Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain)

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Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain) Page 11

by H. H. Fowler

  Thankfully, there had been no other major injuries, but because there were a few hypothetical scenarios still dampening her spirit, Michelle didn’t know if she should rejoice just yet. What if Sean never woke up? It had been two weeks and counting. What if he did wake up, but experienced amnesia? The doctor had explained that patients in such accidents could lose their short term memory for upwards of six months. But was that so bad? Michelle reasoned. God had spared her sons’ lives, along with Rachel’s and if He’d brought them this far, then she had to believe that He would help them make a full recovery.

  There was a tap on the door. Michelle looked up, expecting to see Leroy. He’d promised to meet her at the hospital after he found someone from the church to look after her mother. After such a frightening attack on the seventy-three-year-old’s heart, they were advised by the doctor to have round-the-clock care for at least a month to ensure that Delores got back on her feet.

  “Look who we found wandering the halls,” Brenda said, as she stepped aside so that Eric could enter the room. “Please talk some sense into him, because he’s not following doctor’s orders.”

  Michelle parked a worried look on Eric. “Honey, what are you doing here? You should be at home getting all the rest you need.”

  “I will die of boredom,” Eric told his mother. “Who the heck stays in bed all day with just a swollen wrist anyway?”

  “Your injuries include more than just a swollen wrist,” Michelle said. “You sustained a hard hit to your forehead and don’t forget that your lungs were punctured –”

  “Which are all healing quite nicely,” Eric finished. “I have a body like Superman’s. Well-built and virtually indestructible.”

  “You’re not invincible,” Brenda said, stepping in for Michelle. “How dare you make light of such a serious incident?”

  “Come on, Brenda, I’m more than fine,” Eric assured, turning his attention to Sean. “It’s this knucklehead you guys need to be concerned about. It’s been two weeks since he’s been in that bed. Why hasn’t he regained consciousness yet?”

  Michelle turned and stared at her younger son, not liking to be reminded of how long he’d been hushed into another world.

  “I spoke to my coach, by the way,” Eric chimed back in. “I’m out for the rest of the football season.”

  “I would hope so,” Brenda said. “You can’t play such a rough sport, considering the fragile state of your lungs.”

  Eric narrowed his eyes at Brenda. “There are other ways to support my team. I will be flying back to Denver next week to cheer them on from the stands.”

  “So soon?”

  Eric turned his quizzical gaze to his mother. “Don’t you start, beautiful. You were the one who was pushing me to leave.”

  “But that was before the accident,” Michelle said. “Your brother needs you…”

  “I will be honest with you, Mother,” Eric said. “I don’t have the courage to sit and watch my brother waste away in that state. What can I do to help him anyway?”

  “You don’t have to be so pessimistic. Your brother will wake up.”

  Eric spread his hands and shook them emphatically. “When, Mother… when? Or have you forgotten that it’s been two weeks already?”

  Not wanting to get into an argument with Eric, Michelle turned away and began to rub Sean’s head. She didn’t appreciate Eric’s cynicism at all – not when the family needed all the prayers they could get. She wished she knew what it would take to transform Eric’s warped view of the world, because it was clear his injuries from the accident did little to shake him up.


  Eric bumped into Rachel as she and her parents were leaving through the exit of the hospital. She was being pushed in a wheelchair, her left leg extending upward in a thick cast. The large bandage that’d been wrapped around her head had been replaced with a smaller one – just slightly above her right ear. The doctor assured that her scratches would heal completely, returning her skin to its youthful glow within three months.

  But that wasn’t what had Rachel concerned. She feared that after surviving such a brutal accident her relationship with Sean could be over. There would be no more wedding and happily ever after for her. Sean may be in a coma now – not aware of what was going on around him, but he would wake up one day and remember the last words spoken by his brother before they’d crashed into the guardrail.

