Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain)

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Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain) Page 19

by H. H. Fowler

  While the gunman continued to disintegrate, Leroy carefully dug himself from beneath Ellie and began to assess the seriousness of her condition. He would have lifted her into the back seat of the Mercedes and rushed her to the hospital, but he wasn’t sure if his actions would cause the gunman to react in a negative way. He was still swinging that pistol around as if he was contemplating another move.

  By this time, Ellie’s six-year-old son had left the comfort of his mother’s car and wandered in search of her. The pandemonium ahead eventually pulled his little feet forward, already sensing something terrible had happened. When he finally was close enough to get a good view of his mother, sprawled in a pool of blood, he recoiled in shock.

  His high-pitched screams that followed shook Michelle out of her stupor long enough for her to react. Despite having to cross the gunman’s path, she ran to the little boy and dragged him away into the security of her arms. Certainly, the gunman wouldn’t harm a terrified six year old.

  Leroy looked down at Ellie, who had suddenly stilled beneath his touch and wondered if this was the way things were supposed to end. He then looked on as the gunman finally backed away from the scene and staggered toward his vehicle.

  “My only love…”

  The voice was weak, but unmistakably Ellie’s, who seemed to be fighting to hold on to her last breath. Leroy returned his attention back to her and tried to get her to retain her strength. But she was determined to have her say.


  On the heel of Ellie’s words, Nixon and two other patrol cars pulled up on the scene. Of course, Nixon was the first to jump out, wanting to settle his fears. He relaxed a little when he saw Michelle was alive and well, comforting a little boy. He looked down and there was Leroy, kneeling next to a woman covered in blood.

  “We need to get her to the hospital,” Leroy said, still appearing to be in shock.

  The woman looked dead to Nixon, but he decided to keep his thoughts to himself. “An ambulance is following close behind,” he said. “Who is she?”

  “Shaniece’s sister, Ellie.”

  Nixon nodded in recognition, as he remembered the woman and her son from two years before when they were extracted from a car wreck – one that had been entirely Shaniece’s fault. Now in a twist of fate, death finally seemed to have caught up with the young woman.

  “And what happened here?” Nixon asked.

  Leroy sighed. “It’s a long story, Sheriff, but the bastard who shot her left right before you showed up.”

  Nixon’s pressure began to climb again, as he pulled his police radio from his pocket.

  “What is it?” Leroy inquired.

  “I don’t think your family is quite out of the woods yet.”

  “If you are referring to Tayah,” Leroy said, recalling what the hit man had said about his daughter being on his hit list. “She is safe for tonight.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because that gunman is in no presence of mind to hurt anyone. He was quite distraught over Ellie being shot. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he is found somewhere with a self-inflicted wound.”

  “Well you can never be too sure. My team of men will search the surrounding areas and set up an all-night vigil both here and at your daughter’s place of residence.”

  “I don’t think it’s necessary, but thank you.”

  Leroy willed himself to look down at Ellie again – a stark reminder of what one man’s sin could lead to. He then turned his gaze to Michelle, rocking his and Ellie’s son in her arms. With a body that didn’t feel like his own, Leroy closed his eyes just as the tears began to flow. Lord, give me the strength to handle the challenges ahead. Don’t leave me; don’t disown me, because I never dreamt in a million years that things would have ended this way between me and Ellie.


  Denver - A Week Later

  “Eric Paxton?” the nurse called. “The doctor will see you now.”

  Eric swallowed the lump in his throat, as he stood to follow the petite woman down the hall. Just over half an hour ago, the nurse had taken a swab of saliva from the inside of his cheek and explained that they were going to test for antibodies to the HIV virus. Eric didn’t know why he’d allowed Rachel to talk him into doing this, because he would die from fear, way before any disease had the chance to take him out.

  “Please have a seat.” The doctor had a welcoming smile, which helped ease Eric’s tension. “How are you doing today, Mr. Paxton?”

  “I will know in a minute,” Eric quipped.

  The doctor smiled at the unexpected wittiness. “I’m sure you will. Testing for HIV can be quite nerve-racking, but you should be pleased to know that the swab test came back negative.”

  Eric didn’t know if he should breathe a sigh of relief just yet. The doctor’s expression showed that there was more where that came from. “What does that mean for me?” he asked as a way to goad the doctor into continuing.

  “Well, how long has it been since your last sexual encounter?”

  “About two months.”

  “Did you use protection?”

  “No, not at that time, which is strange for me, because I usually do use protection.”

  “But you are at least aware of your partner’s HIV status?”

  Eric paused to formulate the right answer. “No, but there was this one girl I slept with…let’s just say rumors are going around that she is HIV positive.”

  The doctor sat back and steepled his fingers. “I don’t want to crush your spirit, Mr. Paxton, but unfortunately, many times an HIV test won’t be accurate immediately after infection because it takes time for the body to create antibodies to the virus. Most people develop antibodies to the HIV virus approximately within three to six months.”

  Eric wanted to make certain he understood. “So, even though I tested negative, there is still a possibility that I could develop the virus?”

  “Yes, that is why you will need to test again in six months,” the doctor replied. “If the test comes back positive, the same test will be taken again on the sample you’ve provided. This is done for a total of three times using different forms of testing. You will only be diagnosed with HIV if all three tests are positive. And, this can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to get the results.”

  It was time for Eric to sit back and take it all in. On one hand he was thankful that the swab test came back negative. But he couldn’t relax for another four months. “I wasn’t aware of how complicated it was to be tested for HIV.”

