Dangerous Curves

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Dangerous Curves Page 10

by James, Marysol

  She relaxed now. “Yeah?”

  “Hell, yeah. Now, get that sweet ass in to the pool.”

  Sarah giggled and accepted his hand. He helped her down the steps in to the shallow end, and she gasped as the cool water hit her skin.

  “Too chilly?” he asked.

  “No. It’s good.” She walked in deeper. “Refreshing.”

  Jax wished that she was naked, but he’d take what he had, which was still pretty damn great. The white material of her bra had turned see-through right away, and when she stood up to push her long hair back over her shoulders, he saw the pink of her nipples. His cock hardened in his boxers, and he fought to keep himself in check as she swam around the pool in lazy strokes.

  “Come over here, Red.”

  Sarah looked at Jax, leaning up against the side of the pool, way at the end farthest from the house. When she got closer, she saw that he was actually sitting down. There were small, low seats built right in to the wall and she moved to sit on the one next to him. He stopped her, though, and pulled her up on his lap, his hands gliding over her wet skin.

  Without any conscious thought, her legs went around his waist and her arms moved around his shoulders. And suddenly, there she was: almost naked and soaking wet and all wrapped around Jax’s hard, amazing body. She stared in to his eyes, feeling like her whole world had just shifted.

  He felt more than saw her uncertainty. “Only what you want to do. You know that, right?”

  She thought about that for a few seconds, and he stayed silent, his hands running up and down her back, slow and soothing. Jax waited, let her decide what she wanted. What she needed.

  It was dark in the backyard. The kitchen lights didn’t reach this far, and most of the illumination came from the huge full moon above. She saw the outline of Jax’s large body, saw the gleam of his eyes, but not much more, and this lack of sight only sharpened her sense of touch.

  Every part of her was hypersensitive, tingling and alert. Here in the near-dark, she discovered a sense of freedom, and something in Sarah came alive. Something primal and aching with need; something that wasn’t her, but it was her. Something that had been there all along, hidden away… waiting for Jax to call it out.

  I want him to touch me, all over and everywhere. I want him to stroke me inside, deep and hard.

  She knew he would do what she wanted, if she just asked him to; she also knew that he’d stop if she asked him to do that. Jax was probably a lot of things, but he wasn’t a man who was going to force her. He’d said so, and she believed him.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I want – I want…”

  He pushed her wet hair back off her forehead. “What? What do you want?”

  “…I don’t know.” Her voice wobbled. “I don’t know what I can even have, or what I like.”

  “Wait.” Jax went still. “How much have you done before?”

  She looked away.

  “No, don’t do that.” His fingers on her chin forced her back to face him. “Have you ever had an orgasm?”

  She closed her eyes, horrified at the directness of his question.

  “Sarah? Tell me, OK?”

  “I – I don’t know if I have.”

  Jax was quiet. If she wasn’t sure, then chances were that she hadn’t, and that shook him up. In his arms, he held a woman who was totally unaware of what her body could do, how good it could feel. And he was taken aback at just how much he wanted to be the one to show her.

  “What did you and Dave do?” He hated to say the fucker’s name, hated the thought of him touching Sarah at all, but Jax needed some information. He needed to know if the asshole had inflicted some damage on her about sex, about her own body and its desires.

  I just bet he was a selfish prick with her.

  She jumped a bit, started to pull back. Jax tightened his grip on her.

  “Don’t be embarrassed.” His voice was soft, and she stopped trying to get away now. “Just tell me.”

  She let out a shuddering breath. “We – we touched each other. And sometimes, it started to feel really good. Like… I could feel something happening. Inside.”

  Jax nodded.

  “But he told me I was taking too long, and that it wasn’t normal for a woman to need so much time. And he stopped before… before anything could really happen.” He saw the shine of tears on her cheeks, and anger rose in his chest. “Maybe I can’t, Jax. Can’t – you know. Come.”

