Dangerous Curves

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Dangerous Curves Page 22

by James, Marysol

  “She seems nice.”

  “You think?” Jax said, amused.

  “Yeah. Cute little thing, huh?”

  Sarah and Jax burst in to laughter. King looked offended.

  “What?” he said.

  “Oh, King, come on.” Jax shook his head. “She’s a normal kind of woman. Smart, professional, not walking around the city half-naked. Doesn’t pack heat to go to work, probably can’t bust your nose with the palm of her hand. Though I admit I’d be intrigued to see her try.”


  “So. All that means that she’s not your type, man.”

  King cocked his head at Jax and smirked. “Didn’t stop you, now did it?”

  Sarah laughed again. “He’s got you there, babe.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Jax glared at King mockingly. “So you going to go after the cute blonde in the business suit?”

  “Dunno. She kind of looked at me like I terrified her, don’t you think?”

  “That’s for damn sure.” Sarah grinned. “I thought she was going to pass out when you joined us.”

  King looked down at himself, at his forearms covered in muscle and tattoos, at his worn jeans and tight black t-shirt, at his motorcycle boots. “Too much?”

  “Yeah, man,” Jax said. “You’re much too much for a woman like that.”

  “Yeah.” King sighed. “You’re probably right. Dammit.”

  Chapter Twenty

  At his house, Jax opened Sarah’s door, helped her out of the truck. She winced when her right foot hit the ground and she swayed a bit. Jax steadied her until she recovered, wishing for the millionth time that it was him struggling with these basic things.

  “OK, baby?”

  “Yeah. Thanks.”

  “Come on. Let’s get you inside.”

  He put his arm around her and helped her in to the house. She moved slowly, really focusing on her balance. It was getting better, but when she was tired or she got distracted, she lost her center of gravity so easily and quickly, it stunned her.

  Good God. For almost twenty-five years, I just got up and walked. Never thought about it, never even noticed it. Now it takes every ounce of my concentration to stay vertical and move in a straight line.

  She got herself up the stairs and in to the living room, and that was where her strength finally gave out.


  Knowing that she’d hit her limit, he grabbed her and swung her up in to his arms. She sighed and rested her head against his chest, loving being close to him.

  He lay Sarah down on the sofa, then stretched out next to her. His weight pressed down on her as he kissed her, and she closed her eyes as the now-familiar sense of ‘I’ve done this before’ slowly came to her.

  She pulled away. “Have we done this before?”

  His eyes lit up, and she thrilled to see it. When he got this look, it was the clearest sign that she had just remembered something that really meant something to him.

  “Yeah.” Jax ran his hands over her hips. “On our third date, you cooked for me, and while dinner was in the oven, I picked you up and brought you over here. We spent some time on the sofa, just having some fun.”

  “What did we do?” she asked, suddenly breathless as sensations rolled over her skin.

  “You want me to show you?” He was only half-joking.

  “I think I know…”

  “Do you now?”

  “It involved that wicked mouth of yours, didn’t it?”

  “Uh-huh. Yours, too.”

  “God, I remember.”

  Their eyes met and locked, hot and blazing with pent-up desire. Although they shared a bed, they hadn’t been naked together since Sarah had come out of her coma.

  For the past week or so, they’d been talking about making love, but Jax was actually the one hesitating. He was worried about how Sarah might react, and the last thing he wanted to do was scare her. It was fucking killing him to be so close to her every night and not run his tongue over every inch of her curves, but he was determined to take it slow.

  They’d had lots to work through over the past six weeks, anyway, and sex would have just been a distraction. By far, the hardest conversation had been when Jax told Sarah about what went on behind the scenes at King’s Garage.

  He had admitted to hiring Honey and Tank, and he’d confessed his deepest, darkest intentions about hurting Dave. He didn’t hold back from her at all, didn’t spare himself her anger, and he told her the whole truth. He told her that if she’d died, his intention had been to kill Dave.

  She’d been horrified and shocked, and had retreated from him for over a week. No calls, no communication at all.

  Jax had been sure he’d lost her as surely as if she’d never emerged from the coma, and when she’d finally called him to meet for a talk, he’d almost danced with joy. It had been a tough conversation, but they’d hashed it all out, in the end. Sarah had forgiven and understood him – yet again, some more – and he was working hard every day to deserve her and this third chance that he had miraculously been given.

  She had moved in with Jax the week before – officially moved in, for good and forever, he hoped. After a few days of nerves about Garrett, Noah’s new private care provider, and Annie protesting about Jax picking up the tab for Garrett, it had all settled down. Sarah was now fully focused on her recovery, both physical and mental. And making love was a big part of both.

  Maybe this is the right time to take the next step?

  As soon as Jax finished having the thought, his cell phone rang and he groaned.

  “It’s OK,” she said. “Take it. I want to make a cup of tea anyway.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yep.” She sat up and he supported her back as she struggled a bit. “I’m sure.”

  She walked in to the kitchen and put the kettle on to boil. She held on to the counter, more for balance than for leverage, and stared out the window at the starry sky. The inky blackness sparked something in her, some memory, and she shut her eyes to help retrieve it.