  “It is not complicated,” the doctor corrected. “It is simply a medical precaution, which is very essential to accurately diagnosing someone with HIV. But let me say this before you leave here feeling like your world has ended. A negative HIV test result can only mean one of two things: You don’t have HIV, or it’s too soon to tell. So, on the bright side, there’s a fifty percent chance that you don’t have the virus.”

  Eric half-listened as the doctor rambled on and on about how to prevent the spread of HIV and what he should do in the event the antibodies developed in his body. The point of the matter was: His swab test came back negative and he was elated to tell someone about it. The only person that popped up in his thoughts was Rachel White with her gorgeous honey-colored eyes staring back at him.

  Eric stopped the doctor in the middle of his sentence and said, “I left my cell phone in the car. Do you have a phone that I can use? I really need to make an urgent call.”

  The doctor looked as if he was contemplating his next move, but decidedly stood up and pointed at the phone on his desk. “You can use this one. I’ll return in a few minutes.”

  “Thanks,” Eric replied, as he punched in the numbers to Rachel’s cell. She’d told him he could call her if he ever needed to talk. Rachel picked up on the first ring.

  “The test came back negative,” Eric said without preamble.

  Rachel screamed out her excitement. “Thank you, Jesus! You see? I
told you that you had nothing to worry about.”

  “I wish I was there in person to share the news with you,” he said.

  “Me too…” Rachel paused as if figuring out what her next words should be. “But the important thing is, you don’t have to carry that burden around on your shoulders anymore.”

  “And it’s all because of you,” Eric said. “You are becoming very special to me and only God knows how I will handle it if you ever marry my brother.”

  “Let’s part on a good note, Eric,” Rachel said in a clipped tone. “May the peace of God forever surround you and be with all of your future decisions. I hope to hear from you soon.”


  Did you enjoy that story? If you want to get an automatic email when Fowler releases Book 5 in the Church Boyz’ Series or other new books, sign up here. Your email address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.

  And now…A Sneak Preview to Come in Book 5

  After explaining to Rachel that his HIV test had come back negative, Eric was left with a feeling of elation. It did not matter that he would have to return in six months to be re-tested, the point was: his medical records currently showed he’d somehow eluded that revolting virus. Maybe, just maybe, Eric pictured, Rachel could finally be his. However, Eric foresaw Rachel’s commitment to his younger brother being a problem; she was always quick to remind Eric that she was wearing the engagement ring of another man. Eric didn’t understand why Rachel did that when she knew quite well her affection was now being shared between two brothers.

  But may the best man win. Certainly, his brother did not know what to do with a girl like Rachel – whose maturity level was clearly out of his brother’s league. The only thing Sean did was whine and complained out of childish jealousy, which Eric presumed, Rachel would soon learn to despise. And with Sean still trying to recuperate after being in a coma for over three weeks, Eric seriously doubted that his brother would be interested in rekindling any sort of a relationship with Rachel. After all, it was Rachel’s infidelity, (although Eric had only shared one passionate kiss with Rachel) that led to Sean’s injuries. Because in Sean’s eyes, it was as if Rachel had committed the worst sin in the world.

  However, sweet thoughts of Rachel continued to swim around Eric’s head as he exited the doctor’s office. He wore a faded blue cap, along with a pair of sunglasses to maintain some measure of disguise. A rising sports icon who played for the Denver Broncos could easily be recognized in public. And in Eric’s case, being seen coming out of a medical facility could stir up unnecessary media gossip. He simply did not want to deal with any drama. That was why he’d made the doctor’s appointment as early as possible, so as to avoid the attention.

  A young woman in passing bumped into Eric, who was humped over in pain, coughing and wheezing like she was about to collapse from cardiac arrest. And realizing the young damsel was in distress, Eric offered to assist her. His touch caused her to straighten to the point where Eric could get a reasonably good look of her face. He recoiled, shocked at the mass of skin legions that spoilt the woman’s beauty. Actually, her appearance was very sickly, which Eric found extremely appalling.

  He blinked several times to make sure his eyes weren’t failing him, because the young woman seemed oddly familiar – too familiar for Eric’s taste. His heart suddenly felt as if it would explode out of his chest. The possibility that this could be the same girl he’d slept with two months ago at a football party was mindboggling. She was rumored to have HIV, and although Eric had been severely depressed about his fate, he hadn’t really felt the hands of fear – like he did until now.

  Complete Story coming soon!


  My dear readers, it’s been over two years since I decided to add another book to the Church Boyz’ Series. Because it was you, with your encouraging emails and outpouring of support, who pushed me to continue the plot into the lives of Leroy, Dominic, Eric and whoever your favorite character might be. My only hope is that you’ve enjoyed reading book 4 as much I’d enjoyed writing it. Book 5 will soon be out of the gate.

  Who knows how many books will end up in this series, but certainly I will continue to work hard to write books that will entertain, inspire, and illuminate. Please visit my blog: and leave your comments about my story. Again, huge appreciation to all for your support and encouraging words. I always say, without you, the reader, we writers could not be successful.

  Developing Plots

  Considering what Ellie’s last words were, do you think there is a possibility that she could still be alive? And will Leroy and Michelle get to keep Ellie’s son?

  What’s to become of the burgeoning attraction between Rachel and Eric? Will she stay with Sean or explore her new options?

  Without question, Dominic loves Tayah and their charming twin boys, but when A’moree suddenly decides to move to Tampa and set a plan in motion to woo him from Tayah, do you think Dominic will be able to resist A’moree?

  How would Shaniece react when she finds out that Ellie had been shot?




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