the ground and scurried around the perimeter of the fence. He redirected his path towards a muddy trail where the rain soaked leaves sounded quieter under his steps. His efforts hadn’t gotten him far down the northern side of the fence before he heard the faint sound of several cars as they approached. The Colony team had arrived, but he still didn’t head back. It would take his father too long to be debriefed and to divide the team up with a plan of attack. Plus, Sterling suspected his father would spend a few minutes scolding Ben for his disappearance from the team. Sterling cursed inwardly. He owed Ben big for that one.
Continuing to stalk slowly along the perimeter, Sterling checked the readiness of the fence with some small stones he picked off the ground. The stones sizzled as they touched the metal of the fence and fell to the ground.
Sterling walked well past what he and Ben had guessed were administrative buildings, the hospital and the generator when he discovered a part of the fence without electricity. An entire ten–foot panel was the weakened link in the fence’s chain – big enough for him to go through, but more importantly, big enough for the team to carry a group of children back through as well. The metal fence tore easily and Sterling crawled along the ground and made his way into the camp.
In the background, he heard the soft whine of dogs. Sterling guessed they were being drugged by a pair of Colony team members, but doubted any humans could hear the high pitch of the canines. Sterling glanced towards the main gate. The team was moving faster than he would have expected, but then again, his father would be pushing the team in their rescue efforts. No doubt his father saw him as one of the kids needing to be rescued. Sterling took a deep breath. Damn his human side.
Sterling turned suddenly, smelling fresh blood in the air. Human, it was definitely human. He glanced down at his phone and saw the red dot pointing out Kate’s position. She still remained east of his location. The human blood wafted from the rows of small buildings he had guessed were the cabins for the children. He considered for a moment that the team could have killed their first human captor of the night, but wasn’t sure they would have made it in this far – at least not yet. The blood could be from one of the children.
He glanced eastward one more time before he headed towards the scent of the blood.
It didn’t take him long to find a body hidden behind a bush. The remains were a fresh kill of a human male. Not a child, but an adult. The man’s eyes were wide open in fright as he had died, and one wrist was shredded. Sterling knelt down to inspect the body, which was already pale white and cold to the touch. He sniffed the dead human and sensed it had been completely drained. This was the work of a vampire – one that was either incredibly hungry or thoroughly pissed since the feeding looked brutal. Thinking back to the young transitioning boy that was being held here at the camp, Sterling thought it could also be the work of a novice vampire inexperienced with feeding. Sterling hoped it was the latter.
Sterling glanced up from the body. Another blood source lingered in the wind. The blood type differed from the first. He sniffed the air and knew it came from the next row of cabins. He walked over slowly taking refuge behind some bushes. From a distance, he watched as a young male vampire ate greedily at the wrist from another human adult. It was the female guard from earlier that night lying dead in the boy’s arms. The woman had not screamed. She didn’t look like she had put up much of a fight either. Sterling studied the boy as he finished his meal. The boy appeared young, and Sterling knew he was about nineteen. He was a purebred vampire – and a natural killer; his prey never saw him coming.
The boy must have noticed Sterling, because he dropped his meal and scanned around in Sterling’s direction. He then jumped into the bushes, leaving the body on the cold, hard ground.
Sterling thought back to his Jahrling Year and how different everything had seemed to his senses. This boy was on a massive feeding frenzy and hopped up on blood for the first time. He wasn’t sure how the boy would react to him, but there were children in these cabins. If this vampire saw them as a food source Sterling would have no choice but to try to kill him. Hoping that wouldn’t be the case, he stood up with hands open as he approached the hiding spot of the young vampire. He wanted to call out his name, but wasn’t sure how to pronounce it. He called out “key–ko”, which is how his father had pronounced the name during their meeting.
Like a flash of lightning, Kekoa ran towards Sterling and knocked him down. Kekoa let out a growl as his hands pushed down Sterling’s shoulders, and his knees pounded Sterling’s legs to the ground. Although stronger of the two, Kekoa lacked any real battle skills. Sterling flipped the thin boy over and pinned him almost effortlessly to the ground.