  Looking at Eric, as he sized her up with those bewitching brown eyes, only reminded Rachel of her sinful behavior, which had led to all of this chaos. That afternoon, had she known she would have collided with Eric, which somehow led to his tongue down her throat, she would have stayed outside in Sean’s car and let Sean search for his own phone. At least she wouldn’t have had the chance to give in to her temptation. But the real question that needed to be addressed was why had she been so turned on by Eric in the first place, when she was supposed to be so crazy in love with Sean?

  “I can see a dozen questions in your facial expression,” Eric said. “How are you coming along?”

  Rachel was so surprised at how genuine Eric appeared that she almost dismissed her anger toward him, but she caught her senses quickly and countered, “How does it look like I’m coming along?”

  “Well, you look pretty banged up, if you ask me.”

  “You are so immature.”

  “Come on, Rachel, it was a joke to make you laugh. I’m sorry.”

  Rachel slapped Eric’s joviality aside with a cutting tone. “Why are you talking to me anyway? Shouldn’t you be visiting your brother and apologizing to him?”

  Eric smirked. “What a crazy thing to say. You know as well as I do that Sean is in a coma and can’t react to a thing we say.”

  Rachel needed to get something off her chest, but not with her parents standing around; they had been strangely unobtrusive up to this point. “Mom, Dad, can you give me a few minutes to speak to Eric?”

  “I don’t know if this is the right time, sweetie,” Tammy said. “We must get you home to rest that leg.”

  “Mom, please, I’ve been resting this leg for two weeks in this hospital. I need to speak to Eric privately.”

  “Honey,” Tammy persisted. “I’m just following doctor’s orders. We almost lost you and frankly, I don’t think it is wise to push yourself too soon…”

  Without a word, George placed an arm around Tammy’s shoulders and dragged her away in the middle of her rant. Knowing George would embarrass her in public, Tammy didn’t dare put up a fight.

  “You are very evil and manipulative,” Rachel spat once her parents were out of earshot. “I can’t believe you’re even related to Sean.”

  “Whoa, where is this animosity coming from all of a sudden?”

  “You can’t be serious. Because of you we were almost killed in that accident. The nerve of you to even walk up to me and ask me how I’m doing after what you did. You’ve ruined my life!”

  “Calm down,” Eric said. “Because I did both you and my brother a favor.”

  “By bragging to him about you kissing me and how we almost made out on the stairs? You must know how badly that damaged your brother. And by you doing that shows me you care nothing about anyone but yourself.”

  “I’ve heard that a thousand times. What else is new?”

  “Why did you do it, Eric, coming between me and your brother like that?”

  Eric shrugged. “It’s simple. You two are too young to be married.”

  “And who are you to decide that?” Rachel fired back, her eyes widening with a healthy dose of incredulity. “This is my life to live, not yours!”

  “Now you sound like my brother. But you’re overreacting…”

  “Oh my God, you are impossible! It literally sickens me the way you take pleasure in ruining people’s lives.”

  “You may be upset now,” Eric said. “But trust me, you will thank me later.”

  Rachel glared at Eric, wishing she could jump out of that wheelchair and slap some compassion in
to him. “I never thought I would feel hatred for anyone, but I think you might be the first.”

  Eric gripped his chest as if a dagger had been driven through it. “Ouch, that hurts to hear you say that, because I was just starting to like you.”

  “You don’t like anyone but yourself.”

  “You’ve said that already.”

  A blast of hot air shot out of Rachel’s nostrils as she realized she was only wasting her energy on Eric, very little of which she had left. “I don’t get why you’re so hostile and mean. At this rate you are bound to make a lot of enemies. What are you going after or what do you hope to get out of life?”

  “A girl like you.”

  “Over my dead body!”

  Eric grinned. “I didn’t say I wanted you. I want a girl like you.”

  Rachel didn’t respond so as to collect her thoughts.

  “So,” Eric asked to break the silence, “there’s no chance of us spending a little time together before I leave for Denver on Friday of next week?”

  “Don’t play games with me. I’m in love with Sean and that’s how it’s going to remain. And furthermore, I will not allow you to make a fool out of me ever again.”