  “OK, hold up.” He stepped down hard on his overwhelming desire to kick Dave’s fucktard ass up between his shoulder blades. “There could be lots of reasons why you never had an orgasm with him. Maybe he didn’t turn you on nearly enough. Maybe he had no fucking clue what he was doing. Maybe you need more than just a finger – not every woman can come that way, Sarah. Maybe you didn’t trust him enough to really relax and let go.” He kissed her, gentle and slow, licking the tears from her lips. “Myself? I’d bet it was some combination of some or all of the above.”

  “Or maybe I’m just defective.”

  “No.” He was sharp now. “No way. I’ve felt your fire, and there’s not a single fucking thing wrong with you. You hear me?”

  Startled, she nodded.

  “What do you want right now? What do you want to do, if anything? We can just stay close like this, you know, and star-gaze and kiss. I’m happy if you are.”



  “I want more.” She ran her hands over his back. “I want you to make me come, Jax. If I can.”

  He sucked in a breath. “Oh, God…”

  “Touch me.” She moved on him now, restless and needy. “Make me feel good. Please.”

  “I will.” He made the promise with every intention of fulfilling it, and hopefully more than once. “It’s all I want to do.”

  Sarah reached behind her and unhooked her bra. She threw it on the pool deck, looked at Jax, trying to make out his expression in the darkness. She felt the tension in his huge body as he slowly leaned forward and took a nipple in his mouth. The shock of heat on her cool skin was exquisite, and she gave a small shudder.

  He took his time, feeling her whole body sink down on him as she slowly started to give herself over. He sucked, nibbled, licked, teased; he savored her, really let her get to know his touch. He couldn’t see her, but he could feel her and taste her, and goddamn she was fucking sweet. His cock was hardening and lengthening, but he hardly noticed: his focus was on her, on giving her what she needed.

  Jax moved to her other breast now, and Sarah let her head fall back. She stared up at the stars above, dazzled at their beauty, dazzled by this tough, gentle man. She felt so wanted, so cherished. He was holding her to his hot mouth, his hands open and pressed in to her back, pushing her closer to his tongue and lips. She had no control here, and she loved it.

  When his hand moved down her body, a sigh escaped her lips. Those confident, tender fingers stroked her stomach, stopped at the waistband of her underwear.

  “You sure?” he said.

  “Yes.” Her hips shifted, restless with wanting, with needing. “Yes.”

  As he lowered her panties, Jax kissed her deeply. She responded, helping him pull the scrap of material down and off. He tossed them on the deck next to her bra, and she smiled as she realized that she was totally naked in Jax’s pool.

  Huh. I said this wasn’t going to happen…but God, it feels right.

  His hands were all over her now, running over the generous curve of her ass, down the backs of her thighs, around to her stomach. She gasped as they skimmed her pussy, the briefest touch, before gliding away. Jax kissed her the whole time, slow, gentle, and Sarah had never felt so desired in the whole of her life.

  “Jax,” she whispered. “Jax, please.”

  “OK, doll.” He playfully b
it her lower lip, teasing her. “You want to stop, you say so.”

  That first touch shocked her with its intensity, and she let out a moan of pure pleasure. His thick finger stroked her, up and down, and he loved how her lower lips opened to him, like a delicate flower. Her pussy was hot, even in the cool water, and so soft. Carefully, he touched her taut bundle of nerves – made a slow, gentle circle – and she gave a cry of surprise.


  “That’s it, baby,” he murmured. “Let me in.”

  He slipped one finger just inside her slick channel, and she froze.


  “Oh, my God.” She tried to remember to breathe. “That feels so good.”

  He moved deeper. “And that?”

  Right on cue, her fingers dug in to his shoulders and her lower body jerked. Jax smiled.

  Carefully, he slid his finger farther inside her body. Fuck, she was tight, and hot, and he wanted to be in there so bad, it was almost painful. His own want was building, and he closed his eyes and pulled her in for a kiss, his hand squeezing the back of her neck. She gave a sharp gasp against his mouth as he pushed harder, and he stopped, his attention shifting from the needs of his body back to hers.