Kekoa growled at Sterling as he held the younger vamp down. Sterling stared down at the blackened eyes of his opponent, and his razor sharp teeth, and did his best to keep the fangs a safe distance away. The growling from Kekoa grew, and Sterling feared it would announce their presence to more guards. He said his name again, “Key–ko” to get the boy’s attention. “I’m looking for Stephen and Tiffany. They were both taken a few days ago,” Sterling said tightening his grip on the purebred vampire.
Kekoa struggled under him. “How the hell are you stronger than I am?” he asked as he managed to free one of his arms.
Sterling readjusted his hold on the boy. The lighting was dark, but Sterling noticed recognition in the boy’s eyes as he realized he was being pinned down by another vampire. The boy struggled even more. If he had not been so undernourished, Kekoa would have been the victor.
“Your eyes are black,” Kekoa managed to get out. “Fuck!”
The boys might tested Sterling’s strength. Sterling now used his whole body to keep the boy on the ground. “I’m not working with the humans. I’m looking for Stephen and Tiffany.”
As if those were the magic words, Kekoa stopped growling and submitted to the bigger vampire. He eyed Sterling up and down. “You know Stephen and Tiffany?”
“The Cavalry is here to save you.” Sterling removed himself from on top of the boy and helped him up. They crouched down low to the ground as they talked. “You’re the oldest boy. Your name is key–ko?”
“My name is pronounced ke–ko–ah, and yes. I’m the oldest in the camp,” he said as he studied Sterling.
“You the only vampire?” Sterling asked.
Kekoa’s eyes slowly shifted back to their natural brown color. “Yes. There are sixteen other children, all pretransitional. Plus, over two dozen human guards.”
Sterling looked at the red blood dripping from the boy’s mouth and pointed to the dead body nearby. “Was that, and the other guard, your first feeding?”
Kekoa used his sleeve as he wiped away the blood from his chin. “I transitioned.”
Sterling touched the boy’s clothes and mentally saw visions of him being a prisoner and taking care of the kids. He also recognized the boy from the vision he had when he touched the poster at the home. This was the boy who wrote the names and dates. Kekoa still stared at him, so he asked, “What?”
Kekoa glanced away. “I’ve never seen a half–breed before. I didn’t expect one to be so strong.”
Sterling rolled his eyes. “Don’t beat yourself up about it.” He glanced back in the direction he knew Kate was. “One of the girls was
“Yes. The new one. I haven’t met her.” Kekoa scanned his surroundings to get his bearings. “Henry’s cabin is on the far side of the camp. The guards all sleep in eight cabins on the other side of the camp.” Kekoa pointed towards the cabins and Sterling noticed the burn on his wrist and the bracelet.
Sterling grabbed the boy’s hand. “You’re wearing silver?”
Kekoa nodded. “Silver is everywhere. On the doors, faucets, silverware … everything is silver plated.” He held up his wrist, “Can you remove my bracelet?”
“No. But the girl we’re about to rescue probably can. Let’s go.”
As Sterling and Kekoa walked towards Henry’s cabin, they both noticed the slight hum of the generator abruptly stop. The lights around the camp dimmed and slowly faded out. “We’re not alone,” Sterling said to Kekoa. “There are several others. They’ve already taken care of the dogs and now the generator.”
Kekoa looked around with widened eyes. When the smell of blood hit the air once more, his mouth watered.
Sterling watched as Kekoa licked his lips. “First feedings can be seductive. Don’t obsess. The strong pull you’re feeling right now will subside over time.” Sterling glanced back towards the cafeteria where the smell originated from. “The team is already liberating the camp.”
Kekoa’s face lit up at those words. The two continued moving towards the cabins where the adults slept. As they moved from building to building, Sterling saw the small cabin he had identified on the map as the chapel. Sure enough, it had a cross on the top of it. A soft candlelit glow escaped from the windows which caused Kekoa’s to stop midstep.
“What is it?” Sterling asked looking carefully around.
“Deacon Victoria.” Kekoa moved to a window and peeked inside. “She’s here.”
United Service Page 16