  Eric chuckled. “I knew you were going to say that. But I don’t care. I will visit you anyway. I need someone to talk to and I think you are the right person.”

  Rachel watched as Eric strut away through the glass exit. Her entire body trembled with anger and she knew all that adrenalin pumping through her veins could be no good for her recovery. But that was the least of her worries. She kept thinking how blasé Eric seemed about his brother’s condition. That wasn’t normal for two brothers who’d grown up so close only to develop an unexplained distance in their relationship – to the point where it didn’t matter whether one brother died or not.

  Rachel was tempted to believe that it had been Eric’s intention to get Sean out of the picture all along. But for what reason, she could not lay one finger on it. Maybe she should entertain Eric’s arrogance for the hell of it, if only to discover the demon behind his actions. She would let him talk until his mouth ran dry, because maybe the real Eric was hidden somewhere beneath that heartless exterior.

  Chapter Twenty

  Tampa International Airport

  Dominic parked his SUV in the short-term parking lot and then made the five-minute walk to the terminal. Sanchez was scheduled to come in today from the Bahamas, but because the flight had experienced a slight delay, Dominic didn’t know the exact time Sanchez would arrive. So rather than having to go around in circles over the ramp to elude airport security, Dominic decided that he would find a comfortable spot in the baggage claim area and wait.

  Once he was situated, Dominic pulled out his Samsung S5 and clicked on the icon for the online Bible. It opened to the section where he’d last read, Colossians chapter three, beginning at verse nineteen in the MSG version. Husbands, go all out in love for your wives. Don’t take advantage of them...Then flipping back to Ephesians chapter five, Dominic tied in the message the Apostle Paul was trying to present.

  “Exactly as Christ did for the church – a love marked by giving, not getting…His words evoke her beauty. Everything He does or says is designed to bring the best out of her…And that is how husbands ought to love their wives.” Dominic had purposely chosen those portions of scripture to help him get over the difficult conversations he’d been having with Tayah over the last two weeks.

  To discover she’d visited Phillip in prison without his knowledge and without his consent was something he could digest and he’d had no problem accepting her apology. He understood that Tayah felt convicted about how she’d held Phillip’s sins against him, making it almost impossible for her to forgive him. But the fact that she now wanted Phillip to move in with them and to care for him until he died from his illness was an entirely different situation. Their last argument left Dominic feeling drained and completely helpless.

  “I am not comfortable with Phillip staying here,” he’d explained to Tayah. “Please understand that.”

  “Why can’t you see this from my point of view?”

  “Because it doesn’t make any sense to me. You’ve allowed Shaniece’s email to confuse you.”

  “I am not confused,” Tayah spat. “I want my husband to relate to what I’m going through. If Phillips dies –”

  “If Phillip dies,” Dominic interrupted, “it will not be your fault. You can’t do anything for him at this point and you should accept that.”

  “This is not as easy as you’re making it sound.”

  “I can’t believe you’re even considering this. Do you even know the amount of work required to care for a man as sick as Phillip? He can’t do anything for himself, which means someone will have to feed him, bathe him and change his clothes. We don’t have the time nor the energy to do it, especially with two newborn babies in the house.”

  “Fine, we’ll hire someone to assist,” Tayah said.

  “You’ve already forgiven the man. Let that be enough.”

  “But you should have seen him in that bed, looking so alone and completely helpless…”

  Dominic gripped Tayah’s shoulder, fighting to keep the fire out of his eyes. “Wake up, Tayah. Don’t let guilt eat at you like this; remember, Phillip brought this on himself.”

  Tayah responded stiffly, “You should not wish cancer on anyone.”

  “Don’t twist my words, babe. I’m saying Phillip’s suffering may be linked to all of the horrible things he’s done to you and your family. It’s the law of sowing and reaping. However, you don’t need to bend over backwards to satisfy your guilt. You’ve done your part. Now let God handle the rest.”