  Goddammit, be careful. She’s a virgin, remember, and it sounds like dickhead didn’t spend nearly enough time down here, getting her ready.

  “Did I hurt you?” he said.

  “No,” she said. “I just – I don’t know what I’m feeling.”

  “It feels good?”

  “God, yes.”

  He withdrew a bit before moving back inside. Her body quivered with pleasure, so he did it again. Again. She started to move on him now, taking him more deeply, faster, as her hips rode his hand. He waited until she was arching her back, then he stroked her clit with the ball of his thumb as he thrust inside her.

  Sarah’s reaction was instantaneous: her pussy tightened around his finger, then released. He slid a second finger inside now, twisted his hand a bit. She gave a low moan and buried her face in his shoulder, her nails digging into his upper back as her inner muscles pulsed again.

  “There it is,” Jax said softly. “Just let go… you’re going to feel everything, baby. I’ll take you there, I promise.”

  She wasn’t capable of answering him. Those huge hands were stroking her hidden flesh, the most secret and tender parts of her body, and he was so gentle, she couldn’t believe it. Jax was so hard everywhere, pure steel under her touch, and the fact that this man could be so soft and careful confused her, moved her.

  He held her close, feeling every inch of her body on his. He was so in tune with her now, he could tell what she was feeling by how she breathed, how she moaned his name, how her body shook, how her pussy tightened and fluttered. Somehow, he knew Sarah already in all the ways that mattered, knew her inside and out, and as a man who had never known a woman before – not fully, not really – this stunned him.

  Sarah’s cry was muffled against his shoulder when Jax sped up the plunges inside her, slightly increased the pressure on her hard bud. She was moving on his hand, fucking his fingers, and she couldn’t have stopped even if someone had put a gun to her head and ordered her to do so. She was at the mercy of the sensations now, and all she wanted was to keep feeling this way. It was almost too much, but it wasn’t enough. Not yet.

  The tension inside of her built, coiled, intensified. Every plunge down and thrust in made the edge sharper, keener. Sarah didn’t know how much more of this almost-painful pleasure her body could take, but she trusted Jax to take her all the way. She knew he wouldn’t leave her hanging and frustrated. He’d see her to completion.

  She was so close now, Jax knew. She was sobbing and incoherent in her single-minded pursuit for release, clutching at him, begging and writhing. He wanted this for her so much – he wanted her to come more than he wanted anything for himself. He needed to see her unravel for him, and as her movements got wilder and more frantic, he thumbed her clit, hard and fast.

  That was it; that was all it took. Sarah went rigid on top of him as the tension reached breaking point and for a few seconds, she wasn’t even breathing. Then the explosion began deep inside of her, and the force of it started her shaking. The orgasm rippled outwards, running along every nerve ending, all the way to her tingling toes and fingers. Jax nipped her neck now, and the small shock of pain brought back her breath and she screamed.

  “Fuck, yes. Again…” Jax pushed one last time, reached deep, loving the helpless arch of her back, her sweet pussy gripping his fingers. “Scream for me again.”

  Unable to help herself, she did, riding the wave long and hard. Then she fell forward on him, limp and panting, her face turned in to his throat. Jax gently pulled out of her hot center and wrapped his arms around her, never wanting to let her go.

  “Jesus Christ, Sarah.” Jax heard the wonder in his own voice. “So fucking beautiful, baby.”

  She barely heard him over her thundering heartbeat. Her whole body was weak, but not in a bad way – this was a languid, relaxed weakness. Like honey, it was sweet and thick and golden. A bit decadent. It was the weakness of a body that had been given almost an excess of pleasure – and wasn’t even the slightest bit apologetic about it.