  Night sky. Thousands of stars. Cool water. Hot breath on my skin, on my mouth. Hands on me… in me. Oh. Oh, God.

  She heard Jax coming in to the kitchen behind her.


  He stopped, not sure what that tone in her voice meant. “Yeah?”

  “You know what I just kind of remembered, and now I miss?”


  “Floating around the swimming pool with you, looking at the stars.”

  “You remember that?” Jax was ecstatic: that night was one of his favorite memories with Sarah, and it had killed him that she had had no recollection of it at all.

  “Yeah, a bit.” She sighed. “I remember that it was beautiful. Too bad the weather’s turned.”

  “Well, that’s what the hot tub is for,” Jax said. “Star-gazing in the autumn and winter.”

  She turned around now and her bright blue eyes settled on his face. “You have a hot tub?”

  “You forgot about it?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I did.”

  “Well.” His husky voice was almost a growl. “It’s turned on and ready to go. If you want to go for a dip, I mean.”

  “With you?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  She turned off the element under the kettle, pretended to think about it. “I don’t have a bathing suit.”

  He approached her now, his large body taut with desire. “You don’t need one.”

  Sarah laughed. “Maybe I can keep my underwear on?”

  “I’ll take whatever you want to give me, doll.”

  Hand in hand, they walked out to the back deck and Jax helped her down the stairs. The hot tub was covered, and he pushed a button that slid it back. The steam rose in the crisp late-October night, and Sarah smiled at Jax.
br />   “What are you thinking?” he said.

  In response, she pulled his shirt up and off his head. His breath caught with memory, with need.

  God, I’m starved for her.

  “Touch me,” he said, his voice a pleading rasp. “Sarah, please touch me.”

  Her hands moved over his body, slow and shy. It was a kind of exquisite torture, this knowing innocence of hers. Her rediscovery of him was pure pleasure, and he wanted nothing more than to refresh his own memory of her fire and silk. When she moved in to his arms and lifted her glowing face to his, he sighed. Her lips were soft and eager, and possessiveness smashed him in the chest.

  Mine. Fucking all mine. I’m never letting her go, not ever again.

  She stepped back from him now, a look of mischief on her face. “Jax?”


  “Take off your jeans, babe. Now.” She smirked. “And try not to fall over, huh?”

  He laughed out loud.

  When they were both shivering in their underwear, Jax helped her in to the hot tub. He sat down on one of the seats and without a second of thought, she curled up in his lap. Just like that first night in the pool, Sarah was wrapped all around him, mostly-naked and open and trusting. She tipped her head back and gazed at the stars, admiring their diamond-like sparkle and shine. The water was an amazing contrast to the chilly night air, and she relished the feeling of being so incredibly alive.

  It could all have been taken from me, so damn easily. No more wasting time, girl. If you want this man, go get him. He’s not going to make a move until he’s sure you’re ready, so you have to demand it of him. No more waiting; no more asking. Take him, if that’s what you want.

  “You OK?” he said, a bit unnerved by her silence.

  She met his eyes. “I could be better.”


  “Uh-huh.” She reached behind her, unhooked her bra. Jax’s eyes went dark with lust as her pink nipples teased him just below the bubbling water, appearing and then disappearing from his mesmerized gaze. When she shimmied out of her panties and tossed them on to the deck, his cock hardened and lengthened and he bit back a groan. With a sound remarkably like a purr, Sarah rubbed herself against him, unabashedly teasing and tormenting him.

  “Hey, Red?”

  “Yeah, Stud?”

  “You trying to seduce me?”

  “Oh, yeah. You’d better believe it.” She stroked her slit the whole length of him, pressed gently when she reached the tip of his cock. The movement nudged him inside her, just a bit, and she winked at him.

  Jax gasped, fighting for control. It had been such a long time since they’d been together, and he was suddenly sure that he wasn’t going to last for longer than ten seconds. Her pussy was burning hot against him, and now she was moving on his lap, her hips rolling and undulating. Right away, he was thrown back to the amazing first night in the pool, and he groaned again.

  “Jax… touch me. Please.”

  He didn’t need to be asked twice. He slipped his hand under the water, stroked her thigh. She made a frustrated little sound and he winked back at her.

  “More, baby?”

  “More and now, Jax.”

  “Bossy,” he murmured. “Good thing I find that kind of a turn-on.”

  “A bigger turn-on than me kicking your ass at pool?”

  “Ummm.” He moved higher now, inching up her body. She arched and he paused, his fingers resting on her pussy lightly, barely touching her at all. “Let me think about that for a sec.”

  Sarah actually growled now, and Jax felt his arousal go in to overdrive. The last time he’d heard her make that sound, he’d been plunging in to her from behind, his hand wrapped in her hair and his mouth open and hot against her shoulder as he panted his arousal. He’d give anything he owned to hear it again.

  No more fucking around. I need to feel her come.