  Tayah swatted Dominic’s hands away from her shoulders. Right before she walked off, she glared at him and said, “Easy for you to say. I wonder if it’s you who need to release Phillip out of your heart…”

  “Yo, Dominic!”

  Irrespective of where he was, Dominic would recognize that Caribbean accent anywhere. His gaze leveled with an Indian red-complexioned man, dressed in jeans and a pink Polo shirt. The man wore a cap, along with a pair of sunglasses that further masked his identity, but it didn’t take Dominic any time to distinguish that it was his long time best friend, Sanchez J. A. Thompson. The two extended their hands to perform the friendship handshake; it had taken them a full week to solidify the routine. They then pulled each other into a strong, brotherly hug.

  “What’s up, bruh?” Sanchez greeted, as he removed his sunglasses and slipped them on the top of his head. “It’s been a minute since I’ve visited my old stompin’ ground.”

  “What are you crying about, man? It’s merely been two years since you left.”

  Sanchez widened his eyes in a melodramatic fashion. “Come to the Bahamas and sit in my cubicle for a week, then you’ll understand. You American boys don’t know a thing about hard work. Two years can feel like hell when your boss keeps rearranging your vacation because all of a sudden there are a million and one important projects to tackle.”

  Dominic grinned. “Well, you the one who wanted to be an IT Specialist. It comes with the territory.”

  “Get your facts straightened out, my friend,” Sanchez said. “I have a B.A. in Marine Engineering, not computers. I happened to stumble into IT after I couldn’t find a job in my chosen field.”

  Dominic shrugged. “You don’t seem worried to me. Looks like you’ve made yourself right at home in IT.”

  “Well” – Sanchez grinned wickedly – “the money is sweet and so are the ladies.”

  “Man, I can’t believe you’re still being harassed by that lustful demon.”

  Sanchez chuckled. “Demons are overestimated. Some things never change about a man.”

  “But you’re not just a man, bruh. You’re a redeemed man, which means you are a representation of Christ. And remember, all old things have become new. So no excuses.”

  Sanchez smirked. “I know I can depend on you to keep me w
alkin’ the plumb line, which surprisingly, I missed the most after having moved back to the Bahamas. But please hold off on the sermons until we at least get on the Interstate.”

  Dominic opened his mouth to respond, but his words suddenly got wedged in his throat. Sanchez followed Dominic’s gaze to see why his friend was frightened into silence. Swaying toward them in a flared white skirt, with a matching white blouse was the woman who’d almost sent Dominic to an early grave. In her quest to seduce Dominic into sleeping with her, she’d secretly laced his drink with GHB, a date rape drug known to relax the body. But the drug did more than relax Dominic’s body, it sent him into a fit of uncontrollable convulsions.

  “Oh, my bad, bruh,” Sanchez said, gesturing for the woman to join his side. “I forgot to tell you that my sister wanted to come along. I tried to stop her, but you know how persistent she is.”

  Dominic sized up A’moree from head to toe. The first thing he noticed was the dramatic change in her attire. The miniskirts and fishnet stockings had been replaced with a modest look, something Tayah would probably wear to church at a youth event. And although A’moree’s hair still sported the natural curls of her Afro-Caribbean roots, she kept it freshly groomed, like she always had during her previous visits to Tampa.

  Not bold enough to handle Dominic’s piercing gaze, A’moree lowered her lashes to the floor. Her actions surprised her because she was usually not intimidated by men, particularly those who were as good looking and as virile as Dominic. Had Dominic gone through with the attempted-murder charge, as he’d been strongly advised to do by his family, she may have still been in prison crying her eyes out. She owed Dominic her life. The least she could do was to come in person and apologize for her stupidity.

  “I hope I didn’t ruin anythin’, man,” Sanchez spoke up. “A’moree has been harassing me practically every day…askin’ about my plans to come to Tampa. She really feels bad over what she’s done and wants to make it up to you. I told her she will make things worse if she comes along…but you know it’s like talkin’ to a brick wall with A’moree.”


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