  He stroked her hair, over and over again, waiting for her to recover. He was amazed, yet again, at her just handing herself over to him, just placing her body in his hands. Jax had no idea why she trusted him the way that she did, but he found that he was grateful. He also wanted to give to her, instead of take from her. He wanted to take care of her, mark her as his, and in some base, feral way, he was pleased to be her first.

  A part of her is mine now. I’m the first man who ever gave her this – and in that way, we’re connected. Forever.

  Her breathing had calmed a bit, so he gently lifted her chin, kissed her. “See? Not defective.”

  She gave a half-laugh. “You were right.”

  “Damn right I was.” Jax touched her cheek. “That was incredible.”

  “For me too.”

  “You OK?” It was a bit late to ask now, but he still felt that he should. “Was I too rough? Are you sore?” His voice was husky with worry.

  “Oh, God. I’m so OK, and I’m feeling no pain at all.” Sarah kissed him. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.”

  “Our pleasure.”

  “Yeah.” Jax grinned. “Ours.”

  They smiled at each other, then Jax gathered her close again.

  “Want to look at the stars now?” he asked.

  Sarah laughed. “Yeah. That’s what we’re out here for, right?”

  “Uh-huh. That was the plan.”

  Silent now, they held each other, their hands and mouths moving slowly over each other’s bodies in the water. They didn’t touch to arouse, or tease in to a frenzy. Instead, it was all about comfort and closeness, a way of communicating through the fingertips and the lips. She nuzzled his neck, he traced the curve of her hip; she ran her fingers over his collarbone, he kissed her closed eyelids.

  Jax was amazed that he wanted to do any of this. Usually he got a woman off, got off himself, and beat it back to the bar. He’d told Sarah that she was different and she was – and she made him want to be different, too. He let his fingers trail over her lower lips again, loving her silkiness. He wondered if the curls there were as red as the ones on her head.

  “Have you been kissed down here?” he asked softly.

  “Ummmm. Yeah. A few times.” She was shy and embarrassed again. “Maybe three times.”

  “And did you enjoy it?”

  “I guess. I mean – it was like the touching. It felt good, but not great.”

  “Hmmmm.” His throaty murmur turned her on so much. “We’ll have to do something about that soon, huh?”

  “Yeah.” Sarah was breathless at the thought of that d
ark head between her thighs, that clever, confident tongue stroking her pussy, lapping at her arousal. “For sure.”

  “OK, let’s get out,” he said. “The air is turning cool.”

  She nodded. The warmth of the early summer day had completely gone now, and the mountain wind was picking up. He carried her to the steps, set her down and helped her out of the pool. She shivered, and he quickly wrapped a large, fluffy towel around her naked body, his hands lingering between her breasts, on her waist.

  “Go up to the house and dry off,” he said.

  Sarah picked up her discarded clothing and soaked underwear. “I guess I’m going home without a bra or panties, huh?”

  His eyes darkened. “I like the thought of that.”

  She shivered again, but not from the chill in the air this time.

  Jax saw it, and he wrapped a towel around his lower body. “Up to the house, before you catch your death of cold. Get dressed, and I’ll take you home.”


  The drive back to Sarah’s house was quiet, relaxed. She leaned against him, holding Jax’s body differently now – she was a woman who’d seen it up close, who’d touched it intimately, who’d had a mind-blowing orgasm wrapped around it. She didn’t own it, but she did have a claim on it, and she staked that claim with a vengeance.

  From his side, Jax didn’t mind at all being claimed. Her hands felt good on him, her body felt good pressed up on his. Those ripe, lush curves were all his, at least for a little while, and so that meant that his hard, thick muscles were all hers. That was the agreement and the understanding, and what had happened tonight had just sealed the deal. Jax didn’t want out of what they had – he wanted more. He wanted everything.

  He pulled up to Sarah’s house, helped her off the bike. He walked her up to the front door and this time he didn’t care if the whole neighborhood was watching them. He kissed her goodnight, long and hard and hot, and she didn’t back down at all. She pulled him in close, tight, and he held on to Sarah like she was the center of his whole universe.


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