  Sarah almost sobbed with relief when Jax’s fingers finally found her. He parted her lower lips gently, stroked her clit with his thumb. He moved around and around the sensitive bud, his hands so tender and sure, she felt herself unraveling almost immediately. Jax stroked her, fondled her, until she cried out, her orgasm a long, intense burst of blistering sensations.

  As her climax rolled over her, it brought a wave of emotion and memory. She closed her eyes and held on to Jax more tightly, letting it all wash over her. She wept, overwhelmed and grateful, and he let her have this moment, let her get lost in it, knowing that she’d find her way back to him.

  “I remember now.” Her eyes were brimming over with tears, but she was smiling. “I remember all of that first night in the pool. You – you gave me real pleasure for the first time in my life. You were my first, in every way. Jax… I remember.”

  “Oh, thank God, baby.” He kissed her, tasted her tears. “I loved that night, and it felt so damn lonely to have that memory without you.”

  They held each other, and Sarah felt closer to him than she ever thought she could be. She knew for sure that Jax may be a hard, complicated man who’d made his fair share of mistakes, but when it came to her, he was – and always had been – a good, loving man. He’d always been hers, heart and soul.

  And I’ve always been his.



  “I don’t remember when we first made love. I wish I did.”

  “Well, not yet, maybe. Who knows… that memory may come back too.”

  “I’d much rather create a new memory.”

  Jax blinked at her. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I’d rather you just made love to me – I want you to be my first. Yet again.”

  He laughed. “I’ll be your first for the second time?”

  “You mind?”

  “Oh, hell, no.” His eyes sparkled down at her. “I remember your first time, baby, and let me tell you this much: if your second first time is anything like your first first time, we may not survive it.”


  “You were so hot… so sweet. And you had two orgasms with me inside you.”

  “I did?”

  “You’d better believe it.”

  “So, you think we can recreate that experience?”

  Jax stood up, extended his large hand to her. “Partly. But on this second first time, we go for three orgasms… see if we can’t jog your memory again, huh?”

  She stood up too, and he admired her body as the water glistened on her breasts and thighs. “Challenge accepted, Stud.”

  He wrapped her in a thick bathrobe, donned his own. He helped her back in to the house, and when they reached the bedroom, he laid her on the bed like she was made of the finest china.

  Jax wanted to take it slow; he wanted to ease in to this whole thing, for Sarah’s sake. But just like the first time, she wasn’t interested in waiting. No, she wanted him – she wanted all of him. And she wanted him now.

  The second the condom was on, she shoved him on to his back, then spread herself above him. Her pussy rubbed against his stomach and he felt her arousal, wet and sticky, the purest honey he’d ever known. He grasped her hips gently, guided her to his cock. She lowered herself on to him, slid down his shaft, paused. He gasped, his fingers tightening on her, and she smiled at him.

  “Sarah.” He heard the pleading in her name. “Sarah…”

  “More, Jax?”

  “More. Everything…”

  She took him whole now, and he cried out, his lower body coming off the bed to thrust in to her. She gave a small scream as he hit an incredibly sensitive place inside her, and then she rocked on him, somehow knowing what she needed and wanted.

  My body remembers this, even if my mind doesn’t. My body and heart remember him…

  Jax watched her as she rode his cock, took him as deep and hard as she ever had. She rose, she
writhed, she danced. Her orgasm broke over her like a storm, and she held on to him, trusting him to be the calm center, to be the thing that kept her from going under for good.

  She fell forward on to his chest, her pussy muscles still clenching, and he kissed her. She was still drifting back to him when he rolled over, taking Sarah with him. He stayed inside her, never broke the contact, pushed deep.

  Jax withdrew from her drenched sweetness, slid back in. She moaned, and he did it again. Again. And again, over and over, until they clutched each other and flew. Together.


  It was past midnight, and Sarah and Jax were curled up in his bed. They’d managed to beat the orgasm record of Sarah’s first first time, and she was deliriously, deliciously satisfied. Jax had worked her body to its limits, then pushed it beyond. At this exact moment, she didn’t care if she never remembered the actual first time – tonight was enough. Tonight was everything.

  Jax ran his hands over her curves, adoring every lush inch of her. “I love you.”

  She gazed at him, her face perfect in the moonlight. “Have you said that to me before?”

  “No. I meant to, but I never did.”


  Jax blinked at her. “Good?”

  “Yeah.” Sarah kissed his chest. “Good. I don’t want to forget the first time you ever told me that.” She ran her fingers over his collarbone. “Say it again.”

  “I love you.”

  “Oh, Jax… I love you.” She paused. “That was my first time, too?”

  “Yes.” Jax kissed her. Hard and deliberate, letting her know that she was his and he was hers, and no discussion. “And I love hearing it.”

  “Want me to say it again? Just in case you forget?”

  Jax held her as close as he could, feeling like she was the center of his whole world. His woman, his heart, his life-breath. His home.

  “I want you to never stop saying it, baby.”

  “I won’t.”

  “And don’t you worry, ‘cause I’m never going to forget.”

  Sarah’s smile lit up the whole room. “Me either.”

  A night of firsts, and once-mores, and yet-agains. A night of new beginnings with this man. May there be many, many more.


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